Spirit Possession, Evil Entity and Pets (Dogs, Cats, Horses)

spirit in pets

Spirit Possession, Evil Entity and Pets (Dogs, Cats, Horses)

People often ask me if a pet can be possessed. The answer to this is Yes. But in most cases pet harassment does not involve possession. The types of harassment I’ve witnessed in pets run the gamut from itching to biting, to urinating on clothing and furniture; and those are only the tip of the iceberg.
If you are a victim of demonic harassment and your pet suddenly begins peeing on your bed, soiling the carpet, biting, growling, or chewing on your shoes, it’s reasonable to suspect that the spirits in your life are affecting your pet as well. Cats may be made to slash the cushions on the sofa, spray the walls, bite, or attack their owners without provocation. Birds can be made to fly about their cage, crashing into the cage walls. Animals who normally walk willingly into a cage, kennel, or doghouse may suddenly be terrified of entering.

Spirits can cause animals to vomit, wheeze, cough, sneeze, or have a fever. They can cause allergic reactions in pets just as they can cause them in humans. Pets who have gotten along well in the past may suddenly begin fighting.

Friendly family pets – dogs, cats, birds and even horses – have been taken over by evil spirits and changed into fiendish bloodthirsty beasts, say psychic researchers.

negative energies affects pets

Effects Of Spirits On Pets, Animals, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits etc

Can pets see ghosts? Dogs, cats, rabbits? Turtles?

It’s an interesting question, and while it remains unclear whether or not ghosts actually exist, many people do believe that animals’ exceptional senses allow them to see anomalous activity that we humans cannot. There are even some alleged “signs” that our pets can, in fact, see ghosts.

Are you scared that something is hurting your pets? Is your house haunted? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, then it is likely that you need some serious help.

Hauntings can come about in many ways. Spirits can be invited in your home, they can follow you, or they can already be there when you move in.

Usually if you are haunted, then you know it. You don’t need me to tell you. Odd things will happen around you. Objects move on their own. Out of the blue, you’ll hear pounding on the walls that makes you jump. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of an apparition floating down the hall. A whispering voice calls your name when no one is there. You find yourself having strange dreams. Sometimes a spirit will touch you.

If you are haunted, you’ll feel like someone is in your home when no one is with you. You see the strangest things when you are fully awake. Others experience it too, so you know you are not hallucinating. Weird happenings go on right in front of you, as plain as day. You know you are not crazy. Still you question if your imagination is working overtime.

The paranormal occurrences can be scary enough, but what happens when the haunting starts to impact your animals? Your pets are your heart and soul, and you love them completely. Pets are family. Your bond with them will never be broken. So when bad thing begin to happen to your pets, your heart can nearly stop.

It is easy to see when your animals are experiencing something otherworldly. Beyond your own experiences, your pets will react to something invisible in the room. Sometimes they chase after it, full force. I’ve had cases where dogs and cats will run after a phantom and smack into the wall as they try to follow. Of course they injure themselves when this happens, and people wonder if the spirit was taunting their pet to make that happen.

As time goes on, you’ll notice that your animals become stressed. They may refuse to go into certain rooms and hiss or bark at seemingly nothing. Basically they see something that you don’t. Any animal can see a spirit, but it is much more profound when a haunting is dark. The activity frazzles your pets’ nerves, and very often, the animals who are targeted will suddenly become lethargic. They won’t eat. They won’t play. It is as if they are not the same anymore. You will find yourself in and out of veterinary clinics, but the vets find nothing wrong with the animals. Your pets shouldn’t be sick, but they get worse and worse. No matter how hard you try, your beloved pet begins slipping away. It doesn’t matter which animal it is. I’ve seen cases where horses, birds, bunnies, cats, dogs, ferrets, and even reptiles die mysteriously once a bad haunting begins. The deaths can’t be explained rationally. Worse yet, there are people with demonic paranormal activity who lost one pet this way and then shortly after, another pet died the same way (without explanation). There are no gas leaks, toxic molds, or any environmental factors which could have caused the deaths. The animals just die, one by one.

When this happens, you feel sick to your stomach because you know something supernatural is going on. But who will believe you???? Too often people with real paranormal stories are blown off or used by the media. Though our world is slowly becoming more accepting of ghostly happenings, progress is slow. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t people out there who do understand. I understand. And there are many paranormal investigators who understand too.

Please know that evil targets animals because animals are so sensitive. They make easy prey. Plus, targeting your pet is a way to hurt you. If the spirit takes away what you love, it can rip your life apart with ease. This makes it simple for an evil entity to get to you and ruin your life. Dark spirits want to break you down, physically and emotionally. Just like some rotten people, evil spirits want to watch the world burn. When the spirits are finished with your animals, then they come for you.

If you believe you are truly haunted and that your pets are in danger, then by all means, reach out to a local paranormal group. Ask questions before you bring them to your home to make sure they will follow through after an investigation to ensure your safety. Investigators can help determine what is going on in your home and point you to more resources if necessary. They can lead you step by step through the process.

A word of caution though. I’ve seen a pattern over and over. When people with dark spirit activity bring in outside help, it can make things worse……at least for a little while. You need to understand that dealing with evil is not simple. It can take a lot of time to get what you need. There have been situations where a blessing and/or cleansing was done, and activity seemed to stop. Those involved felt as if they had control over their lives again. However, it was all a lie, and the ‘peace’ didn’t last long. It was all a trick, meant to lure them into letting their guard down.

It is at this point where evil digs in, and all hell breaks loose. Paranormal activity ramps up. So you must be sure to find experienced investigators to help you. Make sure that you get the right paranormal group. Get references and check to ensure that the group has dealt with your type of haunting. Don’t be afraid to ask questions because any reputable investigators will be open and honest about their experiences. They will understand your hesitance.

While it can be scary to think that getting help can make things worse for a while, it can be crucial to involve a good paranormal investigative group. They can be a lifeline in more ways than one. They can show you that you are not crazy and that something really is going on. They can identify what you are dealing with and steer you in the right direction to find resolution. A good group will know what to do if activity increases after their investigation. They will be able to guide you to whatever resources you may need and follow up with you.

The key is not to give up. If you are dealing with a negative haunting, remember that you are not alone. Many people will understand and do their best to help you. Learn all you can about spirit matters and have faith that it will be resolved. A positive belief can truly help you.

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