Category Archives: Reincarnation


Karma and Reincarnation | After Life | Atma | Rebirth | Hell

What is Karma?
Karma can be thought of as similar to Isaac Newton’s 3rd law of motion: every action must be followed by an equal and opposite reaction. When Newton discovered that law, however, he didn’t realize, or at least didn’t mention, that the same principle applies to emotions and behavior. If we get really excited, we will inevitably feel tired and depressed later. If we hurt someone, someone will later hurt us. Even our desires cause karma; they must eventually be satisfied or overcome. However, if we hurt someone unintentionally or if what we desire is also the right thing, then there is a much smaller repercussion.

Karma is a natural law – just like gravity is a natural law. It is not about punishment, and certainly not about vengeance. It is perfectly exact, just and fair and applies to everything and everyone in creation. It can be speeded up, and slowed down – but never avoided; hence it is sometimes termed the law of inevitability. In essence it is Divine simplicity itself – but its manifestations can be highly complex.

It is surprising how universal the fundamental precepts of karma are – in religion, popular culture and even science. In the Bible it says “…whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7), which describes karma simply, but perfectly. “Action and reaction are opposite and equal” stated Newton in his third law of motion, a definition commonly used to describe karma in Buddhism. In everyday conversation, people sometimes say “what goes around, comes around”, which is a loose but nevertheless truthful description of karma. The word “karma” – and the basic concept behind it – appear in songs, television programs and movies – and most people in the western world seem to have some grasp of what karma is about.

When people refer to a person’s karma, they are referring to the person’s past actions and feelings that are waiting to be balanced out with it’s opposite. As long as we have unfulfilled desires and actions that have not yet been repaid (good or bad), we we must reincarnate to neutralize them, which keeps us from merging completely in God. The difficulty is that each time we come back to balance out our previous actions, we create even more karma. Before we know it we have lived millions of lifetimes and have a seemingly insurmountable store of karma.

Of course there is free will, or how we choose to respond to a situation. If someone hurts you, and you hurt them back, then they hurt you back, this cycle of karma could go on indefinitely.

Karma gives us all individual tuition 24 hours a day. Each lesson is perfectly tailored to our spiritual needs, and we are never presented with any test we cannot pass. Karma gives us experience, and experience gives us the opportunity to learn to live in harmony with the eternal laws which are God. As we learn, we advance – coming ever closer to ever higher spiritual states of consciousness, and enjoying ever greater spiritual freedom.

Viewed in this light – the terms “good karma” and “bad karma” become almost meaningless in a way – because in fact all karma is good for us, even if it might feel unpleasant in the short term.

Reincarnation and karma are core concepts for several religions of India, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

Basically, both concepts have to do with an understanding of time and how we as human beings are propelled forward through life in time.

Reincarnation is sometimes called transmigration of the soul. To believe in this is to believe that the soul migrates through many different physical lifetimes. The soul undergoes rebirths into different kinds of lives – human, animal or even supernatural – until it reaches its final destination.

So, reincarnation implies a cyclical understanding of time instead of a linear understanding. In the Western world, people tend to think of time in a linear way – you are born, you live, then you die. Depending on one’s belief about afterlife, the soul may live forever in a place of suffering or blessing. But, it does not return to earth to live again as a human or animal.

Those who believe in reincarnation, however, hold to a cyclical view of time in which the soul undergoes cycles of life, death and rebirth. The soul may be born into a human body and then, when the human body dies, it may be reborn into an animal body or the body of a supernatural being (angels, demons, etc.). This cycle may be repeated many hundreds of times.

What propels the soul forward from life to life? What determines the kind of rebirth or life the soul will have in the future? The answer is karma.

Karma is the positive or negative energy that accompanies all actions of moral worth. Hitting someone with a stick brings negative karma to the person who does it. Using the stick for a positive reason brings positive karma to the person.

So, each person – each soul or atman – goes through life doing both positive and negative actions and accumulating the karmic energy or “baggage” that comes with them. The nature of one’s karma determines the nature of one’s rebirths in futures lives. Negative karma over many lifetimes will cause an unfavorable rebirth as an animal. Positive karma will cause a favorable rebirth as a human or auspicious spiritual being.

This belief in karma and its impact on future rebirths is at the heart of basic ethical sensibilities in Hinduism and in all the other religions that affirm it. People should do good actions and avoid bad actions so as to not accumulate bad karma to themselves.

Karma and reincarnation are inseparable and reincarnation is a logical consequence of karma. When someone dies, they will not have worked out all their karma. What has been “sown”, will not all have been “reaped”, and there will not have been an “opposite and equal” reaction to their every thought and action. Therefore, logically speaking, although they have left their body, they cannot cease to exist. They have to come back.

Between incarnations we spend a period of time on another “plane”, also called another “realm”, of Earth, which exists at a different frequency of vibration. These realms are physical – but physical at a higher or lower frequency than this realm. The existence of these realms explains the orthodox notions of “heaven” and “hell” – the higher realms being the “heavens”, and the lower realms – the “hells”. After death, we go to the realm which best suits our level of spiritual evolution, prior to being reborn here. The more basic level, or levels, of so-called “heaven” are sometimes referred to as “the spirit world”.

When all the lessons which reincarnation on Earth can offer have been learnt, we then either go through the initiation of Ascension, or begin the experience cycle of another, more advanced planet.


Signs of a Past Life Links & Soul Mates | Regression Therapy

Have you ever met someone who you had an instant connection with, and you just intuitively felt that you had met them somewhere, somehow, before?

Have you ever experienced the nagging sense of deja vu — the feeling that you have been in a certain place and experienced a certain moment before? Often deja vu occurs because you’re recalling something or seeing a similarity with something that happened in a past life. If you’re in touch with your psychic ability, you probably have moments in which you remember aspects of your past lives, which is when deja vu kicks in.

If you’ve experienced this feeling before, then you have likely met someone from a past life who you have run into once again on your current journey.

You might not immediately think “Hey, I knew them from a past life” when you meet them, but you just know that their soul and yours have crossed paths at some point in time before. You might not have even believed in reincarnation or past lives before this experience, but something so powerful and intense can easily open your mind to other possibilities.

Sometimes those of us who are in touch with our psychic ability will sense that we have an instant connection with someone. That is also often our past lives communicating with us. We’re not the only ones who have lived multiple lives. Our loved ones have also lived multiple past lives. And typically we travel in the same circles. Your instant connection could even be a sign that you’ve found your soulmate.

