Holistic Healing | Alternative Therapies |Drugless Therapies

Holistic Healing | Alternative Therapies |Drugless Therapies

holistic healingThe Definition – What is holistic healing?

First, we must answer the question, ‘what exactly is healing?’ Healing is about bringing any imbalance into alignment with its natural state of functioning.

Every organ in our bodies has a natural or ‘healthy’ state of functioning as do our emotional, mental and spiritual states. When we are out of balance, we feel like something is out of place – whether it comes in the form of emotional or physical pain or discomfort – and we naturally want to return to our natural state of harmony, when everything ‘works’ as intended. This process of rebalancing is synonymous with healing.

Holistic healing bypasses the ‘band-aid fix’ approach of conventional medicine, looks beyond a person’s physical state and sees the holistic view of their state of being or functioning. It acknowledges that the root cause of a physical illness may in fact be non-physical.

Holistic healing works when we we approach life from all aspects of being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


Therefore, a holistic approach is considered to be more effective because change occurs on all levels and as a result, positive changes are more likely to last long-term and improve a person’s overall quality of life.

When we heal holistically, we address imbalances on all levels, rather than one or two, and so it becomes a life-long process in achieving overall life balance. The ultimate goal of aligning the body, mind and soul promises a happier, healthier, more balanced state of being.

Holistic healing is based on a philosophy of promoting mind body wellness. How well-being is restored, to what extent, and which methods are used are as varied as the people seeking to be healed.

What does not vary is the ultimate aim to achieve optimum whole self health. To make that happen, unbalanced or unhealthy aspects of mind, body and spirit are all taken into consideration and addressed. It also means that the power of mind and spirit may facilitate physical healing and issues in the physical body may be focused on to facilitate mental well-being.

What is Holistic Healing? What is beautiful about holistic healing is that it puts the responsibility and power for healing in your hands, not in those of a “healer”, even though you may wisely be seeking advice and help from others. It empowers you to make choices and take actions on your behalf and addresses you as a whole person.

Holistic healing is not a cookie cutter approach. People with the same ‘dis-ease’ may end up with completely different treatment plans based on their motivation, symptoms, lifestyle, resources, stress levels, and emotional and mental history. You may get amazingly quick results, or it may take months to notice a meaningful shift. These shifts may be in the direction of health, but may not be what you were specifically hoping for. If you ever heard a cancer patient say she was healed even though death is near, you know what that means.

Whole person healing is about bringing your mind and body back into balance and nurturing that balance over your lifetime. It is not about cure, although that would be wonderful and may very well happen. It is about returning to wholeness. That is an abstract concept which basically means that you feel complete and at peace within yourself. You deeply understand yourself, accept yourself in mind and body, and love yourself in the healthiest of ways. This is not about complacence. Real love often requires taking action to improve your life.

Whole person healing is about addressing causes. It is not about controlling symptoms, although that may be necessary and beneficial at times. It is about addressing the whole as much as possible, not just the vulnerable, ‘dis-eased’ part. The understanding is that something within the whole is stressing the part, which needs help, not suppressing, bypassing, or cutting out unless absolutely necessary. If not too far gone, the part will recover when the whole is restored.

There is a common misconception that holistic healing is natural healing. This is absolutely true, but not necessarily in the way it is meant, which is usually about methods. It is about your naturally self healing body and mind, which naturally seeks balance when given what they need and what is harming them is removed. The body is always striving for balance and will maintain it so long as nothing goes awry.

It is also true that lifestyle adjustments and natural methods and remedies are preferred. However, it is also true that modern medical assistance may be necessary and a best choice at times. It may also be beneficial to include help that is not medical at all. That might mean taking advantage of spiritual counseling, financial management classes, relationship therapy and/or a career change. Who you choose to assist you, and the methods you work with will depend on your changing needs and preferences.

The body and the mind act in unison. Physical symptoms may indicate the state of mind or vice versa. Medical intervention should take into consideration the whole rather than isolated parts. This is the holistic approach.

The purpose of holistic healing is to provide long-term improvement and health. This may even cause short-term pain. Intervention should be minimal since nature, in her wisdom, knows the best course. Pain can serve to make us aware of the problem so that we give our body the chance to heal. Pain can also make us aware of our emotional state, thus helping us in our own personal evolution. A natural diet, good exercise and calmness of mind can be one of the best means of holistic healing in a number of cases.



Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing For Depression & Anxiety

Do you live with Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Depression, or PTSD?

Are you feeling lost, afraid, and unsure?

Through a Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing / Energy Healing Session we can help to move this type of energy out of your field and teach you techniques so that you enjoy being a spirit in human form and feel peace.

DEPRESSION is when you have lost all sense of hope and direction. You feel lost in life, but lack the strength and inspiration to climb out of it. The future seems bleak, even threatening, so much so that you retreat into yourself and remain in a slow, sluggish existence. Every movement becomes a painful effort.

Depression is considered as one of the foremost psychological problems for people of different age groups today. There are approximately 121 million worldwide affected by depression. Depression can lead to suicidal tendencies, which is the sole reason for 850,000 deaths each year. There are no pre-defined causes for depression although stress is being quoted to be one of the catalysts.

Most people across the world opt for medical treatment for depression, which includes using antidepressants, electric shock treatment (ECT), psychotherapy, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapy and medicine is used primarily to help a person fight depression although medicines and some therapies might have other side effects.

On the other hand, natural healing doesn’t have side effects and the results are long-term or even permanent in some cases.

What causes depression?
There are many causes of depression, depending on which level you’re looking at. At the deepest level, depression is a symptom of, and often a coping mechanism for, disconnection from your true self. Thus, depression is a sign that you have veered off the path of your soul.

Depression usually arises when you suppress your true feelings. You may have been taught (directly or indirectly) that it is wrong to express your feelings. If you are also too open, sensitive and giving to other people’s needs, you end up creating an extreme imbalance within yourself. Your system then creates a block to stop the overflow of your energetic output – and your spirit becomes dampened.

Spiritual Healing for Depression
The conventional way to treat depression is by prescribing medication to increase the production of feel-good hormones to offset the depressive feelings. This may be effective in managing and controlling moods, but from the perspective of spiritual growth, it simply covers up the symptoms which are your body’s way of giving you useful information about where you’re out of alignment with your true self, the places that need healing. Behind depression is fear, guilt, shame, etc. and we cannot heal these with medication alone.

When working with clients, I focus on treating the psycho-emotional-spiritual-energetic levels. My view is that these levels can affect the physiological-cognitive conditions rather than the other way around. Thus, healing and resolving the issues in the former would result in true healing of the symptom.

