Healing Cracks, Tears, and Holes in the Aura| Energy Healing

aura healing

Healing Cracks, Tears, and Holes in the Aura| Energy Healing

Aura is an energy field. All physical matter has an aura. For human beings, this field is sometimes called human energy field, or subtle body. It is called subtle body, because ordinarily we cannot perceive this field with our 5 senses. We need to develop an acuity, certain sensitivity to perceive subtle fields and higher vibrations.

The human aura field is distributed around the body like an ovoid, spherical, or egg-shaped cocoon of energy. Clairvoyantly, it appears as a shape with different qualities in different places. You may see the boundary as diffuse, well defined, smooth, or jagged (you may not see or feel the aura’s separate, interior layers unless you focus your attention on them).

When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions.

When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment. Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body.

Our auras are our first line of defense against lower, harmful energy, and psychic or subtle pathogens like stress, negativity, peoples’ feelings and intentions, as well as environmental pollutants and psychic attack. The aura also helps us to preserve and support all four levels of our health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

When your auras is weak, damaged or covered in negative energy, you’re more likely to get sick, feel fatigued, irritable, brain foggy, have dark or disturbing dreams, and feel hyper-sensitive to other peoples’ energy. You’re also more vulnerable to psychic attack and parasitic spirit attachments.

Below are a few common causes of thinning, cracks or holes in the aura:

  • Strong emotions (anger, fear, etc.),
  • Psychological trauma,
  • Alcohol and drugs,
  • Anaesthesia,
  • some pharmacological agents,
  • so-called “soul fragments” missing,
  • Blow to the physical body,
  • Environmental toxins,
  • Electromagnetic fields,
  • An unintentional psychic attack from people (negative thoughts, criticism, household curses),
  • Intentional (or black magic) attacks,
  • Channeling,
  • Hit and Run attacks by non-material entities,

and many other things.

Aura healing helps to heal trauma, abuse, low energy, and much more. It is helpful in the recovery process from substance abuse. Aura healing seals cracks, tears, and holes in the energy field, leaving you feeling more intact, whole, and in integrity with yourself. It produces deep relaxation, and enhances personal clarity and a healthier sense of relationship boundaries. We access the sacred silence and stillness deep within your being.

Sexually Transmitted Demons, Evil Entities,Negative Energies

I want to inform you on STDs – no, not “sexually transmitted diseases”. I’m talking about spiritual STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons!

  • Did you know that demonic spirits can be transferred to you during sex and/or sexual activity?
  • Did you ever notice how people change once they begin to have sex?

You probably have taken note of it in a friend or relative in the past, but never equated it to sexual activity. Just think about it,  Or maybe even in your own life, you took on a new love and your friends and family kept telling you that you changed, even though you couldn’t see the changes! You probably relate to what I am saying, but probably have always equated such changes just to the new relationship itself and not the reality of STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons. Every demon has a nature and specific corresponding characteristics.

When two people have sex, those two people become one. The same way that the physical bodies of the man and woman lock together and become one interlocked unit, so do their soul and spirit bodies. Every human being consists of three distinct bodies — Mind, Soul and Body – that function in unity with one another, as one unit. Each of those bodies operate in a different realm and each impacts the interactions of your entire human experience. Sexual activity causes two people to connect and become one in all three realms, thus allowing for the transmission of demonic spirits from one person to the other – the same way that sexual activity allows for the transmission of venereal diseases, such as chlamydia, herpes and HIV, from one person to another. You need to understand that those changes that take place in your life after you get into a sexual relationship with someone are not a coincidence! They are a direct result of sexually transmitted demons.

Sex was intended for one man and one woman. So many problems come as a result of sex outside of marriage. During sex there’s two different exchanges that take place: a physical and spiritual. Most grown adults are aware of the physical exchange. But the second is the spiritual which most people don’t know about. When you have sex with someone, you exchange/ obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well. You take on their qualities, behaviors, ideology etc, Good & Bad become a part of you. You enter into a covenant with that other persons spirit. This happens every time you have sex with a person. In addition to this whoever they have had sex with now you’re attached to those people’s spirits as well. This is why there’s so many people with multiple personalities, who are dibbling and dabbling in this and that, who are confused and all messed up in their thoughts, feelings and behavior. They are dealing with their own personality as well as the other people they have physically and spiritually connected themselves too. Every time sex is occurring there is  an energy exchange. If two people decide to sleep together they are making the decision to share not just body parts, but everything else that is contained within that body. Sickness and disease can be passed off to the next person during sexual contact, and the same applies to attitudes as well. Anger, joy, sadness, irritation, excitement and the like are vibrational energies that can pass onto the next person.

Condoms can stop Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD’s) but it cannot stop Spiritually Transmitted Diseases(STD’s).Every time you sleep with someone there’s an exchange of Spirits.Did you know Evil spirits and demons can be sexually transmitted.?Many don’t know this, others do but live in ignorance

Just as there are some sexually transmitted diseases that there are no cure for, there are some sexually transmitted demons that will stay with you indefinitely. Some venereal diseases cause permanent damage to the body such as impotence, erectile dysfunction, uterine pain, cervical and prostate cancer and worst of all – sterility (not being able to produce offspring)! Sexually transmitted demons can have the same impact on your destiny and purpose in the spirit realm.

