Category Archives: Spirit Releasement Therapy

Spirit Entities

Dark force attachments, Spirit Possession, Exorcism, Aura

A spirit is the soul of a person or animal which has remained in this world after the death of the body. Sometimes, when a person dies, his or her spirit gets stuck here on Earth. There are so many reasons for this. Sometimes death is sudden and truly confusing and the soul goes on “living” not even knowing that the body it left is dead. Sometimes souls stay on purpose, not bearing to leave a loved one, wanting to protect a child or spouse, or even seeking revenge. Sometimes souls simply get lost.

I help these souls get back to Source. That means that I also help the people who encounter these souls. The act of clearing or shifting these spirits back to Source is called Spirit Releasement.

Spirit attachments can be found in the aura, chakras, or in some part of the physical body. The topic of spirit attachment can be found throughout many cultures and religions going back to ancient times. spirit releasement is a more modern, compassionate method of what is called “exorcism.” However, there is a difference between “possession” and “spirit attachment.”

Attachment is when the spirit or entity is attached to some part of your energy field. This is not possession like you see in  films. Actual possession is considered to be rare and more severe, where the spirit has actually taken over the body and the person entirely.

The most common types of spirit attachments are earthbound spirits. Most haunting, earthbound spirits are usually innocent and were looking for comfort at their time of death, and did not yet make it to the light.

The second most common is dark force entity attachments, which are often. This type of spirit will attach to a living person with the intention of creating misery, hopelessness, and fear, stealing the person’s light and draining their life force energy. The main goal of these spirits is to disempower humanity. These spirits are not normally the type you see in scary movies and are often able to transform into light during spirit releasement.

A spirit attachment can occur when there is a hole or tear in the person’s aura due to an emotionally or physically traumatic experience. Organ transplants have also been known to transfer the spirit of the donor to the recipient, resulting in attachment. A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body. Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities. In short, spirit attachment can interfere with any aspect of the life of the unsuspecting host.

It is also very common for those who are extremely psychic who have not yet mastered their gift or learned proper protection methods, to experience a haunting, spirit attachment. Being so open to the unseen world without protection is an easy way in for any type of spirit to enter the energy field and wreak havoc on the victim.

Spirit Attachment & Releasement | Entity Depossession |

spirit obsessionAn experience as an embodiment as a human being on earth and then blissful existence in the spirit world (preparing for reincarnation) is the essential pattern in the “life” of a soul.

At death the spirit usually passes to the Light, the white brilliance seen in a near-death experience.  However, a departing spirit does not invariably reach the Light.  It may be confused, even to the point of not knowing the physical body has died.  Ignorance of fear of punishment may cause it to be diverted or not even be aware of the Light.  Some spirits remain earthbound in a familiar place, where they may be seen as ghosts; and others, not uncommonly, attach to other embodiments such as friends or relatives, perhaps out of concern for that person or to satisfy an addiction or even revenge.  Still others may attach to a person who is simply more vulnerable due to illness, physical or emotional trauma such as an auto accident, a fall, a beating, etc., or condition of their aura; someone who, in life, would be a complete stranger to them.  There are even cases that have been described in which organ transplant recipients appear to have received the spirit of the donor.

The condition of spirit possession; that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being, has been recognized or at least theorized in every era and every culture.  In 90% of societies worldwide there are records of possession-like phenomena.

An attachment can be benevolent, totally self-serving, malevolent in intention, or completely neutral.  It may be completely random and even accidental, and it may occur simply because of physical proximity to the dying person at the time of death.

Contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate spirits of deceased humans can influence people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, subsequently imposing detrimental conditions and symptoms.  This condition may be referred to as, “possession state”, “spirit possession syndrome”, spirit obsession”, or “spirit attachment”.  An attached spirit can affect a living person in many different ways.  The discarnate entity retains the psychic energy pattern of its own ailments and can produce (in the host) any mental aberration or emotional disturbance and symptoms of physical illness. Therefore, many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities.

A spirit can remain earthbound by emotions and feeling connected with a sudden traumatic death.  Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, remorse, and even strong ties of love can interfere with the normal transition.  Erroneous religious beliefs about the afterlife may prevent a spirit from moving into the Light, because it isn’t what he was taught to expect.  Death by drug overdose or alcoholism may cause that spirit to continue his appetite for the substance and he finds a vulnerable human, often an addict, to continue to satisfy his need.  In this case it is called a “parasitic attachment.”

Most people are vulnerable to spirit attachment on many occasions in the normal course of life, though it has been postulated that people whose auras vibrate at high frequency are impervious to spirits of a lower frequency.


