Psychic Attacks influence on energy body, mental, physical

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks influence on energy body, mental, physical

A psychic attack is a negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon a person, their life, or their family. Harm can be launched toward the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state of a person. Those negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and more.

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create. I recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

Symptoms of A Psychic Attack

When you are under psychic attack, you might experience these possible symptoms:

  • Unexplained sense of fear
  • Very frightening nightmares, often causing a fear of sleep
  • Negative thoughts that seem to pop into our mind from out of nowhere
  • Feeling tired for no reason at all
  • Sudden illnesses that seem to have no diagnosis
  • Strange accidents that seem to be recurring
  • Having unexplained pains on a regular basis
  • Experiencing random illnesses and pains that your attacker is aware of, even if you have not told anyone
  • Having painful headaches accompanied by dizziness and vomiting
  • Feeling an unexplained sense of doubt in your life
  • Lack of clarity in thinking, or a sudden change in your analytical ability
  • Sudden onset of depression
  • Irrational outbursts of sorrow, anger and fear
  • Hearing voices or having the feeling of being watched or followed, even when you are alone
  • Constantly seeing your attacker in your dreams and thoughts

One of the key power of the psychic attack is it hits during ones weakest point! This is simply because at a weakened state, already, the energy level of the person is quite low. This can be, for example, during an instance of physical fatigue, emotional breakdown, mentally weak, or even spiritually low. Let’s consider a person, after his day’s work, he is in a state of tiredness, and here there is a physical fatigue. If the body is tired, and the mind restless, the protective shield slackens. With an emotional upheaval somehow, that protective auric field becomes mild and too subtle to be strong. Hence, that ‘negative intention arrow’ pierces the aura easily.

Most often, psychic attacks go unnoticed by the victim. But by the time the attacks intensify, the vulnerability of the person increases, resulting in the various psychic attacks symptoms.

Most psychic attacks are coined as Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Wild the physical attack is said to be mild, the Spiritual one is the highest form. Physical psychic attacks form mild disturbances, and the person can get symptoms like headaches, rashes, stomach ache and various other aches and pains. Mental psychic attacks are medium form of attacks. Victims may feel a variety of negative emotions or thoughts such as general depression, fear, guilt, hate or jealousy. Generally, these negative emotions or thoughts occurring have no actual basis and are often far stronger than the person’s typical negative mental state. Emotional psychic attacks bring victims down on an emotional level. This happens mostly during a heartbreaking situation, or a simply an insult. Spiritual psychic attacks is a high level of attack. They can result in an unusual and extreme personality or mood swings. The victim may behave oddly. This kind of attack can destroy or injure badly the victim.

sleep paralysis

Psychic Attacks During Sleep |Sleep Paralysis|Loss of Energy

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy (lets be honest, I hear about this almost every day from clients) neighbor, coworker or a jealous relative. Yes, even our relatives can become our worst enemies.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create, below you will find just that, i recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

For example as a root worker and healer I have heard from so many clients that they where under the impression that sleep paralysis was a normal occurrence, I disagree with that, I myself have experienced it first hand and other family members when we used to sleep in a particular room, and after I performed a spiritual cleansing in the room and also did a self cleansing it never happened again.

To my knowledge sleep paralysis happens when a dark entity ​tries to take possession of the victim while the person is asleep, because the body is relaxed and not fully conscious. Therefore there is little or no resistance at all to the possession.

​I myself have experienced and witnessed from clients that have been attacked by these lower level entities. Some are easy to remove while others put up a fight to release the victim and sometimes require even an exorcism.

During the time we sleep, there are two types of attacks that we may experience, we mean attacks carried out by dishonest people in order to harm us even resort to all kinds of tricks and they are psychic attacks and spiritual attacks :

Psychic Attacks:

Attacks are carried out by means of negative-telepathy so that just as there is positive telepathy, through which two people can communicate with thought through telepathic waves. There is also the negative telepathy, which is something like the misuse that some people do telepathy, to cause harm to another, for example, if someone says bad words in order to offend, usually bothers us, then, when someone uses telepathy, but instead of trying to communicate with us, curse is, it happens that, although not listen , we feel bad and we sometimes ringing in the ears, but that’s not the only case, as there who use the properties of certain compounds to increase its telepathic waves even reach those techniques combined with the invocation of evil Beings, and this can prove to cause us from illness to an accident by a kind of suggestion transmitted telepathically. To this we must add that there are people who often resort to such practices during sleep, as it is then that we are more vulnerable to such attacks, attacks that may come to cause us nightmares, and often reach be used to cause us to change point of view or attitude toward someone or to a certain topic.