We also often have the same problems. When we don’t learn a certain lesson in one lifetime, we’re likely to repeat it. If there’s a part of your life that frustrates you so because you just can’t seem to get it right, you may be experiencing a challenge that you first encountered in a past life. And the reason you’re having so much difficulty with it today is because you can’t remember those important a-ha moments from your past life that can help you solve the problem forever. Whether it’s money woes, relationship drama or even health challenges, an answer may lie in a past life. Famous psychic

Often the people that we shared our past lives with are the people that we share our current life with. We might not come back in the same roles. For example, your husband in a previous lifetime could be your brother in this lifetime. Or a person that you hate in this lifetime could have been your best friend in a lifetime that has passed. It’s not unusual for us to come across people in our current lifetime who shared another lifetime with us. The book Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives lays out some of these stories of past life experiences.

Here are some signs that we might have shared a lifetime with someone who is currently in our lives.

  • There was an immediate positive connection. Have you ever met someone and immediately been able to share your feelings and vulnerabilities? Chances are your soul recognizes the person and you know instinctively that this is someone you’ve loved and trusted in a past life.
  • There was an immediate negative reaction. We don’t just come back with the people we love. We often come back with the people we hate. Our greatest lessons are taught not only by our loved ones, but by our enemies, as well. In fact, often our enemies are our greatest teachers. If you have an immediate negative reaction to someone it could be for something that happened in a past life rather than this one.
  • You experience a strong sense of deja vu. We already discussed the origins of deja vu. If you experience deja vu when you’re with a particular person, chances are the two of you experienced life together before.
  • You have a telepathic connection. Is there someone in your life who you understand so much that you know what they’re going to say before they say it and vice-versa? If so, there’s a good chance that you two have traveled many lives together. Souls that share lifetimes tend to have a deeper connection than souls who are just interacting for the first time. If your connection is on a subconscious level, you’ve probably been together before.
  • You recognize their eyes. This is a trait that’s common with soulmates. If you come across someone and recognize their eyes it’s probably because you’ve been together in previous lifetimes. While our bodies change from lifetime to lifetime our eyes stay the same so you can recognize someone from a previous lifetime in this manner.
  • The relationship is short-lived but intense. Have you ever met someone and had an intense relationship with them only for it to end within a matter of months or even weeks? Often we have unresolved business with someone from a past life but we don’t need a long time to resolve it. A short, intense relationship can provide the closure that both parties need. While such a relationship can be painful and confusing in this present lifetime, it can be exactly what both parties needed to do on a subconscious level to resolve an experience from the past. That relationship could hold a major key in helping you to achieve your dreams in your current life.

Why you must learn what your past lives are trying to tell you

Knowing about your past lives and past life relationships can make a tremendous difference in your current life. If there are lessons that you didn’t get in a past life, those lessons will be particularly powerful in this one. The Universe wants to make sure that you don’t miss it again. Is there something very painful that you’re dealing with? It’s possible that you’re dealing with a past life issue. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can determine what you need to learn, and the sooner you’ll be free of that pain.

Look for the lesson. Are you learning something about yourself? Either in relationship to other people or your own behaviour? If you’re being challenged in some way – either positively or even negatively, this is one sign that there is an important soul connection here. The bigger the challenge and the more you have to grow on a soul level to meet it, then the number of lifetimes you have spent with this person increases. Remember – this goes for negative experiences as well as positive ones because often we learn more from failures than we do our successes.

Is the situation you’re in with this person part of a recurring theme for you? While you may not feel you have known this person before, does the situation you’re in feel oh so familiar? Is history repeating itself in some way yet again? We all come into this lifetime with set learning tasks. Sometimes we learn the lesson the first time – but if we don’t, then we are set to repeat it until we do. If you find yourself back in a situation that is repeating a past experience but with a completely different person then this is another sign of a deep past-life connection. As you failed to learn the lesson in the past, a new ‘teacher’ has appeared. Once you begin to recognise you and not the other person, are the common denominator, you will begin to release the lesson and your situation with them will transform – either by them leaving your life and you will have no more ‘lessons’ of this nature or by your relationship continuing but now on an entirely different level.

Is someone helping you for no apparent reason? Someone gives you a helping hand in some way with no expectation of anything in return. This could be a business mentor, a teacher or someone who offers you something you badly need right when you need it – and doesn’t necessarily expect to be paid back. This is a sure sign that this is someone you have helped in a past life, paying you forward in this one.

Is anything owed or left over after the relationship is over? You owe them something or they owe you. Or they’ve left something with you. This can be anything from a book, to money, a child or even a horse. Whatever it is, you or they aren’t going to get it back or take it back – not in this lifetime anyway!

Remember, past life soul promises are complex but look for these key signs as to clues you may have deep connections to people you wouldn’t have dreamed were that important!

By doing the work to discover your past lives, you may be able to:

  • Recognize your soulmate.
  • Understand why you keep making that same mistake. Then you can stop making it.
  • Understand why you have an instant connection with someone and you may be able to figure out who they were to you in a past life.
  • Learn how to break free of challenges that have been plaguing you.
  • Finally achieve that goal that has been so elusive.

One way to learn about a past life is to get a past life regression.

Scientific Proof of Reincarnation

A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a “soul” because of how this term has gotten wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma.

Some people think it is outright silly. But the concept of consciousness being able to detach from the body offers a lot of explanatory power when it comes to phenomenon such as Near Death Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences and even reincarnation.

In fact, the evidence for reincarnation is the best hard scientific evidence we have for the existence of a soul. This is a bold claim, but the evidence for reincarnation is undeniable and cannot collectively be attributed to chance or any other physical explanation. If reincarnation exists, the soul exists. Let’s take a look!

Before we explore the evidence, it’s helpful to remember that we do not need hard PROOF in order to be justified in believing in something.

If the weatherman says there is a 70% chance of showers, I don’t need proof that it’s going to rain before I am justified in bringing an umbrella with me. I don’t have to be certain that a meteor isn’t going to fall on my head before I go outside. I don’t need hard scientific proof of extra-terrestrial life in order to be justified in believing that life exists on other planets, because there are so many good reasons that, when taken together cumulatively, provide a plausible account for belief in life on other planets.
This is known as “abductive reasoning” and is the kind of reasoning we use most in our every day lives.

Reincarnation is not something you can objectively measure in the same way you can measure a chemical reaction, so it may even be in principle non-provable using the scientific method. Science is the empirical measurement of the natural world, and the soul is something which would exist beyond the natural world. So, the question is, “Are there enough solid pieces of evidence that, when taken together, provide a compelling case for reincarnation?” I think the answer is a resounding yes.

