Schizophrenia and Spirit Attachments

Schizophrenia and Spirit Attachments

Schizophrenia is a serious and terrible mental disorder. It can be caused by a serious chemical imbalance in the brain. It can be treated with medication but not usually cured. I have known people afflicted with this disease and see what it does to them and their families. I hope that someday in the near future the medical community can find a cure for this horrible condition. Many people who have schizophrenia claim to hear voices or see things. Most times these are hallucinations that go along with the disease and a brain malfunction. But is everyone who hears voices or sees people that are not there really mentally ill? What about the mediums and sensitives of the world? I am talking about people who are normal in every way except for these two strange symptoms of hearing and seeing things that others do not. Are they all crazy? For many years the psychiatric community said “yes.” Today things seem to be gradually changing, ever so slowly. There are some mental health counselors, and doctors that are actually opening up to looking into paranormal possibilities with some patients.

Schizophrenia is characterized by hallucinations (visual and auditory) and delusions. By hallucination is meant that these patients see images (visual) or hear voices (auditory). Delusions refer to altered beliefs, either persecutory or grandiose, etc. Other characteristics include disorganized speech, disorganized behavior and negative symptoms such as flattened mood.

There are five sub types of schizophrenia: Paranoid, Disorganized, Catatonic, Residual and Undifferentiated. What often differentiates these different sub types is the presence or absence of specific behaviors such as catatonia or disorganization. By catatonia is meant a series of bizarre behaviors such as posturing, rigidity and mutism (lack of speech).

Schizophrenia is a big subject and if physical causes can be ruled out, then what is left are the spiritual causes. Some of the physical causes would probably also include some of the vitamin B deficiencies, especially niacin.

Therefore if a gross brain disorder has been ruled out, then the explanation of most of the symptoms will always lie in the spirits of these patients.


As mentioned above, hallucinations can either be visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory or tactile.  The most common, however, is auditory.  Most patients with schizophrenia report that they hear voices or that they see things. These voices are often malevolent, commanding them to do unpleasant things and can even lead them to commit crimes.

They also hear voices that run commentaries about what they are doing. It is almost always the case that these patients hear voices in their heads talking to them or conversations between two people or several people.

Some of the patients, as mentioned before actually say that they see images on the wall or that they see diminutive “Lilliputian” images. The images that they see are often ugly and sneering.


This is regarded as erroneous beliefs of a wide variety: persecutory, grandiose, religious etc. The person may believe that he or she is being followed or tormented, for example. Other types include “thought-insertions” and “thought-withdrawals”. The former refers to a situation where the patient believes that an outside agent has inserted or is inserting thoughts into his head. The latter refers to when thoughts are being withdrawn from the patient’s head.

Disorganized speech and thoughts

Another very important characteristic of schizophrenia is disorganised speech associated with disorganised thinking. This can take the form of blocking of thoughts, thought derailment, unrelated answers to questions. Their speech may be completely disorganized (complete incoherence). They may move rapidly from one unrelated topic to the other.

Disorganized behavior

These patients may become completely depersonalized. They often revert to primitive behavior and lose all identity of self. They lose the ability to physically take care of themselves, including not being able to maintain personal hygiene. They may show complete inappropriate behavior, for example in the way they dress. They may also become very aggressive.

Some assume bizarre postures. They may stay in a rigid position for hours (catalepsy). They may also show inappropriate facial expressions such as grimacing, tics etc. Some lose the power of speech, giving rise to mutism, while others mimic words or phrases just spoken by others (echolalia), others still mimic the movements of other people (echopraxia).

Spirit attachments are also a real problem that seems to display the same symptoms as schizophrenia. A spirit attachment is when one or more spirits attach themselves to a living person and seek to live through them in a sense. It is much like possession but not as dramatic and at times more subtle. Spirit attachments talk to their victim, all the time, putting thoughts in their head and/or confusing their host with suggested ideas that are some times very dark or negative.