We often take sex so frivolously, regarding it as just a physical act. But I assure you that sex is much more spiritual than it is physical and even if you can use a condom to prevent the transmission of natural STDs, there is no condom to protect yourself from the transmission of spiritual STDs. Abstinence is the only way – preserving sex for the confines of Holy Matrimony.


Karma & Suffering | Karmic influence & Diseases| Karmic Debt

Karma is one of the Natural laws of the Universe that seeks to assign effects to their causes. Simply put, “What you reap is what you sow.” Karma is the law of spiritual dynamics related to every act in our lives. Every thought, desire, or action in some way affects the equilibrium of the Universe. Karma is the process by which the Universe seeks to restore this balance.

In Eastern traditions, “negative karma” is believed to be an accumulation of imbalances, gained through many lifetimes. These imbalances create our suffering, more karma, and limit our ability to express and realize our pure essential Being.

Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”, but is generally understood to mean the consequences of one’s actions. The word “karma” is commonly used to indicate bad karma, and the word “merit” is often used to indicate good karma. The law of karma is best described as “cause and effect” because every action (or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good causes you will reap good effects, and if you plant bad causes you will reap bad effects.

In each incarnation we acquire some bad karma and some good karma. In each incarnation we suffer the consequences of some of our previous bad karma and reap the benefits of some of our previous good karma. During the early stages of our human evolution we all acquired large amounts of bad karma which must be gradually worked off. Because many people still have much more bad karma than good, seemingly favourable circumstances often have a sting in their tail. This is evident from the tumultuous lives of some celebrities and the people whose lives have been ruined by winning the lottery.

Think of your karma as being two bank accounts – one for good karma and one for bad karma. Good karma can either be “spent” on pleasurable life circumstances or it can be used to “pay off” some of our bad karma. Less-developed people nearly always choose the first option; whilst more-developed people usually choose the second. This explains some of the iniquities of life where honest and hardworking people live in poverty whilst selfish and corrupt people live a life of opulence. When a less-developed person chooses to spend all their good karma in one go they will enjoy wealth, power or fame for few years or perhaps an entire lifetime, but once their good karma is used up they will be relegated to many lives of poverty and suffering. The real sting is that an undeveloped person usually generates more bad karma in a prosperous life than they do in a poverty-stricken life because the money, power or fame goes to their head and makes them more egotistical and unpleasant.

According to some in the Christian Church, wealth and abundance are gifts from God – signs that he is pleased with us and has blessed us. This belief is completely wrong; God does not have favourites and our financial status is of no concern to him. Wealth is the result of good karma or merit; the result of “good investments” we made in previous lives. The Bible describes karma in Ezekiel 18:20: “The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them”. Galatians 6:7 simply states: “People reap what they sow”. And let’s not forget the stories of Saint Peter standing at the pearly gates weighing our good deeds against our bad ones.

Karma exists to protect us and to guide us back on track when we go astray. But karma is often slow to respond and, because of its intimate relationship with destiny, often waits until a future incarnation. The delayed effect of karma explains how non-smokers can end up getting lung cancer. They were probably smokers in a previous incarnation but their good karma or destiny in that incarnation prevented them from suffering the consequences at the time. We never know how long ago we acquired the karma that is manifesting in our lives today, and we never know how or when the karma we create today will manifest its consequences. This is because karma works behind the scenes – we only see the effects in the physical world and have no idea of the causes that are operating out of sight in the subtle worlds. Karma and destiny are woven into the very fabric of our lives to the extent that the average person barely notices their effects.

Wilfully and knowingly transgressing the laws of life generates a lot more negative karma than unintentional or ignorant transgressions. The more developed we are the more responsibility we have, so the consequences of abusing the laws of life are more severe. Although bad karma usually results in suffering it is not a punishment for punishment’s sake; nor is it divine retribution. Karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. The law of karma is not the cause of suffering; it is merely the agent. 99% of all human suffering originates from the simple fact that we cannot and do not want to control our subtle bodies.
Karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. It doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to “get away with it”, because there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him. If we are honest with ourselves, wanting justice is just a nice way of saying that we want revenge. If we suffer as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing we want them to suffer in return. But we need to learn that vengeance is not the same as justice, and that an act of vengeance will result in bad karma for ourselves. Even holding onto vindictive thoughts, self pity or grief prolongs our own suffering and generates more bad karma. If something unpleasant happens to us we should realise that we caused it, not the person who was instrumental in manifesting it. This not to say that people who do bad things or cause accidents should not stand trial for their offences. The Lords of Karma always see to it that both people who are involved in an unfortunate incident have a related karmic debt to repay, although not necessarily to each other. As long as both parties reap the appropriate effects it matters not whether their original transgressions were against each other.

Karma is usually played out on the same stage as the original transgressions occurred, i.e. physical crimes usually result in physical punishments. But supposing a Nazi murdered a hundred Jews in World War II, there would be no point in him being murdered in a hundred different lifetimes. In this sort of situation some of the bad karma would need to be worked out between incarnations – in hell (the lowest subplane of the emotional world).

It is not just serious offences such as theft, violence or murder that generate bad karma, even small things like a harsh word or a judgemental thought generate negative energy which contributes to the contamination of the subtle realms. You might not think that one bad thought would have much affect, but think how many negative or harmful thoughts you have each day, multiply it by several billion and you have some idea of the amount of negative energy we put out into the world each and every day! This negative energy accumulates and can manifest itself as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods, plagues, earthquakes, etc. This is known as collective karma because it applies to an entire town, region, country or planet. The effects of collective karma are sometimes allocated individually so that diseases, afflictions or “accidents” can be the result of our allotted portion of mankind’s collective karma.