Historically, the treatment of spirit possession has been primarily in the hands of the shaman, medicine man, or clergy.  Rituals of many kinds have been used, from verbal incantation and incense to beating with sticks.  Baptism and christening of infants is a form of exorcism and the Native American sweat lodge is a means to the same end. The “Rituale Romanum”, which is the priest’s service manual for the formal rite of exorcism sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church was first written in 1614 and was left unchanged until 1952 when two minor revisions were included. Dr. William J. Baldwin discusses possession in regard to soul-mind fragmentation, and outlines and integrates the shamanic concept of “soul loss” in reaction to trauma, as personality splitting and dissociation in Multiple Personality Disorder; the key concept being the idea of sub-personalities or fragmentary souls which figured quite prominently in the basis of those techniques for the psychotherapeutic integration of the personality by Jung and many others.

Depossession was the first medically used by the American physician and psychologist, Carl Wickland, who had attended many spiritualist séances.

He and his wife Anna did most of their work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Wickland’s depossession method was quite unique.  He invented a static electricity machine that transmitted a low-voltage electric shock to the patient, which was the forerunner to the low voltage electric shock treatment used in psychotherapy.  The shock was to make the spirit uncomfortable so it would leave the victim and enter Anna’s body, and then finally give up and depart forever.  Perhaps his process was not complete enough, since Anna died in a mental institution.  Today things are moving in relationship to spiritual hypnotherapy and counseling of many kinds regarding spirit releasement.  The increased practice of spirit release and the appearance of books and specialized journals on a wide range of spiritually based therapies speaks and predicts well for the future.  Association in the U.S., the UK, Continental Europe, and Brazil are growing, with many training programs and conference.  The Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists formed in 1999 has a very large membership and its research is underway.

DEPOSESSION (Spirit Releasement)

Depossession is the act of exorcising discarnate human spirits and even nonhuman spirits, allegedly attached to living people, causing a host of physical, mental, and emotional ills.  Various types of deposession are practiced throughout the world.  For thousands of years, human beings from a wide variety of cultures have maintained that disembodied sprits or entities from the “other side” can take over the mind and body of a living human and cause distress such as changes in personality and consciousness.

These spirits need gentle and loving coaxing to move back into the Light from the earthly plane, and the “host” needs tender care to fill up his or her “empty spaces” which preciously housed the departing entity.  Depossession is accomplished by a trained professional, or small groups of trained professionals, using unconditional love to release the attached spirit or spirits.  The open-minded therapist who has a working knowledge of both Past Life Therapy and Spirit Releasement Therapy will find evidence of both conditions-past life trauma and spirit attachment. 


  • Low energy level Character shifts or mood swings
  • Inner voice(s) speaking to you Abuse of drugs or alcohol Impulsive behavior Memory problems
  • Poor concentration
  • Sudden onset of anxiety or depression
  • Sudden onset of physical problems with no obvious cause Emotional and/or physical reactions to the explanation of deposession
  • Sudden changes in behavior-especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Increased anger, rage, mood swings
  • Increased depression
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Migraine headaches, head or neck pressure
  • Chronic fatigue or loss of energy
  • Attraction to dangerous situations
  • Cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, or history of addiction
  • Repeating patterns of behavior
  • Night terrors and nightmares, difficulty sleeping
  • Elusive physical symptoms
  • Social problems, relationship problems
  • Inability to love, nurture or bond with other individuals
  • Feeling detached, isolated, alienated
  • Strong tendency to dissociate, be ungrounded
  • Compartments of Consciousness-sometimes called “multiple personalities”
  • Issues that will not respond to regular treatment

If you have any questions regarding depossession, please contact Us for more information.


Why people become ghosts after death? Spirits, Entities

Do you know why people become ghosts after death? Well, almost all cultures in this world believe in ghosts. There are so many reasons but let us discuss a few of the common beliefs which are widely believed all over the world.

Almost all religions have shown certain steps to lead a good life so that one can free oneself from the idea of becoming a ghost after death.



Reasons why people become ghosts / spirits/ entities after death :

  • FEAR: Many people who resist moving into “The Light” fear spiritual judgment. Others feel they are “unworthy”. Some are afraid “The Light” is tedious or boring. Others fear they will discover their beliefs were “wrong” or that there really is nothing in “The Light” but “emptiness”.
  • TRAUMA: Men, Women & Children who are traumatized by their deaths can be too upset at that moment to know what to do and can become frightened when they see a light or a spirit, even if that spirit is familiar to them. When this happens they will seek refuge with the first living physical body they can find.
  • DENIAL: People can refuse to believe they are dead. This happens! Denial is such a strong mental ability both “the living” and “the dead” can “tune out” what they don’t want to know or acknowledge.
  • EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT: People who want to remain “close at hand” to friends or loved ones will often attach themselves to one of them or, sometimes, attach to more than one (by coming and going among them). They are so emotionally “caught up” in the lives of others they forget the importance of their own spiritual journey, nor do they realize how much more powerfully they can help others from “The Light”.
  • DESIRE TO SERVE: People who want to become  spirit guides; forgetting the importance of their own spiritual progression and failing to recognize “real” spirit guides require training in “The Light”.
  • ADDICTIONS: People who are reluctant to leave their addictions or their “power trips” will choose to “hang out” with, even attach to, living people with the same addiction or “power trip”.
  • FEELING OF LOSS: People who feel dissatisfied because they did not achieve their life dream or cheated because they never found happiness will attach to and try to mentally influence others to do what they didn’t.


