Past Life Regression Therapy in India

Past Life Regression Therapy in India

Have you ever met someone and wondered how they instantly became friends with you? Do you have unexplained phobias or are you plain curious about the purpose of your life?

Answers to all these questions and much more can be found out by guided introspection, popularly known as Past Life Regression Therapy.

Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace

What is a past-life regression?

Past life memories are the autobiography of your eternal soul-—personal stories that explain who you are now and why you’re here on Earth.

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly.  A past-life regression recalls scenes, feelings and memories from another lifetime that one has lived as though it were happening now.

Traumas and issues from our past lives can be reactivated by events in our current lifetime without our conscious awareness. We might react to people and situations in ways that seem counter-productive. The problem maybe actually rooted in dynamics set up in prior lifetimes or past experiences of present life.

Re-experiencing the key events of a past life and reprocessing the impact helps to bring closure to the events of the past. This enables one to move forward more freely in the present. Even if one believes these memories are not true past-life experiences, they function as symbolic stories and are equally as effective in resolving current issues.

Past life regression therapy is based upon the philosophy that we are eternal souls who carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. Few people believe that we only live one human lifetime. In this case, the stories coming out by this therapeutic approach serve as wonderful symbolic metaphors for the issues and situations being faced in the present time.

Past Life Regression is Spiritual

Past life regression is gaining recognition as a legitimate form of spiritual healing.  No matter what religion you profess—or even if you don’t follow any religion—experiencing yourself as a soul in other lifetimes gives you a profound awareness that you are more than a physical body. You encounter your soul’s essence, connected and aligned to a greater universal energy, perhaps for the first time in your life. This has happened often in my sessions. For those who experience it, they feel truly at peace.

PLR Therapy

Past life regression therapy is a holistic therapy that works with the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is based on the principles of cause and effect (karma) and the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based in the past. A skilled therapist can guide you back to a time before birth in this lifetime to discover the root causes of problems you may be experiencing in the present and heal them. This may include relationship issues, chronic illnesses, phobias, addictions, sexual dysfunction, inexplicable attraction or aversion to someone, recurring nightmares, fear of death, etc. Conventional psychotherapy focuses on the present life and may not be able to get to the source of a problem. “Talk” therapy often stays on an intellectual basis and does not allow for the transformation that comes from unlocking deep emotions and experiences stored in one’s cellular memory. It’s also why “talk” therapy often takes so long to produce results. Past life regression therapy can speed up the healing process as one understands and feels on a much deeper level the source of one’s problems. This technique is also valuable and enjoyable for self-discovery if you are feeling problem free!

How the Healing Works

Past life regression is healing.  You were born not as a blank slate, but as a soul rich with both the wisdom and scars from many lifetimes.

We all carry memories from past lives into this life–unconscious memories that carry an energetic charge and continue to affect us. They can be things left undone, vows made, accomplishments, failures, mistakes, success, emotional debts, guilt, gratitude, traumatic and sudden deaths, wisdom, and love.

These charges from the past set up patterns which are continually triggered and repeated in our present life. These patterns can be positive or negative. They can affect our relationships, behaviors, motivations, and even our physical bodies and health. Positive patterns can feed talents, bestow wisdom, influence tastes, and energize life purpose.  Negative patterns fuel destructive, compulsive behavior, cloud judgment, cause injury, and block your way.

By making these memories conscious, we can release the patterns that no longer serve us, freeing us to live more fully in the present. Beneficial patterns are reinforced, negative patterns are neutralized.

Past life regression is the process of healing the soul by healing the past.

What are some more benefits of past life regression therapy?

Past life regression therapy can transform your life! It will help you to develop your full potential, unlock hidden talents, and create more compassion and love for yourself and others. It can reveal your life purpose and reason for incarnating, and help you to overcome the fear of death. After a past life regression session, many clients report feeling a greater sense of inner peace, love and self-acceptance when they understand that they have chosen their life circumstances and the lessons that they need to learn. Past life regression therapy supersedes other therapies in its more profound perspective on the meaning of life. It transcends religious dogma and is beneficial regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs. You do not have to believe in reincarnation to receive healing from this amazing technique.

What Results Can I Expect?

Past Life Regression is one of the most effective psychological and transpersonal tools available and often saves many years of psychotherapy, however, nothing is a panacea and rarely does just one or two sessions solve a lifetime of problems and habits. People often notice profound changes after one or two regressions, but without continued work and follow-up, these changes tend to be short lived. Rarely does one past life hold the answer to all of our problems, nor does one regression cover all the subtleties and insights of a given life. Our past lives were lived in the same way that your present life is, with growth spurts, times of stagnation, moments of sorrow as well as joy.

Dedicated and consistent effort in your healing process provides the best results. In the case of regression therapy, you will find that a series of lives around this issue. Successful lives around particular problems can be accessed to give you more resources and energy to move forward, difficult and painful lives can be brought to closure and redirected, again to give you more energy and resources to your own personal becoming.

How will I feel after a session?

Some people feel very happy and peaceful; others may feel tired or even experience some pain or a headache related to the release of stored trauma. All of these reactions are normal and not harmful. It’s best to schedule your appointment at a time when you can take the rest of the day off. Most people prefer to be alone afterwards to integrate and review the session. You may want to rest, take a relaxing walk, or write up any notes or reflections from the experience. You may continue to have past life recall after the session through dreams or intuitive insights that will give you even more detailed memory of that life.

Past Life Wounds-Present Life Problems|Healing the Problems|

Past life therapyYou may or may not be a believer of having lived many lives previous to the one you are now. There are many medical practitioners that use past life regressions that originated from using traditional hypnotherapy. Dr. Brian Weiss, psychiatrist, MD was the scientific skeptic that had many of his clients who undergone regression for phobias only to repeated instances of his clients experiences memories of a past life. He has one client that had a phobia to water and through hypnotherapy, she had relieved a memory from a past life. Dr. Brian Weiss was intrigued and did further research and continued to find great benefits to individuals being relieved from their phobias using past life regression.

The belief is this: if our bodies have muscle memory then our souls can continue memories from our past lives that can harbour itself into our present lives if we haven’t resolved the conflict prior to. Pain is known to be contributed by not just chemical imbalances or physical injuries but it is also linked emotionally and mentally. The subconscious mind has great influence to our bodily disturbances and relief. If our past memories are deep within our subconscious minds then the pain that is engrained can be manifested in our physical bodies and mental state.

Past Life Regression is another holistic method for relief from pain, phobias and addictions and any unwanted behaviours that could be triggered from a past life that hasn’t been resolved. Once a client undergoes the regression they are able to feel more relief and the exposure of the event will allow them to relax and change perspectives and move on from the event. Once it is brought to surface it can be released and the present pain or phobia can also be released. A lot of the times people that we have lost in this present life can also be contacted and many people feel more relief and closure.