Karma is not justice for justice’s sake, and it is not necessarily “an eye for an eye”. Karma provides situations that will best help us to learn from our mistakes. This may involve experiencing the other side of our original transgression, e.g. a racist white person may be black in their next incarnation, or it may be seemingly unrelated. It is impossible for us to understand the intricacies of karma because it is controlled by intelligences that are far superior to us. Karma is managed by three hierarchic groups of highly developed cosmic beings who record every thought, emotion, word and action that occurs within their respective sphere of responsibility:

These Lords of Karma are known by a variety of different names, including: the Lipika Lords (Lipika is Sanskrit for scribe), the Angels of the Presence (Christianity), the Book of Life (Christianity), the Recording Angels (Kabbalah), the Assessors of Amenti (Egypt), Devarajas (Hinduism) and the Guardians of the Four Directions (Hinduism).

The best way to deal with bad karma is to accept our fate and let it work itself out. We should accept the hand that life deals us and go with the flow, because if we resist life and try to wriggle out of our karma we will only make matters worse in the long run. Karma will always catch up with us, and when it does we will have incurred an extra penalty for trying to escape. It is a bit like a prisoner who gets caught trying to break out of jail – he is sure to have his sentence increased. Please don’t confuse accepting karma with fatalism, i.e. don’t see everything as pre-ordained and give up at the slightest obstacle. We need to use our intuition to guide us when to stand up for ourselves and when to just accept things as they are. If we are honest with ourselves and put our egos to one side we will know. Our egos don’t like giving in and accepting the consequences when we can see a way out, but we have to show our egos that we are bigger and braver than they are.

Flagellants often reincarnate with the physical defects that they themselves caused in their previous life. For example, those who drag themselves around on the floor and refuse to use their legs may be born with a physical disability or be paralysed in their next life. Karma is only made good by bearing the trials of life in an honourable and accepting way.

Bad karma can affect our physical lives in a variety of ways, including: disease, disability, ugliness, abuse, miscarriages of justice, lack of intelligence, poverty, low social standing, etc. We should never blame our parents for a disease or disability that we inherited from them because our own karma and destiny determine such matters. Children should never say to their parents “I didn’t ask to be born”, because they did – no one is forced to incarnate against their will.

Whilst it is generally true that those who suffer deserve to suffer, it is a great mistake to think that we should not show compassion and help them out. We must do everything we can to alleviate all suffering because every good deed contributes to a better world for everyone. Relieving another person’s suffering not only helps them; it generates good karma for us and sends out good vibrations into the world. Sitting back and letting people suffer is selfish and vindictive, and will result in bad karma. This does not mean that we should give to every beggar who asks us for money, because many of them will spend the money on drugs or alcohol. We need to let our intuition guide us to help only those people who are willing to help themselves.

We all make mistakes and do stupid things from time to time. These out of character aberrations are the karmic effects of their action from previous incarnations. We must all clear our karmic debt before we graduate from the human kingdom, so it is not uncommon for highly advanced people to have difficult lives or suffer from ill health. We must continue to reincarnate in the human kingdom until our karmic debt has been fully repaid, which shows we have learnt all the lessons karma had to teach us in this kingdom.

Karma springs from all your past lives and carries forward. If not cleared, you can become imprisoned by these very karmic patterns and issues. If you’re not truly happy, at peace, fulfilled, or haven’t realized unconditional love, then your True Nature is obscured.

The degree you’re not experiencing your True Nature is the degree to which your real essence is obscured. This obscuring of essence is caused by past impressions and memories. Clearing away these obscuring old patterns is the focus of the Karma Clearing sessions.

The diseases we suffer from the births we get here on earth are all products of actions done by us in previous times. Every action has its reaction and no action goes unrewarded in a suitable manner. Evil actions do not go without their bitter effects upon the doer.

The goal of this work is to free yourself to realize your True Spiritual Nature. Becoming free of karma, brings an innate responsibility to express compassion with complete joy and humility. This is the freedom that you want to realize. As you eliminate your own personal suffering, so do you then cause less suffering to others, the earth and to all living beings.

Remember this: The universe gives you everything you NEED, but you have to pay for everything you WANT

Past Life Therapy & Diseases

Many of us at some point of time ask the question “Why is this happening to me? We often blame other people, destiny, bad luck, a particular situation or circumstance for everything that is going wrong. It is often said that everything happens for a reason but how to find out the reason? What is law of karma and theory of reincarnation? Now the time has come to find answers to all your questions through Past Life Regression (PLR) and get rid of your various issues:

Emotional issues – worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, negative thoughts, anger, low self-esteem, feeling of insecurity, various fears, phobias, nightmares or repetitive dreams etc.

Relationship issues – differences with in-laws / spouse / parents / siblings/boss etc.

Physical ailments – chronic diseases, body pains, allergies etc.

Financial Issues – loss in business, unemployment, instability in career etc.

We attract 90% of problems in our present life due to negative emotional blockages like anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, aggression, rigidity, fear, phobias, insecurity, sadness, self-pity, inferiority complex etc. which we generally carry from our past life, mother’s womb or childhood.