How Natural Healing For Depression Works ?

The natural process of healing depression basically refers to treatment of depression holistically. Most people are not aware of a powerful force called spirituality, which once embraced in our lives can help us to get healed.

How can spirituality help in treatment of depression? To answer this question, you need to first ask yourself, what is the root cause of depression? Depression is not caused by an event, a person, or a situation; it is caused by a disturbance in the spiritual equilibrium.

This refers to the fact that when there is more negative states in our mind and negative energy in our body as opposed to positive energy then depression occurs. The lack of positive energy hampers the balance between the mind, body, and soul. This is where natural healing for depression comes into the picture. It is only through practice of spiritual healing that you will be able to restore this balance and thus treat depression.

Psychic Healing Sessions Heals Depression and Anxiety

  • If you have been either mentally, physically, or emotionally abused in the past you stand a high likelihood of experiencing depression.
    • On a Metaphysical level the energy of the experience is still trapped in your bio-field and you are continuing to operate off of the memories. During a Psychic Healing Session I can put you into trance and begin to gently remove the energy from your body, chakras, and aura. Such therapy has long term benefits and gives you the emotional release that you need.
  • If you are experiencing conflict with family members or friends, you may be experiencing depression.
    • We can do a Psychic Reading and look at the soul contracts that you have with your family and friends and we can look at what is causing the conflict. Once we understand where the conflict is coming from, we can energetically end the old karma and soul contracts and create new ones that will shift the energy of the situation.
  • If you are experiencing death or loss of a loved one (be it adult or child), we can connect with their spirit and bring messages of love forward.
    • As a medium, I can connect with your loved ones and bring you messages from the other side that will help you to heal and feel at peace with their passing. Coming to terms with death and loss can be difficult if one does not understand the beauty of dieing. Just as births are celebrated so to can death be for it is another facet of life. Often it is because of our sense of missing them that we suffer. Yet, when we can come to terms and understand the beauty of being an Eternal Spirit than we can heal.
  • If you are experiencing a chronic or major illness then there is a chance that you have become depressed in the process.
    • On a Spiritual level we can look at the emotional, mental, and spiritual reasons for the depression and begin to clear these levels of your being. By doing so, changes on the physical level will begin to take place and your healing will rapidly occur.
  • Events that are positive, like graduating, getting married, or a new job can lead to depression. It isn’t always sad events. 
    • When this is the case, and you know you “should” be happy with life but are not, then we can go into your biofield (body, chakras, and aura) and start to look for the source of the depression. Usually it is a lack of love for yourself that is the trigger; something within you that says “I don’t deserve to be happy!” and we can look for the source and remove the energy from you so that you are freed up to enjoy life.
  • Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also suffer from depression.
    • Through a Psychic Healing we can go into your biofield and begin to remove the pictures that are leading to the substance abuse and encourage your feelings of self worth to flourish so that you can let go of the crutch that is keeping you tied to the drug or alcohol.
  • You are not alone, millions of people throughout the world suffer from depression in a given year. At some point in their lives, about one in four Americans will experience depression.
    • A Psychic Healing session involves me psychically reading the pictures in your field and then moving them out so that you no longer operate off of them. When we move the energy from your field, you heal. A healing may be necessary weekly or monthly depending on how deep it goes and how much you are ready to let go. The average person heals quickly from a session or two.
  • Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. Women may be at a higher risk for depression due in part to estrogen, which may alter the activity of neurotransmitters that contribute to depression. Once men hit midlife, they may face an increased risk of depression due to the decrease of testosterone.
    • If there is a physical reason for depression, such as a body chemical that is missing, a psychic healing will help you to identify the problem and you will need to take other steps to help to heal the problem. There is nothing wrong with combing eastern and western medicines to improve your state of mind.
  • Men typically experience depression differently from women and use different means to cope. For example, while women may feel hopeless, men may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, while men may became socially withdrawn or become violent or abusive.

Here is some more information about Depression from Random Facts

  • In established market economies such as the United States, depression is the leading form of mental illness


  • As many as 15% of those who suffer from some form of depression take their lives each year.
    • From a metaphysical perspective, our will to live is located in our root chakra, and by doing a clearing and balancing of your root chakra, you will find that your will to live increases.
  • Depressed people get colds more frequently than non-depressed people.
    • By removing the energy of depression your vibration will rise and therefor so to will your health!
  • During the Middle Ages, mentally ill people were seen to be under the influence of the devil or other evil spirits.
    • As a Psychic Healer, there are times where I will see negative Entities attached to a person and this will cause the depression. If This is the case I can remove them and you will feel happy again.
  • Approximately 80% sufferers of depression are not receiving treatment.
  • Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects nearly 6 million American adults in a given year.
  • The average video gamer is typically 35-year-old male who is most likely depressed, overweight, and introverted.
  • Long-term use of marijuana leads to changes in dopamine production and has been implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms.
  • People with depression are five times more likely to have a breathing-related sleep disorder than non-depressed people.
    • If you are experiencing this we can go into your solar plexus and begin to clear out the energy that is keeping you from having a healthy night sleep.
  • Patients with depression may develop agoraphobia, or a fear of going out in public.
    • A Psychic Healing session will help you to feel more comfortable being around others and will help you to feel more social.
  • The World Health Organization estimates that depression will be the second highest medical cause of disability by the year 2030, second only to HIV/AIDS.
  • Many creative individuals have experienced depression, including Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, Peter Tchaikovsky, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sylvia Plath.
  • Depression often presents itself in four ways: mood changes, cognitive (memory and thought process) changes, physical changes, and behavioral changes.

You can book a session with us and we can do healing to help you during session by moving the energy of sadness, fear, worry, depression, and anxiety and teaching you how to do it for yourself. We can psychically read for you the situations in your life and give you guidance for your success.


Spiritual Healing for Pregnant Women

Emotional and spiritual support – for mother and baby

Are you ready to flourish in your spiritual pregnancy?

Are you open to use your heart to tune into your baby?

Are you open to communication with the spirit of your child?

Have you ever wondered HOW to communicate with the soul or spirit of your baby before birth? 

Many cultures throughout history into the present have formed loving traditions that acknowledge and bring attention to the spirit of a child before life.  It is an ongoing spiritual connection that supports the parent and child relationship.  Ask yourself if you want to build a deeply sacred and loving connection of communication.

