Past Life Regression Therapy, PLRT, PLR Therapy, Bangalore

plr therapy

Past Life Regression Therapy, PLRT, PLR Therapy, Bangalore

Past-life therapy is regression therapy accepting that scenes from apparent past lives may emerge. Regression therapy derives its name from its method: recovering and reliving past experiences cathartically. Though reliving cathartically is sometimes sufficient, regression proper often has to be complemented by working with subpersonalities, having the present personality communicate with the child or the past life that had the traumatic experience. In the present lifetime, this work is called Inner Child work, in past lifetimes, this is called working with pseudo-obsessors: treating and integrating disturbing past-life personalities.

The second complement of regression is bio-energetically: discovering and processing old residues – including those from past lives – that clutter our system and that we still may experience physically. Regression therapy in the wide sense includes Inner Child work and bio-energetic work, and the same holds for past-life therapy.

Both working with subpersonalities and working bio-energetically, often may lead to discovering what those two field respectively call attachments and foreign energies: charges, subpersonalities and even complete personalities of others. In the last case, we deal with attachment by deceased people. Sometimes, attachments appear to come from people we knew in a previous lifetime. Consequentially, past-life therapy includes removing karmic attachments.

In regressing to infancy, birth and the time in the womb, children often respond, consider and decide in a way that betrays an adult background, an adult awareness. Like adults have Inner Children, children have Inner Adults. Past-life therapists take those Inner Adults seriously and discover in them previous lifetimes or conclusions and decisions from the intermission between death and rebirth. When processing an apparently relevant childhood trauma gives only half results, past-life therapy will go farther back.

Past-life therapy is generally short therapy, though the sessions are longer and more intensive than is usual in psychotherapy. The main motives are childhood fears and phobias. Other motives are bed-wetting, dyslexia, depression, anger and hyperactivity. Some work with even younger children, in fact from the time they begin to speak.

How often do patients relate previous lifetimes if asked to return to the first cause of their problem? About one third of my patients, after an open suggestion, arrive in a past life, about one third remain in this life, and about one third relive childhood events that appear to be restimulations of older traumas. Shakuntala Modi found, with more serious patients, that 70% had symptoms originating from past lives. Brian Weiss (1993) found that about 40% of his patients had to go to past lives to solve their problems:

Regression to an earlier period of this present-day lifetime is usually fruitful enough for most of the remainder. For those first 40 percent, however, regression to previous lifetimes is key to a cure. The best therapist working within the classically accepted limits of the single life-time will not be able to effect a complete cure for the patient whose symptoms were caused by a trauma that occurred in a previous lifetime, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years ago. But when past life therapy is used to bring these long-repressed memories to awareness, improvement in the current symptoms is usually swift and dramatic.

Some patients prefer to indulge in past lives while they resist confronting bad feelings and bad experiences from their childhood. On the average, working in this lifetime is emotionally more taxing. Working in past lifetimes usually is mentally more taxing, and the somatics are probably more intense while working in past lives, except for reliving serious physical trauma in this life, like accidents or violence.

For what kind of problems people seek past-life therapy? Or when do therapists who have more options, apply this therapy? We have ample information on this: a survey in 1988 among the members of APRT, the professional association in the USA, a similar survey among the members of the NVRT, the professional association in the Netherlands, the survey of Rabia Clark in 1995. Garritt Oppenheim (1990), Hans TenDam (1993) and Shakuntala Modi (1998) also present lists. The big four of motives for past-life therapy appear to be:

1.      Fears and phobias.
2.      Relationship problems and problems of connecting with people in general.
3.      Depressions.
4.      Physical complaints without medical explanation or not responding to medical care.

After those four, the most common other motives are:
5.      Sexual problems.
6.      Addictions.
7.      Obesity and eating disorders.

What problems and which patients are unfit for regression and past-life therapy? The first condition for regression therapy is that we can communicate with the patient. We cannot do regression therapy with patients who we cannot talk to because they are mentally too retarded, too heavily drugged, too psychotic – so they cannot hold on to their own thoughts and feelings, or the reverse: they cannot let go of them, or because they are too autistic. For regression we need people who can explore their thoughts and feelings and can distinguish fact and fiction. Few psychotics qualify.