Negative Energies, Demons, Spirits & Ghosts Influence on us

There are many times when a person dies suddenly or with unresolved issues so powerful that the person does not fully crossover into the light or complete the journey to their place of origin. They, in their energy form, remain in the earth or material plane of existence as trapped energy.

The most common reason spirits attach is because they have the ability to do so, and often go undected. We are all energy. So are they. Most people can’t see spirits with the naked eye because spirits no longer have the density of a human body. As a result, they are able to come and go as they choose.

These beings may feel lost without a physical body and decide to attach because coexisting with a live person gives them the chance to do human things again. A spirit that had bad habits while living, takes them with them when they die, ie; smoking, drinking, swearing etc. While inhabiting a person—commnonly known as a possession—they can eat, drink, have sex, and feel all the normal physical pleasures and actions they felt before death. A person who drinks moderately may suddenly find themselves drinking noticably more if they attract a spirit who drank excessively.

Karmic attachments almost always involve a personal connection with the person they attach to. The person who died often wants to even a score because they feel unresolved about a life changing incident that ocurred with the living person. As a result, they carry feelings of hurt, anger, revenge – enough resentment to attach to the individual they feel wronged them. This can be an experience from this or a former life.

Spirits that are not karmic are attracted to individuals they feel a resonance with. This can be a person who reminds them of someone they knew and liked. It can also be someone who shares similar emotional issues, such as depression and grief. Also, the dominant personality of the spirit does not change after it leaves the body. For example, if they were a person who lived a life of drama they will be attracted to someone with similar tendencies.

Another common reason that entities to attach to the living is that they are in fear. They are concerned about suffering consequences from the way they lived their lives. This is especially true if they hold any regrets or shame about how they treated people, or actions they took while on the Earth-plane.

Many fear leaving the familiar realm—the Earth‐plane—because what exists “out there” is unknown. Our society does not teach people how to prepare for when they transition (die). They may also be concerned that they will end up in “Hell,” as they learned it from their religion, parents, school

In this condition these ghosts or earthbound spirits may opportunistically or accidentally attach to a person’s energy field or energy body. When this occurs, the host person can experience influences of the attached earthbound energy. Thoughts, emotions, addictions, or strong habit patterns, even physical feelings of the earthbound spirit may filter to the host. People can pick up unwanted energies from a variety of public places including the workplace, bars or nightclubs, or other places that they visit.Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Ghosts and spirits, when they attach to our energy field can affect our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and thus our actions. Since these influences from the earthbound spirit come through the host persons energy field and brain, the host cannot usually tell the difference between their own thoughts or feelings and those of the earthbound spirit. The earthbound spirit also can siphon energy from the host in order to remain attached to the earth plane. Ghost with girls Sometimes, the host person has a sense of something being “with” them and may over the years even develop a dependent or codependent relationship with the earthbound spirit at an energetic level. This is especially true if the attachment takes place when the host is very young. The impact of an attached energy can vary depending upon the situation and personality of the energy that is attached. Any strong or negative emotions or attitudes such as loneliness, sadness or belligerence in the earthbound can influence the behavior of host person. If the earthbound energy has anger issues, the person may feel angry for no apparent reason. Have you ever felt angry or depressed for no particular reason? Well this could be the influence of attached negative energies.

Since our energy field is also interconnected with our physical bodies, an energetic attachment can have an impact on the person’s physical well being. Any physical issues carried by the earthbound spirit such as pain, headaches, malnutrition may show up as physical symptoms in the host person.

Spirit possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spirit possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spirit possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth


Mantrik & Pret Atma | Negative Energies | Past Life Karma |

Every living being on the planet is based on a soul. Spirit is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Some knows and some does not know that they are dead. Mostly they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch and sometimes they can just be sensed.

These leaving souls are tried to be caught hold of, by scrupulous Mantrik / Tantrik (Black Magicians), and convert them into Evil spirits. These Evil spirits are made to operate for dubious consummation, by jealous persons, through Tantrkiks(Black Magicians), to initiate, retort or retaliate, against the persons, whom they desire to destroy, out of jealousy, personal ego or for stopping them from excelling, in home, business and other affairs.

