Past Life Wounds-Present Life Problems|Healing the Problems|

Past Life Wounds-Present Life Problems|Healing the Problems|

Past life therapyYou may or may not be a believer of having lived many lives previous to the one you are now. There are many medical practitioners that use past life regressions that originated from using traditional hypnotherapy. Dr. Brian Weiss, psychiatrist, MD was the scientific skeptic that had many of his clients who undergone regression for phobias only to repeated instances of his clients experiences memories of a past life. He has one client that had a phobia to water and through hypnotherapy, she had relieved a memory from a past life. Dr. Brian Weiss was intrigued and did further research and continued to find great benefits to individuals being relieved from their phobias using past life regression.

The belief is this: if our bodies have muscle memory then our souls can continue memories from our past lives that can harbour itself into our present lives if we haven’t resolved the conflict prior to. Pain is known to be contributed by not just chemical imbalances or physical injuries but it is also linked emotionally and mentally. The subconscious mind has great influence to our bodily disturbances and relief. If our past memories are deep within our subconscious minds then the pain that is engrained can be manifested in our physical bodies and mental state.

Past Life Regression is another holistic method for relief from pain, phobias and addictions and any unwanted behaviours that could be triggered from a past life that hasn’t been resolved. Once a client undergoes the regression they are able to feel more relief and the exposure of the event will allow them to relax and change perspectives and move on from the event. Once it is brought to surface it can be released and the present pain or phobia can also be released. A lot of the times people that we have lost in this present life can also be contacted and many people feel more relief and closure.

Whatever the emotional wound is that you have experienced, the root cause of it may go way back into your Past Lives. It could also be because of the karmic package you have bought into this lifetime from your Past Lives. This course is an in depth self journey into significant points in childhood in this life and Past Lives. Past-life exploration can also shed new light on current physical and emotional issues. Many times the symptoms we feel are said to be “all in your head” by a doctor. If there are no physiological or psychology reasons for the issue, then past-life exploration would be a wonderful way to uncover cell memory of a past trauma. Often a Past Life Regression can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in a past-life. In many instances, physical infirmities, disabilities, and even birthmarks, have origins in one or more past lives.

If we die without healing and emotional resolution, we will re-create the same drama in future lives in order to grant the opportunities to heal and move away from the fearful belief system. The most powerful false belief systems are those that have painful emotional charges connected to them.

The fact this lifetime is causing you so much pain means you may have been in a highly toxic past-life relationship that’s unresolved. The recognition and healing of what is really going on can provide the knowledge necessary to honor you and move on. If the relationship is salvageable, it may grant the insight to resolve the hidden issues you can’t quite put your finger on.

Many of us can relate to certain relationships in our lives which are extremely painful and traumatic, yet we can’t seem to find a solution to stop the pain. These connections aren’t just limited to love partners. This may involve your mother or father, your child, a friend or anyone else in your life. It can be extremely useful to target the core wound of these relationships in order to release the dense energy that has been trapped regarding these issues.

It is usual to find individuals who have been playing out the same episodes with the same people lifetime to lifetime. If this pattern is not healed and liberated the pattern may continue for centuries.

It must be stated that past-life work alone isn’t enough and isn’t a quick fix. It’ll break down a wall that seemed indestructible, but if we don’t keep working on new positive belief systems we easily default to the old patterns.

It can’t be emphasised strongly enough – self-work is a lifestyle not a transient event.

At the end of the day there’s no ‘magic bullet’. We have to work extremely hard at changing our beliefs about life and ourselves, and take responsibility for evolving and developing ourselves.


soul loss and spirit release

Entity Removal, Soul Loss & Fragmentation, Spirits in Aura

Our aura protects us from harm. As our aura tears, rips or is ruptured by tearing, these openings allow energies through that use our energy for their own existence. Anger, emotional upset, illness, sexual trauma, rape, sexual molestation, alcohol, prescription medication as well as smoking marijuana or taking other drugs creates holes in our auric field.When holes occur, these entities are opportunistic and find a home attached to unsuspecting hosts.
Soul Fragmentation. Every human has a soul. As we experience deep trauma our soul fragments like shards of glass causing us to lose our personal power and become weakened.
Soul fragmentation is most often seen with those who are victims of sexual molestation, rape or abandoned emotionally by an alcoholic parent. Once fragmentation occurs, this broken feeling prevails until the fragmentation is repaired by a true healer or Shaman.
The soul is comprised of layers and parts which can break off and be separated when deep trauma occurs. When we experience deep trauma our saving grace is to be able to shut down that part of ourselves by breaking away or closing down. This mechanism is a survival technique that occurs automatically, as the psyche cannot experience the truth of what is occurring. These shards of the soul go into another dimension. Often people who have been molested are numbed  and unaware of the deep pain they continue to experience internally.

Ignoring the past doesn’t clear up the damage or the entities that attach during such a traumatic experience. 

Soul Loss and Fragmentation. When humans stop experiencing emotional upheaval and emotional or physical trauma they will stop losing parts of their soul. Getting our emotions under control is part of this process. Until then, soul loss is a problem that causes us to feel lost, broken and incomplete.
Soul Retrieval. Soul retrieval restores your personal power. My work as a light worker and healer is to repair these soul parts and re-implement them back into the soul. Before I retrieve them to repair they need to be cleaned and then reassimilated before the soul feels complete and whole again.
Entity Removal. Removal of entities causes a feeling of calm, peace and freedom to occur. Anxiety and depression are often eliminated in one or two sessions.  People report feeling safe, and much less fearful. Mind chatter is reduced and deep sleep occurs. Insomnia is one of the side-effects of entity attachment.
Sleep Paralysis. If you have ever been awakened in the middle of the night, and felt a presence in your bedroom doorway – frozen in fear you want to scream but can’t, this is a demon using your fear as energy. Your fear is harvested to feed the entity.

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