When any negative emotion remain un-resolved, it starts affecting our present life either in the form of physical ailment or in the form of attracting negative situations like repetitive failure in relationships, business, career and personal growth. There is a very noble therapy called PLR (Past Life Regression) through which this negative emotional blockages can be removed. PLR is a therapy in which the therapist takes you to a deep relaxed state and helps you to find the root cause of the problem and assists you in removing the blockage and balancing the karmas related to those issues. Once the blockage is removed you can see a positive change in your life. The therapy is in practice globally and bears fruitful results.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Does Everyone Have a Past Life?

That is the million dollar question. The best answer is that it doesn’t really matter. There are many hypnotists who do Past Life Regression therapy and really don’t even belief in past lives.  The therapeutic value is the same whether the client or the hypnotist believes in past lives. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter if you really have one or not. PLR therapy is a very effective way to get to the root cause of many unexplained emotional problems.  We have had many experiences with past life regression that occurred spontaneously during a session and proved to be very effective relieving the problem that was presented by the client.

The science of past life therapy is a most engaging study of the human mind. Each individual soul progresses through the course of many lifetimes and retains within his energy structures or psychic anatomy, as it is termed, the debris or retained information of an accumulation of past-life experiences. This energy-information must be dealt with through the course of subsequent lifetimes, when these energy structures re-engage themselves and make their appearance on the surface of one’s daily life. The cyclic interplay of these interdenominational forces of energy is the substance of the study of past lifetimes.  

This study is not one to be pursued by the pleasure seeker for the purpose of inflating one’s ego or amusing oneself with some fairy-tale-like conception of the previous existence one has passed throughQuite the contrary, the true study of reincarnation involves a bracing awareness that one has not always lived his or her lifetimes wisely and must take steps to correct certain misconceptions or variances in one’s understanding of life, now, in the present situation in which these facts have been brought to the student’s attention.

“Most of our illnesses, both physical and physiological, are brought on from incidences and trauma which occurred in our past. Once we find the problem from the past that is presently affecting us, and release it through a gentle hypnotic session(s), the illness is resolved and disappears. Does it stay away? Yes, it does.”

Mental and physical disease and other afflictions of negative-life experiences will gradually be resolved and healed by one’s understanding of the continuity of consciousness. The problems that plague the greatest minds and cause the ordinary citizen to suffer from a diverse array of stresses and strains will be resolved when the new science of past-life therapy becomes widespread in its application!

Past Life Regression is a Holistic Healing Modality because it works on the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It transports one back to those times before one’s birth and regresses one to previous lifetimes. This is done to sort out problems that a person may be experiencing in the present. The reason for undertaking Past Life Regression is to improve the spiritual quality of our life, right now. Its chief objective is to make our life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present moment. Past Life Regression addresses the root cause and it enables extremely deep change to take place at the very source of the problem. It does not deal with external symptoms. It directly addresses the internal cause.

Past-life-regression is based on the principles of cause and effect (also known as law of karma). Something that has been set in motion at some time in the past results in a corresponding effect on a person’s present physical, emotional, mental or spiritual well being, at this moment. This cause may be a past desire, a past thought, past feeling, a past emotion, a past vow, a past promise, a past decision, a past evasion or a past traumatic experience.

Past-Life-Regression helps to heal chronic diseases.This is done in the following manner: Past-Life-Regression helps individuals to understand the karmic patterns involved and the resultant energy blockages. It is these energy blockages that manifest as diseases, which are sometimes chronic. The understanding that flows clears the energy blockages and thereby the disease is healed.

Past-Life-Regression improves one’s interpersonal relationships by causing the person to understand the past life relationships with those individuals. Till this is understood, clashes and friction with one’s present lifetime’s relations is inevitable. Once the understanding flows, the person is able to see the larger perspective and therefore the relationships are improved or ‘healed’.

Past-Life-Regression releases individuals from all kinds of fears and phobias by bringing about an understanding of the specific causes of these fears and phobias. The causes are mostly present in the previous lives. They could also be present in the earlier part of the current life. For example a person who had this fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia) had experienced a past life where he was buried alive in an earthquake. Once he relived this trauma, he was able to overcome his claustrophobia immediately.

Past-Life- Regression frees us from the fear of death once and for all. The fear of death is the biggest of all fears plaguing mankind. Past-Life-Regression helps us to explore our past lives and through this exploration we realize that we are eternal beings. We understand that death is a mere transition from one state to another and that the essence of our being continues into eternity as we have lived before and are going to live again after ‘death’. Moreover, once an individual has relived his/her past lives, he/she validates this understanding in the light of the personal experiences had. This removes the fear of death once and for all.

Past Life Regression Therapy & Illness

 Our mind is basically divided into two main parts: Conscious and Sub-conscious. The Conscious mind is the reasoning, thinking, logical and creative mind that we use all the time when we are awake. The Sub-conscious mind is a repository of all our experiences and all our memories of all lifetimes. Every experience is saved in great detail, including every sight, every sound, every smell, every feeling and every thought that we ever have. This memory can never be destroyed by any means whatsoever.

The sub-conscious mind is part of the soul; hence it survives after death and stays with the soul, taking with it every memory of that lifetime. The conscious mind dies with the body, as it uses the physical brain.