Whatever the emotional wound is that you have experienced, the root cause of it may go way back into your Past Lives. It could also be because of the karmic package you have bought into this lifetime from your Past Lives. This course is an in depth self journey into significant points in childhood in this life and Past Lives. Past-life exploration can also shed new light on current physical and emotional issues. Many times the symptoms we feel are said to be “all in your head” by a doctor. If there are no physiological or psychology reasons for the issue, then past-life exploration would be a wonderful way to uncover cell memory of a past trauma. Often a Past Life Regression can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in a past-life. In many instances, physical infirmities, disabilities, and even birthmarks, have origins in one or more past lives.

If we die without healing and emotional resolution, we will re-create the same drama in future lives in order to grant the opportunities to heal and move away from the fearful belief system. The most powerful false belief systems are those that have painful emotional charges connected to them.

The fact this lifetime is causing you so much pain means you may have been in a highly toxic past-life relationship that’s unresolved. The recognition and healing of what is really going on can provide the knowledge necessary to honor you and move on. If the relationship is salvageable, it may grant the insight to resolve the hidden issues you can’t quite put your finger on.

Many of us can relate to certain relationships in our lives which are extremely painful and traumatic, yet we can’t seem to find a solution to stop the pain. These connections aren’t just limited to love partners. This may involve your mother or father, your child, a friend or anyone else in your life. It can be extremely useful to target the core wound of these relationships in order to release the dense energy that has been trapped regarding these issues.

It is usual to find individuals who have been playing out the same episodes with the same people lifetime to lifetime. If this pattern is not healed and liberated the pattern may continue for centuries.

It must be stated that past-life work alone isn’t enough and isn’t a quick fix. It’ll break down a wall that seemed indestructible, but if we don’t keep working on new positive belief systems we easily default to the old patterns.

It can’t be emphasised strongly enough – self-work is a lifestyle not a transient event.

At the end of the day there’s no ‘magic bullet’. We have to work extremely hard at changing our beliefs about life and ourselves, and take responsibility for evolving and developing ourselves.


Past Life Therapy & Diseases

Many of us at some point of time ask the question “Why is this happening to me? We often blame other people, destiny, bad luck, a particular situation or circumstance for everything that is going wrong. It is often said that everything happens for a reason but how to find out the reason? What is law of karma and theory of reincarnation? Now the time has come to find answers to all your questions through Past Life Regression (PLR) and get rid of your various issues:

Emotional issues – worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, negative thoughts, anger, low self-esteem, feeling of insecurity, various fears, phobias, nightmares or repetitive dreams etc.

Relationship issues – differences with in-laws / spouse / parents / siblings/boss etc.

Physical ailments – chronic diseases, body pains, allergies etc.

Financial Issues – loss in business, unemployment, instability in career etc.

We attract 90% of problems in our present life due to negative emotional blockages like anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, aggression, rigidity, fear, phobias, insecurity, sadness, self-pity, inferiority complex etc. which we generally carry from our past life, mother’s womb or childhood.

When any negative emotion remain un-resolved, it starts affecting our present life either in the form of physical ailment or in the form of attracting negative situations like repetitive failure in relationships, business, career and personal growth. There is a very noble therapy called PLR (Past Life Regression) through which this negative emotional blockages can be removed. PLR is a therapy in which the therapist takes you to a deep relaxed state and helps you to find the root cause of the problem and assists you in removing the blockage and balancing the karmas related to those issues. Once the blockage is removed you can see a positive change in your life. The therapy is in practice globally and bears fruitful results.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Does Everyone Have a Past Life?

That is the million dollar question. The best answer is that it doesn’t really matter. There are many hypnotists who do Past Life Regression therapy and really don’t even belief in past lives.  The therapeutic value is the same whether the client or the hypnotist believes in past lives. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter if you really have one or not. PLR therapy is a very effective way to get to the root cause of many unexplained emotional problems.  We have had many experiences with past life regression that occurred spontaneously during a session and proved to be very effective relieving the problem that was presented by the client.

The science of past life therapy is a most engaging study of the human mind. Each individual soul progresses through the course of many lifetimes and retains within his energy structures or psychic anatomy, as it is termed, the debris or retained information of an accumulation of past-life experiences. This energy-information must be dealt with through the course of subsequent lifetimes, when these energy structures re-engage themselves and make their appearance on the surface of one’s daily life. The cyclic interplay of these interdenominational forces of energy is the substance of the study of past lifetimes.  

This study is not one to be pursued by the pleasure seeker for the purpose of inflating one’s ego or amusing oneself with some fairy-tale-like conception of the previous existence one has passed throughQuite the contrary, the true study of reincarnation involves a bracing awareness that one has not always lived his or her lifetimes wisely and must take steps to correct certain misconceptions or variances in one’s understanding of life, now, in the present situation in which these facts have been brought to the student’s attention.

“Most of our illnesses, both physical and physiological, are brought on from incidences and trauma which occurred in our past. Once we find the problem from the past that is presently affecting us, and release it through a gentle hypnotic session(s), the illness is resolved and disappears. Does it stay away? Yes, it does.”

Mental and physical disease and other afflictions of negative-life experiences will gradually be resolved and healed by one’s understanding of the continuity of consciousness. The problems that plague the greatest minds and cause the ordinary citizen to suffer from a diverse array of stresses and strains will be resolved when the new science of past-life therapy becomes widespread in its application!

Past Life Regression is a Holistic Healing Modality because it works on the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It transports one back to those times before one’s birth and regresses one to previous lifetimes. This is done to sort out problems that a person may be experiencing in the present. The reason for undertaking Past Life Regression is to improve the spiritual quality of our life, right now. Its chief objective is to make our life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present moment. Past Life Regression addresses the root cause and it enables extremely deep change to take place at the very source of the problem. It does not deal with external symptoms. It directly addresses the internal cause.

Past-life-regression is based on the principles of cause and effect (also known as law of karma). Something that has been set in motion at some time in the past results in a corresponding effect on a person’s present physical, emotional, mental or spiritual well being, at this moment. This cause may be a past desire, a past thought, past feeling, a past emotion, a past vow, a past promise, a past decision, a past evasion or a past traumatic experience.

Past-Life-Regression helps to heal chronic diseases.This is done in the following manner: Past-Life-Regression helps individuals to understand the karmic patterns involved and the resultant energy blockages. It is these energy blockages that manifest as diseases, which are sometimes chronic. The understanding that flows clears the energy blockages and thereby the disease is healed.

Past-Life-Regression improves one’s interpersonal relationships by causing the person to understand the past life relationships with those individuals. Till this is understood, clashes and friction with one’s present lifetime’s relations is inevitable. Once the understanding flows, the person is able to see the larger perspective and therefore the relationships are improved or ‘healed’.

Past-Life-Regression releases individuals from all kinds of fears and phobias by bringing about an understanding of the specific causes of these fears and phobias. The causes are mostly present in the previous lives. They could also be present in the earlier part of the current life. For example a person who had this fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia) had experienced a past life where he was buried alive in an earthquake. Once he relived this trauma, he was able to overcome his claustrophobia immediately.