Spiritual Attacks:

It is when a person through certain rituals or practices, send a spirit to bother, so we must remember that under the laws of magic and psychic, a spirit alien to this world cannot enter or affect it, unless it is with the aid of a person in here, plus it takes a certain amount of subtle life energy, also known as ectoplasm. In order to obtain this type of energy is necessary for the operator (The dishonest person holding the ritual), the contribution of its own vital energy through certain rituals, or through other methods will not detail for obvious reasons.

Such attacks are generally accompanied by psychic attacks though people do not have the detailed knowledge of how these things work, that is, just follow certain formulas or recipes learned from empirical knowledge or that were contributed by certain Free Masons groups who frequently engaged in forming new sects and rites of witchcraft, among other things.

The discomfort usually from tinnitus, loss of energy, nightmares , phenomena like the call : “The evil on your back” until ectoplasmic images (which some parapsychologists often called telepathic hallucinations, although it is actually a more complex phenomenon than that), the damage usually starts during sleep and usually continue for the next day (Not necessarily to wake up but that can happen even several hours later) with headaches, toothaches, neglect, pessimism, until distractions in our work we sometimes make mistakes, and in extreme cases may even cause an accident. Some shamans often refer to this phenomenon by saying that his soul is not with him, which is not really the soul are not with the person as that would cause the death of the body, but is somewhat distracted because of a disturbance Psychic-Spiritual level.

Some of the dreams that we can say that something is happening in previous paragraphs that is for example:

  • To dream that someone says he wants to share our body.
  • To dream that you’re trapped inside a glass cube .
  • Dreaming of a closed door, and notice that the handle has menstrual blood.
  • If we go to sleep or suddenly woke up and see an animal trying to suck breath, that is, our vital energy is absorbed, it is a morpho, ie a spirit which takes the form of an animal and trying to feed on our fears (we must consider which, for example: If becomes in a dog or a cat, it not means that dogs and cats are bad, only that the morpho take this way to try confused) usually is a spirit that is manifested through ectoplasmic image.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night after a nightmare, especially if repeated over several days.

Spiritual Possession

Spiritual possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the Spirit World constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts negative influence on a person living on earth. Most commonly they are known as “evil spirits” and, although many people may scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lives.

Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Evil spirits are spirits that have a strong attachment towards the earth and human way of life. Spirits in hell do not understand they are spiritual beings. All they know is life with a physical body, so they are consumed with the desire to satisfy their materialistic needs. Because reincarnation from hell is impossible, they aim to possess a person living on earth. By possessing a human being, evil spirits can feel just as if they have their own physical body, feeling the physical sensations and satisfying desires for food, sex, money, power and the like.

The only prerequisite for evil spirits to come and stay with a person living on earth, is to find someone whose mind is on the same wavelength as theirs. Evil spirits cannot stay with a person living on earth if he or she is always calm, benevolent and altruistic. But if his or her mind is dark with hatred and anger stays that way for extended periods of time, then it will attract evil spirits who, being on the same wavelength, can sneak into the person’s mind and stay on earth for five, ten or even many more years. This is what is known as spiritual possession.

Spiritual Possession Can Cause Various Unfortunate Phenomena

When humans are possessed by evil spirits, their character changes and they seem to no longer be themselves. If the possession is expressed very strongly, a person may become very aggressive, greedy or jealous, he may start to eat and drink to excess, or lust after the opposite sex like an animal. The human body feels heavy when it is possessed by an evil spirit: the neck and shoulders feel stiff; the spine and lower back feel heavy. A vicious circle starts when a person is always in a bad mood and no longer gets on well with other people. When a personality turns really bad it can sometimes indicate a possession by two, three or more spirits. A severe mental illness occurs when multiple spirits possessing a person push the person’s own soul out of his physical body.