The scientific evidence for reincarnation

Dr. Ian Stevenson, Ph.D., former Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, spent 40 years researching reincarnation stories within children.
This former chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology investigated over 3000 independent stories of children who claimed to have memories and know people from their alleged past lives. According to Stevenson, the number of cases that are worth considering is so high that it exceeds the ability of him and his team to investigate them all.

Dr. Ian Stevenson

Probably the best known, if not most respected, collection of scientific data that appears to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real, is the life’s work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. Instead of relying on hypnosis to verify that an individual has had a previous life, he instead chose to collect thousands of cases of children who spontaneously remember a past life. Dr. Ian Stevenson uses this approach because spontaneous past life memories in a child can be investigated using strict scientific protocols. Hypnosis, while useful in researching into past lives, is less reliable from a purely scientific perspective. In order to collect his data, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child’s statements of a previous life. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person’s life that match the child’s memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible “normal” explanations for the child’s memories.

Dr. Stevenson has devoted the last forty years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world. He has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.

Dr. Stevenson’s credentials are impeccable. He is a medical doctor and had many scholarly papers to his credit before he began paranormal research. He is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.

In order to help the reader become familiar with Dr. Stevenson’s work, a 1988 Omni Magazine Interview is reprinted below. Following the interview is a summary of one of Dr. Stevenson’s most famous cases.

Birth Marks

Facial recognition software confirmed that there was in fact a facial resemblance to their alleged prior incarnation. Some had birth marks on places where they allegedly suffered fatal wounds from in their past life. They were often dramatic and sometimes bizarre lesions, such as malformed digits or missing limbs, misshapen heads, and odd markings.

As Dr. Stevenson writes in his paper “Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons” in the peer-reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration: “About 35% of children who claim to remember previous lives have birthmarks and/or birth defects that they (or adult informants) attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child remembers. The cases of 210 such children have been investigated.

“The birthmarks were usually areas of hairless, puckered skin; some were areas of little or no pigmentation (hypopigmented macules); others were areas of increased pigmentation (hyperpigmented nevi).
“The birth defects were nearly always of rare types. In cases in which a deceased person was identified the details of whose life unmistakably matched the child’s statements, a close correspondence was nearly always found between the birthmarks and/or birth defects on the child and the wounds on the deceased person.
“In 43 of 49 cases in which a medical document (usually a postmortem report) was obtained, it confirmed the correspondence between wounds and birthmarks (or birth defects).”

Verifiable memories of past lives

The memories the children recalled were far too specific to be chalked up to chance. In an article where 3 cases were looked at in great detail by Dr. Stevenson, he reported that each of the 3 children made roughly 30-40 claims regarding memories that had of their past lives, 82-92% of which were both verifiable and correct. The particularities and specific details that were given by the children ranged from anything from the names, personalities, and occupations of their former parents and siblings to the precise layouts of the houses they lived in.

It was not uncommon for Stevenson to encounter a child who could go into a town he had never been in before and give him the details of the village, former personal belongings, the neighborhood in which he lived in a past life, and the people who he use to associate with. As he concludes: “It was possible in each case to find a family that had lost a member whose life corresponded to the subject’s statements. The statements of the subject, taken as a group, were sufficiently specific so that they could not have corresponded to the life of any other person.

“We believe we have excluded normal transmission of the correct information to the subjects and that they obtained the correct information they showed about the concerned deceased person by some paranormal process.”

Phobias from past-life traumas

Something which interested Dr. Stevenson was the phobias that were developed from past-life traumas.  As Dr. Jim Tucker writes: “Another area that interested Ian was the behavior of these children. He wrote a paper about phobias that many of the children showed, usually related to the mode of death from the life they claimed to remember (Stevenson, 1990a).

“He reported that 36% of the children in a series of 387 cases showed such fears. They occurred when the children were very young, sometimes before they had made their claims about the previous life. For example, he described a girl in Sri Lanka who as a baby resisted baths so much that three adults had to hold her down to give her one.

“By the age of six months, she also showed a marked phobia of buses and then later described the life of a girl in another village who had been walking along a narrow road between flooded paddy fields when she stepped back to avoid a bus going by, fell into the flood water, and drowned.”

Recognition from the scientific community

What seems to be more than mere chance is that children were able to accurately identify former acquaintances and relationships they had with people in their prior lives.

Most impressively was a Lebanese girl who was able to remember and identify 25 different people from her past life and the interpersonal relationships she had with them. His best findings were put together in a book called Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation.

For further reading, this book would really be your best bet. The American Journal of Psychiatry reviewed these cases and said there were “cases recorded in such full detail as to persuade the open mind that reincarnation is a tenable hypothesis to explain them.”

He had several other books and papers published and widely accepted in the mainstream community. As a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated ‘‘In regard to reincarnation he has painstakingly and unemotionally collected a detailed series of cases from India, cases in which the evidence is difficult to explain on any other grounds.”

The reviewer added: “He has placed on record a large amount of data that cannot be ignored.” His one paper called “The Explanatory Value of the Idea of Reincarnation” had thousands of requests for reprints by scientists all over the world.

His findings were also published in peer reviewed journals the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, and the International Journal of Comparative Sociology. During a presentation at Penn State University in 2005, Dr. Jim B. Tucker, a child psychiatrist at the University of Virginia, described how a mother was leaning over the changing table to change her son’s diaper.

Her young toddler unexpectedly said, “When I was your age, I used to change your diapers.” Sam Taylor, of Vermont, was born 18 months following his grandfather’s death. When he made this comment, he was only a few years old. When he was four and a half years old, however, Taylor was able to pick out his grandfather from a class picture of about 20 people and identify his grandfather’s first car from a photograph.

It’s important to note that this case is American, so the parents are not influencing or encouraging the boy to believe in reincarnation in the name of culture or religion:


This is just a small fraction of the amount of evidence that exists for reincarnation. Upon coming to a conclusion about all his findings and his publications, we have to ask ourselves “What is the best explanation that can accommodate all of this evidence?”

Why would there be so many cases of children who claim to have been other people, who know the specific names and interpersonal relationships of the person they recall being, who have similar behavior and personalities as the people they claimed to be, who have birthmarks and abnormalities where they claimed to have suffered wounds in their past lives, and who have specific phobias linked back to alleged past life traumas if reincarnation did not exist?