Under a variety of circumstances, Evil spirit catches its prey all by itself. Such as, persons passing and crossing through streets after consuming Liquor, Wine, Rum, whisky etc or under the fragrance of perfumes etc. are the easiest carriers of Evil spirits.

Negative Energies:- As its name itself denotes, it is a form of energy capable of performance. But it is negative in nature. It acts in negative direction. It breaks the makings of human beings. It capsizes the boat of constructions and hopes. It converts the fortunes into misfortunes.

It can commence from anywhere. It may be in the form of automatic negativity, Ground Energy, Cosmic Energy, Mental Energy, or Negative Energy radiated from instruments. It may be transmitted by Tantriks. It may be relegated from Past Life Karma—Prarabdh Karma.

These negative Energies along with Evil Spirits encircle the persons, compelling them to take on all sorts of pains and pinnacles and to act wrongly in the opposite directions, and hinder them from the right thing & thinking. All types of these negative energies are needed to be negativated.

Indication:- The affected person, the whole family, along with children and their future, and the structures of house and office as well, are at stake and, get distorted.

They loose their progress, profits and profile. At every step they are pushed backwards. Their best efforts do not bear fruits and are unnecessarily delayed.

Affected persons of the family feel tension, depression, mental retrogression, body sickness, without any medical ailment, sleepiness, headache and so many other inflictions of body and brain, and if you are sick, the best medicines do not seem to effect, or are prolonged.

They hinder the process of marriage of sons and daughters, create problems of tension in marital life, breaking of marriage association into divorce and even the end of life.

When these Evil Spirits/Black Magic/Tantrik kriya catch the prey, the victim can get mad, begins crying without provocation, takes to addiction, domestic beating and cruelty, several items seem to be dirty and to bite him, begins to take interest in unlikeables while avoiding the desirables.

Sexually Transmitted Demons, Evil Entities,Negative Energies

I want to inform you on STDs – no, not “sexually transmitted diseases”. I’m talking about spiritual STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons!

  • Did you know that demonic spirits can be transferred to you during sex and/or sexual activity?
  • Did you ever notice how people change once they begin to have sex?

You probably have taken note of it in a friend or relative in the past, but never equated it to sexual activity. Just think about it,  Or maybe even in your own life, you took on a new love and your friends and family kept telling you that you changed, even though you couldn’t see the changes! You probably relate to what I am saying, but probably have always equated such changes just to the new relationship itself and not the reality of STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons. Every demon has a nature and specific corresponding characteristics.

When two people have sex, those two people become one. The same way that the physical bodies of the man and woman lock together and become one interlocked unit, so do their soul and spirit bodies. Every human being consists of three distinct bodies — Mind, Soul and Body – that function in unity with one another, as one unit. Each of those bodies operate in a different realm and each impacts the interactions of your entire human experience. Sexual activity causes two people to connect and become one in all three realms, thus allowing for the transmission of demonic spirits from one person to the other – the same way that sexual activity allows for the transmission of venereal diseases, such as chlamydia, herpes and HIV, from one person to another. You need to understand that those changes that take place in your life after you get into a sexual relationship with someone are not a coincidence! They are a direct result of sexually transmitted demons.

Sex was intended for one man and one woman. So many problems come as a result of sex outside of marriage. During sex there’s two different exchanges that take place: a physical and spiritual. Most grown adults are aware of the physical exchange. But the second is the spiritual which most people don’t know about. When you have sex with someone, you exchange/ obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well. You take on their qualities, behaviors, ideology etc, Good & Bad become a part of you. You enter into a covenant with that other persons spirit. This happens every time you have sex with a person. In addition to this whoever they have had sex with now you’re attached to those people’s spirits as well. This is why there’s so many people with multiple personalities, who are dibbling and dabbling in this and that, who are confused and all messed up in their thoughts, feelings and behavior. They are dealing with their own personality as well as the other people they have physically and spiritually connected themselves too. Every time sex is occurring there is  an energy exchange. If two people decide to sleep together they are making the decision to share not just body parts, but everything else that is contained within that body. Sickness and disease can be passed off to the next person during sexual contact, and the same applies to attitudes as well. Anger, joy, sadness, irritation, excitement and the like are vibrational energies that can pass onto the next person.

Condoms can stop Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD’s) but it cannot stop Spiritually Transmitted Diseases(STD’s).Every time you sleep with someone there’s an exchange of Spirits.Did you know Evil spirits and demons can be sexually transmitted.?Many don’t know this, others do but live in ignorance

Just as there are some sexually transmitted diseases that there are no cure for, there are some sexually transmitted demons that will stay with you indefinitely. Some venereal diseases cause permanent damage to the body such as impotence, erectile dysfunction, uterine pain, cervical and prostate cancer and worst of all – sterility (not being able to produce offspring)! Sexually transmitted demons can have the same impact on your destiny and purpose in the spirit realm.

