Psychic Attacks & Evil Entities Effects On Aura Energy Field

eathbound spirits

Psychic Attacks & Evil Entities Effects On Aura Energy Field

At certain times in our lives we all experience what is known as a ‘psychic attack’. This is usually when an entity interferes with our aura and negatively disrupts our energy field and if left unchecked it can escalate into severe mental, physical and emotional health problems.

An attack situation can usually arise at times in our lives when our psychic defences are low due to emotional upset, exhaustion, excessive alcohol & drug consumption and of course dabbling in the forces of the occult. Most psychic attacks or vibrational energy disruptions can be initiated from one of 5 possible sources.

  • Psychic vampires: Most aggressors of this type of attack are unaware they are doing it. This is when a negatively orientated person leaches your positive energy for their own personal use and deposits negative energy in its place.
  • Disembodied entity interference: Spirits of those who once had human form who attach to your aura and drain your energy. They have been known to implant their negative emotions upon you in the process.
  • A by-product of a physical disease: Mental, nervous, physical disorders can simulate attacks and can make you vulnerable to such attacks. Many so called psychic attacks are routed in physical problems along with hysteria, the symptoms are then exacerbated.
  • Partial recovery of memories of past incarnations and/or the disposition of sensitive people: In many locations there is often an unpleasant atmosphere generated by some powerful, painful sometimes violent emotion that has been experienced there at some point. Sensitive, high vibrational people pick up on this atmosphere or a past life may recognize an energy signature that’s familiar to them and the person then finds themselves under attack purely by the intense nature of the situation.
  • Non human interference by lower astral entities, thought-forms and elementals: These entities are soulless and have never taken human form so they do not possess the normal human emotions and motives that we do. They are seldom deliberately evil they are just non-ethical and profoundly disturbing to the human consciousness if the two paths cross.

A psychic attack can come in many forms, it can be where an entity or person uses their psychic abilities and energies to gain access to us and cause us harm.

We can also leave ourselves open to psychic attachment. This is where an entity or person actually attaches themselves to our aura. Sometimes this can lead to psychic penetration which is where the person or entities energies pass through our aura to cause us harm and energy loss.

Astral abuse is achieved in the astral realm when we leave our bodies and astral travel. It is here we can be abused but not in a physical sense. This can happen when we have let in a lower astral that has strong sexual thoughts and desires for the energies of an incarnated form. Maybe its a lower astral that has been unable to accept it no longer has a body.

These astrals often make you think your channelling the love of a high spiritual being when in reality its a manipulative lower astral masquerading as one.  This abuse can then turn into a psychic relationship between the person and the entity. Psychic relationships based on sexual energy and its abuse are very damaging and should not be persued. You become manipulated into thinking your sharing unconditional love from the high astral planes through an angel or archangel when in reality your persuing an abusive relationship. Just because the other party is not physical and you meet astrally does not mean it isn’t a real relationship. You wouldn’t put up with a physical relationship that was manipulative and abusive so why put up with a psychic one.

spirit in pets

Spirit Possession, Evil Entity and Pets (Dogs, Cats, Horses)

People often ask me if a pet can be possessed. The answer to this is Yes. But in most cases pet harassment does not involve possession. The types of harassment I’ve witnessed in pets run the gamut from itching to biting, to urinating on clothing and furniture; and those are only the tip of the iceberg.
If you are a victim of demonic harassment and your pet suddenly begins peeing on your bed, soiling the carpet, biting, growling, or chewing on your shoes, it’s reasonable to suspect that the spirits in your life are affecting your pet as well. Cats may be made to slash the cushions on the sofa, spray the walls, bite, or attack their owners without provocation. Birds can be made to fly about their cage, crashing into the cage walls. Animals who normally walk willingly into a cage, kennel, or doghouse may suddenly be terrified of entering.

Spirits can cause animals to vomit, wheeze, cough, sneeze, or have a fever. They can cause allergic reactions in pets just as they can cause them in humans. Pets who have gotten along well in the past may suddenly begin fighting.

Friendly family pets – dogs, cats, birds and even horses – have been taken over by evil spirits and changed into fiendish bloodthirsty beasts, say psychic researchers.

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