When we consider that there is no naturalistic explanation that can account for all of data, and when we consider the explanatory power of reincarnation, we are more than justified in subscribing to reincarnation for scientific reasons.The accounts are far too precise to be chalked up as chance, and all other explanations are impoverished in trying to explain such a wide array of data.

Reincarnation can no longer be looked at as some woo-woo, pseudoscientific, religiously dogmatic New Age fantasy, and neither can the soul.We can infer the reality of the soul because it is the best explanation for all of the given data. There must be a non-physical part of us (consciousness itself, perhaps) that contains memories that leaves our body and then enters into a new body.

This is a hypothesis which has gotten serious attention in the mainstream academic community, and is still ripe with investigation to this day.When we take all the evidence together and look at it without religious or scientific bias getting in the way, it seems as though we are not only justified in believing in reincarnation, but it also may be the best of all explanations for the strongest cases.

reincarnation connection

Past Life Regression / Connections, Soul Mates,Reincarnation

There are people that we have relationships with where tell ourselves that we’re in love and that we’ve met our soul mate because we’re thinking about that person all the time or tuning into their feelings when actually what we’re dealing with is a kind of addiction. You know that you’re dealing with addiction rather than real love when you feel that you simply couldn’t live without that other person and when the thought of being without them is too terrifying to even think about.  That kind of love that actually knocks you off of your path, but it can also be the kind of love that teaches you something.

In contrast, past life relationships can be just as intense, but there is a particular kind of familiar feeling about them. When you meet someone that you had a past-life relationship with, you often feels as if that person is your soulmate because you know them with a profound feeling of recognition, you understand each other, you have more of a bond when you’re separate from each other and you can kind of feel where they are.

Past life relationships can be confusing at best and hell at their worst.  They are confusing because they can they often involve ecstasy and agony.  There can be so much intensity between you.  You might even share all sorts of spiritual experiences such as telepathy or seeing colours when you make love. But such relationships are usually plagued with  problems.  It’s like you’re repeating the same relationship you might have had in ten lives with that person.  It’s obviously very potent and intense magic.  Even if you don’t see them for ten years you can feel this complete and utter bond, because in a way it’s a timeless bond.

Sometime, those relationships are not meant for this life, however, and it may be that your learning in this life is to let go of that so that you can find the right energy for you. It’s hard, because people find it very difficult to let go of that intoxicating experience, even though, in most cases, those kind of relationships will never work – it’s always ecstasy and agony and drama.

When you’re in that experience it’s very difficult for you to think that it’s not for you, because you’re determined to fit that square peg in that round hole, and make it work but it all comes back to your relationship with you.  If you are your best friend and you love you, you’re not going to let yourself go through that trauma all of the time. And ultimately it’s about actually believing that you are worthy of a relationship that is worthy of you – a relationship that nurtures you, a relationship that is equal. A relationship that doesn’t destroy your heart, and take away with your self-esteem.

In contrast, and despite anything else that you might have heard anywhere else, soul mate relationships just tend to work.  When you meet soulmate, you get on, you may have a few struggles, but fundamentally you click.  It’s a functioning relationship, and you have each others’ best interests at heart.

Not all soul mates are destined to be lovers, either.  If you have a friendship or you have a connection that’s absolutely stunningly beautiful, and pure and delightful, and you merge together, it could also be a soul mate connection.

So if you’re confused about whether the person you’re involved with or have your heart set on is a soul mate, a past life connection with some karma to work through or an outright addiction, just ask yourself:  Does this relationship bring me peace? Does it work?  Are we better people for being in it? Does it allow me to be my best me?  If the answer is yes, it could be a soul mate relationship.  If your answers are no, then it’s likely to be a past life connection and only you can make the decision to set yourself free.

Even more importantly, don’t let yourself get confused by labels.  I would say that a lot of problems in our lives are down to labelling ourselves and labelling every experience – but more about that next time!

Few signs of a past life connections : 

  • Immediate Connection or Immediate Negative Reaction. There are some people that we connect with instantly, whether as friends or potential lovers. According to the late sage Yogananda, you can recognize a soul friend/mate from a past life when you instantly connect and have a deep understanding of each other. “When you feel in your heart a deep harmony with another person, you know that you knew each other before.”

Likewise, there are others that bring out instant hostility within you. You’re not sure why you don’t like them, but your reaction is so negative it takes you by surprise. Past life experts agree that this person may have done something to harm you in a prior life.

  • Telepathic Connection. You can sense what they are about to say, or you receive a phone call/text shortly after you think about them. There is a sort of unexplained connection that can’t be broken.
  • Eye Recognition. When you look into their eyes upon first meeting, they seem familiar and quickly draw you in.

Have you noticed that with some people you can stare at them for hours as you converse, but there isn’t a connection? While it takes just moments to connect with others? Past life experts believe this isn’t a coincidence. If this happens, they suggest you should pay close attention.

Some have concluded that the eyes don’t change from birth to birth. This allows for us to recognize one another throughout time.

Heal past lives through Past Life Regression Therapy

Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace.

Our past life selves are not only characters in past dramas, but they also live within us today as ‘sub-personalities’. Their ‘unfinished business’ can make itself known through irrational fears, phobias or patterns that are not easily changed. We feel their emotions; manifest their talents; think their thoughts; are limited by their fears and perpetuate their quandaries often without consciously knowing we are doing so.

Can problems from the past be healed?  Yes of course! Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is the answer. Past life regression therapy helps tremendously in resolving them. Regression literally means ‘going backwards’. In PLRT, after getting into the trance state, people subconsciously go back to the time where their fears and phobias are coming from. The issue is then acknowledged and resolved in that life and time, and what they bring back are positive healing resources to heal and eliminate the effect of the issue in this life, using different scientifically created techniques that have been practiced and mastered over years by many experts of PLRT, thus successfully eliminating the fear or phobia.

Not claiming to replace any medical therapies, all that techniques like Hypnotherapy and PLRT aim at doing are strengthening the subconscious mind by filling it with positive ideas that empower us to heal and resolve any issue, any fear, anything which is affecting our life negatively and is coming in the way of living to our full potential, of living a more positive, confident, happy and healthy life. They aim to empower us to get in touch with our deepest desires and to achieve success. They aim to empower us to be the masters of our lives and take responsibility of our selves. They aim to empower us to be stronger beings – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. One may respond better and benefit more from one technique than another. Find out for yourself!