Morris Netherton considers working with schizophrenics possible. He starts with imagination and gradually moves to real regression. It works, but slowly and limited. With autistic children he had no success. An alcoholic has to be free from alcohol for about three days to regress successfully. People using barbiturates or other tranquillizers have to detoxify before starting regression therapy.

Roger Woolger considers working in past lives for many too intense. They have no need to reopen old sores in their psyche, but need a personal, therapeutic relationship to rebuild their confidence in life and in themselves. Others find it difficult to visualize and to internalize. Oppenheim mention as counter indications (1990):

*      patients with acute anxiety attacks,
*      those acutely confused,
*      those in acute depression,
*      those with severe acute psychotic symptoms.
*      patients who ask for hypnosis to stop smoking or lose weight or improve their golf scores or achieve similar goals – they can nearly always attain their goals without deep-level probing,
*      patients deeply rooted in religious teachings who back away of reincarnation,
*      macho patients (including women) scoffing at anything mystical or paranormal as ‘crackpot’ or ‘weirdo.’

Patients may be neurotic, tremble with fear, hear voices, have multiple personalities, are depressive, suicidal or murderous. As long as they want to work, as long as they assume responsibility, we can work with them. We cannot work with dependent people. Assuming responsibility is a condition for any therapy that is insight-oriented.

People with ‘patient mentality’, even after apparently successful regressions, hardly improve. People addicted to their suffering are rather cases for ‘antitherapy’, jolting them out of the standard patient – therapist relationship. Others are walking case files: they regurgle all their previous diagnoses and can talk about themselves only in psychobabble or psychiatric jargon.

Also people who refuse to be patients are unfit. They refuse suffering in all its forms (they have forgotten to feel, as feeling is too painful or too threatening), and so are unfit for explorative, insight-oriented therapies. They refuse to relax and want to interpret, comment and rationalize anything remotely resembling a significant experience or emotion. Who cannot live, cannot relive. Interesting as an intellectual ball game, but a dead-end road to catharsis. People who want to get rid of their problems without finding out the causes, sometimes may be helped by antitherapy or paradoxical therapy, and often by behavioral therapy or classical hypnotherapy.

For many, past-life therapy still has a sensational ring and so it attracts professional sufferers who want to add it to their collection of near-hits. Also, past-life therapy is mainly known in alternative, spiritual circles. Many have been told by people who just discovered they are psychic, that they have a hole in their aura because in a past life they dabbled in black magic. People who visited others to hear things about themselves, expect a therapist to do the same. They don’t come to do produce, but to consume. Or they want psychic surgery. They want to be hypnotized and come back to their senses when everything is over. Or they want to witness a miracle healing. The worst assume they are entitled to that. They have suffered enough and they pray so seriously for being healed. Others want to hear that they are a special, an uncommonly difficult case.

Only few past-life therapists like to work with drug addicts. They get images, but usually both chaotic and tedious. It seems as if their tapes have come loose and are entangled. Scientologists believe that each drug is tied to a specific emotion, and they rigorously pursue the separate emotion lines one by one.

Ten suitable motives for regression therapy and past-life therapy are:

*      Old anguish: paralyzing fear, roaring despair, waves of grief, mountains of sorrow, maddening confusion. This comes from old traumas that we track down and resolve with straight regression.
*      Be stuck. See no way out. Simmering impotent rage. Next to straight regression (often to death experiences or long incarcerations), bodily work (like acupressure) and bioenergetic interventions are indicated, till freedom has been won back and the blocked energy flows again.
*      Loneliness and desolation. This requires regression to the beginning of these feelings and especially to before that: homing.
*      Inhibition. Never mingling easily. Feeling an outsider, a spectator. Feeling clumsy, shy, withdrawn. Often guilt or shame are involved, real or talked into. Personification (working with subpersonalities), mainly Inner Child work, is indicated.
*      Submissiveness. Over-adapting to others. Lack of assertiveness. Not being able to stand in your own space and energy.
*      Be lost. Having lost the way or not knowing what way to take.
*      The body resists. Physical complaints without medical cause or not responding to medical treatment.
*      Ineffective insight. We know what the problem is, we know what to do. But nothing changes
*      Relationship problems. Being entangled with somebody else. Efforts to disentangle are in vain.
*      Self-discovery. The search for unknown, undiscovered parts of ourselves or unsuspected talents. Curiosity. Free explorations rather than therapy.