We often take sex so frivolously, regarding it as just a physical act. But I assure you that sex is much more spiritual than it is physical and even if you can use a condom to prevent the transmission of natural STDs, there is no condom to protect yourself from the transmission of spiritual STDs. Abstinence is the only way – preserving sex for the confines of Holy Matrimony.

eathbound spirits

Earthbound Spirits : Suicide Victims, Murder Victims, Violent Accidental deaths

Earth-Bound Spirits Classifications

Many categories fall into this class. All of them do not know that they are dead:
(1) Suicide victims
(2) Murder victims
(3) War casualties
(4) Violent accidental deaths
(5) Deluded ghosts haunting buildings
(6) Obsession: Recently deceased spirits closely attached to living loved ones
(7) Possession: permanent and intermittent
(8) Poltergeists
(9) Recently deceased spirits who have unfinished business still on earth
(10) Others.

All the above are deluded and do not realise that they have died. Suicides, murder victims and violent deaths belong to the same category in the swiftness of their deaths. One moment they are alive, and in another they are dead. They are not prepared for this suddenness. They are violently angry and probably full of fear. They do not know how to go to the white light, and if deceased relatives or guides are there to bring them across, they cannot see them. Therefore, they remain in that location for years, until they realise that they are dead and are brought across by spirit guides. There are numerous ignorant spirits still fighting each other in the battlefields today. These are the dead victims of the Second World War. In some cases, these souls have already gone else where, but the energy of that violence remains. The incident will be repeated over and over again at the same spot and exactly the same time of the day. It is only an energy enactment of the thought forms. The whole scene will be totally mechanical and the thought forms will not respond to any human presence. If, however, they are actual earth-bound spirits and not thought forms, then when a human comes along there will be some reaction to the human presence. In these cases of violence, they do not know that they are dead because of the fear and suddenness of the incidents. Some of them persist in talking to their loved ones, who do not respond. One can see drones of these ignorant depressed spirits hovering and following their loved ones. There is extreme frustration, but they will continue until they finally realise that their efforts are totally futile. At this point, they may believe that the living are ghosts, and they are the living. The opposite situation is when the living relative continually bemoans the deceased, and wishes that the deceased were still with him or her, then the deceased will very likely remain earth-bound.

Ghosts who haunt buildings and places are again people who have died and do not realise that they are dead. The classical case is the old man who died with a heart attack. When he ‘wakes up’, he will think that he had just fallen asleep, and thus does not know that he has died. He will continue to live in the house trying to communicate with the living in the house to no avail. He still feels that he owns the house. So when new owners come to stay, the first thing he will do is to try and get rid of the new comers. The latter mostly cannot hear him. A case in point is an old man, who used to own the house we bought. What he would continually say to all new comers is ‘Please, leave my house!’ After many years of ineffectual exhortations, he decided to communicate only to the more psychic of the new owners. Every evening at about 9.30 PM, whilst that person resting on the bed, he would come and sit on his bedside and chitchat with him. The conversations are of no importance. They are about what he did for the day. He would then tell him that he performed 10 post-mortems in the morning, meaning that 10 new emigrants had just passed on to his realm. Has he met them? Invariably, he knows nothing about it. His world is just that person’ bedroom and no where else. When his old home was pulled down, and a new block of condominium was built over the land, he moved over to occupy one of the flats. That is why when brand new flats or houses are built over graveyards or where old haunted houses used to be, the ghosts will move over to the new house or flat. This means that a ghost is not only a spirit that does not know that he is dead, but he is also fairly stupid, moving over to a new flat at a twinkle of an eye and yet still does not realise that he is dead.

This happens when a recently deceased entity is attached to a loved one on earth. Good examples are (1) husband and wife (2) mother and son or daughter (3) lovers and (4) father and son or daughter. I have seen examples of all of them. The spirit hangs around very closely to the living, trying to communicate with him or her, and influencing the living at every turn. Alas, to no avail. However, the consequences are rather detrimental to the living. The latter loses weight and energy; he suffers from insomnia, irritability, and loss of appetite and shows a steady deterioration of concentration. At the end, he gets exhausted and goes into a deep depression and end up with seeing a doctor or a psychiatrist, both of whom will be nonplussed. There is no diagnosis, and all the tranquillisers make matters worst. Finally, if the living is lucky, the obsessing spirit leaves on her own accord, or else the obsession may last for years, until the living, especially the remaining spouse, succumbs and joins the obsessing spirit in death. A spiritual person or healer can easily clear this obsession.  Inform the spirit that you are all right, and she should go to the white light to meet her other relatives and friends. Inform the deceased that by attaching herself to the living, she is actually causing a lot of harm to the living. If she is adamant, get her to think of a deceased relative herself. This will do the trick. The minute the deceased relative appears, the obsessing spirit will be whisk away by that relative to the white light. The above two measures may also be used to exorcise a ghost in a house.