People can be possessed by detrimental animal spirits as well as by evil spirits. If a person always emits the same kind of negative thoughts, not just stray human spirits, but also animal spirits might wrap themselves around the person’s body. This phenomenon usually would have an effect of making the person prone to various illnesses. What is more, amongst these stray spirits there are some malicious spirits that actively want to destroy the happiness of the people in this world. They manipulate a person’s mind to deliberately make him act in a way that will lead to unhappiness and bring chaos to people’s lives. People who are psychic can see the phenomenon of spiritual possession in a form of a hazy small cloud clinging to the tops of possessed peoples’ heads, shoulders, or other parts of the body

The Cause of Possession Lies in a Mistaken Way of Thinking

The roots of spiritual possession lie in the thoughts of a mistaken mind. A person will be possessed by animal spirits if he has a mind that has forgotten human dignity and is like that of an animal. This is because a mind that cannot restrain its greediness, a mind that tries to deceive others, a mind that is crazed for the opposite sex, can be in alignment with animalistic spirits. Moreover, if a person cannot control his anger, rants, raves, and blames others, he will draw in the violent spirits. The cold-bloodedness of someone who is indifferent to other people’s feelings, who is very self-assertive and thick-skinned, leads him to coming under the control of egotistic evil spirits.

entity attachment

Exorcism of Demonic & Spirit Possession, Entity Attachments

In this article we include attachments from the fragments which are released from a Soul upon death. These fragments then attach to people who are alive, and are the most common sources of unwanted and negative influences upon human beings.

The diseases from which the person suffered (and may have caused their death) may manifest from the fragment into you; these cause many illnesses that the medical systems fail to heal ! Exorcism is needed !

Typical Symptoms of Possession

These include a lack of energy, weakness in the body, severe depression, disturbed thoughts, and/or irrational thinking.

In general a person who is possessed can be identified as being extremely negative and severely depressed, – and especially if anti-social behaviour is exhibited.

Indications of possession include:

• Strong negativity
• Deep depression
• Rapid mood changes
• Uncontrolled temper
• Self inflicted harm
• Violent behaviour
• Criminal behaviour
• Suicidal tendencies
• Chronic illness
• Epilepsy
• Dual (or multiple) personalities

Even one or two of these indicators may be a signal of possession !

Healing such as by exorcism is best done at a distance – by an experienced exorcist.

In using the term ‘Possession’ we include also the negative influences originating from those who are still alive in the physical plane of existence – their hateful thoughts, curses, and hexes. Most common are the attachments of fragments from deceased relatives – including the Souls of children who were not born or died young, and the earthbound parts of family members (and close friends) who have not ascended in the correct manner and seek to continue their earthly existence by invading relatives still alive, especially young children. Other frequent types of possession come from the invasion of the deceased when protection is low from drugs or alcohol, or when the subject is unconscious – due to an accident or when under anesthetics in a hospital.

Even the best of intent from a deceased family member (such as a parent meaning to help a child) can have most unfortunate side effects. Very often the subject then suffers from illnesses brought in to their own body by the deceased relative !

Dealing with such situations is fraught with difficulties. In many instances when such a possessing entity is removed it can attach itself to the person doing the removal – with terrible consequences when a ‘real nasty’ is involved. When you are working to help someone who is close to you healing (including exorcism) often fails due to the interference from your emotions, beliefs, and feelings.

So it is preferable for all work to remove possessing entities (of all descriptions) to be done by those who are very experienced in the work of exorcism – who take the needed personal precautions and who ensure that the entities removed are correctly healed and taken to their rightful place.

Why do so Many Exorcists Fail ?

We have found that healing is needed by the Higher Self or Soul Group – and sometimes at even higher levels of the Spirit World. If these are not cleared and healed the problems will be re-manifested in the victim.

We have found that even when a deceased Soul of a relative or friend attaches with good intent that Soul may have been infested by one of the minions of the dark forces – that now transfer their attack to the new victim.

There are very powerful entities in the dark forces that capture unfortunate deceased souls and make them into their slaves to do evil jobs. These are kept in ‘dungeons’ in lowest levels of the Astral World and only released to do jobs that cause misery and harm.

