Demons Night Attack (Devil /Evil Spirits/ Negative Entities)

sleep paralysis

Demons Night Attack (Devil /Evil Spirits/ Negative Entities)

Everybody dreams and, sometimes, we see scary stuff in them. I don’t personally dream of ghosts, even though I spend a lot of time with them.

So a theory is that demons (or the Devil/evil spirits/negative entities) attack some people when they are at their weakest. Could we be seen as ‘weak’ during sleep?

Could it be that a large sector of the population is under attack by demons? Certainly, some of the letters I have received show that this is happening: “I awoke one morning and realized that my body was completely paralyzed,” writes one of my client. “I couldn’t move a muscle. Something was in the room and walked across the bed. I tried to scream but only a slight noise came from my throat. Whoever or whatever was in my room then disappeared. Unfortunately, I have been getting this horrible paralysis for about two months now. The last time it happened I managed to open my eyes but still could not move my body.”

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilized. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as ‘Sleep paralysis’.

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, sexual desire or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

Demons (ghosts, devils, negative energies, etc.) affect people and cause distress to them through their subtle black energy. Black energy can create a variety of problems such as depression, unclear thinking or malfunction of an organ which lead to even further difficulties such as addiction, financial problems or chest pain respectively. Ghosts transmit their black energy to the people that they target/ attack and create large stores of it in their bodies.

Each one of us is affected by ghosts to varying degrees. As a result, we all have some degree of black energy in our bodies.

Performing the spiritual practices on a daily basis helps to remove this black energy from our body.

soul loss and spirit release

Entity Removal, Soul Loss & Fragmentation, Spirits in Aura

Our aura protects us from harm. As our aura tears, rips or is ruptured by tearing, these openings allow energies through that use our energy for their own existence. Anger, emotional upset, illness, sexual trauma, rape, sexual molestation, alcohol, prescription medication as well as smoking marijuana or taking other drugs creates holes in our auric field.When holes occur, these entities are opportunistic and find a home attached to unsuspecting hosts.
Soul Fragmentation. Every human has a soul. As we experience deep trauma our soul fragments like shards of glass causing us to lose our personal power and become weakened.
Soul fragmentation is most often seen with those who are victims of sexual molestation, rape or abandoned emotionally by an alcoholic parent. Once fragmentation occurs, this broken feeling prevails until the fragmentation is repaired by a true healer or Shaman.
The soul is comprised of layers and parts which can break off and be separated when deep trauma occurs. When we experience deep trauma our saving grace is to be able to shut down that part of ourselves by breaking away or closing down. This mechanism is a survival technique that occurs automatically, as the psyche cannot experience the truth of what is occurring. These shards of the soul go into another dimension. Often people who have been molested are numbed  and unaware of the deep pain they continue to experience internally.

Ignoring the past doesn’t clear up the damage or the entities that attach during such a traumatic experience. 

Soul Loss and Fragmentation. When humans stop experiencing emotional upheaval and emotional or physical trauma they will stop losing parts of their soul. Getting our emotions under control is part of this process. Until then, soul loss is a problem that causes us to feel lost, broken and incomplete.
Soul Retrieval. Soul retrieval restores your personal power. My work as a light worker and healer is to repair these soul parts and re-implement them back into the soul. Before I retrieve them to repair they need to be cleaned and then reassimilated before the soul feels complete and whole again.
Entity Removal. Removal of entities causes a feeling of calm, peace and freedom to occur. Anxiety and depression are often eliminated in one or two sessions.  People report feeling safe, and much less fearful. Mind chatter is reduced and deep sleep occurs. Insomnia is one of the side-effects of entity attachment.
Sleep Paralysis. If you have ever been awakened in the middle of the night, and felt a presence in your bedroom doorway – frozen in fear you want to scream but can’t, this is a demon using your fear as energy. Your fear is harvested to feed the entity.

Ghost, Demons & Evil Spirits Attack in the night

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilised. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as ‘Sleep paralysis’ also known as Old Hag.

Sleep paralysis can be a very scary thing. In it, you know you’re asleep, you try to wake up, but you can’t. It’s often accompanied by an irrational feeling of utter terror, and sometimes images of figures in black cloaks. Many cultures have developed supernatural explanations for sleep paralysis. In China, it’s called mèng yǎn, “ghost pressing on body.” In some Muslim countries, it’s associated with an evil djinn. In Africa, it’s called “the witch riding your back.”