Did you know that early communication with your baby is a GIFT to both you and your baby (partner too)?  Your baby may be already sending you signs and inner feelings whether you are aware of it or not.  It is easy to ignore or get busy with life and forget to stop and connect to that quiet place within.  That quite place within is how you intuitively access your connection to pre-birth conversations with your baby.

Are you in conception?  Are you pregnant?  What kind of traditions are you creating for your child that wants to be born into your life?  Lets start with conception.  Conception is a sacred journey of self discovery, inner growth, and development.  Sometimes challenges arrive in conception or issues with infertility.  The often missed experience in infertility is working with the spiritual self and bringing awareness to the energy of your baby.  Like conception sometimes pregnancy has issues or a lacking of spiritual self awareness.  Pregnancy is a very sacred time in a women’s life that requires big changes and adjustments.  It activates the physical, emotional, and spiritual self for a great reason.  To get you ready to be a most amazing parent to your child!  The LOVE that grows inside your body to expand your heart comes into your life and into this world for many reasons and that journey is amazing.  Talking, touching, listening, and moving with the energy of your baby leads you into building that mother and child connection before he or she is born.  Imagine if each mother and father listened deeply within to the soul of their baby.  Imagine humanity transforming into higher ways of living with deeper integrity, extreme self love, infinite self kindness, and massive self trust.

Expectant mothers have always been advised to enjoy pregnancy, but common health issues often mar this experience. Unlike prescription medications, Spiritual healing goes beyond just the physical support to provide emotional help and bring a deep sense of calm and positivity to both mother and unborn child.

Spiritual Healng during pregnancy can be a gentle, yet powerful, non-invasive treatment that may help symptoms such as:

  • tiredness
  • low back pain
  • morning sickness
  • mood changes
  • high blood pressure
  • stress
  • emotional disruption experienced both during and after pregnancy

Healing is not an instant miracle cure. However, with regular treatment – which ensures better circulation, harmonized energy levels, elimination of toxins and a stable and confident emotional, mental and spiritual outlook – you might be surprised at your body’s ability to heal and maintain itself. Even apprehension and fear experienced in the late stages of pregnancy, and the distress at the impending labour, can be alleviated through the deep relaxation, balance and confidence gained through a healing treatment.

Since pregnancy can be such a major life-changing event, it can often resurrect buried emotions, fears or insecurities from the past; so-called “unfinished business”. A weekly treatment is recommended, especially around the heart, abdomen and solar plexus areas, to enable the body to handle all the changes and demands that are put upon it.

Enhance your connection with your body

As healing is holistic, it treats each person as a whole, including mind, body…and baby. Some mothers have experienced their babies give an excited kick as soon as they feel the energy flowing in. By working directly by holding the “bump” the healer can also therefore treat the baby.

Being pregnant can create a sense of being out of control of your own body. Some women have described it as their body “not belonging to them anymore”, from the day-to-day changes in their bodies, to the sense of invasion experienced from medical interventions. Healing can enable a sense of regaining some of that control: a balance and a grounding so that, even though you are experiencing a life-changing event, you can be in control, no matter what surprises await you.

Benefits of Spiritual Healing for Pregnant Women

Eases Physical Discomfort: Spiritual healing is effective for relieving physical discomforts often associated to pregnancy. The human hormones associated with pregnancy often cause gastric problems during pregnancy. An energy healing treatment during pregnancy not only helps in relaxing the gastrointestinal walls, thereby reducing the sensation of nausea, but also aids in providing relief from hip, back or ligament pain that is often experienced by pregnant women as their pregnancy progresses. In fact, taking a Spiritual Healing during pregnancy can relax you completely, greatly reducing fatigue, anxiety and sleep problems.

Provide Emotional Support: Juggling the demands related to the expectations of families, jobs or relationship with their partner can often make a pregnant woman quite stressed and tired. A Healing Therapy done during pregnancy not only helps an expecting mother stay grounded emotionally, but also instills serenity and peace and calms her fears related to pregnancy and delivery.

Make the Process of Delivery Easier: Spiritual treatment given during the time of labor helps reduce pain associated with pelvic and back area to a great extent. This safe and natural treatment not only aids in reducing anxiety of the expectant mother during labor, but also helps create a peaceful and serene atmosphere for the baby.

Helps in Post Partum Recovery: The body of a pregnant woman tends to undergo tremendous changes after delivery. Healing treatment given at this point of time can prove to be highly beneficial in healing their physical and emotional levels and maintain their well being during the first few weeks after child birth. Moreover, since the advent of the new baby can cause an emotional upheaval for a new mother, it can help her adjust to the new environment and take care of a baby more easily.

Helps the Baby Stay Healthy and Happy: When Spiritual Healing is given to a pregnant woman, it proves to be highly beneficial in helping build a strong spiritual relationship between the mother and her unborn baby. It helps the unborn baby stay calm and relaxed, but it is also said that sometimes it makes the unborn wriggle happily inside his mother’s womb. In fact, healing sessions that are done during pregnancy generally make the baby easygoing, thereby making it easy for young mothers to take care of their little ones in more easy and simple manner.


Benefits of Healing Sessions during pregnancy:

  1. Provides emotional as well as physical support to the pregnant woman.
  2. Creates a balanced, loving and harmonious relationship between the mother and the child.
  3. Taking Healing Sessions in the early days of the pregnancy helps reduce exhaustion and nausea in the pregnant woman.
  4. It can bring relief to every part of a stretched and aching body of the woman.
  5. It also reduces anxiety, sleep problems, colic, and enhances motor activity and active sleep.
  6. It is done to restore the balance and health to the pregnant mother.
  7. Healing used during labour stage has been shown to help control and lessen pain.
  8. It may make delivery easier.
  9. Mothers who have had previous c-sections and receive Healing in later pregnancies can expect lesser need for cesarean surgeries the second time.
  10. Mothers who use took Spiritual Healing during and after pregnancy can better adjust to their babies and vice versa.
  11. After the baby is born, it can be a stressful time for the baby. When Healing Session is used in the delivery room it makes an easier transition for the baby.
  12. It also helps to release the fears related to pregnancy and delivery. It soothes a woman who can feel invaded and impatient to give birth.
  13. It has the power to make a baby wriggle with pleasure in the womb, and also has a calming effect on both the mother and the child.
  14. It provides a unique opportunity for the father-to-be, as he can bond with his baby when it is in the mother’s womb.
  15. It also helps in building a strong and spiritual relationship between the mother and the baby, before this tiny new being enters the world.
  16. It can be used to help improve the whole family’s experience through pregnancy. It eases every stage of pregnancy, physically and emotionally, making the journey into motherhood more joyous and memorable.

energetic cord cutting

Receive Powerful Distant / Remote healing all over the world

Distant healing is a method of energy healing at any long distance.
Distant healing is healing performed when the healee / client is not present. It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing can be very effective.