Past-life therapy often helps where other forms of psychotherapy halt. Its methodical basis: regression, is simple. Practitioners at least have to be able to establish relationships of trust, to counsel, and to deal with emotions. And they need practical wisdom.

Regressions and personifications quickly uncover the source of most problems. Who wants to work with those methods, but doesn’t believe in real past-life or prenatal experiences, may consider those experiences as diagnostic psychodrama and treat it as such. As long as the experiences are taken seriously as experiences.

Past-life therapy always starts just as regression therapy. Traumas, postulates or hangovers also originate in the present life, and pseudo-obsessions may come from multiple personalities. The only really specific elements in past-life therapy, compared to present-life regressions, are dealing with afterdeath and prebirth issues. With hangovers this is often necessary, with pseudo-obsessions always.

Success certainly is not only a question of the right methods. Past-life therapy, like most psychotherapy, is more than applying skills; it also depends on the person of the therapist. A good therapist is weathered and mild, all friendliness and scars.



reincarnation connection

Past Life Regression / Connections, Soul Mates,Reincarnation

There are people that we have relationships with where tell ourselves that we’re in love and that we’ve met our soul mate because we’re thinking about that person all the time or tuning into their feelings when actually what we’re dealing with is a kind of addiction. You know that you’re dealing with addiction rather than real love when you feel that you simply couldn’t live without that other person and when the thought of being without them is too terrifying to even think about.  That kind of love that actually knocks you off of your path, but it can also be the kind of love that teaches you something.

In contrast, past life relationships can be just as intense, but there is a particular kind of familiar feeling about them. When you meet someone that you had a past-life relationship with, you often feels as if that person is your soulmate because you know them with a profound feeling of recognition, you understand each other, you have more of a bond when you’re separate from each other and you can kind of feel where they are.

Past life relationships can be confusing at best and hell at their worst.  They are confusing because they can they often involve ecstasy and agony.  There can be so much intensity between you.  You might even share all sorts of spiritual experiences such as telepathy or seeing colours when you make love. But such relationships are usually plagued with  problems.  It’s like you’re repeating the same relationship you might have had in ten lives with that person.  It’s obviously very potent and intense magic.  Even if you don’t see them for ten years you can feel this complete and utter bond, because in a way it’s a timeless bond.

Sometime, those relationships are not meant for this life, however, and it may be that your learning in this life is to let go of that so that you can find the right energy for you. It’s hard, because people find it very difficult to let go of that intoxicating experience, even though, in most cases, those kind of relationships will never work – it’s always ecstasy and agony and drama.

When you’re in that experience it’s very difficult for you to think that it’s not for you, because you’re determined to fit that square peg in that round hole, and make it work but it all comes back to your relationship with you.  If you are your best friend and you love you, you’re not going to let yourself go through that trauma all of the time. And ultimately it’s about actually believing that you are worthy of a relationship that is worthy of you – a relationship that nurtures you, a relationship that is equal. A relationship that doesn’t destroy your heart, and take away with your self-esteem.

In contrast, and despite anything else that you might have heard anywhere else, soul mate relationships just tend to work.  When you meet soulmate, you get on, you may have a few struggles, but fundamentally you click.  It’s a functioning relationship, and you have each others’ best interests at heart.

Not all soul mates are destined to be lovers, either.  If you have a friendship or you have a connection that’s absolutely stunningly beautiful, and pure and delightful, and you merge together, it could also be a soul mate connection.