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

And these stories are not limited to Western cultures, in fact, quite the contrary. In Thailand people refer to being Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed), and these experiences include a feeling of pressure, paralysis, and something black covering the body. In Japan, kanashibara (“to tie with an iron rope”) is a common known and accepted experience. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which “a soul” tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, da chor is described as follows: “You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep”.

One of the scarier experiences with sleep paralysis is the inclusion of lucid dreaming and false awakening. The sleeper recognizes he’s asleep and tries to wake up. He opens his eyes in relief, but soon realizes he’s still asleep. This can go on for some time, sometimes resulting in an actual awareness of his real surroundings—the pressure of the covers, the light of the room beyond his eyelids—but still the inability to fully waken. That awareness can slip away again, returning the sleeper to the hallucinations.

Muscle paralysis in sleep is a necessary thing. People who act out their dreams on a regular basis are prone to accidental injury—even jumping out of windows. Knowing that you’re asleep and paralyzed, however, can be frightening. You tell yourself to open your eyes, just to get caught in another false awakening. One theory is that sleep paralysis affects the larger parts of the body more completely. You can try to wake up by wiggling your toes or fingers. It’s also possible to pray during this time. This will often give comfort that lets you fall back into unconsciousness. You may be able to avoid sleep paralysis by getting sufficient rest and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

Generally, ghosts don’t intend to steal your energy, but it can happen. When they try to communicate, they have to manifest in this realm. That’s no easy feat for the departed, so they take some of your body’s energy to help themselves manifest. Formerly human ghosts will only take what they need.

So a theory is that demons (or the Devil/evil spirits/negative entities) attack some people when they are at their weakest. Could we be seen as ‘weak’ during sleep?
Many of my clients had experiences with ghosts and demons their whole life but this year many of my clients have been getting many nightmares which is leading us to believe they being ‘attacked’ by demons in their sleep.

In the past few months many of my clients had countless dreams where they faced with a negative entity, it appears as a ghost sometimes, or once it appeared as a crazy man, also I heard from my clients that ghosts got speaking to them in their ear just as they fell asleep. It has a horrible voice.

Common things in the dreams is being in a dark place, having their body shaking or feeling unusual sensations in their body and witnessing/experiencing disturbing things.

I do believe that you can be ‘attacked’ in sleep, these forces will try anything to get you it seems.

Types of Demonic Encounters

The various types of experiences that occur during sleep paralysis correspond directly with various neural correlates. These main subtypes of demonic experience include: the Intruder, the Incubus, and odd demonic sensations.  Additionally, there’s a fourth type that is less common characterized as a “mixed experience.”

1. Demonic Intruder

Those that encounter a demonic intruder tend to report that they were either threatened, terrorized, or sensed an evil demon in the same room as them.  Those that experience sleep paralysis for the first time and/or are relatively new to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis are more likely to believe that there’s a demonic intruder or “sense the presence” of a demon.  The “Intruder” subtype is strongly associated with sensing the terrifying presence of a demonic entity.

  • Apparitions: Many people claim to see apparitions or the ghost-like image of a demonic entity.  This entity may look like a traditional “demon” but may also appear as an evil person, animal, ghost, or other entity.  This image may appear blurry or may be highly specific depending on individual perception.
  • People: You may sense that a demonic person has entered the room.  This may be someone that’s deceased and/or a person that’s still alive.  Your sleep paralysis experience may project this individual as being closely tied with the devil.
  • Noises: Some people claim to hear voices of a demon or another related evil entity.  These voices may be subtle and hard to decipher or they may be loud, clear, and in your native language.  They may give commands or make threats depending on your sleep paralysis experience.  In other cases you may hear the demon moving through your room.
  • Sense of presence: The most common attribute associated with this sort of experience is a sense that the demon is in the room.  In other words, you can “sense” that a demonic threat is nearby, even if you cannot see or hear it.  Your gut instinct may be warning you that a demon may be close.
  • Touching: In extreme cases, some people end up experiencing tactile experiences in which they believe they were touched by a demon.  In the “Intruder” subtype, the touches are generally vague and likely to induce a significant amount of fear.

2. Demonic Suffocation (Incubus)

The subtype of sleep paralysis most associated with demons is that of the “Incubus” – a term which translates to a male demon having sexual intercourse with a sleeping female.  It is most common for those experiencing the “Incubus” subtype of expereinces to believe that they encountered a demon or were victim of a demonic attack.  In a majority of cases, people claim that the demon they encounter was attempting to murder them in their sleep.