Upon reincarnation, the soul comes into a new body bringing the sub-conscious mind with it. Hence, all memories of all lifetimes are brought forward. But these memories also include impressions of traumas from past lifetimes which manifest at various levels of our existence and cause problems in the current life. The problems can be physical, mental, emotional illnesses as well as blocks in relationships, business, financial and spiritual growth, etc.

Past Life Regression allows us to access these past life traumas, and thereby, address the current life problems. Past Life Regression is a holistic therapy based on the principle of cause and effect, also known as ‘karma’.

In other words, powerful actions, thoughts, emotions and vows that are experienced in a past life may manifest in the present in another form – i.e. allergies, phobias, chronic illnesses, relationship problems, fears or simply a strong sense of unease / unknown fears.

The famous psychologist Carl Jung called it the ‘collective unconsciousness’ and ‘universal memory’.

By using the method of Past Life Regression the unconscious mind can go back in time and access the origins of old patterns or emotions and enable release and healing. Past Life Therapy can help clear emotional blocks bringing a greater sense of inner peace. It can also unravel the deep mysteries that can lie within and simply explain the sometimes inexplicable.

Past Life Regression does require a belief in reincarnation and does not necessarily define a past life. Past life experiences can be factually based or metaphors brought to the surface by the sub-conscious mind to illustrate something in the present. Whatever the experience, it is the lessons that can be learnt and the healing process that comes from the regression that is important, not whether or not it was a past life. Many people find that the knowledge gained through Past Life Regression of their past lives and experiences can be incredibly healing, providing a greater insight, and awareness and deeper understanding into oneself.

Past Life Therapy involves severing the bonds between past life traumas and present life problems or symptoms. This is mainly done in one of the three ways:
• Reframing
• Rescripting
• Breaking the bonds of time.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Now, working on this concept there are a few diseases which can straight away be linked to past lives, in case one does not have a medical explanation for them or they have been carrying it ever since childhood. This does not mean that physical ailments developed later during the life, they cannot be resolved by Past Life Regression Therapy but only that the ones mentioned above are more likely supposed to be cases of this therapy.

To mention a few physical problems that might have a solution through this therapy

  • Asthma / Breathing problems – Prolonged suffering due to asthma or other breathing related ailments could be a result of pent-up emotions of pain, suffering, grief or resentment carried in the chest. It’s like burdens getting stored in the chest. The reason could lie in the current life as well as Past lives. The idea is current life regression or past life regression could really help someone release these emotions and get rid of the congestion in the physical body.
  • Depression – Depression is a disease that usually has a reason in the emotionality and yet medical science does not have too much of a solution for the same. It is possible to explore reasons for depression through PLR or regression therapy and resolve them.
  • Unexplained Pains – Unexplained pains of any sort, either in the back, neck, legs or any other area could be a result of a body memory from a past life. It’s worth exploring this therapy if one has been carrying an unexplained pain through many years without a medical explanation to it.
  • Disabilities – Causes for childhood or by birth disabilities can be traced for their source to past lives. It could be a case that a soul chooses to be born with a deformity in order to experience an emotion like I read the example of a girl choosing to be in a body that will have an accident and loose the legs because she wanted to experience development of her inner strength through the challenge of not being like everyone else and yet achieving great heights. It could also be a result of a body memory from a past life, which is a more probable cause.
  • Other Ailments – Please note that there might be many other physical ailments which can be resolved through Past Life Regression Therapy but I have tried to only mention those which I have come across or for sure know could have a past relationship. In case you are looking for your own answers, please understand that you will be guided and if you seem to know or think this therapy shall help you, then so be it. TRust the guidance you are getting and you might just get all your answers.

A note here for people who have children who are “special” which is what I call those children or people who are different from others due to some physical or mental condition. Many times, it’s found in research that it might be the result of that soul’s choice to give the parents or family members a challenge and an opportunity for evolution rather than them being so called “punished” which is the common misconception. Many times these are highly evolved souls who come here to teach people around them a lesson of compassion.

 Past Life Therapy is most effective in case of:
• Physical problems where the medical tests do not reveal the cause and no traditional medical procedures work.
• Problems that the traditional medical world may consider untreatable.
• Behavioral problems, like obsessive-compulsive behavior, which have no diagnosable cause in the current life.
• Fears & phobias that have no known origin in the current life.
• Relationship problems which are totally unexplainable.
• Spiritual likes or dislikes (usually extreme cases).
• Weight reduction problems.

Cases of stammering or stuttering are dealt with very effectively with regression using hypnosis. In fact that is the only way of getting rid of the speech problems for good. These cases always involve a trauma in childhood, in the current life, where the child wanted to say something but was so afraid that he could not talk. In these cases, we do what we call age regression, which is going back to childhood in the current life.

Cases of asthma, which the traditional medical world considers untreatable, are very easy to treat totally. It usually takes about 4 to 5 therapy sessions to get rid of asthma completely but the number of sessions can vary from case to case as it depends on various factors.

The therapist needs to guide the client through all the lives which have any significant connection with the client’s presenting problem. Thereafter, for rescripting or reframing to be performed, the client needs to be taken back to each of those lives viewed. Therefore, the number of sessions depends on the number of lives to be worked upon as well and a specific number cannot be ascertained in advance.

Although there are many ways of doing regression, the most effective way for therapy purposes is guiding clients into trance through hypnosis and connecting them with their sub-conscious memories. Using hypnosis, we have direct access to the sub-conscious mind. This means any suggestion given under hypnosis goes directly to the sub-conscious. Since the past life traumas are in the sub-conscious, the therapy becomes very effective.