Possession may be intermittent or permanent (that means throughout the day and night). The medium that channels spirit guides is an example of intermittent possession. However, in this instance, the possession is controlled by the medium’s own guides. No other entity can come in except the one that has been agreed upon. On the other hand, haphazard possession is very troublesome and taxing for everybody concerned. The person who is possessed normally has his or her chakras open and often their auras are imperfect or damaged. This happens when the person is very stressed due to loss of money or loved ones. Or he has just recovered from an illness. In this state of deficient aura, if he is not fully conscious as in under anaesthesia or in a drunken stupor or under the influence of drugs, he may very well be possessed. A person, who is meditating and falls into a trance, thus losing awareness, is also quite liable to be possessed. The location of the victim is also important. Drug addict dens and pubs are good hunting ground for the predators. Hospitals, churches, temples, burial sites, cremation buildings, sacred sites along Ley lines and haunted houses are all vulnerable to possession. Therefore the ideal setting for a possession are (1) a victim who has a damaged and deficient aura, (2) he is not fully conscious or in a trance state at the time, (3) the presence of predators (marauding spirits) and (4) a highly charged and spirited location.

The following practices are also conducive to possession: (a) games involving Ouija board (b) Tarot cards reading (c) funeral wakes (d) rituals in cemeteries, temples and churches and old consecrated grounds.

Auric Attacks
These are attacks on the auras of people as in the cases of possession, but the attacks are much less serious and the predator does not inhabit the victim. The most common type of an auric attack is when a relative goes and visits a patient in a hospital or attends a funeral wake. The places are identical to those enumerated above for possession, as these locations are loaded with ghostly predators. So after an attack, when the victim comes home he experiences symptoms of ‘influenza’, but there is no temperature present. He gets weaker and weaker by the day, even though he feeds himself voraciously. He puts on weight, but he gets more and more debilitated. This continues until he reaches a state in which he cannot even get out of his bed. Of course, the doctor has no idea what is going on, even after numerous tests have been carried out. Finally, the attack may wear off on its own, but it may take months or years. However, a healer can put the patient back to health in a few sessions of healing. These auric attacks are quite common, and very few people realise it. They are often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome.

These are spirits in the building in which they cause things to fly about. Some times stones are thrown into the house with great precision without hurting anyone or breaking anything. In this instance when the stones are felt, they are felt to be warm. The worst case scenario is when huge pieces of furniture fly all over the room and crockery etc, crash to the ground. Pets and people have been excluded from being the cause of these activities. Quite often these incidences start when there is some psychological trauma inflicted on some teenagers in the house. The minute the individual leaves the house the poltergeist activity ceases. However, there are also cases, in which there is no evidence of psychological trauma in the house. In a few cases, spontaneous combustion may also be initiated by poltergeists.

sleep paralysis

Demons Night Attack (Devil /Evil Spirits/ Negative Entities)

Everybody dreams and, sometimes, we see scary stuff in them. I don’t personally dream of ghosts, even though I spend a lot of time with them.

So a theory is that demons (or the Devil/evil spirits/negative entities) attack some people when they are at their weakest. Could we be seen as ‘weak’ during sleep?

Could it be that a large sector of the population is under attack by demons? Certainly, some of the letters I have received show that this is happening: “I awoke one morning and realized that my body was completely paralyzed,” writes one of my client. “I couldn’t move a muscle. Something was in the room and walked across the bed. I tried to scream but only a slight noise came from my throat. Whoever or whatever was in my room then disappeared. Unfortunately, I have been getting this horrible paralysis for about two months now. The last time it happened I managed to open my eyes but still could not move my body.”

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilized. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as ‘Sleep paralysis’.

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, sexual desire or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

Demons (ghosts, devils, negative energies, etc.) affect people and cause distress to them through their subtle black energy. Black energy can create a variety of problems such as depression, unclear thinking or malfunction of an organ which lead to even further difficulties such as addiction, financial problems or chest pain respectively. Ghosts transmit their black energy to the people that they target/ attack and create large stores of it in their bodies.

Each one of us is affected by ghosts to varying degrees. As a result, we all have some degree of black energy in our bodies.

Performing the spiritual practices on a daily basis helps to remove this black energy from our body.

haunted house

Black Magic Curses, Haunted House,Spirits,Ghosts,Evil Powers

If you are reading this article then you have likely been searching to find out if your house is haunted. You may have heard inexplicable sounds in the middle of the night or even seen what looks like a ghost sauntering through your home. Many people begin thinking that their house may be haunted when enough unexplainable things have happened. We will go over some signs that your home may be haunted and what you can do if you think that it is.