Past-Life- Regression frees us from the fear of death once and for all. The fear of death is the biggest of all fears plaguing mankind. Past-Life-Regression helps us to explore our past lives and through this exploration we realize that we are eternal beings. We understand that death is a mere transition from one state to another and that the essence of our being continues into eternity as we have lived before and are going to live again after ‘death’. Moreover, once an individual has relived his/her past lives, he/she validates this understanding in the light of the personal experiences had. This removes the fear of death once and for all.

Past Life Regression Therapy & Illness

 Our mind is basically divided into two main parts: Conscious and Sub-conscious. The Conscious mind is the reasoning, thinking, logical and creative mind that we use all the time when we are awake. The Sub-conscious mind is a repository of all our experiences and all our memories of all lifetimes. Every experience is saved in great detail, including every sight, every sound, every smell, every feeling and every thought that we ever have. This memory can never be destroyed by any means whatsoever.

The sub-conscious mind is part of the soul; hence it survives after death and stays with the soul, taking with it every memory of that lifetime. The conscious mind dies with the body, as it uses the physical brain.

Upon reincarnation, the soul comes into a new body bringing the sub-conscious mind with it. Hence, all memories of all lifetimes are brought forward. But these memories also include impressions of traumas from past lifetimes which manifest at various levels of our existence and cause problems in the current life. The problems can be physical, mental, emotional illnesses as well as blocks in relationships, business, financial and spiritual growth, etc.

Past Life Regression allows us to access these past life traumas, and thereby, address the current life problems. Past Life Regression is a holistic therapy based on the principle of cause and effect, also known as ‘karma’.

In other words, powerful actions, thoughts, emotions and vows that are experienced in a past life may manifest in the present in another form – i.e. allergies, phobias, chronic illnesses, relationship problems, fears or simply a strong sense of unease / unknown fears.

The famous psychologist Carl Jung called it the ‘collective unconsciousness’ and ‘universal memory’.

By using the method of Past Life Regression the unconscious mind can go back in time and access the origins of old patterns or emotions and enable release and healing. Past Life Therapy can help clear emotional blocks bringing a greater sense of inner peace. It can also unravel the deep mysteries that can lie within and simply explain the sometimes inexplicable.

Past Life Regression does require a belief in reincarnation and does not necessarily define a past life. Past life experiences can be factually based or metaphors brought to the surface by the sub-conscious mind to illustrate something in the present. Whatever the experience, it is the lessons that can be learnt and the healing process that comes from the regression that is important, not whether or not it was a past life. Many people find that the knowledge gained through Past Life Regression of their past lives and experiences can be incredibly healing, providing a greater insight, and awareness and deeper understanding into oneself.

Past Life Therapy involves severing the bonds between past life traumas and present life problems or symptoms. This is mainly done in one of the three ways:
• Reframing
• Rescripting
• Breaking the bonds of time.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Now, working on this concept there are a few diseases which can straight away be linked to past lives, in case one does not have a medical explanation for them or they have been carrying it ever since childhood. This does not mean that physical ailments developed later during the life, they cannot be resolved by Past Life Regression Therapy but only that the ones mentioned above are more likely supposed to be cases of this therapy.

To mention a few physical problems that might have a solution through this therapy

  • Asthma / Breathing problems – Prolonged suffering due to asthma or other breathing related ailments could be a result of pent-up emotions of pain, suffering, grief or resentment carried in the chest. It’s like burdens getting stored in the chest. The reason could lie in the current life as well as Past lives. The idea is current life regression or past life regression could really help someone release these emotions and get rid of the congestion in the physical body.
  • Depression – Depression is a disease that usually has a reason in the emotionality and yet medical science does not have too much of a solution for the same. It is possible to explore reasons for depression through PLR or regression therapy and resolve them.
  • Unexplained Pains – Unexplained pains of any sort, either in the back, neck, legs or any other area could be a result of a body memory from a past life. It’s worth exploring this therapy if one has been carrying an unexplained pain through many years without a medical explanation to it.
  • Disabilities – Causes for childhood or by birth disabilities can be traced for their source to past lives. It could be a case that a soul chooses to be born with a deformity in order to experience an emotion like I read the example of a girl choosing to be in a body that will have an accident and loose the legs because she wanted to experience development of her inner strength through the challenge of not being like everyone else and yet achieving great heights. It could also be a result of a body memory from a past life, which is a more probable cause.
  • Other Ailments – Please note that there might be many other physical ailments which can be resolved through Past Life Regression Therapy but I have tried to only mention those which I have come across or for sure know could have a past relationship. In case you are looking for your own answers, please understand that you will be guided and if you seem to know or think this therapy shall help you, then so be it. TRust the guidance you are getting and you might just get all your answers.

A note here for people who have children who are “special” which is what I call those children or people who are different from others due to some physical or mental condition. Many times, it’s found in research that it might be the result of that soul’s choice to give the parents or family members a challenge and an opportunity for evolution rather than them being so called “punished” which is the common misconception. Many times these are highly evolved souls who come here to teach people around them a lesson of compassion.

 Past Life Therapy is most effective in case of:
• Physical problems where the medical tests do not reveal the cause and no traditional medical procedures work.
• Problems that the traditional medical world may consider untreatable.
• Behavioral problems, like obsessive-compulsive behavior, which have no diagnosable cause in the current life.
• Fears & phobias that have no known origin in the current life.
• Relationship problems which are totally unexplainable.
• Spiritual likes or dislikes (usually extreme cases).
• Weight reduction problems.

Cases of stammering or stuttering are dealt with very effectively with regression using hypnosis. In fact that is the only way of getting rid of the speech problems for good. These cases always involve a trauma in childhood, in the current life, where the child wanted to say something but was so afraid that he could not talk. In these cases, we do what we call age regression, which is going back to childhood in the current life.

Cases of asthma, which the traditional medical world considers untreatable, are very easy to treat totally. It usually takes about 4 to 5 therapy sessions to get rid of asthma completely but the number of sessions can vary from case to case as it depends on various factors.

The therapist needs to guide the client through all the lives which have any significant connection with the client’s presenting problem. Thereafter, for rescripting or reframing to be performed, the client needs to be taken back to each of those lives viewed. Therefore, the number of sessions depends on the number of lives to be worked upon as well and a specific number cannot be ascertained in advance.

Although there are many ways of doing regression, the most effective way for therapy purposes is guiding clients into trance through hypnosis and connecting them with their sub-conscious memories. Using hypnosis, we have direct access to the sub-conscious mind. This means any suggestion given under hypnosis goes directly to the sub-conscious. Since the past life traumas are in the sub-conscious, the therapy becomes very effective.

Past Life Regression / Regression Therapy – How does it work?