Guruji has successfully sent healing to many clients around the world using distant healing.

Distant Healing is very powerful and works rapidly for many people.
People in locations all over the world have benefited from Guruji’s distant healing energies.

What is Distance Healing?
Distance healing is any form of healing energy “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and the practitioner.

This type of healing is equally effective as an in person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.

What the healers, shamans, and practitioners of holistic medicine have known for millennia modern science is now just beginning to understand and explain. Recent discoveries in quantum physics now provide the scientific underpinning for many of the holistic healing phenomenon we have seen for millennia.

What quantum physics has revealed (at least in theory) is that time is not fixed, nor is it linear, only flowing in one direction. Time is fluid and flows both forwards and backwards simultaneously. Your future can thus affect your as much as your past. Your past can be altered as much as your future. From this perspective everything is happening at once, there is no past and no future, only the present moment.

What science is also revealing about space or “distance” between objects is that they are actually not separate as they may seem. Though we experience things as being separate from us this again is merely a perception of our limited belief in the illusion that time and space are fixed.

How is Distance Healing Possible?

Distance Healing can be done with people and animals all over the world. Clients can feel the effects, which are often dramatic, and permanent. Some of them can actually see guides and angels. Some people smell lovely fragrances as I do distant healing work with them. Your animals will definitely feel the Distance Healing work. Some people tell us they begin to feel the healing as soon as they make an appointment.

Time is not linear. Time is accessible to healing energies.

One technique for distant healing is based on the holographic, or multi-dimensional image of the client. Information about the client is perceived through his or her biofield which is pinpointed in space-time, by their name and birth year. The therapist creates a multi-dimensional biofield image of that person, just as if they were physically present. Then it’s simply a matter of following the usual practises, with some subtle differences.

The surrogate technique involves a colleague acting as a proxy for the client. A sensitive proxy can perceive what the client is experiencing and gives us an opportunity to communicate with their Spirit and Higher Self. It is particularly useful in clearing inter-dimensional interferences. We are well practised in this, having conducted many distant healing sessions for clients worldwide.

Aura & Chakras

Energy Medicine | Human Aura, Chakra & Meridian System| Nadi

Energy Healing is becoming more popular as many people are experiencing the benefits of deep relaxation and lowered stress & pain. Energy healing is a gentle yet powerful healing approach that can easily be integrated into occupational therapy practice and health care to enhance an individual’s life on many levels. Energy healing is being used more in hospitals, clinics, and private practice as it can help with health, wellness prevention, recovery from illness, and decrease length of stay.

Energy medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness. In energy medicine, energy is the medicine, and energy is also the patient. You heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance. Energy medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help. It can address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance.

Our subtle anatomies are comprised of the Aura, Meridians, and Chakras.
These subtle energy systems correspond to our plane of existence in a hierarchy that culminate our physical form.

For centuries, Eastern medicine has recognized the importance of keeping the energy systems of our subtle bodies flowing positively for optimal health and well being, while more recently Western civilizations have been taking notice of our metaphysical connections and exploring the powers that contain and surround the physical body.

Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world – known as an Aura – is a scientifically proven fact. The Chinese refer to this energy as ‘Chi’ (pronounced Chee), The Indians refer to this energy as ‘Prana Shakti’,  the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Prana Shakti / Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways – known as meridians and chakras – of all living forms, all beings, in order to maintain health and wellness, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Let us look into the Meridians, Chakras and Aura.

  •  The Meridians: In the way an artery carries blood, a meridian carries energy. As the body’s energy bloodstream, the meridian system brings vitality and balance, removes blockages, adjusts metabolism, and even determines the speed and form of cellular change. The flow of the meridian energy pathways is as critical as the flow of blood. No energy, no life. Meridians affect every organ and every physiological system, including the immune, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular, and lymphatic systems. Each system is fed by at least one meridian. If a meridian’s energy is obstructed or unregulated, the system it feeds is jeopardized. The meridians include fourteen tangible channels that carry energy into, through, and out of your body. Your meridian pathways also connect hundreds of tiny, distinct reservoirs of heat and electromagnetic energy along the surface of the skin.
  • The Chakras: The word chakra translates from the Sanskrit as disk, vortex, or wheel. The chakras are concentrated centers of energy. Each major chakra in the human body is a center of swirling energy positioned at one of seven points, from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Where the meridians deliver their energy to the organs, the chakras bathe the organs in their energies. Each chakra supplies energy to specific organs, corresponds to a distinct aspect of your personality, and resonates (respectively, from the bottom to the top chakra) with one of seven universal principles having to do with survival, creativity, identity, love, expression, comprehension, or transcendence. Your chakras also code your experiences in their energies, just as memories are chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energies. A sensitive practitioner’s hand held over a chakra may resonate with pain in a related organ, congestion in a lymph node, subtle abnormalities in heat or pulsing, areas of emotional turmoil, or even tune into a stored memory that might be addressed as part of the healing process.

Each energy body has a set of chakras and there is constant debate about how many energy bodies and chakras there are.

1st Chakra or Root Chakra governs grounding to earth.

2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra governs creativity and sexuality.

3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra governs personal power and will.

4th Chakra or Heart Chakra governs love.

5th Chakra or Throat Chakra governs communication.

6th Chakra or Third Eye governs intuition and psychic gifts.

7th Chakra or Crown Chakra governs connection to Spirit and to the Creator.

  •  The Aura:  Human beings are very complex energy fields. Your aura basically is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your energy fields, bodies, parts and particles. It is multi-dimensional in nature and has many layers. Every living being has an aura – the planet has an aura, each plant has an aura, an ant has an aura, etc. There are many layers to the human aura. The first layer of the human aura is the physical body and energy field. The next layer out of the aura is the etheric level. The next layer out of the aura would be the emotional level. The next layer out of the aura is the mental level. And the next layers out of the aura are for the spiritual bodies and energy fields.