Most exorcists do not realize that these have to be exorcized – or how to do this task safely and thoroughly. This work involves exorcizing the invading ‘slave entities’ and tracing back to their commanders – and then exorcizing these commanders, finding all their slaves, healing them, and protecting them so that they will not be enslaved again !

Many exorcists rely on religious figures – but unfortunately the teachings of most religions are hazy and often incorrect about the real conditions of the heavenly worlds ! Specialist help is needed.

How can You get the Help that You Need ?

Our Healing work is applicable irrespective of a person’s religion – God existed before any human attempt at explanation ! We liaise with Angelic Beings for all Healing – we are just a link to them to help people to be Healed, and to assist when needed.

If you decide to have us work to help you (or a friend or relative) please send the mail to us or you can contact us over the numbers for healing purposes.

The Benefits of Our Healing Work

First we make sure that we have an excellent connection to you on the energetic and Spiritual levels, and that Forgiveness issues will not be preventing effective Healings – if so, we will inform you so that you can intensify your use of the Forgiveness statement.

Now we do the Exorcism, all being done by working ‘Heart to Heart’ – we determine the numbers and qualities of the super-consciousnesses, the consciousnesses, and the sub-consciousnesses in and around you, Healing them as needed.

Checks are made on the condition and qualities of your Guardian Angel and Guides, on the co-ordination of your Heart, sub-consciousness, and ego, and Healing given as needed.

We also check on the value of your Akashic record and Karma, requesting the Angelic Beings to make any needed corrections – checking the results.

Next we examine the number and quality of entities, inappropriate energies, and negative programs in or around your home and take action as required.

Detrimental attachments and all ‘Dark Forces’ are taken away for appropriate Healing, so that you are free of their noxious effects; their sources are investigated and action taken to prevent re-occurrence.

We request that Fragments of Souls, etc., are given Healing and rejoin you (if they are your own) or are rejoined to their owners in Heaven – and check on the success of this request.

A final check is made to find any other negative influences that are affecting you, and take all needed action for their removal.

After this Exorcism, we may be guided to do other Healing work: like clearing you aura, or making any needed repairs to your major Chakras and Pranic Triangle to improve your vitality.

Using energetic techniques to clear problems in your Heart-Mind-Brain.
Working with the Angelic Beings and Healing Energies to correct physical, emotional, and Spiritual problems that can be Healed at this time.

Protection is placed around you to help prevent further attacks.

We will inform you of the overall results, and ask for your feed-back; when we receive your feed-back we will do any further work as needed, and report to you again.

Remember that distance does not matter – we work world-wide to help people.

negative energies

Ghosts,Spirits,Evil Entities,Negative Energies – Attachments

There are many times when a person dies suddenly or with unresolved issues so powerful that the person does not fully crossover into the light or complete the journey to their place of origin. They, in their energy form, remain in the earth or material plane of existence. In this condition these ghosts or “earthbound spirits” may opportunistically or accidentally attach to a property, a house, or the energy field of a person. When this occurs, the host person can experience influences of the attached earthbound spirit. Thoughts, emotions, addictions, or strong habit patterns, even physical feelings of the earthbound spirit (such as arthritis or other ailment) may filter to the host person or any of the occupants of the house or building. Since these influences from the earthbound spirit or spirits come through the energy field and brain of the affected person host, this person cannot usually tell the difference between their own thoughts, or feelings and those of the earthbound spirit.