Past Life Regression / Regression Therapy – How does it work?

Past Life Regression therapy works on the basic principle that our mind has three layers. The topmost being our “conscious mind”, the second one being the “critical factor” and the third one being our “subconscious mind”. There maybe many more layers but these are the three that form the basis of this therapy. Whenever any information is sent to our mind, the conscious mind analyses it and if approves, it is sent to the critical factor. The critical factor then acts like a filter where it ensures the information is agreeable to our subconscious mind. If it is so, the information seeps in, else is rejected.

When a client is put into a deeply relaxed state through hypnosis or other techniques, their conscious mind calms down or becomes less active and the critical factor is removed. In this state, all suggestions are directly consumed by the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind has a mechanism of detecting if the information being sent is not against the basic value system stored in itself. Hence any suggestion that will violate the morals, ethics or beliefs of a person will not be consumed even during a hypnotic trance.

Once the client enters a past life, they are guided to explore the whole life and here, it is the skill of the therapist to ask all the right questions keeping the client aligned to resolving the objective set pre-session.

This bit itself till here is called Past Life Regression but now, moving on to Past Life Regression “Therapy”, where once the life is explored, the negative emotions and memories need to be transformed and resolved for their effect on the client’s current life to be neutralized.

Regression Therapy is the technique which will also involve current life regression, in case some issues the client is facing come from their childhood or while they were in their mother’s womb.

Many physical ailments could get instantly resolved through regression therapy, as soon as the source of a problem is discovered, while very few might need extra sessions due to multiple past lives being involved with the same issue.

Relationship between Karma & Chronic Illness

Category : Uncategorized

“Why has this happened to me?” “Why am I ill?” “Why am I suffering?” Often, when you suffer from a physical condition whether being minor or severe,
it can be a link in a chain of sequence that has begun centuries ago. Some illnesses and afflictions are Karmic.

Knowing the cosmic relevance if it is karmic can lead to an understanding of your disease or illness on various levels. To consciously know this alone can have a transforming effect upon your life today; perhaps even just the understanding of your situation can enable you to come to terms with it which in turn can enable you to achieve vital equilibrium at higher levels of being and integration as well.

This is not a new idea, but an ancient one found among many peoples and cultures in every part of the world. The spiritual world is subject to laws of cause and effect (Law of Karma) as precise as those that govern the physical world. When we experience such affliction ourselves, and know its sad frustrations, we begin bitterly to question the ways and love of God who we begin to see as cruel. We might see God as testing us and heaven or hell as the reward or punishment that awaits us, depending on how we meet the challenge of this illness. We believe this not because we have proof of it but because we have been taught it through the centuries. Beliefs handed down on the strength of authority.

Perhaps we blame our condition on the blind mechanism of heredity as determined primarily by genes of our parents or secondarily by environmental influences.
The reincarnation view is that suffering is only good for the soul if it teaches it how not to suffer again and that heredity and environment are themselves the result of past life karmic determinants and every quality of the soul is self-earned rather than parentally transmitted.

Diseases and illnesses can arise from the merits and demerits of past life behavior and all suffering and pain and limitations have an educative spiritual purpose. Seeing the ethical and spiritual behind the physical. These deformities, afflictions and agonies can be lessons towards growth, wisdom and perfection. When it is remembered that the purpose of karma is spiritual education, it will be seen how natural and inevitable this approach to karmic therapeutics is.

Karma is a Sanskrit word literally meaning `action`. The `sin` that karma corrects is not `sin` in the superstitious primitive sense of disapproving gods and spirits or offended morals but rather in a psychological sense; `sin` that is universally definable and universally subject to a cosmic law. It is the sin of selfishness or being separate and the sin of self-exaltation. It can consist of violence against the will or body of another, or your own body, through over-indulgence or neglect. It can consist of pride or exclusiveness of the spirit and many other variations. It can be said that Man is spirit, not a body; `sin` arises from his overlook of this as he identifies himself with his body. To change this he must stop denying this fact and identify with spirit – his true essence. This `sin` from a past life can have an exact cause-and-effect, action-reaction relationship in this lifetime, even though it might not necessarily be obvious and can manifest as illness amongst other things.

As Jesus the Christ said, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Newton`s third law of motion states that every action has its reaction which is equal and opposite, and this applies as much to spiritual law as to the law of physics. Therefore, some human afflictions, disease and illness today are sometimes linked to specific karma and conduct in past lives and bring karma into sharper and more immediate focus.

A favourable environment and a healthy body can also be positive karmic consequence. One side of karma is that a harmful action directed toward another person yesterday can rebound to the perpetrator of the action today perhaps as an illness or limitation. A person today can meet himself in suffering which he brought to others. “Judge not that ye be not judged” suddenly stands out with a new depth of psychological meaning.

Other times this karma can be symbolic or metaphoric and manifest in the body in a symbolic way. The clinical findings of modern psychosomatic medicine demonstrate that some physical conditions are due to mental and emotional disturbances.
This branch of medicine shows that tensions of emotional origin, when they cannot be expressed in word or action, often express themselves symbolically in the body through a kind of “organ language”. e.g. if a patient suffers chronic lumbago and no organic cause can be found, it may mean that there is something in the current life situation of the patient that “he`s feeling put upon, being a martyr, aiming too low in life”.