So if you’re confused about whether the person you’re involved with or have your heart set on is a soul mate, a past life connection with some karma to work through or an outright addiction, just ask yourself:  Does this relationship bring me peace? Does it work?  Are we better people for being in it? Does it allow me to be my best me?  If the answer is yes, it could be a soul mate relationship.  If your answers are no, then it’s likely to be a past life connection and only you can make the decision to set yourself free.

Even more importantly, don’t let yourself get confused by labels.  I would say that a lot of problems in our lives are down to labelling ourselves and labelling every experience – but more about that next time!

Few signs of a past life connections : 

  • Immediate Connection or Immediate Negative Reaction. There are some people that we connect with instantly, whether as friends or potential lovers. According to the late sage Yogananda, you can recognize a soul friend/mate from a past life when you instantly connect and have a deep understanding of each other. “When you feel in your heart a deep harmony with another person, you know that you knew each other before.”

Likewise, there are others that bring out instant hostility within you. You’re not sure why you don’t like them, but your reaction is so negative it takes you by surprise. Past life experts agree that this person may have done something to harm you in a prior life.

  • Telepathic Connection. You can sense what they are about to say, or you receive a phone call/text shortly after you think about them. There is a sort of unexplained connection that can’t be broken.
  • Eye Recognition. When you look into their eyes upon first meeting, they seem familiar and quickly draw you in.

Have you noticed that with some people you can stare at them for hours as you converse, but there isn’t a connection? While it takes just moments to connect with others? Past life experts believe this isn’t a coincidence. If this happens, they suggest you should pay close attention.

Some have concluded that the eyes don’t change from birth to birth. This allows for us to recognize one another throughout time.

psychic attacks

Past Life Psychic Attacks|Spirits Release|Regression Therapy

Within each of us appears to reside the events of past lives. A migraine, chronic lower back pain or knee problem may be telling a story from an old accident or wound. A chronic sore throat may derive from strangling, hanging or choking. As the soul returns to life over and over these traumatic memories are re-created in our current life often making little sense, and keeping us from living peaceful lives.

Past Lives are brought to our conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares and unexplainable physical pain. Past life regression allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life.

Regression therapy covers past lives, and also current life memories some of which may be below the level of our conscious awareness. It enables the conflicts from the past that have been distorting our mental, emotional and physical well-being to be resolved. An example from the current life may be a phobia and a more complex one post traumatic stress from childhood trauma or a life threatening situation. The symptoms may include panic attacks, emotional outbursts, blocked feelings, self harm, numbness, unexplainable physical pain or recurring relationship problems.

The therapy works by going to the root of the problem and includes body therapy and inner child therapy to transform it in a way that is both safe and structured. It also includes cleaning the energy field of intrusive energy which has been affecting health including spirit releasement, curses and energy fragments. Regression therapy reaches further and heals deeper at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels than most other therapeutic approaches.

Past Life Therapy & Psychic Attack. As our soul travels through a series of lifetimes it experiences many things. Since the basis of Earth learning is choosing positive over negative, we have to start with negativity to move forward. Some existences are filled with negative thoughts, feelings, and beings. Some souls make bargains with other negative spirits to get the opportunities they desire.

As a soul completes a particularly negative life and returns to the unconditional love of Home, some of the negative issues may remain unresolved and get left behind. That resulting negativity may be free flowing and attach to the soul when it returns, or it may accompany another soul who has chosen not to return to positive love but to remain as a discarnate lost soul clinging to Earth and waiting to exact revenge upon the soul with which it had dealings not yet completed.

Sometimes the immediate problem arose from former life dealings with negative agreements that we left behind. The energy may not be free flowing, so it may not pop up in your life until the one with whom you had made the agreements which come along to exact vengeance for being left holding the bag of negativity by retaliating with psychic attacks.

To remove this series of attacks from our future, we simply need to cut the strings that connect you to the other spirit. This can be done via past-life regression by returning to that life and resolving our feelings about the situation and removing the fear that accompanies it.

We may be facing some responsibilities that we assumed in that life but may not complete out of fear. If we understand what the lesson was and why we did not choose to finish it, we will be able to send the fear and our attacker away. Once it cannot impact us, the discarnate will move on to another soul.