Earthbound spirits are just that, spirits bound or trapped in the earth plane of existence. There are a variety of reasons that a person’s spirit may not cross-over and include not feeling deserving enough, or staying behind to protect or watch over loved ones, or they may just not realize that they have died. They do not belong here and after being trapped for some time, they usually make their presence known so that they can be crossed over to complete their journey. If people become aware of a ghost’s existence, either attached to their land, home or their own energy field, and decide to do nothing, it is sort of like keeping the soul of a person for a pet. Usually though, the ghost or spirit makes such a significant impact on the lives of the people or home to which they are attached, most people want to help them to move on. In our experience, the spirits that attach to a property or a person are not necessarily the spirits of people who previously lived in the house, or someone they might have known. Sometimes yes, but more often than not the spirits have come from somewhere else. In some cases, the person died in the same town or city, sometimes it may be in the same state and other times the person could have died somewhere across the country or continent. Generally, when older spirits attach to a person’s energy field or house, the influence of these spirits can be experienced as feeling old, fatigued, sometimes even feeling arthritis or other old age illness or symptoms. Once any spirits are cleared, the person or their environment starts to feel better. Sometimes this happens right away and sometimes it takes 3 to 4 days to integrate the change in energy. In all cases, it is important for the ghost or earthbound spirit to be crossed over so that they can finish their journey at this level of existence and return to their appropriate place in the light. However there are supernatural energies that can affect us in a negative way. Like ghosts and spirits, when they attach to our energy field or that of our home, these negative energies can affect our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and thus our actions. Have you ever felt angry or depressed for no particular reason? Well this could be the influence of a variety of negative energies. Negative energies can enter and attach to our energy field when we are experiencing a strong negative emotion such as fear, anger, guilt, shame, etc., or when we experience an emotional or physical trauma. Depending upon the number of attached energies and the length of time they have been attached to our energy field, they can significantly magnify our own negative thoughts, feelings (fear, anger, guilt, shame, etc.) and destructive beliefs, thus reinforcing them in our behavior and our lives.

After energetically healing a number of different properties, we realized that a house or land can often require the removal of energetic imprints, in addition to or instead of just the removal of ghosts and spirits. Energetic imprints could be left behind by not only the recent occupants but also by those that lived in the house or on the land before them, possibly for generations before. These energetic imprints can be felt or perceived by the new occupants or others entering the home or building, especially those who are energetically sensitive. Have you ever felt uneasy or uncomfortable when you enter a building, a house or a particular room? Have you ever experienced the feeling of being angry, or anxious upon entering a home. Negative energetic imprints can be due to neglect, abuse, or deliberate damage by previous occupants and other circumstances. Negative energetic imprints can also be left behind if there has been a great deal of fighting in the house, physical or emotional abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, or even just the constant bickering of siblings or couples. No matter the cause, negative energetic imprints need to be removed so they do not negatively affect those living in the house. In situations where a person holds strong, emotionally charged thoughts, or beliefs, and holds them for a long period of time, they can create a separate energetic form that connects to their energy field and reinforces the negativity. This energetic form which is sustained and magnified by the originator’s own energy, besides drawing upon their energetic resources, it can affect the person’s energy field or the energy field of their environment in a negative way. A thought form energy (thought or belief) can also be held for a shorter period of time, however it would have to be driven into the subconscious mind of the person so it would have a strong impact, or a high degree of acceptance by the person and be imprinted on the host’s psyche as being true.

Many people believe that a clearing session clears every possible thing attached to the home or resident. A clearing can only clear away negative energies or earthbound spirits that no longer serve you and only those which the body or energy field is prepared to release. Any type of energy healing affects the spirit/soul at an energetic level…like a vibration. The body is connected to our soul and when our soul vibrates at a higher frequency, the body needs to adjust to that higher frequency. The body can only tolerate so much of an adjustment at any time and that point of tolerance is different for each person.

Your body dictates how much of an energetic adjustment it can handle. The negative energy attachments that are removed during a clearing session are only those attachments that the body is ready to release. Therefore, you may have had a complete clearing a few weeks or months ago but now the body has ready to release more non-serving negative energy. We are prepared to clearings if the need arises.

Entity Removal & Clearing

Entity Removal and Clearing

What exactly is an “entity?”

Entities are energetic conglomerations vibrating at a level of negativity not optimal for human functionality. I also refer to them as critters, creepy crawlies, goobers, disincarnate spirits and invisible enemies. They can range from almost harmless to deadly. Some are simply misplaced or lost and are grateful to be sent home. Others have an agenda of negativity that requires more skill to remove. In the world of healing, ceremony and light work it is essential that you be well versed and prepared for these energies.

An entity appears to need a physical body to fulfill a sense of safety. Since its consciousness exists in separation from the Divine, its energy is of extreme terror and believes that inhabiting (and sometimes controlling) a human body is its only option for survival. As healers we give the entity another option: to find safety in its reunion with the unconditional love of the Divine Source from which we came and to return to the light of its infinite existence.