Your aura is a multi-layered shell of energy that emanates from your body and interacts with the energies of your environment. It is itself a protective atmosphere that surrounds you, filtering out many of the energies you encounter and drawing in others that you need. Like a space suit, your aura protects you from harmful energies. Like a radio antenna, it brings in energies with which it resonates. The aura is a conduit, a two-way antenna that brings in energy from the environment to your chakras and that sends energy from your chakras outward. When you feel happy, attractive, and spirited, your aura may fill an entire room. When you are sad, despondent, and somber, your aura crashes in on you, forming an energetic shell that isolates you from the world. Some people’s auras characteristically reach out and embrace you. Others keep you out like an electric fence. A study conducted by Valerie Hunt, a neurophysiologist at UCLA’s Energy Fields Laboratory, compared “aura readings” with neurophysiological measures. The auras seen by eight practitioners not only corresponded with one another, they correlated with wave patterns picked up by electrodes on the skin at the spot that was being observed.

Clairvoyants have developed their inner vision to the point that they can see the various layers of the aura – physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  Since our auras are so energetically complex sometimes psychics tap into different areas of awareness and see different things

Aura / Energy Field Condition & Illness / Diseases | India |

The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and includes multiple layers that are interconnected. Some of the layers include the ethereal body, the emotional body and the mental body. The ethereal body, the closest to the physical body, usually is a reflection of our health status. The emotional body reflects the mood of the individual, as well as the emotional response towards other people and situations. The mental body reflects our thoughts. This is how all our thoughts, emotions and experiences are reflected in the aura.

The aura, as an energy field, is constantly changing according to our physical condition (illness), our thoughts and fears. Many illnesses start first with a weakness in our auric field, in particular, in the emotional body. People with a physical or mental illness or those who are emotionally upset have weak auras, while happy healthy people have strong bright auras. The aura also works as a magnet, attracting certain energies towards itself, and repels others equally. So when we have a strong and healthy aura, we will attract more of that while at the same time repelling dense low-vibrational energies, and vice versa.

Some people are very sensitive to subtle energies from others, and can feel their pain, fear and negativity. These energies can be absorbed by our energetic field and create emotional, mental and physical illnesses. Treating the disease or the symptom will only alleviate the condition temporarily as we are not addressing the root of the cause.

The Human Energy Field or Aura is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind, and emotions. This energy flows into your chakras and aura. This flow determines the vibrance of your health. Our aura is the energetic skin which holds all our inner energy bodies and outer body together. Our energy chakras are like the pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy into and out of the body.

We are energy beings. Every atom & every cell of our body is surrounded by an energy field, therefore our entire physical body is surrounded by a field of energy which we refer to as an AURA. It spreads about an arm’s length all around our body. Aura reflects our state of mind, our emotional balance & indicates before we actually become sick.

The Human Energy Field or the ‘Aura’ is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation.This energy field is intimately associated with health. Any disease first affects the aura; much before (3 to 6 months) it manifests in the physical body. So a healer is able to sense the onset of the dis-ease much before a doctor or any of his modern diagnostic appliances can register it.

Great saints of all times, like Buddha, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Sai Baba, are always depicted with a halo (aura) around their head and rays emerging from their raised palms.

Aura of a person keeps on changing according to inner growth and evolution.  Aura also depends upon the emotions and the state of mind at the time of Aura Reading.  The energy which forms the Aura is called Prana.

Aura has seven basic colours and few more.  These seven basic colours in the Aura are linked with the seven Chakras of the human body.  Clear and bright  colour shows that the state of related Chakra is healthy and well developed whereas dull colours relate to ill or underdeveloped Chakras.

As per the Aura Readers, it has been seen that any illness first manifest in the Auric body several months/years before it appears in the physical body so by doing a proper Aura analysis of a person it can be found out whether the person is likely to suffer from any disease in the near future and based on the analysis, certain corrective measures can be taken through healing therapies to heal the Aura and thus convert it into a healthy and well developed Aura so that physical body remains protected from any disease/ illness.

A diagnostic concept wherein with the use of certain methods a person’s mental & physical health can be revealed 3/6 months prior to any medical diagnostic tool. In our therapy, with appropriate knowledge and years of practice we have developed the method of sensing the aura.

At the highest frequencies of energy, illness cannot exist, because disease vibrates at a low frequency. The highest vibrations come from the thoughts and emotions of love, joy, passion, excitement, and love of life. The ideal state for the frequency of wellness is self-love, which creates a protective shield of personal space, strengthening your aura and your immune system, and protecting you from negative energy (both from within yourself, and from negative energies outside yourself). The ideal state for the frequency of disease is self-hatred, which invites attack on every possible level, especially from within. Negative emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, despair, self-condemnation, etc. lower your vibration, which weakens your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to disease and negativity.

All illnesses already exist in the body, and only develop when they become activated by a particular thought or pattern of thoughts and energy, which are triggered by responses to certain life experiences. Like attracts like vibration, so if you are resonating on a high frequency, then that is what you will attract to you and experience. If you let yourself be brought down emotionally, your vibration slows down and allows negativity to attach itself to you, which further lowers your vibration. This can spiral downward into disease, depression, and eventually, death.

If your auric field is strong and intact, then nothing can affect you from outside yourself. The high vibrations protect you from being affected by external forces. Without them, one can allow oneself to be influenced by a variety of life experiences that contribute to a state of imbalance and disease.

Many times,  energetic defects are present in the energy field or Aura. When the flow of energy within this energy field becomes weak, impure, unbalanced or blocked, these energetic defects prevent the pure connection to the higher spiritual reality—the field of pure consciousness and the true self of the person. This prevents the full and healthy expression of the living potential of the whole person and removes the natural condition of energetic health that is a requirement for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

The ultimate causes of these energetic defects are often physical and/or psychological trauma. One (or a series) of traumatic experiences, harmful life circumstances or dysfunctional relationships in the past (often including past lives), if they remain unintegrated by the psyche, impress the energy field with energetic defects. These energetic defects in the energy field separate the person from a full connection to his or her higher (true) self and from the whole of reality, leaving rigid existential biases (including core issues in the personality). They also make it possible for unhealthy energies to establish themselves in the aura and chakras, because the strong, healthy energy that the energy field normally possesses, and which resists such energetic invasion, is compromised. And so, these three effects—personality trauma (including repressed memories), fundamental energetic defects in the aura and chakra system including but not limited to those corresponding to negative thoughts and emotions and invasion by unhealthy impure energies —often exist together and are closely related. They produce unhealthy energetic conditions in the energy field, and rigid and unhealthy patterns of emotions, mind and spirit that occlude the full and healthy expression of the true self of the person and that will eventually lead to problems in the worldly life. Diseases or afflictions of a physical, emotional or mental nature often eventually become manifest.