I have helped people with spirit attachments before. It is always an ugly business. Certain people are more prone to spirit attachment than others.Vulnerability to spirit attachment varies in individuals, according to predisposition, health and circumstances. Illness, injury, drugs, emotional disturbance and the presence of attached spirits, may all impair resistance. People with certain brain abnormalities are also prone to spirit attachment. drugs may help real schizophrenia but they do not help someone with a spirit attachment. In some cases they can make it worse.So how do you know if someone is truly schizophrenic, or if they have a spirit attachment? That is hard to say at this point. I have worked  many times with people who heard voices and were now medicated by a mental health professional because of it. I have also gotten those very voices on tape, so now what? Is the tape recorder suffering from a mental disorder? i think not.

Most people in the paranormal field will not even try to help someone who has been diagnosed with mental issues of any kind. Sadly this often eliminates these folks ever getting the answers they want to get about their condition and if they are hearing hallucinations or something else. People in the paranormal field do not want to get involved with “crazy people” as they assume that nothing is going on, and the person has been diagnosed with some mental problem and therefore they are wasting their time. They also do not want the responsibility or the liability of dealing with such people. My rule is that the mental health doctor or counselor, has to be on board with an inquiry into any possible paranormal causes for a patients illness or symptoms. Nowadays there are some of these doctors, that will give that go ahead, when they have exhausted all other avenues of treatment. There is a fine line between the spiritual and the scientific. Emotional health and mental health go hand in hand.If a person is being terrorized emotionally they will start to show mental problems as a result.

Someone has to be willing to research this and look into it, as who knows how many people might be helped if someone would make the effort in this field. A man in St. Petersburg Florida was treated for schizophrenia for 16 years, because he heard voices. A friend who is also a clergyman came by to pray for the man and taped the prayers, so the man could replay them and recite them himself. Before leaving he played back the tape to make sure he had recorded the session. To his amazement there were other voices on that tape. There was profanity and other mocking by a deep voiced male . The clergyman brought this to me and asked what I thought. I then encouraged him to go with the man to his doctor and play the tape for him. Now if this clergyman had never gone there and never tried to help the man, he would have never known that these voices were real and that he was not crazy. The man is more than likely a spirit sensitive and has been all of his life. He was taken to the mental health doctors at a young age. Chances are that all the medications given him over the years which damaged other parts of his body and his brain as well, were not necessary. What he needed was spiritual help and counseling. When dealing with any problem “Knowing is half the battle,” so at least you can try from there to obtain a solution. The problem is that at this point there is so much that we don’t know with this subject.
True schizophrenia has also been linked to early trauma experienced by a person that resulted in a mental break of sorts. Being the victim of a hostile spirit is definitely traumatic. We do not know the full range of possibilities with this type of thing. Hopefully some day science and spirit will meet on equal terms to work together for answers. Until then i will continue to do research in this area.

Healing Bipolar Disorder

Have you come across someone who was screaming for no apparent reason? Maybe they are yelling profanities, talking to themselves, or they are thinking of suicide?

Bipolar disorder has boggled the minds of scientists and researchers since the second century, when it was first recognized as some type of a mental illness (although not called bipolar disorder back then).  The old church was quick to recognize mental illness, however, calling people with mental disorders “witches,” or accusing them of “entertaining demons.”

Recognizing that the major characteristic of bipolar disorder is the extreme mood swings from mania (high highs) to depression (low lows), and the sometimes rapid switch between these two extremes, you might question sometimes if you really might have demons in you.

Can evil spirits cause physical disease or mental illness? The Bible indicates that Jesus cast demons out of people, so do demons still possess people today? Do illnesses such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, or bipolar disorder have only natural causes? If not, how would a medical doctor, psychologist, or pastor know if there may be a supernatural cause?

Formerly known as manic depression, bipolar disorder gets its name from the unpredictable mood swings ranging from the pole of extreme highs (mania) to the pole of deep lows (depression).