While the idea of being possessed or inhabited with an entity is scary. You need to  raise the vibration to a level of love, supporting its reunion with the Divine Source, its journey back home. If you go into anger or separation yourself as the healer, you will probably be its next home. Sometimes energies do not want to go to the Divine Source, but they will go back to the dimension from which they came.

I’ve found this issue of entities to be complex. It is easy to place too much emphasis on them and say, “My entity made me do it.” It is also easy to dismiss them entirely with the idea that you wont be affected. If you are a human being, there should be very few if any! You may be unaware of a wounding that can attract these astral energies.


Entities need energy to survive on the lower astral planes and human beings are a great source of denser energy, keeping them as grounded and embodied as possible. Since they have consciousness, they also have purpose and look for bodies to express that purpose. They are able to attach to them through holes in the auric field as well as vibrational resonance. Vibrational resonance means that there is an aspect of your conscious that is in alignment with the entity’s consciousness. Through the Law of Attraction, the entity can attach to you. So if you are vibrating a lot of fear or anger, you will be more vulnerable because this is generally what feeds them. They also love the light, if they secretly long to go home, but it is harder to attach because the vibration is too quick for them. However if you have a lot of light, and you also have significant woundings vibrating at a lower rate, you are a main course and desert. For those who are open psychically, or people who are using drugs and/or are or have been exposed to abuse, you are particularly vulnerable because your field could have this configuration, as well as have many holes. Entities can travel through lifetimes with you, so it’s a good idea to get checked at least once a lifetime.

How can you tell when you have been infiltrated? Sometimes that is tricky, and it is only over time that you are able to distinguish the change.

Common symptoms are:

•Unexplained, persistent anger
•Trouble sleeping
•Illness that does not get better
•Persistent fatigue
•Feelings of “not being yourself”
•Loss of motivation for your life goals- feeling like, “What’s the point?”
•Hearing voices, or seeing a recurring image of the energy

If you know someone who seems to be acting differently, not like themselves, more negative and you can no longer connect with them, it may be that they have been taken over by an entity. This is different from a walk in. A walk in is an agreement between two souls for the evolution of those two souls. Entity attachment, while it may serve your growth process, is not a “formal” agreement, but an unconscious agreement that can be easily reversed through healing, working your process and extraction.

Gossiping, back-stabbing, negatively projecting and victimizing are forms of psychic attack. You are sending energy conglomerations of attack to another, and you are also vibrating at a high level of negativity. Genuinely processing your anger, pain and shadow pieces with the intention of healing is not psychic attack. However it is important to do it in a safe container of healing.

There are a few vulnerable areas for attachment. One time, I accidentally took on an entity from a client after he had processed a great deal of anger. I was very tired with a sinus infection that day and hadn’t had enough time to properly set up protection for the room, nor was I looking for an entity. I’m sure my auric field was full of openings and it just jumped in, having nowhere else to go, when he unexpectedly released it. I experienced the entity entering my field as chills that ran through my body. These were not the fun, high vibrating chills, but the slower, lower ones- although they didn’t feel bad. It can be difficult to distinguish the difference, but there is one. I thought to myself, “Ooops.”

Over the next several days I became weaker and weaker. My anger levels began rising. Before I would fall asleep I could clearly see the image of the energy, which was an old wizard like being who was very angry at humanity. Sleep was restless and unsatisfying. By the time I got to my healer’s table, I was practically crawling I was so tired. This invisible enemy was literally sucking the life out of my third chakra, and would have inevitably led to a chronic fatigue illness. There was very little, if any vibrational resonance, and after getting released, I instantly began to feel better.

Entities can also attach into your nervous system through your spine, and linger there for years, activating themselves much like a virus when you are weak, or vibrating at their level. This is a real energy drain and creates anxiety. I always check the spine of a client to make sure he or she is all clear.

I have also found a lot of astral beings residing in the heart. Many times these little goobers are unconsciously called in to protect a broken heart and will only leave if they are assured that the person will be cared for properly. They have strong sense of purpose and, taking their job seriously and mean no harm, but they are not vibrating at a level of love, they are vibrating with fear. For optimal growth, these beings must be removed so the healing process can begin. If they won’t budge, it means the client must do some deeper healing work to be ready to let go of the protection.