Energy healing is the art and science of sensing and correcting energetic defects in the energy field. As an energy healer, we will seek to restore the condition of our patient’s energy field to its strong, natural and healthy state and correct any defects that are present, thereby helping to restore and maintain health to our patient’s body, emotions, mind and spirit—to all levels of his or her being. In doing this, we will treat the ultimate cause of afflictions and disease. By treating ill conditions in the energy field, we may work to assist in the resolution of a disease condition which has already manifested in the physical body, or in the mental and emotional life of your patient. Our healing work may also serve to prevent future disease by treating faulty energetic conditions in our patient’s energy field which might otherwise result in illness in the future, should they remain untreated. Additionally, our healing work is beneficial simply because it enhances the entire life process of our patient, even if prominent disease or afflictions are not present, improving functioning of body, mind and spirit and enabling our patient to live a healthier, more balanced and fulfilling life.

As we perform an energy healing treatment, we will conduct an extra measure of the energy into our patient. This serves to supplement and enhance the overall health of the energy field. We will also expand your awareness for the purpose of gaining intuitive information regarding the condition of the energy field of our patient, to sense and detect energetic defects of various kinds (and perhaps even their causes). This healing knowledge is not the product of our thinking mind, but comes through us from the unlimited knowledge contained in the field of pure consciousness. We will then heal the energetic defects that are present by using various special energy healing techniques. We do not generate the healing power that makes the healing techniques work, but our proper use of the techniques will enable us to be a channel for the healing power that comes from the field of pure consciousness. By healing the energetic defects in your patient’s energy field we offer our patient the opportunity to reconnect to his or her higher self (or true self) and the unlimited health and wellness contained in the field of pure consciousness. Reintegration of the personality, a new vision of self and a healing of the energetic defects in the energy field are the potential benefits.



Meridians & Diseases | Cosmic Energy, Prana Shakti, Qi, Chi

Healing the meridians is based on the concept that an insufficient supply of  Prana Shakti (Cosmic Energy, ki, chi or life force) makes a person vulnerable to disease.

Prana Shakti flows continuously from one meridian to another and any break in the flow is an indication of imbalance.

If a person’s vitality or energy is recognizably diminished it is an indication that the body’s organs or tissues are functioning poorly, therefore the Prana Shakti flow is inadequate.

Energy healing is valuable because it enables you to select the right treatment for any person or situation and it views the body as a whole and uses observations on the outside to understand what is going on in the inside.  Unlike most conventional medicine, Energy healing also recognises the relationship between humans and their environment.

A ‘subtle’ free-flowing energy in the body known as Prana Shakti (Qi or Chi) that sustains all life.  Even today, quantum physics confirms that everything is made of energy.  Prana Shakti or Qi in fact connects our body with our consciousness (spirit), and so when it’s in balance, so too is our body and mind.

Prana Shakti or Qi runs along energy channels called ‘meridians’ which connect all the organs and systems in the body.  There are 14 meridian pathways which run along the body in a single continuous one-way direction of unbroken energy flow.  Each meridian has a ‘beginning’ and ‘end’ point and runs on both sides of the body (except for the ‘central’ and ‘governing’ meridians which only run down the middle of the body).

Prana Shakti needs to be balanced, flow freely and not become stagnated or obstructed.  Unfortunately, stress and anxiety can overload the body’s circuit to create energy blockages, so if the natural flow is impeded in any way – disease can develop.  Our meridians have to be therefore reset and re-balanced before energy can flow harmoniously again.

Our vital energy can be balanced through various methods and also by energy healing and also balancing one’s environment both internally and externally.

TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine) is also based upon two opposing forces ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ which are two different types of Qi, which attract each other.  Yin represents internal, cold, deficient and chronic factors whilst Yang represents external, heat, excess and acute conditions.  Nothing is neutral, either the yin or yang force will always dominate depending upon the individual.

TCM also adopts the principles of the five elements or phases.  These include:

  • FIRE – this relates to the heart and small intestine meridians and concerns heat and blood circulation.
  • EARTH – this relates to the spleen and stomach meridians and concerns digestion, transportation and transformation of food.
  • METAL – this relates to the lung and large intestine meridians and concerns the control of vital energy and the receiving and discharging of the body’s waste.
  • WATER – this relates to the kidney and the bladder meridians and so regulates water metabolism, stores ‘jing’ (our ‘essence’ – especially our kidney essence), and helps to regulate our brain function and marrow and bones.
  • WOOD – this relates to the liver and gallbladder meridians which are responsible for building and storing blood, and also regulating the flow of Qi.

Our Emotional Well-Being

In TCM, emotions and physical health are intimately connected.  Sadness, nervous tension and anger, worry, fear, and overwork are each associated with a particular organ in the body.  For example, irritability and inappropriate anger can affect the liver and result in menstrual pain, migraines, headaches, redness of the face and eyes, dizziness and dry mouth.

Organ systems in the traditional Far-Eastern sense are part of our holistic body system and are each inter-related.  Once one or indeed several organ meridian systems are identified as ‘over’ or ‘under’ activated, the necessary adjustments can be made to restore balance and harmony across the entire body.

By understanding these connections and how each are greatly affected by our emotions, we can see how an eye disorder such as conjunctivitis might be due to an imbalance in the liver, or excess menstrual flow may be due to dysfunction in the liver’s blood-storing ability. Besides emotions, other factors such as dietary, environmental, lifestyle, and hereditary factors also contribute to the development of imbalances.

The emotions associated with each main organ system include:

Spleen (Earth element)

  • Emotions – worry, dwelling or focusing too much on a particular topic, excessive mental work
  • Spleen Function – Food digestion and nutrient absorption. Helps in the formation of blood and energy. Keeps blood in the blood vessels. Connected with muscles, mouth, and lips. Involved in thinking, studying, and memory.
  • Symptoms of Spleen Imbalance – Tired, loss of appetite, mucus discharge, poor digestion, abdominal distension, loose stools or diarrhoea. Weak muscles, pale lips. Bruising, excess menstrual blood flow and other bleeding disorders.

Lung (Metal element)

  • Emotions – grief, sadness, detached.
  • Lung Function – Respiration. Forms energy from air, and helps to distribute it throughout the body. Works with the kidney to regulate water metabolism. Important in the immune system and resistance to viruses and bacteria. Regulates sweat glands and body hair, and provides moisture to the skin.
  • Symptoms of Lung Imbalance – Shortness of breath and shallow breathing, sweating, fatigue, cough, frequent cold and flu, allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions. Dry skin. Depression and crying.