Imagine the emotional high you feel after a very positive event—like receiving an award at work, falling in love, or reaching the top of a mountain you’ve climbed. Then multiply the intensity of that feeling three or four times, speed it up to “fast forward,” triple your energy level, and imagine feeling that way around the clock for days, weeks, or even months until you collapse from exhaustion. This is a little of what mania feels like.

“At least one person of every one hundred suffers from bipolar disorder.”

What’s the problem with having so much energy? here’s the problem: First, you are probably doing a lot of exaggerated, unwise things during your manic state. Many of your ideas are unrealistic and your perpetual motion and excited, exaggerated talking tend to alienate even the best of friends. Second, your high to end. When it does, you come crashing into deep depression. Ten to fifteen percent of people with bipolar disorder end up committing suicide.

At least one person of every one hundred suffers from bipolar disorder. The illness typically begins in the late teens or early twenties with men most likely to first have an episode of mania, and women more likely to first experience a depressive phase. The earlier bipolar disorder begins, the more severe the course of the disorder tends to be.
Unmanaged bipolar disorder wreaks havoc in one’s personal, vocational, and family life, and the symptoms recur throughout a person’s life. Over a ten-year period, people with bipolar disorder experience an average of four episodes and five hospitalizations. Even those who have few repeated crises can experience significant ongoing problems between full-blown episodes.


People in a “manic episode” are excessively elated, irritable, moody, and energetic. They have little need for sleep (two to three hours per night is common), have rapid and pressured speech, racing thoughts, and may jump abruptly to unrelated topics without transitions. They are also distractible and impulsive. Some drive recklessly. Others go on wild spending sprees, running up thousands of dollars on credit cards or bouncing check after check. Many have an exaggerated sense of their importance and abilities.

In milder manic episodes, the increased energy, rapid thinking, and limited need for sleep can temporarily lead to incredible productivity. People can also become extremely outgoing and sociable and may be convinced that they are brilliant conversationalists or the life of the party.

In severe manic episodes, people with bipolar disorder become psychotic; that is, their thought processes and ability to judge reality are radically impaired. They may begin by being slightly overconfident about their abilities, eventually becoming convinced that they can predict the future or run the country.

The elevated, expansive mood that is part of bipolar disorder is often difficult to diagnose at first. Many people think a manic person is simply a very happy, high-energy, elated person. They do not recognize that the mania may also cause the person to be paranoid, irritable, and excessively intense. Mild mania is easily confused with normal mood fluctuations.

People with the disorder have to see many different doctors over a period of several years before someone diagnoses the real cause of their problems.


Depressive episodes of bipolar illness are characterized by the opposite of the manic pole of the emotional continuum. People in depressive episodes feel sad and depressed. They have low energy levels, an increase or decrease in sleep, loss of interest in enjoyable activities, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and suicidal thoughts.

“Some people with the disorder have to see many different doctors over a period of several years before someone diagnoses the real cause.”

Some typically alternate between the extreme moods of mania, depression and normality. Occasionally, however, both the mania and depression are experienced at the same time. This is referred to as a “mixed episode.” Such an episode is characterized by irritability, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts accompanied by high energy and activity levels, decreased sleep, and impulsive behavior. Mixed episodes can be extremely dangerous if the person is suicidal, because the manic symptoms may give a person enough energy to carry out the suicide plans which the depression has triggered.

Family Stress

Both manic and depressive episodes place incredible stress on friends and family. Since people in a manic state can be unreasonable, emotional, and impulsive, family members fear they will do something hurtful or disastrous. They may get the family into serious debt, have several affairs, quit their jobs, and engage in other foolish behavior. Family members of those in a depressed state can become extremely frustrated when, time after time, their efforts to support and encourage them are rejected and rebuffed.