Many well-known celebrities contract entities. Those who have been exposed to personal trauma, abuse and drugs, while having millions of people psychically attack them on a daily basis don’t really have a fighting chance. You can see that they are no longer themselves, massive soul pieces have left them and they are headed on a road to destruction with no sense of self to fall back on. Removing the critters wouldn’t be the only thing necessary to mend those wounds, but it would be a great start.



Anyone who uses drugs or alcohol will pick up entities when in a high, inebriated, drunken, stoned state of mind.  It even happens with the use of some medical sedatives such as Oxycontin and others, or even too many sedative herbs, possibly.  This is a serious problem for those who need drugs for pain, for example. It also makes places like bars and cocktail lounges quite dangerous for anyone to be in, as some entities hang around them, hoping to find someone to attach to.


This healing modality is used to release negative forces when it is threatening the fundamental foundation of the person. Any attachments or energies that are not in the best interest of the person are released, thus empowering the person to function more fully in all aspects of life.




Spirit Attachment and Possessions

Difference between attachment and possession:

Attachment -An attached spirit is when an earthbound spirit is attracted to a living person and then begins to “hang out” with the living person. A spirit or entity will watch and wait for a moment of weakness and literally attaches it’s self to a person, much like a leech. It then feeds of their energy over a period of time, slowly moving its way into the person until they become so weak that they are open for possession or become possessed. After a while, the spirit finds that they become emotionally attached. Often the spirit will feel safe or even complacent about being with the person.

In most cases attached spirits don’t have any ill-will and they don’t mean to harm the person. It’s almost always just that the spirit had some connection to the person, either emotionally, similar life-experiences, or the spirit could have known the person in life or even a past life.

Once the spirit has been released, the living person will begin to re-learn what it’s like to be alone in their own bodies again.

Several options and methods are available to the person that is experiencing either Spirit Possession or Attached Spirits.

Possession –A spirit possession is when a spirit is able to either temporarily or permanently take over the thinking and/or body functions of a living person.

I’ve heard many times how a person will have the feeling that when the spirit possession happens there’s a feeling like, “it wasn’t me doing it.”   And effectively it’s not.

For brief moments attached spirits can sometimes affect the behavior of the person that they’re attached to.  This is sometimes referred to as Partial Possession because the spirit isn’t in full control at all times.

What’s more common though are spirits that will influence people but not take possession of the person.  These spirits are still attached, but will not take over in the way that a possession happens.

Spirits and entities do not walk to up to a person and ask them if they want to be possessed. Instead, they find a weakness or a door through traditional family behavior or reckless behavior of the individual. The person’s active free will must be breached. They usually seduce a person with something simple and almost innocent unless they have done something that they have tremendous shame or guilt over.

They will solicit your active free-willing participation and this is how they gain control.

Just as a flower needs a particular environment to flourish and grow, so does the human soul and body, put it in a hostile and harsh environment, deprive it of what it needs, then you will watch it deteriorate slowly and eventual die. But unlike a flower, if a person survives the environment, they come out much stronger and wiser.

spirit in pets

Spirit Possession, Evil Entity and Pets (Dogs, Cats, Horses)

People often ask me if a pet can be possessed. The answer to this is Yes. But in most cases pet harassment does not involve possession. The types of harassment I’ve witnessed in pets run the gamut from itching to biting, to urinating on clothing and furniture; and those are only the tip of the iceberg.
If you are a victim of demonic harassment and your pet suddenly begins peeing on your bed, soiling the carpet, biting, growling, or chewing on your shoes, it’s reasonable to suspect that the spirits in your life are affecting your pet as well. Cats may be made to slash the cushions on the sofa, spray the walls, bite, or attack their owners without provocation. Birds can be made to fly about their cage, crashing into the cage walls. Animals who normally walk willingly into a cage, kennel, or doghouse may suddenly be terrified of entering.

Spirits can cause animals to vomit, wheeze, cough, sneeze, or have a fever. They can cause allergic reactions in pets just as they can cause them in humans. Pets who have gotten along well in the past may suddenly begin fighting.