Those that encounter the Incubus experiences tend to have similar experiences during the “Intruder” subtype and demonic entities appear while we are semi-conscious.  No matter how much we try to escape, we realize that we cannot move due to atonia, so the demon is free to terrify us.

  • Abduction: Many people believe that they are being abducted by a demon, demonic entity, or even an alien.  Some people believe that their spirit is being extracted from their bodies or that they are being physically transported to another realm by the demon.  If a person doesn’t encounter a demon, they may encounter an alien.
  • Assault: The demons may appear to physically assault you by constricting your breathing or inflicting physical pain.  It is common for victims to believe that they are being seriously injured by the demon and that they’ll never be able to recover from inflicted damage.
  • Breathing difficulties: A common sign of demonic encounters during sleep paralysis is that of breathing difficulties.  The demons may appear to restrict breathing in various ways such as by strangling the sleeping victim, to the individual experiencing restricted breathing while seeing a demon.
  • Chest pressure: In many cases, people believe that the demon or evil entity is sitting atop their chest, constricting their breathing. However, to the individual encountering the demon during sleep paralysis, they feel as if the pressure is a direct result of an attempt to kill or inflict pain.
  • Malicious intent: In nearly every case, the person seeing the demon believes that it has malicious intent.  They believe that the demon is out to either kill them or inflict some sort of harm.  This is accompanied by sensations of pain, perceived assaults, and restriction of breathing.  Since the fear centers of the brain are activated, we may feel a sense of paranoia or panic.
  • Perceived pain: There have been reports of pain being inflicted by demons while in a state of sleep paralysis.  The pain may be mild, moderate, or extreme depending on the individual circumstances.  One case of a woman experiencing sleep paralysis reported that a devil sat atop her breasts, attempted to choke her, and inflicted pain that she claimed to have felt even upon awakening the following morning.
  • Sexual intercourse: In very extreme cases, people have reported being “raped” by demons or having sexual intercourse with them.  In recurrent cases of sleep paralysis, people have claimed to have been shown the hybrid offspring with demons and/or aliens.  It should be noted that most research suggests that women are more likely to report “rape” during sleep paralysis than men.
  • Suffocation: In numerous cases, people believe that the demon is out to suffocate them by either choking them or applying pressure to their chest.  Those experiencing this believe that there’s nothing that can be done and that they will inevitably die.  Oddly enough, they eventually awaken, realizing that sleep paralysis was to blame; they didn’t actually die.
  • Thoughts of death: The demonic encounters that are experienced during this type of experience tend to be associated with thoughts of death.  The victim of sleep paralysis believes that the demons are out to murder them in their sleep.  The actions of the demons can appear vividly real from a first-person perspective, hence resulting in thoughts of death.

3. Odd Demonic Sensations

Those that experience the odd bodily sensations during sleep paralysis don’t commonly report demonic encounters.  In fact, they may report encounters with pleasant beings like angels or happy spirits.  Those that solely experience bodily sensations during their episodes of sleep paralysis are less likely to report demons.

Although demons are less associated with “odd bodily sensations” (vestibular-motor hallucinations), they still may occur.  Should they occur during the vestibular-motor expereinces, you may encounter a demon while having an “out-of-body experience” and/or feel as if a demon is attempting to extract your spirit from your body.  This third subtype of demonic encounters just adds areas of the brain associated with perceiving “motion” into the expereince.

  • Falling: It may feel as if you’re falling during your encounter with a demon.  You may feel as if you’re falling into a trap of some sort or falling to your death as a result of a demonic assault.
  • Fictitious motor movements: In some cases, it may seem as if you’re able to move your body such as arms and legs.  In reality, you may be having an out-of-body experience, thinking that you’re able to run away from the demon.
  • Floating: It is common for people to feel as if they are floating.  This floating sensation is generally associated with bliss and calmness.  That said, it is possible to feel as if you’re floating near a demon.
  • Flying: You may feel as if you are flying while simultaneously trying to escape the throes of a demon.
  • Out-of-body experience: Some people may have an out-of-body experience and believe that the demon may fight them in some way or may harm their physical body.
  • Remote viewing: In some cases, people believe they are looking at their body from a third-person perspective (e.g. outside their physical body).  They may feel detached from their physical body, yet perceive a demon attacking it.
  • Suctioning: You may feel as if you’re being suctioned out of your body or violently extracted by a demon.  It may appear painful and/or forceful and against your will.

4. Mixed Demonic Hallucinations

Some people may feel as if there’s a demonic intruder, end up feeling attacked by the demon (e.g. suffocated), and feel that they’re being transported to another realm via flying or floating.  While those new to sleep paralysis don’t often experience mixed feelings, a person may experience a blending of any of the three subtypes listed above.