Some signs that your home may be haunted are:

  • Loud noises and bangs that cannot be explained
  • Ghosts or spirits that seem to be in the home
  • Strange and unexplained events
  • Things being moved when you know you didn’t do it
  • Out of the ordinary events happening with people in the home that seem out of character.

If you are experiencing one or a variety of these things then you may have a haunting on your hands. The next step to this is to have a spiritual healer assess the situation. A spiritual healer has experience in this exact issue and they can let you know what they think is going on and what they will do to remedy the situation. They typically offer a spiritual cleansing of the home to remove any spirits that are there and they also have experience removing curses from malevolent ghosts.

If you may feel that your house has come under the attack of evil powers, blackmagic spells, witchraft etc then this power is very strong and will destroy all evil affects that are in your house Some times you will notice that your house is haunted, you may hear strange noises like people talking or even laughing and this can be very scary, some times evil spirits get settled in the house and it is very difficult for them to go once they have captured the house, this happens also if some enemy has casted any spell on your house and once they enter your house they bring bad luck and negative energies with them and as a result of all this once your house that was heaven for you turns out to be worse then hell. A haunted house occurs when a spirit of a human also known as a ghost, or a jinee won’t accept a person to occupy what once used to be theirs.  What people don’t normally know is that the being in the premises is more scared of humans than the humans are afraid of the being.  The reason for this is because the human hurt the being more than the being can hurt the person. But there is nothing to be worried, as all these evil affects can be destroyed forever by spiritual healing methods. 

What Spiritual Cleansers Can Do To Help? The spiritual cleanser will either come to the home or evaluate pictures of the inside and outside of the home. At that time they will be able to know if the problem is from a spirit in the home or if it is due to black magic or a curse. It gives them better insight into the situation and so that they can potentially communicate with any restless spirits.

Performing a Spiritual Cleansing Ritual. Once they have observed the home for any haunting or spiritual activity they will be able to let you know what steps to take next. Most times they will want to perform a spiritual cleansing ritual. Each spiritual cleanser has their own unique method of performing the ritual so it is important to follow their advice and let them do what they feel comfortable doing. Their knowledge and experience is what you need to ensure that your home gets purged of any malevolent or restless ghosts.

Following the Instructions of the Spiritual Cleanser. When they do their ritual it is best to follow their instructions. This often depends on the type of haunting and what they feel is best. It is important that you follow the instruction. If the cleanse is in person, don’t interrupt. Interrupting the cleaning could cause a rift in the home and render the cleansing ineffective.

Removing Curses, Haunting, and Malevolent Ghosts. Experienced spiritual cleansers will be able to remove curses and rid the home of any haunting. They can also do it in such a way that guarantees that the spirits will never come back. This is important to your safety and to your peace of mind. Hiring an experienced professional is the most critical aspect of the ritual being successful and it is recommended to research their past references before choosing them.

Don’t let Black magic curses, hexes or spells haunt your home any longer and protect your home with the spiritual house cleansing rituals from a spiritual healer. A experienced spiritual healer is able to create a treatment process to rid spiritual evils from your home and keep you and your family protected.

Evil Entity, Spirit, Negative Energy, Curses, Psychic Attack

entity attachmentMuch of our negative mind chatter, and negative emotions come from entity attachments or entity harassment. They can cause serious health problems, accidents,, and serious disruption of relationships, finances, and sleep. Possessing/obsessing/attaching entities collect around samskaras and negative thought and emotional patterns. On the astral plane, like attracts like. Entity attachments can cause negative programming of the subconscious mind. They are behind depression, anxiety, bloating, anger, and compulsions of every kind.

Fragmented parts can be reintegrated as energy fields clear. The “pain body” can be purified of lower astral influences and attachments. Negativity can be transformed so the spiritual soul can shine.

What Is Spirit Attachment?

Spirit attachment, entity attachment or possession is the invasion of one’s body by a dis-incarnate spirit, a lower astral entity (astral personality fragment of a spirit that has passed on, or demons), or by other negative energies.

These entities interfere with a person’s freedom of the mind, body
and spiritual sovereignty. They can interfere with your life by being in the body, by hovering behind the body, or by being in the personal environment. The desire of these spirits is to create confusion, take control, spread violence, cause emotional /physical pain and degradation and demeaning of humans

What Are the Signs of Attachment?

Entities and negative energies can have varying degrees of influence over their host, ranging from a mild energy drain to almost total possession (which is extremely rare).

Common signs are:

  •  Hearing voices
  • Sudden cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.– especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Sudden weight gain-especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Fears and phobias
  • Sudden changes in behavior-such as increased anger, depression and thoughts of suicide
  • Serious illness of unknown cause
  • Loss of energy
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Unexplained physical problems-such as pain from an undetermined cause
  • Migraine headaches
  • Night terrors and nightmares
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Multiple personalities

What Are Entities and Negative Energies?