Healing Bipolar Disorder

One of the most difficult things about treating bipolar disorder is that there is no complete “cure.” However, while bipolar disorder is difficult to deal with, it is also true that this problem can usually be effectively managed with proper Spiritual Healing over the time. Spirit Releasement Therapy, Past Life Regression and many other modes of spiritual healing minimize and overcome the most devastating effects of this disorder and enable the sufferers to generally live normal lives at home, work, school.

One of the most helpful things family members can do for a person suffering from a bipolar disorder is to help him keep taking his healing. If you are close to someone with this disorder, encourage him or her to begin or continue spiritual healing and learn to deal with these issues. This will help the person accept dependence on healing the soul—which could be life-saving.

Demon Possession or Mental Illness?

Mental illness can mean different things to different people. In the scientific community, we believe that it can be a totally chemical based condition, but that’s only one possible diagnosis. Is there sometimes more than meets the eye? In many civilizations around the world, it’s not so much about what is physically wrong inside, but rather who may be around with you. The term ‘spirit possession’ is often used as a cultural explanation for what is happening, with symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia.

Belief in possession is not uncommon in psychosis, the mental state that can sometimes accompany severe mental illness and typically involves delusions and hallucinations. Psychiatry usually assumes all such experiences to be faults of the mind, rather than the result of other-worldly powers.

What causes mental illness and its various types? The answer lies in demon possession. When a person has mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, psychosis, multiple personality disorder, or has suicidal thoughts, the individual has quite literally “lost their mind” to invading demon spirits.

Demon spirits pray on those who are weak mentally, physically and emotionally. When a person suffers a trauma in their life and they are unable to cope with the trauma mentally and emotionally, a part of their soul chooses not to have that experience and splits off causing “soul fragmentation”. This leaves a vacuum or space for demon spirits to reside within the soul and influence the mind and feelings of the person involved.

These demon spirits enter through holes in the aura when the person is emotionally vulnerable and seeks to “escape” their own life. Marijuana usage in teenagers who are often emotionally troubled and seek to escape the reality of their troubled lives. Taking drugs such as marijuana causes holes to appear in the aura. It is also a form of “escapism” that fragments the soul, leaving the individual open and vulnerable to demon possession. And this is why schizophrenia has been linked to marijuana usage. It is not the marijuana itself that is causing the schizophrenia, it is the invasion of the demon spirit that hi-jacks the soul and mind of the troubled teenager, after they have used marijuana.

This is why we see ordinary young adults stay healthy all their lives – free of schizophrenia – and then all of a sudden have schizophrenia after taking marijuana. It is because they have lost control of their mind due to demon possession.

Severe or more extreme types of mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorder, multiple personality disorder, psychosis are caused by a large number of demon and earthbound spirits entering the soul of the person involved. The person has literally lost control of their soul and mind to malevolent or negative spirits. Major depression, suicide and suicidal thoughts are also caused by demon or earthbound spirits influencing the mind and the emotions of the person’s soul they inhabit.

Most people on earth have one or more earthbound or demon spirits within their soul, that has gained entry into their soul either during this lifetime or been carried over from a past life. Yet because demon spirits can only possess a soul according to the degree to which it has chosen to give away control of its soul, most demon possession is only partial in nature and the demon spirit expresses itself through the identity of the human ego. Most people cannot distinguish between what is of their own human ego, which is negative and fear-based in nature, and what is of a demon spirit that has infiltrated their soul under the guise of the ego.

Is a Person Really Possessed or Are They Mentally Ill?

This is a question I deal with a lot. Sadly, a large number of mentally ill people suffer from delusions of persecutions by demons, the dead, or other supernatural entities.   The devil and demons torment those that suffer from any number of psychotic disorders. People who might have lived locked up in a mental institution 50 years ago can now live relatively normal life free from the terror of the demons as spirit releasement has become popular in the recent years and people are able to get relief out of this spiritual therapy.
For sceptics, this is the obvious answer to all hauntings and demon possessions.  It is easy to say mental illness is the answer.  However,  I think there are ways to see a difference between the supernatural and the natural affects of mental illness.  Obviously, many psychiatrists and therapists don’t feel this way, but I think when diagnostic criteria for a mental illness aren’t met and treatment doesn’t work, other things could be considered.