It is most common for a person to experience the “Intruder” and the “Incubus” experiences simultaneously rather than either with the “Unusual Bodily Experiences.”  The Unusual Bodily Experiences aren’t nearly as associated with demons and a majority of individuals tend to report feelings of bliss rather than fear during the experience.

sleep paralysis

Psychic Attacks During Sleep |Sleep Paralysis|Loss of Energy

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy (lets be honest, I hear about this almost every day from clients) neighbor, coworker or a jealous relative. Yes, even our relatives can become our worst enemies.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create, below you will find just that, i recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

For example as a root worker and healer I have heard from so many clients that they where under the impression that sleep paralysis was a normal occurrence, I disagree with that, I myself have experienced it first hand and other family members when we used to sleep in a particular room, and after I performed a spiritual cleansing in the room and also did a self cleansing it never happened again.

To my knowledge sleep paralysis happens when a dark entity ​tries to take possession of the victim while the person is asleep, because the body is relaxed and not fully conscious. Therefore there is little or no resistance at all to the possession.

​I myself have experienced and witnessed from clients that have been attacked by these lower level entities. Some are easy to remove while others put up a fight to release the victim and sometimes require even an exorcism.

During the time we sleep, there are two types of attacks that we may experience, we mean attacks carried out by dishonest people in order to harm us even resort to all kinds of tricks and they are psychic attacks and spiritual attacks :

Psychic Attacks:

Attacks are carried out by means of negative-telepathy so that just as there is positive telepathy, through which two people can communicate with thought through telepathic waves. There is also the negative telepathy, which is something like the misuse that some people do telepathy, to cause harm to another, for example, if someone says bad words in order to offend, usually bothers us, then, when someone uses telepathy, but instead of trying to communicate with us, curse is, it happens that, although not listen , we feel bad and we sometimes ringing in the ears, but that’s not the only case, as there who use the properties of certain compounds to increase its telepathic waves even reach those techniques combined with the invocation of evil Beings, and this can prove to cause us from illness to an accident by a kind of suggestion transmitted telepathically. To this we must add that there are people who often resort to such practices during sleep, as it is then that we are more vulnerable to such attacks, attacks that may come to cause us nightmares, and often reach be used to cause us to change point of view or attitude toward someone or to a certain topic.

Spiritual Attacks:

It is when a person through certain rituals or practices, send a spirit to bother, so we must remember that under the laws of magic and psychic, a spirit alien to this world cannot enter or affect it, unless it is with the aid of a person in here, plus it takes a certain amount of subtle life energy, also known as ectoplasm. In order to obtain this type of energy is necessary for the operator (The dishonest person holding the ritual), the contribution of its own vital energy through certain rituals, or through other methods will not detail for obvious reasons.

Such attacks are generally accompanied by psychic attacks though people do not have the detailed knowledge of how these things work, that is, just follow certain formulas or recipes learned from empirical knowledge or that were contributed by certain Free Masons groups who frequently engaged in forming new sects and rites of witchcraft, among other things.

The discomfort usually from tinnitus, loss of energy, nightmares , phenomena like the call : “The evil on your back” until ectoplasmic images (which some parapsychologists often called telepathic hallucinations, although it is actually a more complex phenomenon than that), the damage usually starts during sleep and usually continue for the next day (Not necessarily to wake up but that can happen even several hours later) with headaches, toothaches, neglect, pessimism, until distractions in our work we sometimes make mistakes, and in extreme cases may even cause an accident. Some shamans often refer to this phenomenon by saying that his soul is not with him, which is not really the soul are not with the person as that would cause the death of the body, but is somewhat distracted because of a disturbance Psychic-Spiritual level.

Some of the dreams that we can say that something is happening in previous paragraphs that is for example:

  • To dream that someone says he wants to share our body.
  • To dream that you’re trapped inside a glass cube .
  • Dreaming of a closed door, and notice that the handle has menstrual blood.
  • If we go to sleep or suddenly woke up and see an animal trying to suck breath, that is, our vital energy is absorbed, it is a morpho, ie a spirit which takes the form of an animal and trying to feed on our fears (we must consider which, for example: If becomes in a dog or a cat, it not means that dogs and cats are bad, only that the morpho take this way to try confused) usually is a spirit that is manifested through ectoplasmic image.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night after a nightmare, especially if repeated over several days.

Demonic Possession, Attacks and Sleep Paralysis

Can Someone Be Possessed By A Demon?