Past life issues that carry into the current life are often thought of as being the result of karma. The wounds and unhealed traumas that we have experienced in past lives contribute greatly to our current life experience and constitute a large part of our karma. To understand how past life wounds impact us in the present, we need to look at how trauma affects the psyche in the current life.

A traumatic event is any overwhelming experience (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) that has caused an inability in the psyche to integrate it fully and continue in the same manner as before the traumatic event was experienced. Thus trauma leaves a lasting and damaging impression that manifests as a combination of symptoms, including but not limited to chronic dissociation, anxiety, phobias, fears, hyper vigilance, inhibitions, paranoia, neurosis, avoidance, armoring or rigidity, suppression of emotions, emotional or physical numbness, mental confusion and compulsions. In psychological language combinations of these symptoms are classified as post traumatic stress disorder/syndrome (PTSD or PTSS).  

The natural “fight or flight” response is activated when an individual is faced with a threat. If the person is overwhelmed or defeated (they can’t fight or escape) the natural response becomes a frozen impulse — an action that was never completed. The potential to develop PTSD varies from person to person, but when it does take hold the physiology changes as does the psychological state. People with PTSD cannot integrate the memory of the trauma properly. Psychologically unable to integrate the trauma in conscious terms, a part of the psyche becomes ‘split-off’ and stays, in essence, frozen in time. This is what shamans have described for ages as ‘soul loss’ or ‘soul fragmentation.’ This part of the psyche separates from the ego structure and remains that way. When these soul fragments are encountered in past or present life regression or through inner journeying, they seem to have a life of their own. The fragments appear to be the same age they were when they split off. Often they don’t have an awareness that life has moved on, or if they are aware of the present day personality, they are reluctant to be a part of it. The difference between conscious and subconscious memories is a matter of the perception of chronological time. The conscious mind perceives time as changing, moving from the past through the present, to the future. To the subconscious mind, memories (especially traumatic ones) retained there, are happening in the now. 

Sometimes when the soul fragments, the conscious memory of the traumatic event goes away with it or becomes buried with the split-off part. This inability to remember a trauma is commonly called a repressed/suppressed memory. Split-off parts of the psyche do not always leave the energy field of the person to ‘go off’ somewhere. They also can be buried deep in the interior world of the psyche, making them inaccessible to the conscious mind.

In essence a trauma is a scar that won’t seem to heal. This scar then becomes a weak or vulnerable spot in the psyche, seeming to attract to it similar experiences over and over. Traumatized people find themselves reenacting the whole trauma or aspects of it without conscious awareness that they are doing so. This often happens on anniversaries of events or can be a chronic recreation, such as an abused woman who continually, subconsciously, chooses abusive partners. By recreating the event, symbolically or in actuality, the psyche is attempting to gain mastery and completion. This idea of ‘Repetition Compulsion’ that applies to a trauma experienced during a single lifetime also makes sense in a longer timeline — over the many lives of the soul. It would seem that the soul over the course of many lifetimes attempts to heal by recreating in essence or in actuality, traumas experienced in its past. This also needs to be understood in the context of karma.

Eastern traditions that have reincarnation and karma central to their belief system teach about an aspect of karma called Samskara.  Karma literally means actions, and many of those actions come from the deep impressions of habit that are called samskaras. Samskara then is intrinsically tied into the laws of karma that govern the cycle of rebirth. Keeping in mind the nature of traumatic imprints and how they cause continual recreation of the original traumatic event, one can also look at samskaras as trauma imprints re-manifested from life to life. It is the essence of karma to bring forth the actions of the past to the present. The inability to complete even the simple action of ‘fight or flight’ as a result of trauma in past lives is also carried into the present as the soul continues to create from its own wounded place in an ongoing effort to heal. Because of this, the reality is that most of us are born already with some degree of PTSD. Our past life physical, emotional and mental bodies are not wiped clean in-between lives, but continue to recreate themselves in each incarnation through the subtle bodies. This transmission of past physical, emotional and mental wounds constitute a large part of what we are meant to heal in our present lives.

Beside the repetitive nature of trauma, the thoughts, feelings and attitudes we have formed, also dictate how our future is created from the present and past. It would seem that the circumstances of past lives are less important to the soul than the attitudes we have formed because of them. These are the imprints we carry, that are in need of change and healing. What is true for the individual is also true for the collective. Thus the adage, History repeats itself! In fact, look back at history and look at the present. Most of the recorded history of humanity has been one of dominance and war, violence, suppression and exploitation of the weak — you were either the victim or the perpetrator or both! Man’s inhumanity to man has known no bounds, especially in the last few thousand years. If we take reincarnation literally, then by just looking at history we know that each of us carries these imprints as unresolved traumas. It is a part of our collective and individual psychic inheritance that we are here to heal.

after life

Where does the souls go after death? |Spirit World, Rebirth|

  • Is there life after death?
  • What is death?
  • Is death painful?
  • What happens after death?
  • How does rebirth happen?
  • After death?

These kind of related questions always fill our mind, especially when any of our near or dear ones die. We feel suddenly some relationship has broken abruptly and wish there could be a connection again. In this quest, our journey to find answers to the above questions begins.

So, what happens after death?

The prime question in our minds “What happens after death?” its actually a very interesting process. People feel death is painful and the journey post is horrifying, where will I go ‘ heaven or hell’

Death is not the end of life. Death is just a departure for the Spirit World, which is our true home in the afterlife. People today know about earthly things in much greater detail than they did in the past, but when it comes to the important spiritual matters such as death and the world after death, it can be said that the people of the past were much more knowledgeable. Information concerning the world after death is not taught at schools, many people believe that talk of the world after death is old-fashioned, and spend their lives in ignorance of it. This results in all kinds of confusion when they die and return back to the Real World.

What happens after death?

  • Disconnection of the earth sole chakras : 

Approximately 4-5 hours before death, the earth sole chakras situated below the foot soles get detached, symbolizing disconnection from the earth plane. Hence, if you notice always before a person is about to die, some hours before that you will find his feet cold.