Friendly family pets – dogs, cats, birds and even horses – have been taken over by evil spirits and changed into fiendish bloodthirsty beasts, say psychic researchers.

Healing Black Magic, Witches, Shaitan, Jinn, Vamtantra, Hex

We live in a world of duality where Light and Darkness are two sides of the same coin. Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by evil minded humans. People who practice black magic or take the help of professional black magicians are extremely dedicated people who have one goal in their minds; to harm or deprive others from living peaceful lives: make them sick, bed ridden and finally kill them and use their souls to harm others.

All humans have their two sides; divine as well as evil, all humans have different ratios of evil and divine within them, on the other hands there are some humans who have turned 99.9% evil and the remaining divinity within them is overtaken by darkness.

Sun is the light provider to our planet but at any given time half of the Earth remains in darkness while the other half gets the light of the Sun. The world of light is hosted by angels and higher beings while the world of darkness is ruled by the spirit world and is hosted by demons, devils and evil entities, collectively it’s called the world of Devil. We humans have been given the choice to dwell in darkness or move towards the light.

Black magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black Magic is used to harm or hurt another human, by performing certain rituals, making human or animal sacrifices to appease and control the spirits. Once the black magician has acquired the necessary control over the spirit world, they acquire the power to inflict harm on their victims sitting thousands of miles away as time and space do not exist in the spirit world. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their siblings, closest friends, acquaintances and relatives using the help of the black magicians or the spirit world. Everyday many prosperous and happy families are being ruined by Black magic.

Black magic is a dark art that is used by people who want to achieve their evil goals by controlling the powers of nature. In most cases such goals contain an evil intention which harms innocent people. The power of black magic spells is quite impressive and may be too dangerous for a common, non-prepared person to fight against it. It can be used to put a hex on someone, break someone’s health, influence fertility, drive someone crazy or even cause a mental disorder. The spell caster is usually an envious, deeply offended person blinded by rage who does not realize that black magic spells can be reversible.

When fighting against black magic, one should always try all available methods because every particular case is unique and different methods can help. One of the ways to get rid of a black magic spell is to avoid it at the first place – wearing a protective Kabbalah charm with Hebrew symbols and verses can be a great preventative measure.

If things are really serious and may endanger someone’s health and life, one should ask for professional help. Some people that acquired the necessary knowledge of Kabbalah can practice it for the good of others by taking away black magic spells and the evil eye. A special sacred ritual that clears the person of dark forces can be conducted. This method is the most effective one and works almost in 100% cases. Usually the result of such a ritual is noticeable in less than a few hours, the same day. The patient will feel relieved, anxiety-free and light-hearted. One of the possible aftereffects, however, is that the person who cast the black magic spell at the first place may start experiencing the same symptoms that the victim did. It is strongly recommended not to contact or let the spell caster into your house if you know who that person is until he/she feels better too.

Black Magic can play havoc with anybody’s life destroying any aspect of their life, may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems that has baffled the medical science, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths and suicide in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the hellish situation one is in, and has no desire left to live or progress in life.

As time passes, Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life. Eventually, the effects of Black Magic deepen and become more chronic & life threatening taking the form of a incurable disease or steer the person towards committing a suicide or giving death to the victim in a mysterious way.

Black magic works in such a way that the victim rarely comes to the realization that he/she is being victimized using dark forces. No matter how religious or spiritual you are, black magic can ruin your life in no time. If Prophet Mohamed can be affected by black magic, do you think you are above the prophet who can never be affected? If Bhai Mardana who was the disciple of Guru Nanak (1st Guru of Sikhs) can be victimized using black magic, it will be foolish to not believe in the existence of Spirit world and black magic.

All religions talk about the existence of the devil or “Shaitaan” and the existence of the spirit world that is hosted by: demons, witches, evil spirits and “Jinns”. Spirit world has always existed and will always exist. Black magic is an ancient science to access the spirit world and use the dark powers to inflict harm on individuals like you and me. It is time that you open your eyes to this hard truth. If you feel that you have been victimized, take necessary precaution to overcome spirit world issues. If your issues are serious and call for professional help you must seek professional help before it is too late.


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