Taking this further then, there is every implication to be a close correspondence between the `organ language` of psychosomatic medicine and this symbolic karma.
Karma is a psychological law and acts primarily in the psychological realm, the physical circumstances being merely the means whereby the psychological purpose is fulfilled. However, the retributive reaction or compensatory action that characterises all karma is usually neither exact nor literal because we are all at our own levels of growth.

In my work as a past life therapist and healer, I have had many instances of cure with physical conditions and in some other cases, where the karmic debt is more serious, improvements have been achieved. It would appear that my work through past life therapy and healing can sometimes re-establish the equilibrium so that the physical karma can justly be withdrawn resulting in the person becoming well. It is so important generally to apply the spiritual side to any cure with illness as well as the medical side. This spiritual side which is so integral to past life healing can also help change your present day consciousness and character in a positive way, through the variety of healing work undertaken on the past life being worked on.

You of course, need to be open to the process of working in this way to get the most benefit out of it. It is important to note that there are times when karmic illness or conditions can best be helped through physical rather than psychological means and this information often comes through in the sessions.

Ultimately, healing must come from within or it cannot last. No healing method is more “spiritual,” in an absolute sense than another. All healing methods have the same divine source. Whether the influences that act upon a body come from medicine, surgery, mechanical appliances, therapy, past life healing, body work etc, they must of necessity come from the One Source – Life itself.

Of course, not all afflictions are necessarily karmic and illness and disease can be affected by many chemical, biological, mechanical, social, racial, and economic forces for which we have no inner, immediate responsibility except insofar as we must ultimately acquire the strength to be invulnerable to them. Man is a unit of three. Body, Mind and Spirit and sometimes we are ignorant about the truth about ourselves.
Doctors, psychologists and priests are three tenders of the same divine fire and must work together more for the good of all. Healing does not always mean you are cured. It does mean, however, that you have changed by learning to see the creative possibilities that exist within your limitations opening you to the positive aspect of karmic growth.

It is worth remembering that while we are undergoing the karma and energy reactions of our past lives, we are setting in motion still newer causes which in turn may react upon our future lives. We extend far in one direction and far in another, it cannot be said we begin at the illusive margin, that we call “birth”, nor end at the equally illusive boundary that we call “death”. There is a larger framework of existence than the little world we occupy in the here and now and a larger meaning of life, sickness and death than we have yet been able to imagine.

Past Life Link to Physical Ailments / Diseases | Regression|

“Why has this happened to me?” “Why am I ill?” “Why am I suffering?” Often, when you suffer from a physical condition whether being minor or severe, it can be a link in a chain of sequence that has begun centuries ago. Some illnesses and afflictions are Karmic.

Knowing the cosmic relevance if it is karmic can lead to an understanding of your disease or illness on various levels. To consciously know this alone can have a transforming effect upon your life today; perhaps even just the understanding of your situation can enable you to come to terms with it which in turn can enable you to achieve vital equilibrium at higher levels of being and integration as well.

This is not a new idea, but an ancient one found among many peoples and cultures in every part of the world. The spiritual world is subject to laws of cause and effect as precise as those that govern the physical world. When we experience such affliction ourselves, and know its sad frustrations, we begin bitterly to question the ways and love of God who we begin to see as cruel. We might see God as testing us and heaven or hell as the reward or punishment that awaits us, depending on how we meet the challenge of this illness. We believe this not because we have proof of it but because we have been taught it through the centuries. Beliefs handed down on the strength of authority.

Perhaps we blame our condition on the blind mechanism of heredity as determined primarily by genes of our parents or secondarily by environmental influences. The reincarnation view is that suffering is only good for the soul if it teaches it how not to suffer again and that heredity and environment are themselves the result of past life karmic determinants and every quality of the soul is self-earned rather than parentally transmitted.
Diseases and illnesses can arise from the merits and demerits of past life behaviour and all suffering and pain and limitations have an educative spiritual purpose.

Seeing the ethical and spiritual behind the physical. These deformities, afflictions and agonies can be lessons towards growth, wisdom and perfection. When it is remembered that the purpose of karma is spiritual education, it will be seen how natural and inevitable this approach to karmic therapeutics is.

Karma is a Sanskrit word literally meaning `action`. The `sin` that karma corrects is not `sin` in the superstitious primitive sense of disapproving gods and spirits or offended morals but rather in a psychological sense; `sin` that is universally definable and universally subject to a cosmic law.
It is the sin of selfishness or being separate and the sin of self-exaltation. It can consist of violence against the will or body of another, or your own body, through over-indulgence or neglect. It can consist of pride or exclusiveness of the spirit and many other variations.
It can be said that Man is soul, not a body; `sin` arises from his overlook of this as he identifies himself with his body.

To change this he must stop denying this fact and identify with soul – his true essence. This `sin` from a past life can have an exact cause-and-effect, action-reaction relationship in this lifetime, even though it might not necessarily be obvious and can manifest as illness amongst other things.

As Jesus the Christ said, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Newton`s third law of motion states that every action has its reaction which is equal and opposite, and this applies as much to spiritual law as to the law of physics. Therefore, some human afflictions, disease and illness today are sometimes linked to specific karma and conduct in past lives and bring karma into sharper and more immediate focus.