A lot of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have reported seeing shadow people, as well. Unfortunately, the majority of these people are describing their own paranormal experiences as delusions and hallucinations. The same goes for a lot of people who’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia; they don’t believe in most of the things they have heard and seen. Should we be so quick to call ourselves crazy and assume that what we have seen or heard could not possibly be real? It actually makes me feel a little sad knowing that most people don’t believe in their own experiences or consider how their experiences with mental illness and paranormal activity can potentially be really profound and meaningful.

Am I suggesting that it’s impossible to experience a hallucination? No, not necessarily, but I don’t think we should immediately dismiss something just because it’s hard to explain or can’t be witnessed by everyone. Who’s to say what’s real and what isn’t? What if everything around us is an illusion, and we’re all a bit crazy for mistaking it to be real? I’ve grown tired of the “experts” who claim that this and that is impossible or unlikely. There is so much more to learn and understand about everything in life, including the paranormal and mental suffering, once you’re willing to adopt the “I don’t know” stance. Whenever we say “I don’t know how to explain that”, our curiosity and non-assuming nature might allow us to eventually come up with some pretty cool and interesting theories that bring us closer to the truth.

My biggest argument against labeling paranormal experiences as hallucinations is that it further adds to the mental illness stigma. It basically says that these people who “hallucinate” have a problem, that they’re out of touch with reality, that their experiences don’t count because there’s something wrong with their brain, and that they’re not credible or trustworthy sources whenever they speak about unusual experiences they’ve endured. What if we did a 180 and turned this view around? What if people suffering with mental illness became our teachers, offering us a new perspective about the nature of reality and all the phenomena surrounding us that normal oraverage people cannot see? Can you imagine that instead of feeling victimized and living in shame about their condition, these people might actually find meaning in their suffering? Instead of making these people feel flawed and in need of serious psychiatric help, what if we helped them to see their unique gifts through loving support? What if there are potential significant gains and a profound purpose behind mental illness, and we’ve been treating it the absolute wrong way for the past few centuries? The current mindset and approach seem a bit backwards to me.

The ways we’ve been conditioned to view mental illness and paranormal experiences are obviously limiting. Mental illness is seen as pointless suffering, and witnessing paranormal activity is either seen as absolute nonsense by the skeptics or a sign of a defective brain/sensory system that needs to be fixed through medication as soon as possible. I’m going to paraphrase a comment I found on a forum that illustrates the modern, limiting view of mental illness and paranormal experiences: “Your experiences sound very disturbing. I hope your new medications help you. Those paranormal entities you’ve seen are the products of your mind and nothing more. Embrace the medication’s ability to quiet the voices, and re-learn to see the world as it is: solid and un-magical.” So, in other words, people who perceive things beyond the physical realm need to dull their senses through medication because being highly sensitive is not normal and absolutely none of that stuff you’ve seen is real anyway because all the “normal people” are the experts on what does and does not exist in this vast universe.

I’m very curious about why so many people have reported seeing shadow people inside their homes and other dark, shadowy figures during something that is clinically referred to as “sleep paralysis”. Could these paranormal entities possibly be inter-dimensional beings that can only be seen by people who have higher levels of sensitivity? Or are the entities there to feed off the negative energy of those who are suffering or to increase their suffering, perhaps out of spite? I know someone of a skeptical mindset probably thinks all of this is a big load of crap, but I really suspect there’s something more going on here than just hallucinations and delusions.