Past Life Regression therapy works on the basic principle that our mind has three layers. The topmost being our “conscious mind”, the second one being the “critical factor” and the third one being our “subconscious mind”. There maybe many more layers but these are the three that form the basis of this therapy. Whenever any information is sent to our mind, the conscious mind analyses it and if approves, it is sent to the critical factor. The critical factor then acts like a filter where it ensures the information is agreeable to our subconscious mind. If it is so, the information seeps in, else is rejected.

When a client is put into a deeply relaxed state through hypnosis or other techniques, their conscious mind calms down or becomes less active and the critical factor is removed. In this state, all suggestions are directly consumed by the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind has a mechanism of detecting if the information being sent is not against the basic value system stored in itself. Hence any suggestion that will violate the morals, ethics or beliefs of a person will not be consumed even during a hypnotic trance.

Once the client enters a past life, they are guided to explore the whole life and here, it is the skill of the therapist to ask all the right questions keeping the client aligned to resolving the objective set pre-session.

This bit itself till here is called Past Life Regression but now, moving on to Past Life Regression “Therapy”, where once the life is explored, the negative emotions and memories need to be transformed and resolved for their effect on the client’s current life to be neutralized.

Regression Therapy is the technique which will also involve current life regression, in case some issues the client is facing come from their childhood or while they were in their mother’s womb.

Many physical ailments could get instantly resolved through regression therapy, as soon as the source of a problem is discovered, while very few might need extra sessions due to multiple past lives being involved with the same issue.

psychic attacks

Past Life Psychic Attacks|Spirits Release|Regression Therapy

Within each of us appears to reside the events of past lives. A migraine, chronic lower back pain or knee problem may be telling a story from an old accident or wound. A chronic sore throat may derive from strangling, hanging or choking. As the soul returns to life over and over these traumatic memories are re-created in our current life often making little sense, and keeping us from living peaceful lives.

Past Lives are brought to our conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares and unexplainable physical pain. Past life regression allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life.

Regression therapy covers past lives, and also current life memories some of which may be below the level of our conscious awareness. It enables the conflicts from the past that have been distorting our mental, emotional and physical well-being to be resolved. An example from the current life may be a phobia and a more complex one post traumatic stress from childhood trauma or a life threatening situation. The symptoms may include panic attacks, emotional outbursts, blocked feelings, self harm, numbness, unexplainable physical pain or recurring relationship problems.

The therapy works by going to the root of the problem and includes body therapy and inner child therapy to transform it in a way that is both safe and structured. It also includes cleaning the energy field of intrusive energy which has been affecting health including spirit releasement, curses and energy fragments. Regression therapy reaches further and heals deeper at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels than most other therapeutic approaches.

Past Life Therapy & Psychic Attack. As our soul travels through a series of lifetimes it experiences many things. Since the basis of Earth learning is choosing positive over negative, we have to start with negativity to move forward. Some existences are filled with negative thoughts, feelings, and beings. Some souls make bargains with other negative spirits to get the opportunities they desire.

As a soul completes a particularly negative life and returns to the unconditional love of Home, some of the negative issues may remain unresolved and get left behind. That resulting negativity may be free flowing and attach to the soul when it returns, or it may accompany another soul who has chosen not to return to positive love but to remain as a discarnate lost soul clinging to Earth and waiting to exact revenge upon the soul with which it had dealings not yet completed.

Sometimes the immediate problem arose from former life dealings with negative agreements that we left behind. The energy may not be free flowing, so it may not pop up in your life until the one with whom you had made the agreements which come along to exact vengeance for being left holding the bag of negativity by retaliating with psychic attacks.

To remove this series of attacks from our future, we simply need to cut the strings that connect you to the other spirit. This can be done via past-life regression by returning to that life and resolving our feelings about the situation and removing the fear that accompanies it.

We may be facing some responsibilities that we assumed in that life but may not complete out of fear. If we understand what the lesson was and why we did not choose to finish it, we will be able to send the fear and our attacker away. Once it cannot impact us, the discarnate will move on to another soul.

Past life issues

Past Life Behaviors & Clues| Therapy for current life issues

A number of cases analyzed during the experiment suggests that we may be born with a need to learn how to overcome particular beliefs or behavioral patterns. Several subjects report that as very young children they experienced inexplicable impulses to reject certain norms or attitudes of their family and friends. They felt compelled to behave differently regardless of social pressures to conform. Ian Stevenson once also described such a case where a young girl in a peasant Indian family had difficulty resisting her inclination to exhibit behaviors of the Brahmin caste. We introduce an anonymous case here to illustrate an American soul apparently attempting to compensate for having been a slaveholder in previous lives. This story may offer possible insight into how the soul genome activates some of our intuitive decisions made during naive, youthful periods before we become aware of the notion of reincarnation.

“I was born into a poor share-cropper family in the post-bellum South. My step-father, my mother, and I and my siblings were bound to the property owners by that system. We literally slaved all year to grow our food and cash crops (half of which went to the landlord). At the end of the Great Depression my white family and untold thousands of others saw themselves as slaves to the former plantation-owning families, but to feel better about their lot, most of them considered their black neighbors to be an even lower class. When poor farmers could hire blacks they treated them as if they were ante-bellum plantation overseers.

However, picking cotton from about age 6 to 12 in sun-scorched fields for 1 or 2 cents a pound along side my black counterparts, I found myself unable to treat these hired hands as did my parents and their poor cohorts.”

“I did not recognize at that age that it was an unnatural situation, but feelings of empathy swelled up inside me to the point that I did every task the black child laborers were forced to do. I crawled on my knees and pulled the same sacks, lifted the same weights, and sweated the same number of hours. I felt more bonded to them than to my parents and other white adults.

When the laborers were given separate glasses in to drink tea, and other dishes, scalded later by my mother and set aside only for them, I felt ashamed and protested, only to be rebuked for my fraternization. One girl who was my age and I became friends, talking of our hopes to go to college and be teachers or something like that when we were adults instead of being field hands. We were equally smart and could talk about anything. But I never saw her after age 12, about 1951 when I began to realize that her chances were much less than mine because she was black, and a girl.

Over the years as I progressed in education and career, hardly a year passed by that I did not cry as I would ponder _____ being left behind without the mentors and opportunities I had. Growing up in that deep South culture, it was clear that enslavement takes many forms.

Bonded in a form of slavery with descendants of the people I had enslaved, since then something inside forces me to eschew any behavior that might suggest that I was the Master and another was the Slave. As a young teacher, I refused to reinforce any hint of dependency by students who ‘looked up’ to a man a the head of the class. Later as a military officer, I had difficulty in playing the “command” role, particularly with seasoned petty officers who knew a hell of a lot more than I did. I could play the game, but made it clear in explicit and implicit ways that we were equal humans.

Later, appointed as a U.S. diplomat, I was immediately given the power of a “master” over foreign nationals in various roles. The Embassy’s local employees had been trained to serve those with diplomatic status as if we were royalty (as we were often hobnobbing with local royals). In addition we had local personal staff in our residencies who treated us like European colonials had demanded in the past. Most of my colleagues seemed at ease in this master/slave interaction, but that unidentifiable nudging I still felt inside made it impossible for me to play it.