Earthbound spirits, lower astral entities (astral fragments of the personality of the departed), and dark energy forces are the most common types of possessing entities. The spirit is the part of us that survives after death of the physical body. Sometimes spirits just don’t know what to do when their physical body dies, so they stay in the earth plane and can attach to living people, or remain in a specific place (thus a haunting spirit or ghost). Dark energy forces can be termed demons. They have never been alive in their own physical bodies, and are usually on a mission to destroy. Curses, psychic attacks and negative thought forms are negative energies generated by living people.

How Do They Get In?

In order for entities to attach to a human, that person must be vulnerable in some way. An earth-bound spirit may attach while the human is unconscious for any reason-be it trauma, anesthesia in surgery, a blow to the head, drunkenness, etc. Severe stress, exhaustion, grief, extreme anger, fear, or guilt can also open a person for attachment. Without proper protection, such things as channeling, mediumship, and automatic writing are open invitations for possession, as is being present at a seance, or using an Ouija board. Childhood abuse, rape, or incest can allow entities to attach. Sometimes, after the death of a loved one a person can unknowingly
invite attachment of that loved one with thoughts such as “don’t leave me. I don’t want to let you go.” Once an entity gains entry, a “hole” in the aura is in effect present, which allows for more attachments.

Hospitals, cemeteries, and funeral homes are common places to pick up entities. Spirits tend to sometimes hang around the place where their bodies died, or hang around the body itself. Negative energies such as psychic attacks and curses are generated by other living people.

Negative thought forms which we ourselves generate (such as fear, anger, jealousy and anxiety) can invite in and “feed” psychic attacks and curses. A form of spiritual healing known as Spirit Releasement is employed to clear a person of attachments and negative energies.

What Is Spirit Releasement/Exorcism?

Spirit Releasement, also known as depossession, is the process of releasing entities from living people. This can be done remotely (from a distance), or in person. Remote exorcism can be done without the conscious knowledge of the person on whom we are working, but permission is always requested from that person’s higher self before the procedure is undertaken.

In the Releasement /exorcism process, darkness is transformed into the golden light of the sun (inner alchemy) and entities, spirits, and other energies are released to their appropriate place in the Divine Light.

In cases of earthbound spirit attachment, the entity is simply made aware of its situation and lovingly guided into the Light, usually into the care of a loved one who comes to help in the transition. Curses and negative energies are removed by severing connections and transforming the energies from detrimental to beneficial.

Does This Really Help People?

Releasement has been very beneficial to many people, but it is not a cure-all. Once the entities are released, the problems that they had been causing tend to clear up quickly. The degree of improvement also depends on how much influence the entities have had on the host. Sometimes entities are released and the changes are so subtle that the person may notice no changes at all. This is simply because of the nature of the attachment. Unfortunately, Spirit Releasement is usually used as a last resort. I feel that releasing these entities can be quite effective before one spends a great deal of time on lengthy traditional therapy. Spirit releasement presents no
threat of danger or ill effects to a person. However, a person may sometimes feel tired for a day or so after the release has been accomplished.

What About Places That Are Haunted by Spirits or Negative Energies?

Spirits usually have a reason for haunting specific places; for instance: sudden death, or death from violent or traumatic causes. They may have “unfinished business” or “a score to settle.” They may be unwilling to give up their physical possessions. They may be confused or not realize they are physically dead. These spirits can also be released by remote means.

Negative energies may inhabit places for many different reasons. Places where violence or traumatic deaths have occurred may retain the overall energy of those happenings–battlefields, for instance. Homes where people constantly fight or argue with each other may retain the negativity of those actions.

An example of positive yet solemn energy clinging to a place is The Wall memorial to Viet Nam war casualties. This energy has been created by visitors to the memorial paying homage to their fallen comrades and loved ones.

Anger – Jealousy – Fear – Guilt

These are just a few examples of negative energies generated for various reasons. Negative thoughts take many forms and affect people in many different ways.

Psychic attack by another person (you may not even be aware of their feelings
toward you): Another person’s anger, jealousy or other negativity toward you may be strong enough to constitute a psychic attack on you. Conversely, your negativity toward others may psychically attack them, even without your conscious intent to “attack.”

Curses–an extreme form of psychic attack. People who practice the black arts
sometimes perform certain rituals to initiate curses.

Environments–places and objects–can harbor or hold residual vibrations from past negative actions associated with them–for instance, battlefields or disaster sites such as airline crashes.

Relationships that have ended unhappily or unpleasantly may leave negative
“strings” attached. Negative “bonds” are extremely

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