  • The Astral Cord : 

Actually it just cuts the astral cord, which is the cord connecting the soul to the body. Once this cord is cut the soul becomes free of the body and moves up and out of the body. As a soul always loves the body it held, it gets in the body back and tries very hard to move it and stay in it. If you must have seen there is sometimes a very subtle, slight movement of the face, hand even after the person has died, its actually the soul trying to get in because it cannot believe its dead. There is still a feeling of aliveness. But just because the astral cord has been cut, it cannot stay there and is pushed upwards and out of the body. There is a pull from above, *a magnetic pull to go up.*

  • End of the physical body : 

At this stage the soul hears many voices, all at a time. These are nothing but the thoughts of those present in the room. The soul on its part talks to his loved ones like he used to do and shouts I am not dead, but alas it cannot be heard. Slowly and steadily the soul realizes that its dead and there is no way back , then it reaches to approx 12 feet. i.e the height of the ceiling and sees and hears everything happening. Generally it will be there around the body till it is cremated. So, next time if you see a body being carried for cremation, be informed *the soul is also part of the procession seeing, hearing and witnessing everything and everyone.*

  • Detachment from the body : 

Once the cremation is done, the soul is completely of the belief that the main essence of its survival on earth is lost, the body it held for so many years has dissolved in the 5 elements. The soul experiences complete freedom, the boundaries it had while being in the body are gone, it can just reach anywhere by mere thought. For 7 days the soul, moves about its places of interest like its favorite joint, morning walk garden, office, etc..If the soul is possessive of his money ,it will just stay near his cupboard, or if he is possessive of his children, it will just be in their room, clinging on to them. By the end of the 7th day, the soul says bye to his family and moves still upwards to the periphery of the earth plane to cross over to the other side.

  • The Tunnel : 

Its said that there is a big tunnel here which it has to cross before reaching the astral plane. Hence its said these 12 days are extremely crucial, we have to carry out the rituals properly and pray and ask forgiveness from the soul so that it does not carry these negative emotions like hurts, hatred, anger, etc at least from the near and dear ones.

All these rituals, prayers act like food for the soul which help it in its onward journey. At the end of the tunnel it sees a huge bright light signifying the entry in the astral world.

  • Meeting the Ancestors :

On the 11th and then the 12th day in Hindus there are homas and rituals through which “the soul is united with its ancestors, close friends, relatives and the guides.” Its actually the same thing which happens on the upper plane. After the 12th day, all the passed away ancestors welcome the soul to the upper plane and they greet and hug them exactly like we do here on seeing our family members after a long time. The soul then along with its guides are taken for a thorough life review of the life just completed on earth in the presence of the “Great Karmic Board.” Its here in the pure light that its shown the whole past life.

  • Life Review : 

There is no judge, there is no God here. “He judges himself, the way he judged others in his lifetime.” He asks for revenge for people who troubled him in that life, he experiences guilt for all wrongdoings he did to people and “asks for self punishment to learn that lesson.” Based on this a complete life structure is created by the soul himself, called the blue print. All the incidents to be faced, all problems to be faced, all challenges to be overcome are written by us in this agreement. In fact we choose all minute details like age, person, circumstances for all incidents to be faced by us. Eg:- a person had severe headache in his present birth, whatever he tried nothing worked, no medicines, no way out. When he did a past life regression he saw in his previous birth he had killed a person with a huge stone by hitting and smashing his head. In the life review, when he saw this he became very guilty and asked for the same pain which the other person suffered to be experienced by him and decided he will have a never ending headache in this life.

  • Blue print : 

This is the way we judge ourselves and in guilt ask for punishment. One point to note here is that many say you will have to face 10 times or 20 times of what you did. That’s not true, depending on the amount of guilt in the soul, it will ask for punishment of suffering. If it has more guilt, then for some trouble he gave for 5 months to someone, he will ask for 2 years of suffering. Hence its always said, clear your emotions, because it’s the same thing we carry forward to the other side too. Once this review is done our whole blue print of the next life is formed, then there is “a cooling period.”

  • The re-birth

We are born depending on what we have asked for in the agreement. It can take 20-30 years or even more also for a re- birth. We choose our parents and enter the mothers womb either at the time of egg formation or during the 4-5th month or sometimes even at the last moment just before birth. The universe is so perfect ,so beautifully designed that the time, place of birth constitutes our horoscope, which actually is a blue print of this life. Most of us feel that our stars are bad, we are unlucky, in actual they just mirror your agreement. Once we are reborn, for around 40 days the baby remembers its past life and laughs and cries itself without anyone forcing it to. The memory of the past life is completely cut after this and we experience life as though we did not exist in the past.

  • The agreement starts.. :

Its here that we are completely in the earth plane and the contract comes into full effect. We then blame God/ people for our difficult situations and curse God for giving us such a difficult life. So, next time before pointing to the Divine, understand that its just helping us complete and honor our agreement which is fully and completely written by us. Whatever we have asked for and pre-decided we are getting. Friends, relatives, foes, parents, spouses all have been selected by us in the blue print and come in our lives based on this agreement. They are just playing their parts and are merely actors in this film written, produced and directed by us.

Do the Dead need healing?

The dead always need serious healings and prayers for a variety of reasons, the most important one being not to be earthbound, that is stuck up in the earth plane itself. There are many reasons for the soul to be earthbound like unfinished business, excessive grief, trauma on death, sudden death, fear of moving on the astral plane, guilt, one of the most important being improper finishing of rituals, etc. The soul feels it needs a little more time to wait and finish and move. This keeps them hovering in the earth plane itself. But alas, the time is limited. Its very very important that they cross over in the 12 days to their astral plane of existence, moreover as the entry for them to the astral world closes a few days after this.

Earthbound spirits lead a very miserable existence as they are neither in their actual plane nor in a body to lead an earthly life. They may not be negative or harmful but they are stuck up. Hence healings and our prayers are of utmost importance during this period so that the departed soul crosses over to the designated astral plane peacefully. In Hindu religion its said not to visit temples and worship during these 12 days. But prayers are very much necessary by the whole family to help the dead. One more very important aspect to be updated with is the protection of the soul. Like we keep a small pen knife/ nail cutter as protection from evil spirits under the baby’s pillow, We need to protect the dead also to reach its destination- the astral world safe and sound.

Protection, prayers, healings are all extremely essential in these days to say the least. This is the least we can do for our loved ones, who gave all they could in our lifetimes.

Please DO NOT TAKE DEATH LIGHTLY.  Today at least around 60% of the souls are stuck up on the earth plane due to various such factors.

Finally, for someone who has lost a near and dear one, don’t feel sad.

We don’t die, we live on, death does not end it, its just a little break before we meet again .

Where Do Souls Go After Death?

During the first seven days or so, the soul of the deceased person usually remains close to the place he or she lived and tries to follow the lifestyle he or she was used to. The destination that souls take after death varies, and souls can be divided into three groups accordingly:

1. Souls that cannot begin their departure to the Spirit World and become “earth-bound spirits” (ghosts) because they lived with a totally materialistic view of life and strongly denied life after death, or are emotionally attached to something in this world to the point of not being able to let go.