True reports about Old Hag Syndrome, ghosts, ghouls, and spirits are a recurring theme in day-to-day correspondence generated by my media exposure. From the incoming mail, it is clear that a surprising number of people claim to have had paranormal experiences, and many ask for help in dealing with malevolent spiritual forces. One widespread problem seems to be spirit attacks while people sleep. The sinister entity may grab the sleeper by the throat, sit on their chest, and in some instances sexually abuse them.

Could it be that a large sector of the population is under attack by demons? Certainly, some of the letters I have received show that this is happening: “I awoke one morning and realized that my body was completely paralyzed,” writes one reader. “I couldn’t move a muscle. Something was in the room and walked across the bed. I tried to scream but only a slight noise came from my throat. Whoever or whatever was in my room then disappeared. Unfortunately, I have been getting this horrible paralysis for about two months now. The last time it happened I managed to open my eyes but still could not move my body.”

Sleep Paralysis / Old Hag Syndrome

This person is probably suffering from what psychologists call “sleep paralysis.” Recent surveys suggest that it affects between 25 to 30 percent of the population. People also often report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. Sometimes the “entity” may attack by strangling the sleeper and exerting crushing pressure on the chest. It is caused when the back of the brain comes to consciousness before the rest of the body “wakes up.” This is more likely to happen if you are over-tired. Doctors also recommend that it is best to sleep on your side and not on your back, as this can trigger the condition.

If you find yourself in the midst of a sleep-paralysis episode, you might try a traditional method for overcoming the paralysis by attempting to move your fingers or toes, or even your tongue. A number of people have suggested rapidly moving one’s eyes back and forth as a way of bringing a bout of SP to an end. As it is possible to have multiple episodes in a single night, it may help to get up briefly and move around after any such episode before trying to sleep again.

Surprisingly, though, is the consistency of such reports made by societies and cultures with no previous knowledge of each other or their lore. The main details remain constant.

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

And these stories are not limited to Western cultures, in fact, quite the contrary. In Thailand people refer to being Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed), and these experiences include a feeling of pressure, paralysis, and something black covering the body. In Japan, kanashibara (“to tie with an iron rope”) is a common known and accepted experience. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which “a soul” tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, da chor is described as follows: “You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep”


Scientific Studies

Recent theories claim that these sexual attacks are also the result of sleep paralysis. As we know from Freud, a great deal of dream content is of a sexual nature. Some psychologists claim that penile and clitoral erections in REM (dreaming) sleep demonstrates the validity of Freud’s insights about the primacy of sex. Also the asphyxiation that accompanies this syndrome may also cause sexual excitement. It is conceivable that many of the sexual attacks these people describe may be simply a vivid waking nightmare with a sexual undertone that occurs during a bout of sleep paralysis. Similarly, psychologists have explained that sleep paralysis may be at the root of cases of people who believe that they have been abducted by aliens. Often such claims begin with a report of someone waking up, terrified, feeling a presence, unable to move, may include sexual “experiments,” and often include waking-dream type hallucinations.

A good night’s sleep is essential for a healthy body, mind, and soul. Many of our troubles arise because of over-tiredness that in turn creates emotional vulnerability and intellectual weakness.  The most common cause of a bad night’s sleep and nightmares is mental over-stimulation before bedtime.

Real Attacks and Demonic Possession

There are cases in my files of people who appear to have undergone paranormal attacks as they slept. A prison inmate, for example, wrote, “The last time it happened, I was tossing and turning and trying to get to sleep when a strange dark power pulled me off the bed and pushed me against the wall. My cellmate screamed when he saw what was happening.” Similarly, an old woman relayed, “I am terrified at night as I believe that I am being menaced by a ghost or spirit. If I awake during the night, I see what I would call “smoke” in my room. One night my husband and I saw the harrowing sight of my bedclothes being slowly pulled off the bed. But the last straw was when I felt “it” move to the side of the bed and poke me hard in the arm. I prayed out loud but it wouldn’t go away.”

Real Demon Stories

Other case files are reports of people who have been attacked by these malevolent spirits and display mild to severe bruises and bite marks, many of them in places where they could not be self-inflicted. Some researchers have noted that women occasionally have torn vaginal tissue after an alleged attack by an incubus. And how can science explain the many cases of spirit attack that are witnessed by others or happen to two people simultaneously? Clearly science has not completely explained these phenomenon.

My advice to you, should you experience an attack by a malevolent spirit, is to first consult your doctor and ask about treatment for the common complaint of sleep paralysis.

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