I would jump in and do some of the same tasks as my helpers did, regardless of our respective formal positions.  However, as I tried to relate to all these employees and servants as peers even if our work roles were different, I found that most of them were confused by my egalitarian manners.

Their subservience was so deeply engrained that they had difficulty relating to me. However, by the time I left a post, the ‘locals’ with whom I had worked had learned that all of us were not ugly Americans. These experiences taught me that the master/servant model has been so inculcated in humans that progress has to come upward as well as downward. In the reincarnation model consciousness evolves in both directions.

As something of a final cram course, in one of my posts, I fell deeply in love with the daughter of second-generation slaves. For a significant period in my life, I both lived inside a legacy that I now know that I helped create and at the same time experienced the generosity and forgiveness of the enduring human spirit regardless of how badly it’s treated by the rest of us from life to life.

For many decades, this experience (including its sorrows and its pleasures) has been an unspoken guide more often than not in my relationships. This was true in working with staff as an official in Washington and later as the owner of a private business . I never asked anyone to do anything that I could or would not do. In my 70’s now, I still cannot hire a neighbor’s boys to help do manual labor in our woods and garden without working side by side with them.

I believe past-life learning occurs when we become sensitive to inborn traits that have the power to depreciate or harm another. In my view, the message comes through feedback that something is not working equally well for the self and the other. Conscious introspection can reveal what we need to overcome.


Categories of Clues to Previous Lives: The research from this project identified various categories of physical features and personality factors that suggest a past-life influence on your energetic genotype or soul genome.

Physical features different from parents or siblings may indicate a reincarnation history outside your biological family tree. They include body type, facial architecture (the bone structure that shapes the dimensions of your face), hair type and pattern, ear form, hands and finger proportions, voice, and body odor. (These attributes were derived from the forensic side of biometric science that determines degrees of genetic stability.)

This list of attributes refers to permanent features of the subject’s body. However, the presence of temporary stigmata (marks resembling wounds) on a subject’s body may also point to a potential past-life connection.

Personality factors now identified in the most robust reincarnation cases are cognitive mode (way of thinking), emotional patterns, interpersonal styles, and areas of creative interests.

Other areas suggest a previous-life legacy: (1) Prodigies and precocity in all children (areas  of knowledge, skills, and talents not been previously taught to the child). (2) Knowledge of people, places, and events that the person has not had occasion to learn in this life. (3) Unlearned languages, peculiar habits, phobias, early addictions, beliefs outside one’s immediate culture. (4) Preferences and tastes different from ones’ family.

Heal past lives through Past Life Regression Therapy

Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace.

Our past life selves are not only characters in past dramas, but they also live within us today as ‘sub-personalities’. Their ‘unfinished business’ can make itself known through irrational fears, phobias or patterns that are not easily changed. We feel their emotions; manifest their talents; think their thoughts; are limited by their fears and perpetuate their quandaries often without consciously knowing we are doing so.

Can problems from the past be healed?  Yes of course! Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is the answer. Past life regression therapy helps tremendously in resolving them. Regression literally means ‘going backwards’. In PLRT, after getting into the trance state, people subconsciously go back to the time where their fears and phobias are coming from. The issue is then acknowledged and resolved in that life and time, and what they bring back are positive healing resources to heal and eliminate the effect of the issue in this life, using different scientifically created techniques that have been practiced and mastered over years by many experts of PLRT, thus successfully eliminating the fear or phobia.

Not claiming to replace any medical therapies, all that techniques like Hypnotherapy and PLRT aim at doing are strengthening the subconscious mind by filling it with positive ideas that empower us to heal and resolve any issue, any fear, anything which is affecting our life negatively and is coming in the way of living to our full potential, of living a more positive, confident, happy and healthy life. They aim to empower us to get in touch with our deepest desires and to achieve success. They aim to empower us to be the masters of our lives and take responsibility of our selves. They aim to empower us to be stronger beings – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. One may respond better and benefit more from one technique than another. Find out for yourself!

Past life issues that carry into the current life are often thought of as being the result of karma. The wounds and unhealed traumas that we have experienced in past lives contribute greatly to our current life experience and constitute a large part of our karma. To understand how past life wounds impact us in the present, we need to look at how trauma affects the psyche in the current life.

A traumatic event is any overwhelming experience (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) that has caused an inability in the psyche to integrate it fully and continue in the same manner as before the traumatic event was experienced. Thus trauma leaves a lasting and damaging impression that manifests as a combination of symptoms, including but not limited to chronic dissociation, anxiety, phobias, fears, hyper vigilance, inhibitions, paranoia, neurosis, avoidance, armoring or rigidity, suppression of emotions, emotional or physical numbness, mental confusion and compulsions. In psychological language combinations of these symptoms are classified as post traumatic stress disorder/syndrome (PTSD or PTSS).  

The natural “fight or flight” response is activated when an individual is faced with a threat. If the person is overwhelmed or defeated (they can’t fight or escape) the natural response becomes a frozen impulse — an action that was never completed. The potential to develop PTSD varies from person to person, but when it does take hold the physiology changes as does the psychological state. People with PTSD cannot integrate the memory of the trauma properly. Psychologically unable to integrate the trauma in conscious terms, a part of the psyche becomes ‘split-off’ and stays, in essence, frozen in time. This is what shamans have described for ages as ‘soul loss’ or ‘soul fragmentation.’ This part of the psyche separates from the ego structure and remains that way. When these soul fragments are encountered in past or present life regression or through inner journeying, they seem to have a life of their own. The fragments appear to be the same age they were when they split off. Often they don’t have an awareness that life has moved on, or if they are aware of the present day personality, they are reluctant to be a part of it. The difference between conscious and subconscious memories is a matter of the perception of chronological time. The conscious mind perceives time as changing, moving from the past through the present, to the future. To the subconscious mind, memories (especially traumatic ones) retained there, are happening in the now. 

Sometimes when the soul fragments, the conscious memory of the traumatic event goes away with it or becomes buried with the split-off part. This inability to remember a trauma is commonly called a repressed/suppressed memory. Split-off parts of the psyche do not always leave the energy field of the person to ‘go off’ somewhere. They also can be buried deep in the interior world of the psyche, making them inaccessible to the conscious mind.

In essence a trauma is a scar that won’t seem to heal. This scar then becomes a weak or vulnerable spot in the psyche, seeming to attract to it similar experiences over and over. Traumatized people find themselves reenacting the whole trauma or aspects of it without conscious awareness that they are doing so. This often happens on anniversaries of events or can be a chronic recreation, such as an abused woman who continually, subconsciously, chooses abusive partners. By recreating the event, symbolically or in actuality, the psyche is attempting to gain mastery and completion. This idea of ‘Repetition Compulsion’ that applies to a trauma experienced during a single lifetime also makes sense in a longer timeline — over the many lives of the soul. It would seem that the soul over the course of many lifetimes attempts to heal by recreating in essence or in actuality, traumas experienced in its past. This also needs to be understood in the context of karma.