A favourable environment and a healthy body can also be positive karmic consequence. One side of karma is that a harmful action directed toward another person yesterday can rebound to the perpetrator of the action today perhaps as an illness or limitation. A person today can meet himself in suffering which he brought to others. “Judge not that ye be not judged” suddenly stands out with a new depth of psychological meaning.
Other times this karma can be symbolic or metaphoric and manifest in the body in a symbolic way. The clinical findings of modern psychosomatic medicine demonstrate that some physical conditions are due to mental and emotional disturbances.

This branch of medicine shows that tensions of emotional origin, when they cannot be expressed in word or action, often express themselves symbolically in the body through a kind of “organ language”. e.g. if a patient suffers chronic lumbago and no organic cause can be found, it may mean that there is something in the current life situation of the patient that “he`s feeling put upon, being a martyr, aiming too low in life”.

Karma is a psychological law and acts primarily in the psychological realm, the physical circumstances being merely the means whereby the psychological purpose is fulfilled. However, the retributive reaction or compensatory action that characterises all karma is usually neither exact nor literal because we are all at our own levels of growth.

In my work as a past life therapist and healer, I have had many instances of cure with physical conditions and in some other cases, where the karmic debt is more serious, improvements have been achieved. It would appear that my work through past life therapy and healing can sometimes re-establish the equilibrium so that the physical karma can justly be withdrawn resulting in the person becoming well.

It is so important generally to apply the spiritual side to any cure with illness as well as the medical side. This spiritual side which is so integral to past life healing can also help change your present day consciousness and character in a positive way, through the variety of healing work undertaken on the past life being worked on.

You of course, need to be open to the process of working in this way to get the most benefit out of it. It is important to note that there are times when karmic illness or conditions can best be helped through physical rather than psychological means and this information often comes through in the sessions.

Ultimately, healing must come from within or it cannot last. No healing method is more “spiritual,” in an absolute sense than another. All healing methods have the same divine source. Whether the influences that act upon a body come from medicine, surgery, mechanical appliances, therapy, past life healing, body work etc, they must of necessity come from the One Source – Life itself.

Of course, not all afflictions are necessarily karmic and illness and disease can be affected by many chemical, biological, mechanical, social, racial, and economic forces for which we have no inner, immediate responsibility except insofar as we must ultimately acquire the strength to be invulnerable to them. Man is a unit of three. Body, Mind and Spirit and sometimes we are ignorant about the truth about ourselves.

Doctors, psychologists and priests are three tenders of the same divine fire and must work together more for the good of all. Healing does not always mean you are cured. It does mean, however, that you have changed by learning to see the creative possibilities that exist within your limitations opening you to the positive aspect of karmic growth.

It is worth remembering that while we are undergoing the karma and energy reactions of our past lives, we are setting in motion still newer causes which in turn may react upon our future lives. We extend far in one direction and far in another, it cannot be said we begin at the illusive margin, that we call “birth”, nor end at the equally illusive boundary that we call “death”. There is a larger framework of existence than the little world we occupy in the here and now and a larger meaning of life, sickness and death than we have yet been able to imagine.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Poorva JanmaMost of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Now, working on this concept there are a few diseases which can straight away be linked to past lives, in case one does not have a medical explanation for them or they have been carrying it ever since childhood. This does not mean that physical ailments developed later during the life, they cannot be resolved by Past Life Regression Therapy but only that the ones mentioned above are more likely supposed to be cases of this therapy.

As per my understanding and experience, let me mention a few physical problems that might have a solution through this therapy

  • Asthma / Breathing problems – Prolonged suffering due to asthma or other breathing related ailments could be a result of pent-up emotions of pain, suffering, grief or resentment carried in the chest. It’s like burdens getting stored in the chest. The reason could lie in the current life as well as Past lives. The idea is current life regression or past life regression could really help someone release these emotions and get rid of the congestion in the physical body.
  • Depression – Depression is a disease that usually has a reason in the emotionality and yet medical science does not have too much of a solution for the same. It is possible to explore reasons for depression through PLR or regression therapy and resolve them.
  • Unexplained Pains – Unexplained pains of any sort, either in the back, neck, legs or any other area could be a result of a body memory from a past life. It’s worth exploring this therapy if one has been carrying an unexplained pain through many years without a medical explanation to it.
  • Disabilities – Causes for childhood or by birth disabilities can be traced for their source to past lives. It could be a case that a soul chooses to be born with a deformity in order to experience an emotion like I read the example of a girl choosing to be in a body that will have an accident and loose the legs because she wanted to experience development of her inner strength through the challenge of not being like everyone else and yet achieving great heights. It could also be a result of a body memory from a past life, which is a more probable cause.
  • Other Ailments – Please note that there might be many other physical ailments which can be resolved through Past Life Regression Therapy but I have tried to only mention those which I have come across or for sure know could have a past relationship. In case you are looking for your own answers, please understand that you will be guided and if you seem to know or think this therapy shall help you, then so be it. Trust the guidance you are getting and you might just get all your answers.

I have a note here for people who have children who are “special” which is what I call those children or people who are different from others due to some physical or mental condition. Many times, it’s found in research that it might be the result of that soul’s choice to give the parents or family members a challenge and an opportunity for evolution rather than them being so called “punished” which is the common misconception. Many times these are highly evolved souls who come here to teach people around them a lesson of compassion.

I hope I will be able to add more to this page as and when I grow and evolve with my practice.

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