2. Souls who fall straight to hell, because living on earth, they led a life full of evil and were possessed by more than four or five hell spirits at the time of death. These souls cannot make the normal departure to the other world, and instead, they go straight down to the depths of hell.

3. Souls that depart to the Spirit World with the help of a “Spirit Guide”. The majority of people usually wander around their house during the first seven days after their physical death, but when their consciousness becomes clear enough, a “spirit guide” comes to help them to realize that they are already dead. This spirit guide could be, in an ordinary case, a close friend, an acquaintance, parents or a sibling who died earlier.


karmic relationships

Past Life Lovers, Karmic Connections, Soul Mate | Regression

Each person we meet along our path is an opportunity for our soul’s evolution. They show up with a message from our higher self or a lesson necessary for our development, either from a past life or to be dealt with in this lifetime. Each of these people is a soul mate, however, they have very different purposes.

It’s confusing and frustrating to have undeniable chemistry with someone, even feeling they are “the one,” yet it isn’t working out. A magnetic force/connection seems to exist between the two of you. You could even find yourself ignoring your intuition and ethical code with this intoxicating, all-consuming, and addicting pull.

Your Heart Aches

It was either a perfect romance that ended (and all communication stopped), a romance that can’t seem to begin, or it’s an up/down, back-and-forth, off/on again experience. There were commitment issues, even cheating, and/or it seems impossible to leave this disrupting and unhealthy relationship. You can’t seem to get them off your mind and even more distressing, no matter what happened, your heart aches for this person. You cannot seem to move on and there’s a deep need to resolve things or at least have closure.

Karmic Connections 

These are examples of a past life or karmic connection, and you are not meant to be together in this lifetime. This person may actually have represented unfinished business needed to complete lessons for your soul’s growth and to help you bring in your soul mate. Understanding the differences between a past life connection and a soul mate allows us to release these connections and move on. You don’t have to stop loving this person or forget about them. Just for now, put them in a special place in your heart, appreciate what they brought into your life, and place them on a shelf. As you open up to connecting with your soul mate, the intensity from a karmic or past life connection fades.

Defining Love 

Our childhood environment, influences and role models,determine our definition of love. This definition continues to bring us what is familiar. As we learn lessons and grow, our very vibration raises our ability to attract people to our higher frequency. Our life partner can then come in, as we have done our work to receive them.

Something Needs Healing 

A past life connection or karmic relationship often triggers something needing healing, forgiveness and growth. These relationships often stir up heavy emotions, presenting the opportunities to progress and to step into a life expansion and soul advancement.

We’ve all experienced hardships, traumas, forms of abuse and adverse circumstances. Life can seem very unfair until we allow and receive the gifts of healing, growth, wisdom and the ability to help others.

A soul mate is a well-matched person who walks with you as a friend or in a love relationship. A soul mate has a subtle, comfortable, stable-feeling energetic connection. It feels as though you are home and, it can take some getting used to. It’s very different from an intense, drama-stimulated chemistry connection that can throw you off balance.

With a soul mate, there’s a deep connection with a sense of peace and trust in one another. You feel heard, understood and supported. You share similar desires and interests, and have a solid friendship. You feel encouraged and uplifted. You are each other’s priority while still attending to your own personal, spiritual and physical needs.

You will still have lessons to learn together, adjustments to make as you come together as a couple, and continued soul growth and then shedding old patterns, etc. The difference is you work through things, it’s a healthy relationship and you grow together.

Past lives lovers and soul mates have a very special bound that never dies. The memory of their common live together can come back in a flash when they are together especially. Being in each other’s presence can bring back many pleasant memories and much love, passion, and burning of the sacred flame for both of you.

The joy of being in each other’s company is limitless and eternal, even when one has blinders on in order to prevent seeing the bigger picture. One just has to pay attention to what the heart tells on one person who is dear to it. There can be occasional memory flashbacks or even heart flashbacks, which can lead to total confusion if one is unable to handle such things and understand the strength and passion coming from such relationships.

Intertwined, the two lovers are inseparable on the higher realms. They will not always recognise each other while on Earth in human bodies under normal circumstances. Perhaps for a few briefs moments there is an inner recognition on both sides. This moment is so brief, that one would have to be very awake to recognise it. Like a flash of light, the speed is too quick to be caught by us under normal circumstances.

However the more the past lives lover will find in each other’s’ company, the more memories will come back. It is even possible to withdraw from a past live lover by avoiding being in the presence of that person for too long. Sometimes one of the past lives lovers need to not know too much as it were, needs space and to focus on this life exclusively, without interference from a powerful loving past lives relationship with another. However ultimately, of course, with true genuine love, there is no sense of jealousy, of possession at all. All that matters to a true lover is the other person’s happiness whether in this life or in another life.

A playful and caring relationship will always be present between past lives lovers, a complicity, a clear understanding of each other’s feelings and needs.

It is also possible that the physical bodies search to be in each other’s companies, instinctively and intuitively. Higher spirit will decide when to awake both beings to what and who they are for one another, and again this could possibly take years or never take place if spirit decides it is for the best not to allow any further knowledge. It may be for the best to allow each other to continue on their respective journey of learning and discovery.

There can be highs and extreme lows, if one decides not to let the other go and be totally free. One has to allow the other to live his or her life totally free. It is vital to understand that soul mate relationships are never about control, power struggles. The heart just gives love freely and unconditionally to the other.

This is a perfect example of never dying love, however, it is important to let go of such relationship and allow the learning experiences from the present life to take place without interference in the vast majority of times, unless there is a karmic debt, which remains to be settled.

Birthmarks / Scars clues of Past Lives | Regression Therapy

past life therapyIf you are trying to blend into a crowd, the last thing you need is a birthmark. That’s because birthmarks are identifying features that are unique to us. Some birthmarks are so rare and uncommon that they have even been used as identifying characteristics in police investigations. (Police have used birthmarks to give the public a better description of a person of interest, and in some cases, birthmarks have helped witnesses identify perpetrators of a crime.) But birthmarks don’t just shed light on one’s identity; they can also shed light into one’s past lives.

When people move from lifetime to lifetime, there are certain things that they tend to carry with them. Often emotional baggage of traumas from past lives can come up again in a current lifetime. If you feel like you keep making the same mistake or suffering the same inner wound, it may be a karmic lesson that you failed to get in a previous lifetime.