If you were to question a group of people diagnosed with mental illness or sleep paralysis about their paranormal experiences, shouldn’t each person report a unique experience that is significantly different from what everyone else had seen if it was merely a hallucination? Why do people see the same beings and have such similar experiences? For example, countless people who’ve experienced sleep paralysis have encountered “the old hag” and “the hat man”. Many say the shadow entities are a race of malevolent supernatural beings, called the djinn, who despise and envy humans.

I’m not really attempting to explain why people with mental illness or sleep paralysis have reported paranormal experiences, but I trust that their experiences are valid and should be taken seriously because I trust in my own experiences with the paranormal. People who’ve never witnessed any of this will continue to ridicule us and probably say something ignorant like “go take your meds”, but I don’t think we should minimize our experiences and question ourselves simply because it’s not normal to see certain things. Maybe we possess certain abilities or gifts that have allowed us to have these experiences.

I can’t say for sure why any of these paranormal events occur. For now, maybe we should try to accept the fact that we don’t know why some people see entities while others don’t. We could also try to understand that our perception of life and the world around us is very limited during this human experience. It is truly ignorant if we were to say with confidence that we know everything there is to know about other realms and the universe. I encourage you to look deeper into these matters with a curious, open mind instead of dismissing anything paranormal with skepticism and self-assured arrogance.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this or about any paranormal encounters you have experienced.

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks influence on energy body, mental, physical

A psychic attack is a negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon a person, their life, or their family. Harm can be launched toward the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state of a person. Those negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and more.

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create. I recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

Symptoms of A Psychic Attack

When you are under psychic attack, you might experience these possible symptoms:

  • Unexplained sense of fear
  • Very frightening nightmares, often causing a fear of sleep
  • Negative thoughts that seem to pop into our mind from out of nowhere
  • Feeling tired for no reason at all
  • Sudden illnesses that seem to have no diagnosis
  • Strange accidents that seem to be recurring
  • Having unexplained pains on a regular basis
  • Experiencing random illnesses and pains that your attacker is aware of, even if you have not told anyone
  • Having painful headaches accompanied by dizziness and vomiting
  • Feeling an unexplained sense of doubt in your life
  • Lack of clarity in thinking, or a sudden change in your analytical ability
  • Sudden onset of depression
  • Irrational outbursts of sorrow, anger and fear
  • Hearing voices or having the feeling of being watched or followed, even when you are alone
  • Constantly seeing your attacker in your dreams and thoughts

One of the key power of the psychic attack is it hits during ones weakest point! This is simply because at a weakened state, already, the energy level of the person is quite low. This can be, for example, during an instance of physical fatigue, emotional breakdown, mentally weak, or even spiritually low. Let’s consider a person, after his day’s work, he is in a state of tiredness, and here there is a physical fatigue. If the body is tired, and the mind restless, the protective shield slackens. With an emotional upheaval somehow, that protective auric field becomes mild and too subtle to be strong. Hence, that ‘negative intention arrow’ pierces the aura easily.

Most often, psychic attacks go unnoticed by the victim. But by the time the attacks intensify, the vulnerability of the person increases, resulting in the various psychic attacks symptoms.

Most psychic attacks are coined as Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Wild the physical attack is said to be mild, the Spiritual one is the highest form. Physical psychic attacks form mild disturbances, and the person can get symptoms like headaches, rashes, stomach ache and various other aches and pains. Mental psychic attacks are medium form of attacks. Victims may feel a variety of negative emotions or thoughts such as general depression, fear, guilt, hate or jealousy. Generally, these negative emotions or thoughts occurring have no actual basis and are often far stronger than the person’s typical negative mental state. Emotional psychic attacks bring victims down on an emotional level. This happens mostly during a heartbreaking situation, or a simply an insult. Spiritual psychic attacks is a high level of attack. They can result in an unusual and extreme personality or mood swings. The victim may behave oddly. This kind of attack can destroy or injure badly the victim.

sleep paralysis

Psychic Attacks During Sleep |Sleep Paralysis|Loss of Energy

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy (lets be honest, I hear about this almost every day from clients) neighbor, coworker or a jealous relative. Yes, even our relatives can become our worst enemies.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create, below you will find just that, i recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

For example as a root worker and healer I have heard from so many clients that they where under the impression that sleep paralysis was a normal occurrence, I disagree with that, I myself have experienced it first hand and other family members when we used to sleep in a particular room, and after I performed a spiritual cleansing in the room and also did a self cleansing it never happened again.