Mystery of Past Life Recall |Cases of Reincarnation | India|

Under hypnosis, numerous people recall the details of previous lives, even to the point of taking on the personalities of their former selves – and speaking in foreign languages!

In 1824, a nine-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a Japanese farmer, told his sister that he believed he had a past life. According to his story, which is one of the earliest cases of past life recall on record, the boy vividly recalled that he had been the son of another farmer in another village and had died from the effects of smallpox in 1810.

Katsugoro could remember dozens of specific events about his past life, including details about his family and the village where they lived, even though Katsugoro had never been there. He even remembered the time of his death, his burial and the time he spent before being reborn. The facts he related were subsequently verified by an investigation.

Past life recall is one of the most fascinating areas of unexplained human phenomena. As yet, science has been unable to prove or disprove its genuineness. Even many who have investigated claims of past life recall are unsure whether it is an historical recollection due to reincarnation or is a construction of information somehow received by the subconscious. Either possibility is remarkable. And like many areas of the paranormal, there is a propensity for fraud that the serious investigator must watch out for. It’s important to be skeptical about such extraordinary claims, but the stories are nonetheless intriguing.

Past life recall generally comes about spontaneously, more often with children than adults.

Those who support the idea of reincarnation believe this is because children are closer to their past lives and that their minds have not been clouded or “written over” by their present lives. Adults who experience past life recall often do so as the result of some extraordinary experience, such as hypnosis, lucid dreaming or even a blow to the head.

Here are some outstanding cases:


Perhaps the most famous case of past life recall is that of Virginia Tighe who recalled her past life as Bridey Murphy. Virginia was the wife of a Virginia businessman in Pueblo, Colorado. While under hypnosis in 1952, she told Morey Bernstein, her therapist, that over 100 years ago she was an Irish woman named Bridget Murphy who went by the nickname of Bridey. During their sessions together, Bernstein marveled at detailed conversations with Bridey, who spoke with a pronounced Irish brogue and spoke extensively of her life in 19th century Ireland. When Bernstein published his book about the case, The Search for Bridey Murphy in 1956, it became famous around the world and sparked an excited interest in the possibility of reincarnation.

Over six sessions, Virginia revealed many details about Bridey’s life, including her birth date in 1798, her childhood amid a Protestant family in the city of Cork, her marriage to Sean Brian Joseph McCarthy and even her own death at the age of 60 in 1858. As Bridey, she provided numerous specifics, such as names, dates, places, events, shops and songs – things Virginia was always surprised about when she awoke from the hypnosis. But could these details be verified? The results of many investigations were mixed. Much of what Bridey said was consistent with the time and place, and it seemed inconceivable that someone who had never been to Ireland could provide so many details with such confidence.

However, journalists could find no historical record of Bridey Murphy – not her birth, her family, her marriage, nor her death. Believers supposed that this was merely due to the poor recordkeeping of the time. But critics discovered inconsistencies in Bridey’s speech and also learned that Virginia had grown up near – and had known well – an Irish woman named Bridle Corkell, and that she was quite likely the inspiration for “Bridey Murphy.” There are flaws with this theory, too, however, keeping the case of Bridey Murphy an intriguing mystery.


In 1986, a woman known by the pseudonym “Monica” underwent hypnosis by psychotherapist Dr. Garrett Oppenheim. Monica believed she discovered a previous existence as a man named John Ralph Wainwright who lived in the southwestern U.S. She knew that John grew up in Wisconsin, Arizona and had vague memories of brothers and sisters. As a young man he became a deputy sheriff and married the daughter of a bank president. According the Monica’s “memory,” John was killed in the line of duty – shot by three men he had once sent to jail – and died on July 7, 1907


Born in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), Sujith was barely old enough to speak when he began to tell his family of a previous life as a man named Sammy. Sammy, he said, had lived eight miles to the south in the village of Gorakana. Sujith told of Sammy’s life as a railroad worker and as a dealer of a bootleg whiskey called arrack. After an argument with his wife, Maggie, Sammy stormed out of his house and got drunk, and while walking along a busy highway was struck by a truck and killed.