It’s also common for people to bring fears from one lifetime to another. You may have been afraid of fire in multiple lifetimes, or perhaps you died in a fire in a previous lifetime so flames instill fear in you today. We also tend to have relationships with the same souls in multiple lifetimes, so we bring our loved ones with us from lifetime to lifetime.

Birthmarks can also be passed from one lifetime to another. Sometimes a soul will have the same unique identifier in multiple lifetimes. There have been cases of past life regression in which a client recalls a previous life in which they had the same birthmark that they have in a current lifetime. Just as the eyes often stay the same from lifetime to lifetime, a birthmark can transcend death.

In other cases, a birthmark may be indicative of a wound you experienced in a past life or even your death in a past life. For example, one might have been stabbed in the arm in a past life and that same soul may have a birthmark in that very spot in this current lifetime. A person who was shot to death in a past life might have a birthmark in the location of the body where the bullet struck.

Sometimes you can even discover clues into a past life based on the shape of a birthmark. For example, a birthmark could have the smooth, circular shape of a bullet hole or the jagged edges of a knife wound. A birthmark might even resemble a place on a map where the soul lived in a previous life. It’s also possible for people of the same soul group to share a birthmark so if you meet someone who you feel a deep connection with and they happen to have a birthmark that is similar to yours, there is a good change that that person and you have have shared multiple lifetimes.

There are cases that have documented the remarkable connection

Do birthmarks have something to do with one’s past life? Apparently, some do have  a connection, but perhaps not all.

Birthmarks are marks or blemishes found on the skin of a person at birth.

The first Western scientist I know who had conducted serious research on reincarnation and birthmarks was the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, head of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Virginia, USA.

 He investigated around 3,000 cases of spontaneous past life recall by children ages 3-13. He found remarkable evidence of past life memories and wrote around 20 of them in his pioneering book  “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation,” published by the University Press of Virginia in 1974.

The following are some of the remarkable connections between birthmarks and  past lives from 210 individuals investigated and reported by Dr. Stevenson:

1. A boy named Maha Ram in India could remember being killed in a previous life with a shotgun fired at close range. He remembered enough details of his past life for Stevenson to find an autopsy report of the man supposedly reincarnated as Ram. The birthmarks on Ram’s chest corresponded to the bullet wounds.

2. A 12-year-old boy in the Middle East born with a ring-like mark or scar around his neck remembered two uncles who beheaded him in order to get his inheritance.

Stray bullet

3. Karen Kubicko posted photos of herself in high school with a birthmark on her neck and a photo of herself later in life without the birthmark. She said she remembered that in a previous life she was a woman named Helen who was hit by a stray bullet in the neck and died in 1927. The mark was where the bullet had hit her in her vision. After she remembered this, the mark gradually disappeared.


In yet another interesting case studied by Dr. Jim Tucker, who continued the works of Dr. Stevenson, a birthmark was traced to a past life.

“An old woman died in Thailand with a wish to reincarnate as a boy. Her daughter dipped a finger in white paste and marked the back of the woman’s neck with the paste. Not long after the woman’s death, her daughter gave birth to a son with a white mark on the back of his neck that looked like the white paste left on the woman’s nape.”

When Dr. Stevenson was asked how come the birthmarks still appeared on the skin of a reincarnated person when it was a new body he is now occupying, he replied that it must be because the memory of the previous life may still be strongly embedded in his mind. Or maybe it is necessary as a reminder of the person’s previous life.


Reincarnation Signs | Past Life Memory| Soul Memory| India |

It was 1930s British India. A little girl, Shanti Devi, in Delhi became the national sensation. She reportedly could remember her past life—even how she died and her in-between stage. When this case came to Mahatma Gandhi’s attention, he personally talked to the girl and set up a 15-member commission to investigate it. This unscientific account shocked the world scientists when the report was published in 1936, saying Shanti Devi was a reincarnated kid who had a past life.

Shanti Devi was born in 1926 and until the age of four she did not speak. One day when she first spoke she surprised her family. She said to her mother that this was not her real home, her home was in Mathura and her name was Lugdi. She also said her husband and son lived there. Her family did not believe her story. Later, a teacher in her school promised Shanti a trip to Mathura if she gave her husband’s name and address. He wrote a letter to her husband, Kedernath, detailing everything. He received a letter quickly that said everything the girl mentioned was true. Kedernath’s wife passed away some years earlier and he had a son. Eventually Kedernath along with his son traveled to Delhi to meet Shanti Devi.

Through media this reincarnation story spread all over India like a wild fire. Ian Stevenson, an internationally known researcher on reincarnation, came to India and investigated this Shanti’s case which he later published in his book titled Twenty Cases: Suggestive Reincarnation. He worked for the University of Virginia’s Department of Psychology and traveled extensively around the world to explore paranormal cases. Ian Stevenson believed that reincarnation should be taken seriously as a possible explanation. He died in 2007. Here are a few possible signs described below that may determine kids who had a past life.

Traumatic memories and nightmares – Traumatic memories and nightmares could be possible signs of reincarnation that indicate kids who had a past life. Some children might say in a past life they were somebody else and have disturbing memories of a terrible death. One case is Carson Culpepper, who said to her mother that she recalled being at the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, which happened some years earlier she was born. Also, the children who had a previous life often experience nightmares.

Birthmarks – Birthmarks are considered as indication for reincarnation. Ian Stevenson found numerous examples of birthmark cases. In one case, an Indian boy was born without fingers on his right hand. He remembered his past life where his fingers cut off after sticking them in a fodder chopping machine. In another surprising case, a boy was born in Turkey with a malformed right ear. This boy recalled having been shot and killed at close range on that side of his head.

Advanced skills and adult-like behavior – Children who have allegedly been someone else in a previous life seem to display surprising talents beyond their years. Some may act in a way beyond their years which is not usual in that age.

Fears and phobias – Many people have fear of water, dogs, spiders, rats and also suffer from phobias that are completely irrational. Psychologists say there might be a root of these bizarre fears and phobias. Probably these fears carried over from a past life.

Mysterious pains – Mysterious pain is one of the signs that indicate kids who had a past life. A reincarnated child may have aches and pains that the doctors can not fairly pinpoint or find a medical explanation. It can be labeled as hypochondriac, where a person imagines his ailments. It might suggest, those mysterious pains, cramps, sores could be reflections of suffering the person endured in a past life existence.

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