Eastern traditions that have reincarnation and karma central to their belief system teach about an aspect of karma called Samskara.  Karma literally means actions, and many of those actions come from the deep impressions of habit that are called samskaras. Samskara then is intrinsically tied into the laws of karma that govern the cycle of rebirth. Keeping in mind the nature of traumatic imprints and how they cause continual recreation of the original traumatic event, one can also look at samskaras as trauma imprints re-manifested from life to life. It is the essence of karma to bring forth the actions of the past to the present. The inability to complete even the simple action of ‘fight or flight’ as a result of trauma in past lives is also carried into the present as the soul continues to create from its own wounded place in an ongoing effort to heal. Because of this, the reality is that most of us are born already with some degree of PTSD. Our past life physical, emotional and mental bodies are not wiped clean in-between lives, but continue to recreate themselves in each incarnation through the subtle bodies. This transmission of past physical, emotional and mental wounds constitute a large part of what we are meant to heal in our present lives.

Beside the repetitive nature of trauma, the thoughts, feelings and attitudes we have formed, also dictate how our future is created from the present and past. It would seem that the circumstances of past lives are less important to the soul than the attitudes we have formed because of them. These are the imprints we carry, that are in need of change and healing. What is true for the individual is also true for the collective. Thus the adage, History repeats itself! In fact, look back at history and look at the present. Most of the recorded history of humanity has been one of dominance and war, violence, suppression and exploitation of the weak — you were either the victim or the perpetrator or both! Man’s inhumanity to man has known no bounds, especially in the last few thousand years. If we take reincarnation literally, then by just looking at history we know that each of us carries these imprints as unresolved traumas. It is a part of our collective and individual psychic inheritance that we are here to heal.

Mystery of Past Life Recall |Cases of Reincarnation | India|

Under hypnosis, numerous people recall the details of previous lives, even to the point of taking on the personalities of their former selves – and speaking in foreign languages!

In 1824, a nine-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a Japanese farmer, told his sister that he believed he had a past life. According to his story, which is one of the earliest cases of past life recall on record, the boy vividly recalled that he had been the son of another farmer in another village and had died from the effects of smallpox in 1810.

Katsugoro could remember dozens of specific events about his past life, including details about his family and the village where they lived, even though Katsugoro had never been there. He even remembered the time of his death, his burial and the time he spent before being reborn. The facts he related were subsequently verified by an investigation.

Past life recall is one of the most fascinating areas of unexplained human phenomena. As yet, science has been unable to prove or disprove its genuineness. Even many who have investigated claims of past life recall are unsure whether it is an historical recollection due to reincarnation or is a construction of information somehow received by the subconscious. Either possibility is remarkable. And like many areas of the paranormal, there is a propensity for fraud that the serious investigator must watch out for. It’s important to be skeptical about such extraordinary claims, but the stories are nonetheless intriguing.

Past life recall generally comes about spontaneously, more often with children than adults.

Those who support the idea of reincarnation believe this is because children are closer to their past lives and that their minds have not been clouded or “written over” by their present lives. Adults who experience past life recall often do so as the result of some extraordinary experience, such as hypnosis, lucid dreaming or even a blow to the head.

Here are some outstanding cases:


Perhaps the most famous case of past life recall is that of Virginia Tighe who recalled her past life as Bridey Murphy. Virginia was the wife of a Virginia businessman in Pueblo, Colorado. While under hypnosis in 1952, she told Morey Bernstein, her therapist, that over 100 years ago she was an Irish woman named Bridget Murphy who went by the nickname of Bridey. During their sessions together, Bernstein marveled at detailed conversations with Bridey, who spoke with a pronounced Irish brogue and spoke extensively of her life in 19th century Ireland. When Bernstein published his book about the case, The Search for Bridey Murphy in 1956, it became famous around the world and sparked an excited interest in the possibility of reincarnation.

Over six sessions, Virginia revealed many details about Bridey’s life, including her birth date in 1798, her childhood amid a Protestant family in the city of Cork, her marriage to Sean Brian Joseph McCarthy and even her own death at the age of 60 in 1858. As Bridey, she provided numerous specifics, such as names, dates, places, events, shops and songs – things Virginia was always surprised about when she awoke from the hypnosis. But could these details be verified? The results of many investigations were mixed. Much of what Bridey said was consistent with the time and place, and it seemed inconceivable that someone who had never been to Ireland could provide so many details with such confidence.

However, journalists could find no historical record of Bridey Murphy – not her birth, her family, her marriage, nor her death. Believers supposed that this was merely due to the poor recordkeeping of the time. But critics discovered inconsistencies in Bridey’s speech and also learned that Virginia had grown up near – and had known well – an Irish woman named Bridle Corkell, and that she was quite likely the inspiration for “Bridey Murphy.” There are flaws with this theory, too, however, keeping the case of Bridey Murphy an intriguing mystery.


In 1986, a woman known by the pseudonym “Monica” underwent hypnosis by psychotherapist Dr. Garrett Oppenheim. Monica believed she discovered a previous existence as a man named John Ralph Wainwright who lived in the southwestern U.S. She knew that John grew up in Wisconsin, Arizona and had vague memories of brothers and sisters. As a young man he became a deputy sheriff and married the daughter of a bank president. According the Monica’s “memory,” John was killed in the line of duty – shot by three men he had once sent to jail – and died on July 7, 1907


Born in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), Sujith was barely old enough to speak when he began to tell his family of a previous life as a man named Sammy. Sammy, he said, had lived eight miles to the south in the village of Gorakana. Sujith told of Sammy’s life as a railroad worker and as a dealer of a bootleg whiskey called arrack. After an argument with his wife, Maggie, Sammy stormed out of his house and got drunk, and while walking along a busy highway was struck by a truck and killed.

Young Sujith often demanded to be taken to Gorakana and had an abnormal taste for cigarettes and arrack.

Sjuth’s family had never been to Gorakana and hadn’t known anyone that fit Sammy’s description, yet, being Buddhists, were believers in reincarnation and therefore not completely surprised by the boy’s story.

Investigations, including one conducted by a professor of psychiatry from the University of Virginia, confirmed as many as 60 of the details of the life of Sammy Fernando who indeed had lived and died (six months before Sujith’s birth) just as Sujith had said. When Sujith was introduced to Sammy’s family, he surprised them with his familiarity with them and his knowledge of their pet names. This is one of the strongest cases of reincarnation on record.


Hypnosis isn’t the only method by which past lives are recalled. A Britsh woman was distressed by a recurring dream in which she, as a child, and another child with whom she was playing, fell from a high gallery in their home to their deaths.

She vividly remembered the black and white checked marble floor on which they died. She repeated the dream to several of her friends. Sometime later, the woman was visiting an old house that had a reputation for being haunted. With its black and white marble floor, the house immediately was recognized by the woman as the scene of the deaths in her dreams.