Liver (Wood element)

  • Emotions – anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, rage, quick temper.
  • Liver Function – Involved in the smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body. Regulates bile secretion, stores blood, and is connected with the tendons, nails, and eyes.
  • Symptoms of Liver Imbalance – breast distension, menstrual pain, headache, irritability, inappropriate anger, dizziness, dry, red eyes and other eye conditions, tendonitis.

Heart (Fire element)

  • Emotions – lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, despair.
  • Heart Function – Regulates the heart and blood vessels. Responsible for even and regular pulse. Influences vitality and spirit. Connected with the tongue, complexion, and arteries.
  • Symptoms of Heart Imbalance – Insomnia, heart palpitations and irregular heart beat, excessive dreaming, poor long-term memory, psychological disorders.

Kidney (Water element)

  • Emotions – fearful, weak willpower, insecure, aloof, isolated.
  • Kidney Function – Key organ for sustaining life. Responsible for reproduction, growth and development, and maturation. Involved with lungs in water metabolism and respiration. Connected with bones, teeth, ears, and head hair.
  • Symptoms of Kidney Imbalance – Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, night sweats, dry mouth, poor short-term memory, low back pain, body ph imbalances, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, and other ear conditions. Premature grey hair, hair loss, and osteoporosis.

Since everyone is different, a specific treatment to rebalance the body’s Qi flow may work for one person, but perhaps may not work for another.


energy healing for spinal cord

Energy Healing For Spinal Cord Injury / Dysfunction & Nerves

Energy Healing is a popular alternative medicine healing tradition that has considerable relevance for individuals with physical disability, including spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis (MS), and post polio syndrome.

A life-force energy called prana permeates all living things. Good health requires an ample and flowing supply of prana (also called as qi, chi, pronounced “chee”).

Depleted by the demands of daily living, prana is naturally replenished through breathing, eating, and closeness to nature; it is deliberately enhanced by energy healing. When prana shakti is consistently diminished, out of balance, or polluted, sickness ensues; its absence means death.

Unfortunately, in people with a physical disability, prana can stagnate and become unbalanced, increasing the likelihood of illness. Therefore, it is especially important for these individuals to stimulate qi flow.

It is a holistic, mind-body-spirit system of self-healing. Already one of the world’s most popular healing exercises in terms of total number of practitioners, Energy Healing is increasingly being embraced by health-conscious Westerners.

Although the true nature of energy healing can only be speculated, scientists have shown that energy healing practices can, indeed, generate a considerable amount of electromagnetic energy. I believe that the energy healing induces hormonal shifts, by influencing the subtle electromagnetic fields that surround humans. These fields, in turn, affect the brain’s all-important pituitary and pineal glands, which secrete key hormones that regulate the entire body. These master glands have been shown to be sensitive to electromagnetic field fluctuations.

Interestingly, a clustering of magnetic substances (called magnetite) have been found near these glands in an area corresponding to what is called the “Third Eye” in Eastern healing and spiritual traditions. These traditions believe that this “Eye” is one of the body’s most powerful energy centers – one that can be developed through energy healing practice.

Consistent with ancient healing traditions’ beliefs that Earth has a special, life-sustaining relationship with man, I feel that energy healing exerts a healing effect by facilitating synchrony with the Earth’s resonant, electromagnetic frequency. I believe that such synchrony helps mitigate modern society’s unhealthy, electromagnetic pollution (e.g., computer screens, high-power lines, cellular phones, etc.).

One cannot always expect a cure from energy healing, but one can always expect some healing,” defining a cure as a “measurable physiological change and healing as improved quality of life, happiness, and self-understanding.” With this perspective, although physiological changes may be modest, improvements to quality of life may be profound.

Spinal cord injury (herniated discs, pinched nerves, collapsed vertebrae) is one of the most devastating catastrophic injuries that one can endure. The spinal cord is the gateway for all nerve paths. The location of the injury and the severity of the damage determine the complications involved and the dysfunction. Science is discovering that the sooner the spinal cord injury is addressed and treatment begins, there is a direct correlation to recovery of the affected areas.

Failing to “see” the entire injured area can produce further injury, and create neglect in areas that need to be immediately addressed. It is best to look at each segment of the spine (discs and vertebrae) and spinal cord nerves in 4 equal quadrants. When helping to diagnose and evaluate the damaged area, reevaluating every 3 hours for the first 24 hours until the client is stabilized produces more accurate readings and beneficial results, as inflammation, further compression and damage can progress after the initial injury has occurred.

Although the initial site of the catastrophic injury is your primary source of dehabilitation, the damaged neural pathways can extend beyond that original area and days later create problems of their own. To counter this problem, “tracking” the energy of the affected neural pathways will give you further information of possible deterioration and additional side effects. If you do not have extending neural circumstances, containing the affected areas in a bubble of Healing energy will usually suspend further exacerbation of future problems.

While the allopathic physicians are providing their treatments, you can effectively use energy healing to complement and integrate with their procedures.

Removing pain is usually the first consideration, unless the client is rendered “numb” by his experience. Secondly, work on inflammation to help minimize current damage and to alleviate possible secondary symptoms and spinal surgery.

In my experience in healing the spinal cord nerves, vertebrae and herniated discs of a client in 90 days, it is best to work on each issue separately so as not to overload the client’s health response system during a time of great stress. Use energy healing to build a solid foundation step by step to rebuild the molecular structure of the cells and in turn the bodily systems. It is also best to work in increments and intermittently, so the molecular structures can recalibrate, and regenerate without stressing the physical structures.

First, regenerate the vertebrae’s cellular structure in order to provide a foundation that is capable of holding the disc. Secondly, reestablish the health of each disc, leaving the neural pathways as your last concern. Once the spine is stabilized, then revitalize the neural pathways. If you reactivate the nerves before you have a solid base in the spinal column, you might create more inflammation and pain than necessary. Rebuilding a system, inch by inch produces a stronger foundation that will allow the client to rebuild his muscular system with physical therapy without causing extra pain.

Although stem cell research is providing a gateway of hope for Spinal cord injuries, energy healing can and will be a beneficial healing modality.

Conclusion: Whether explained through ancient Eastern philosophies or modern Western psychoneuroimmunology mechanisms, energy healing enhances health. In spite of different origins, Eastern and Western medicine should complement each other. They are both part of a healing spectrum, in which each element provides valid, synergistic insights. Embracing energy healing or any other complementary therapy does not mean rejecting Western allopathic medicine but availing oneself of an expanded healing armamentarium.