To my knowledge sleep paralysis happens when a dark entity ​tries to take possession of the victim while the person is asleep, because the body is relaxed and not fully conscious. Therefore there is little or no resistance at all to the possession.

​I myself have experienced and witnessed from clients that have been attacked by these lower level entities. Some are easy to remove while others put up a fight to release the victim and sometimes require even an exorcism.

During the time we sleep, there are two types of attacks that we may experience, we mean attacks carried out by dishonest people in order to harm us even resort to all kinds of tricks and they are psychic attacks and spiritual attacks :

Psychic Attacks:

Attacks are carried out by means of negative-telepathy so that just as there is positive telepathy, through which two people can communicate with thought through telepathic waves. There is also the negative telepathy, which is something like the misuse that some people do telepathy, to cause harm to another, for example, if someone says bad words in order to offend, usually bothers us, then, when someone uses telepathy, but instead of trying to communicate with us, curse is, it happens that, although not listen , we feel bad and we sometimes ringing in the ears, but that’s not the only case, as there who use the properties of certain compounds to increase its telepathic waves even reach those techniques combined with the invocation of evil Beings, and this can prove to cause us from illness to an accident by a kind of suggestion transmitted telepathically. To this we must add that there are people who often resort to such practices during sleep, as it is then that we are more vulnerable to such attacks, attacks that may come to cause us nightmares, and often reach be used to cause us to change point of view or attitude toward someone or to a certain topic.

Spiritual Attacks:

It is when a person through certain rituals or practices, send a spirit to bother, so we must remember that under the laws of magic and psychic, a spirit alien to this world cannot enter or affect it, unless it is with the aid of a person in here, plus it takes a certain amount of subtle life energy, also known as ectoplasm. In order to obtain this type of energy is necessary for the operator (The dishonest person holding the ritual), the contribution of its own vital energy through certain rituals, or through other methods will not detail for obvious reasons.

Such attacks are generally accompanied by psychic attacks though people do not have the detailed knowledge of how these things work, that is, just follow certain formulas or recipes learned from empirical knowledge or that were contributed by certain Free Masons groups who frequently engaged in forming new sects and rites of witchcraft, among other things.

The discomfort usually from tinnitus, loss of energy, nightmares , phenomena like the call : “The evil on your back” until ectoplasmic images (which some parapsychologists often called telepathic hallucinations, although it is actually a more complex phenomenon than that), the damage usually starts during sleep and usually continue for the next day (Not necessarily to wake up but that can happen even several hours later) with headaches, toothaches, neglect, pessimism, until distractions in our work we sometimes make mistakes, and in extreme cases may even cause an accident. Some shamans often refer to this phenomenon by saying that his soul is not with him, which is not really the soul are not with the person as that would cause the death of the body, but is somewhat distracted because of a disturbance Psychic-Spiritual level.

Some of the dreams that we can say that something is happening in previous paragraphs that is for example:

  • To dream that someone says he wants to share our body.
  • To dream that you’re trapped inside a glass cube .
  • Dreaming of a closed door, and notice that the handle has menstrual blood.
  • If we go to sleep or suddenly woke up and see an animal trying to suck breath, that is, our vital energy is absorbed, it is a morpho, ie a spirit which takes the form of an animal and trying to feed on our fears (we must consider which, for example: If becomes in a dog or a cat, it not means that dogs and cats are bad, only that the morpho take this way to try confused) usually is a spirit that is manifested through ectoplasmic image.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night after a nightmare, especially if repeated over several days.

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