Young Sujith often demanded to be taken to Gorakana and had an abnormal taste for cigarettes and arrack.

Sjuth’s family had never been to Gorakana and hadn’t known anyone that fit Sammy’s description, yet, being Buddhists, were believers in reincarnation and therefore not completely surprised by the boy’s story.

Investigations, including one conducted by a professor of psychiatry from the University of Virginia, confirmed as many as 60 of the details of the life of Sammy Fernando who indeed had lived and died (six months before Sujith’s birth) just as Sujith had said. When Sujith was introduced to Sammy’s family, he surprised them with his familiarity with them and his knowledge of their pet names. This is one of the strongest cases of reincarnation on record.


Hypnosis isn’t the only method by which past lives are recalled. A Britsh woman was distressed by a recurring dream in which she, as a child, and another child with whom she was playing, fell from a high gallery in their home to their deaths.

She vividly remembered the black and white checked marble floor on which they died. She repeated the dream to several of her friends. Sometime later, the woman was visiting an old house that had a reputation for being haunted. With its black and white marble floor, the house immediately was recognized by the woman as the scene of the deaths in her dreams.

She subsequently learned that a small brother and sister really had fallen to their deaths in the house. Was she recalling a past life, or had she somehow psychically tuned in to this dramatic history?


Another fascinating case of past life regression took place in Wales where Graham Huxtable, a mild-mannered swimming instructor, was placed under hypnosis by hypnotist Arnall Bloxham. In a trance, Huxtable not just recalled a past life, he seemed to actually become a man named Ben, a boisterous gunner on an 18th century British frigate called Aggie. While inhabited by the personality of Ben, Huxtable would call out orders to the men on the ship in a heavy accent and use obscure nautical terminology. He even relived every moment of a battle in which he eventually suffered an injury to his leg.

Bloxham had difficulty bringing Huxtable out of trance, but when he did, the man complained of a pain in his leg. And when Bloxham replayed a recording of the session, Huxtable was astonished at what he heard, recalling nothing of his experience under the trance. Although experts could verify the terms and language that “Ben” used, they could not find records of a ship named Aggie nor of the ship’s captain he had named. Past life recall… or a case of multiple personality?


In 1958, a woman who in this case was identified only as T.E., underwent hypnosis by her husband, a medical doctor and experimenter with past life regression. Once in a trance state, T.E.’s voice deepened to one that was distinctly male and she declared in broken English that she was a farmer named Jensen Jacoby who lived in the 17th century. T.E.’s speech was peppered with Swedish words, a language that she and her husband swore she did not know. After six hypnotic sessions, T.E. was talking exclusively in Swedish, even conversing fluently with several Swedish persons that her husband had brought in to witness the phenomenon. These native Swedes confirmed that she was speaking a somewhat archaic form of Swedish that would have been spoken at the time Jensen said he had lived.

These are just a few of the more well-known examples of past life recall. Those who practice past life regression therapy today claim that it has certain benefits. They say it can shed light on present life personal issues and relationships and can even help to heal the wounds suffered in a past life.

Reincarnation has also been one of the central tenets of many Eastern religions, and one can return to this existence in a new physical form, whether it is human, animal or even vegetable. The form one takes, it is believed, is determined by the law of karma – that the higher or lower form one takes is due to one’s behavior in the previous life. The concept of past lives is also one of the beliefs of L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology, which states that “past lives are suppressed by the painfulness of the memory of those former existences. To restore the memory of one’s whole existence, it is necessary to bring one up to being able to confront such experiences.”


  • General George S. Patton believed that he had been a soldier in many previous lives, including in the service of Alexander the Great.
  • Benjamin Franklin may have been professing his belief in reincarnation when he wrote that he would return “in a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the author.”
  • Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were contemporaries and both professed believers in past lives.
  • Edgar Cayce, the American psychic, believed that he was a resident of Atlantis in one previous life.

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