She subsequently learned that a small brother and sister really had fallen to their deaths in the house. Was she recalling a past life, or had she somehow psychically tuned in to this dramatic history?


Another fascinating case of past life regression took place in Wales where Graham Huxtable, a mild-mannered swimming instructor, was placed under hypnosis by hypnotist Arnall Bloxham. In a trance, Huxtable not just recalled a past life, he seemed to actually become a man named Ben, a boisterous gunner on an 18th century British frigate called Aggie. While inhabited by the personality of Ben, Huxtable would call out orders to the men on the ship in a heavy accent and use obscure nautical terminology. He even relived every moment of a battle in which he eventually suffered an injury to his leg.

Bloxham had difficulty bringing Huxtable out of trance, but when he did, the man complained of a pain in his leg. And when Bloxham replayed a recording of the session, Huxtable was astonished at what he heard, recalling nothing of his experience under the trance. Although experts could verify the terms and language that “Ben” used, they could not find records of a ship named Aggie nor of the ship’s captain he had named. Past life recall… or a case of multiple personality?


In 1958, a woman who in this case was identified only as T.E., underwent hypnosis by her husband, a medical doctor and experimenter with past life regression. Once in a trance state, T.E.’s voice deepened to one that was distinctly male and she declared in broken English that she was a farmer named Jensen Jacoby who lived in the 17th century. T.E.’s speech was peppered with Swedish words, a language that she and her husband swore she did not know. After six hypnotic sessions, T.E. was talking exclusively in Swedish, even conversing fluently with several Swedish persons that her husband had brought in to witness the phenomenon. These native Swedes confirmed that she was speaking a somewhat archaic form of Swedish that would have been spoken at the time Jensen said he had lived.

These are just a few of the more well-known examples of past life recall. Those who practice past life regression therapy today claim that it has certain benefits. They say it can shed light on present life personal issues and relationships and can even help to heal the wounds suffered in a past life.

Reincarnation has also been one of the central tenets of many Eastern religions, and one can return to this existence in a new physical form, whether it is human, animal or even vegetable. The form one takes, it is believed, is determined by the law of karma – that the higher or lower form one takes is due to one’s behavior in the previous life. The concept of past lives is also one of the beliefs of L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology, which states that “past lives are suppressed by the painfulness of the memory of those former existences. To restore the memory of one’s whole existence, it is necessary to bring one up to being able to confront such experiences.”


  • General George S. Patton believed that he had been a soldier in many previous lives, including in the service of Alexander the Great.
  • Benjamin Franklin may have been professing his belief in reincarnation when he wrote that he would return “in a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the author.”
  • Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were contemporaries and both professed believers in past lives.
  • Edgar Cayce, the American psychic, believed that he was a resident of Atlantis in one previous life.

Birthmarks / Scars clues of Past Lives | Regression Therapy

past life therapyIf you are trying to blend into a crowd, the last thing you need is a birthmark. That’s because birthmarks are identifying features that are unique to us. Some birthmarks are so rare and uncommon that they have even been used as identifying characteristics in police investigations. (Police have used birthmarks to give the public a better description of a person of interest, and in some cases, birthmarks have helped witnesses identify perpetrators of a crime.) But birthmarks don’t just shed light on one’s identity; they can also shed light into one’s past lives.

When people move from lifetime to lifetime, there are certain things that they tend to carry with them. Often emotional baggage of traumas from past lives can come up again in a current lifetime. If you feel like you keep making the same mistake or suffering the same inner wound, it may be a karmic lesson that you failed to get in a previous lifetime.

It’s also common for people to bring fears from one lifetime to another. You may have been afraid of fire in multiple lifetimes, or perhaps you died in a fire in a previous lifetime so flames instill fear in you today. We also tend to have relationships with the same souls in multiple lifetimes, so we bring our loved ones with us from lifetime to lifetime.

Birthmarks can also be passed from one lifetime to another. Sometimes a soul will have the same unique identifier in multiple lifetimes. There have been cases of past life regression in which a client recalls a previous life in which they had the same birthmark that they have in a current lifetime. Just as the eyes often stay the same from lifetime to lifetime, a birthmark can transcend death.

In other cases, a birthmark may be indicative of a wound you experienced in a past life or even your death in a past life. For example, one might have been stabbed in the arm in a past life and that same soul may have a birthmark in that very spot in this current lifetime. A person who was shot to death in a past life might have a birthmark in the location of the body where the bullet struck.

Sometimes you can even discover clues into a past life based on the shape of a birthmark. For example, a birthmark could have the smooth, circular shape of a bullet hole or the jagged edges of a knife wound. A birthmark might even resemble a place on a map where the soul lived in a previous life. It’s also possible for people of the same soul group to share a birthmark so if you meet someone who you feel a deep connection with and they happen to have a birthmark that is similar to yours, there is a good change that that person and you have have shared multiple lifetimes.

There are cases that have documented the remarkable connection

Do birthmarks have something to do with one’s past life? Apparently, some do have  a connection, but perhaps not all.

Birthmarks are marks or blemishes found on the skin of a person at birth.

The first Western scientist I know who had conducted serious research on reincarnation and birthmarks was the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, head of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Virginia, USA.

 He investigated around 3,000 cases of spontaneous past life recall by children ages 3-13. He found remarkable evidence of past life memories and wrote around 20 of them in his pioneering book  “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation,” published by the University Press of Virginia in 1974.

The following are some of the remarkable connections between birthmarks and  past lives from 210 individuals investigated and reported by Dr. Stevenson:

1. A boy named Maha Ram in India could remember being killed in a previous life with a shotgun fired at close range. He remembered enough details of his past life for Stevenson to find an autopsy report of the man supposedly reincarnated as Ram. The birthmarks on Ram’s chest corresponded to the bullet wounds.

2. A 12-year-old boy in the Middle East born with a ring-like mark or scar around his neck remembered two uncles who beheaded him in order to get his inheritance.

Stray bullet

3. Karen Kubicko posted photos of herself in high school with a birthmark on her neck and a photo of herself later in life without the birthmark. She said she remembered that in a previous life she was a woman named Helen who was hit by a stray bullet in the neck and died in 1927. The mark was where the bullet had hit her in her vision. After she remembered this, the mark gradually disappeared.


In yet another interesting case studied by Dr. Jim Tucker, who continued the works of Dr. Stevenson, a birthmark was traced to a past life.

“An old woman died in Thailand with a wish to reincarnate as a boy. Her daughter dipped a finger in white paste and marked the back of the woman’s neck with the paste. Not long after the woman’s death, her daughter gave birth to a son with a white mark on the back of his neck that looked like the white paste left on the woman’s nape.”

When Dr. Stevenson was asked how come the birthmarks still appeared on the skin of a reincarnated person when it was a new body he is now occupying, he replied that it must be because the memory of the previous life may still be strongly embedded in his mind. Or maybe it is necessary as a reminder of the person’s previous life.


