Past Life Therapy & Diseases

Past Life Therapy & Diseases

Many of us at some point of time ask the question “Why is this happening to me? We often blame other people, destiny, bad luck, a particular situation or circumstance for everything that is going wrong. It is often said that everything happens for a reason but how to find out the reason? What is law of karma and theory of reincarnation? Now the time has come to find answers to all your questions through Past Life Regression (PLR) and get rid of your various issues:

Emotional issues – worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, negative thoughts, anger, low self-esteem, feeling of insecurity, various fears, phobias, nightmares or repetitive dreams etc.

Relationship issues – differences with in-laws / spouse / parents / siblings/boss etc.

Physical ailments – chronic diseases, body pains, allergies etc.

Financial Issues – loss in business, unemployment, instability in career etc.

We attract 90% of problems in our present life due to negative emotional blockages like anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, aggression, rigidity, fear, phobias, insecurity, sadness, self-pity, inferiority complex etc. which we generally carry from our past life, mother’s womb or childhood.

When any negative emotion remain un-resolved, it starts affecting our present life either in the form of physical ailment or in the form of attracting negative situations like repetitive failure in relationships, business, career and personal growth. There is a very noble therapy called PLR (Past Life Regression) through which this negative emotional blockages can be removed. PLR is a therapy in which the therapist takes you to a deep relaxed state and helps you to find the root cause of the problem and assists you in removing the blockage and balancing the karmas related to those issues. Once the blockage is removed you can see a positive change in your life. The therapy is in practice globally and bears fruitful results.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Does Everyone Have a Past Life?

That is the million dollar question. The best answer is that it doesn’t really matter. There are many hypnotists who do Past Life Regression therapy and really don’t even belief in past lives.  The therapeutic value is the same whether the client or the hypnotist believes in past lives. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter if you really have one or not. PLR therapy is a very effective way to get to the root cause of many unexplained emotional problems.  We have had many experiences with past life regression that occurred spontaneously during a session and proved to be very effective relieving the problem that was presented by the client.

The science of past life therapy is a most engaging study of the human mind. Each individual soul progresses through the course of many lifetimes and retains within his energy structures or psychic anatomy, as it is termed, the debris or retained information of an accumulation of past-life experiences. This energy-information must be dealt with through the course of subsequent lifetimes, when these energy structures re-engage themselves and make their appearance on the surface of one’s daily life. The cyclic interplay of these interdenominational forces of energy is the substance of the study of past lifetimes.  

This study is not one to be pursued by the pleasure seeker for the purpose of inflating one’s ego or amusing oneself with some fairy-tale-like conception of the previous existence one has passed throughQuite the contrary, the true study of reincarnation involves a bracing awareness that one has not always lived his or her lifetimes wisely and must take steps to correct certain misconceptions or variances in one’s understanding of life, now, in the present situation in which these facts have been brought to the student’s attention.

“Most of our illnesses, both physical and physiological, are brought on from incidences and trauma which occurred in our past. Once we find the problem from the past that is presently affecting us, and release it through a gentle hypnotic session(s), the illness is resolved and disappears. Does it stay away? Yes, it does.”

Mental and physical disease and other afflictions of negative-life experiences will gradually be resolved and healed by one’s understanding of the continuity of consciousness. The problems that plague the greatest minds and cause the ordinary citizen to suffer from a diverse array of stresses and strains will be resolved when the new science of past-life therapy becomes widespread in its application!

Past Life Regression is a Holistic Healing Modality because it works on the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It transports one back to those times before one’s birth and regresses one to previous lifetimes. This is done to sort out problems that a person may be experiencing in the present. The reason for undertaking Past Life Regression is to improve the spiritual quality of our life, right now. Its chief objective is to make our life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present moment. Past Life Regression addresses the root cause and it enables extremely deep change to take place at the very source of the problem. It does not deal with external symptoms. It directly addresses the internal cause.

Past-life-regression is based on the principles of cause and effect (also known as law of karma). Something that has been set in motion at some time in the past results in a corresponding effect on a person’s present physical, emotional, mental or spiritual well being, at this moment. This cause may be a past desire, a past thought, past feeling, a past emotion, a past vow, a past promise, a past decision, a past evasion or a past traumatic experience.

Past-Life-Regression helps to heal chronic diseases.This is done in the following manner: Past-Life-Regression helps individuals to understand the karmic patterns involved and the resultant energy blockages. It is these energy blockages that manifest as diseases, which are sometimes chronic. The understanding that flows clears the energy blockages and thereby the disease is healed.

Past-Life-Regression improves one’s interpersonal relationships by causing the person to understand the past life relationships with those individuals. Till this is understood, clashes and friction with one’s present lifetime’s relations is inevitable. Once the understanding flows, the person is able to see the larger perspective and therefore the relationships are improved or ‘healed’.

Past-Life-Regression releases individuals from all kinds of fears and phobias by bringing about an understanding of the specific causes of these fears and phobias. The causes are mostly present in the previous lives. They could also be present in the earlier part of the current life. For example a person who had this fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia) had experienced a past life where he was buried alive in an earthquake. Once he relived this trauma, he was able to overcome his claustrophobia immediately.

Past-Life- Regression frees us from the fear of death once and for all. The fear of death is the biggest of all fears plaguing mankind. Past-Life-Regression helps us to explore our past lives and through this exploration we realize that we are eternal beings. We understand that death is a mere transition from one state to another and that the essence of our being continues into eternity as we have lived before and are going to live again after ‘death’. Moreover, once an individual has relived his/her past lives, he/she validates this understanding in the light of the personal experiences had. This removes the fear of death once and for all.

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