Such integration can only benefit individuals with physical disabilities.

energy healing

Energy / Spiritual Healing, Vibrational Healing for Diseases

Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.

Energetic healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself.

Energetic healing can also help identify “issues” before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality.

Energy healing is about “The Whole Person”, not just the ailment. Every part of you is connected. You are a whole being and all your organs are interdependent. Energy healing accepts that your body, mind and soul are inseparable.

Energy healing works with an energetic field that permeates and extends beyond the physical body. Signs of illness show up in this field before manifesting as physical symptoms and with a little practice this “aura” can be experienced. While the awareness of an energy field has been an integral part of mainstream medicine in the Eastern hemisphere for thousands of years (with medical systems such as acupuncture being every bit as precise, specialized and effective as Western medical techniques), it’s a relatively new addition to Western ways of thinking.

Energy healing generally operates in much the same way as conventional medicine, by addressing symptoms, identifying energy blocks and areas of dysfunction, and moving energy around in specific, mechanical ways. The healer often does transferring or channeling healing energy to the recipient, using energy in much the same way an MD uses medication, surgery and other treatment.

With spiritual healing / Energy healing, instead of moving energy around to address specific problem areas, the healer goes into a powerful state of unconditional love and has an experience of becoming one with the healing recipient. Rather than focusing on illness, the healer joins with the person’s spiritual self. This powerful attention to the recipient’s intrinsic wellness helps call it forth. I think of this style of healing as “repatterning” rather than repairing.

energy healing

Treating Diseases / Illness With Energy & Spiritual Healing

We believe we are physical bodies. As physical bodies, we expect to grow old, become sick, and eventually die. In addition, we believe that disease originates in our physical bodies.

As it turns out, not one of these beliefs is true. We are, in fact, spiritual beings, not physical bodies. Our physical bodies are merely an illusion we have created for the sake of experiencing this physical world. Since our physical bodies are an illusion, then aging, sickness, and death must also be illusions.

Many people will find these ideas hard to believe or even outrageous. The onset of any illness alarms me. The pain you experience seems real. Invariably, you run to a medical doctor, convinced you might be suffering from cancer or some other catastrophic disease. Like most people, you are certain that something has gone awry in your physical body. Our condition requires “modern” medical treatment. Most often, the treatment you receive consists of pharmaceuticals or surgery.

This treatment may alleviate your symptoms. It may seem to offer a cure. But the truth is: it only “works” because you believe it works. As such, all the pills you take are really just placebos. Like the magic which magicians perform on stage, the treatment you receive provides the illusion of a cure, and it appears real. In fact, it typically ignores the underlying cause of all disease. Yet what alternative do you have but to continue to believe in this kind of magic?

Recently, one of my client underwent surgery to remove his thyroid gland. A goiter had appeared on his neck, and nodules were discovered in this gland which produces hormones to regulate the body’s metabolism. His thyroid gland had become incurably sick and had to be removed. Fortunately, the pathology report he received following the surgery affirmed that the nodules had not yet become cancerous. But this whole experience awoke in him an interest in energetic and spiritual forms of healing.
The terms energy healing and spiritual healing are often used interchangeably, and as healing practices, they do seem to overlap. But they are not synonymous.
Energy Healing. Energy healing consists of numerous well-respected healing techniques that focus on the energy field surrounding and penetrating each of us. This energy field is normally referred to as our life-force, chi, ki, or prana. Energy healing seeks to clear our aura and chakras. It seeks to eliminate blockages in our energy field. These blockages prevent life-sustaining energy from flowing into us, leading to aging, sickness, and death.
Soon after his thyroid surgery, He began to investigate energetic and spiritual healing as an alternative or complement to conventional medical practices. From this investigation taking sessions from me, He learned that all of his chakras were open and functioning well — with two important exceptions: his throat chakra and his heart chakra. Both of these chakras had long been closed. A closed throat chakra — associated with his thyroid gland — blocked his ability to clearly and openly communicate his thoughts and feelings. This led to his thyroid problems. A closed heart chakra blocked his ability to express love and forgiveness. This discovery concerning his throat and heart chakras sparked in him a new-found interest in chakra healing as a form of energy healing.
Spiritual Healing. In contrast to energy healing, spiritual healing places little or no emphasis on the proper placement and movement of the healer’s hands or other such techniques. Rather, it looks beyond disease in the body and instead focuses on the mind where disease originates. Fear, guilt, stress, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions send biochemicals throughout the physical body, leading to diseases such as cancer. To deal with these negative emotions, spiritual healing relies on spiritual practices. It also relies on spiritual studies which help to correct our erroneous beliefs and which encourage our spiritual evolution. As we evolve spiritually, our disease-ridden physical bodies are being transformed into light bodies which are immune to all forms of pain and suffering.
A Course in Spiritual Study helps us to provides an extraordinary explanation of spiritual healing. Indeed, the Course has a great deal to say about sickness and healing. For example, it says we feel guilty because we believe we separated ourselves from God eons ago in an act referred to as “the fall of man.” We think we “sinned” against God by separating ourselves from Him. Overwhelmed by fear and guilt, we expect God to punish us. So we unconsciously seek to punish ourselves before God has a chance to do so. One way we do this is by inflicting illness on ourselves.
The ego benefits enormously from our continued belief in the illusion of separation and sickness. The ego — which can be defined as the separate “me” that I think I am — uses our deep-seated fear of sickness and death to ensure that we continue to believe we are physical bodies, separate from God and each other, weak, limited, and vulnerable. This belief allows the ego to maintain its stranglehold on us.
The ego wants us to remain spiritually asleep so that we don’t discover the truth about ourselves and our true relationship with God. The truth is: We have never really been separate from God or each other. We never really left Heaven. All along, we have been dreaming we are physical bodies, pursuing our separate adventures here in the physical world. The conviction that we are physical bodies and that our physical bodies are real has led us to believe that physical sickness is likewise real.
A Wake-Up Call. People sometimes speak of a serious illness as a “wake-up” call. My Client’s thyroid problem is only the most recent of his wake-up calls. But why should we continue to wait until we become seriously ill before waking up to the truth? We can begin to heal our minds before another serious illness appears in our bodies. We can change our beliefs about what we really are — eternal spiritual beings and not physical bodies. We can awaken from the spiritual amnesia we have been trapped in for such a long time. We can do this in an instant, if we so choose. And when we awaken, we will discover that we can experience perfect health for the duration of our sojourn here in the physical world.

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