Past Life Regression & Spirit Releasement Therapy

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression allows for the recall of memories, experiences, and emotions involved with previous lives that continue to influence an individual’s present day existence on an unconscious level. By allowing hidden influences and behaviors from the past to be expressed in present day awareness, it is possible to free oneself from negative patterns, beliefs, and physical ailments that no longer serve an individual in this life.


For the most part, people in the East believe in reincarnation, but it’s not readily accepted by Western society. Many churches reject the doctrine of past-lives, and their members can be skeptical or even hostile when confronted with the possibility of the soul having previous incarnations on earth. Past-life regressions under hypnosis are most often cited as evidence (the only evidence) substantiating the concept. For those who doubt that hypnosis is real, or think it imagination or confabulation, the evidence seems shaky. Nevertheless, the case for reincarnation is far from insubstantial.

The best evidence we have that reincarnation exists consists of:

Waking-state (normal) memories of past-lives. Many young children have memories of a previous existence, and make remarks to their parents that may seem preposterous. Yet, in documented cases, some children were able to identify their previous homes and recognize their former relatives and friends. Adults retain memories of past-lives too. There are some cases where past-life information would have been difficult to obtain, yet when researched, the information proved accurate.
Documented cases exist of two or more people, strangers to each other, remembering the same past-life event in great detail. People speaking or writing in foreign languages (even dead languages) while regressed to the appropriate time and place.

Is Past Life Regression Real?

Not all experiences recalled in a Past Life Regression (PLR) have actually been lived out in a former lifetime. Whether or not hypnotic past life regressions consistently uncover past life experiences is likely to remain open for debate. Past life recollections are not necessarily complete or accurate; so the mind often remembers the most emotionally laden events, and fill in the rest with confabulations. This is typical of us in our present-life memories as well. Your memory and your imagination come from the same source. However, that which comes out of the subconscious mind in dreams, imagining or fantasy symbolizes some aspect of a person’s life, so what is retrieved as past-life memories can also be metaphors for present-life events and circumstances. Yet, whether the memories are real or imagined, it’s of no significance if the recalled experience solves the problem or offers insight; which is usually the case.
Successful resolution of trauma can result from properly conducted past life regression therapy; and the value of past life regression has been demonstrated again and again. Recalling a past event, usually done with vivid emotion, typically results in resolving the problem; and people tend to identify with the memory far more dramatically than if they were fabricating it. From a therapeutic standpoint, the hypnotherapist need not evaluate the truth of the client’s story. The story merely has to help heal the client.

Metaphysical Exploration

More and more people want to explore their inner awareness through a past life regression. PLRs can be done in a private session or in small groups. Private sessions have the advantage of focused interactivity between the regressionist and the journeyor and that allows for a deeper exploration because the client can answer questions and describe his experience while in trance.

Clinical Application of Past Life Therapy

Past life memories may come to us in many guises, i.e.: the deja vu experience; recurrent dreams of a specific location or of a frightening event; or perhaps a crippling phobia or an unexplained fear.

In a clinical setting, clients explore the possibility that present life problems may stem from traumatic events  from prior lifetimes. For example, a fear of water, public speaking, or heights (to name a few common phobias) may relate to the ‘memory’ of a death by drowning, hanging, choking, or perhaps falling from a high place.
As these past life traumas are explored and resolved, the phobias can cease to be for the client. Today, past life therapy is being used effectively by increasing numbers of mental health professionals all over the world.

In the “Affect Bridge Technique”, through the emotional “feelings” and “body sensations” associated with a present life problem, the client is prompted to locate the source or cause of the “feeling”. Sometimes this leads to a painful past life memory. The client, in the personality of the past-life character, is guided through the traumatic episode in that lifetime, and possibly through the death experience in that lifetime. The hypnotherapist assists the client in resolving any remaining emotional issues, any unfinished business in that life, and integrates the experience into the present life situation. The past life character, as spirit, moves away from the body and the death scene and fully into the light in a way similar to the near death experience (NDE).

A surprising number of emotional problems and conflicts are quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy, and often in far fewer sessions than with conventional therapy. Many psychosomatic physical ailments can diminish or cease altogether through past life regression therapy.

Spirit Releasement Therapy

When a trained Therapist in Past Life Therapy and Spirit Releasement Therapy, recognizes the possibility that some of the scenarios may not be those of the client, but of someone else, i.e.: an attached spirit of a deceased human being; this condition has historically been labeled spirit possession . A better term might be spirit attachment , indicating an interference, which is a much more common event than possession, which implies complete takeover. Oddly, even those who deny believing in spirit attachment, speak language that reflects an inner knowledge of it: “What’s gotten into you?” “What possessed me to do that?” or “I’m not myself today.”
The possibility of spirit possession, (the full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate entity) has been, at the very least, theorized , throughout the world, throughout history and by every culture. A disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the subconscious mind of a living person, which exerts some degree of control on their behavior, mental and emotional functioning, as well as producing sensations and symptoms in the physical body.

Spirit Releasement:

Spirit Releasement Therapy is a spiritual healing used to clear a person of additional spirit attachments and its associated negative energies. Entities attach to a living being when our energies are low. Fear, depression, angst and foul moods, alcoholism or drug abuse opens the door for attachment.

Spirit releasement procedures are not dangerous or frightening once the client is aware of the reality of the situation. Spirit Releasement Therapy is not magic but has been of great benefit to many. Once a person is free from possession, their own energy returns and they begin to feel like their usual self. Most people will notice some type of energy shift right away and better experience with healing as time progresses.

Spirit Release Therapy is different from exorcism or black magic. In the Spirit Release Therapy process, the external entity is spoken to directly and shown a better way to live by going into a new life or light. By being released to new life the external entity too receives a healing and will not return to the host or anyone else. Once the unwanted energy is removed, the aura of the affected person is healed and sealed with positive Energy.

The discovery and identification of any and all attached discarnate spirits or entities is the first step to releasement.

The possibility of attached entities seem to fall into one of the following categories: 1) the spirits (or fragments of same), 2) of deceased human beings, 3) terminated pregnancies, 4) the mind fragments of living people 5) the dark force entities, historically described as demons; 6) extraterrestrial or other-worldly or from other dimensions or densities). Although some defy classification, the second step is to differentiate between them.

The next step is to establish a dialogue with the entity. Inducing it to recognize its unwelcome discovery, getting it to release its (now aware and unwilling host) and guiding it to pursue its own destination. (The actual release of the attached entity).
At this point, guided imagery of light, protection and shielding are given to client. (And self-induced in the practitioner). Next, metaphorically, the newly vacated space is filled.

Occasionally, in ongoing therapy, more ‘entities’ may be found and released in subsequent sessions. Past life therapy and fragmentation recovery are both vital to restore balance to the client. It’s important to resolve both the presenting conflict as well as the emotional vulnerability which first allowed the spirit attachment.

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  • 121,919
  • 1