Entity Attachment, Spirit Possession, Ghosts, Demons – Dubai

negative energies

Entity Attachment, Spirit Possession, Ghosts, Demons – Dubai

If you’re into the paranormal at all, you’ve probably heard the term “spirit attachment,” perhaps in relation to ghost hunting or haunted place investigations. And you probably got the feeling that it wasn’t a good thing. But you may have wondered: What exactly IS a “spirit attachment”? When and how do spirits get attached—stuck—to people, and why? What kinds of spirits can get attached to you, and how do you know when that’s happened? And most importantly, how do you get them unstuck—and keep them from sticking in the first place??

The average person generally is unaware of entity or spirit attachment and functions day-to-day having no awareness of the effect it has upon one’s own energy system. Symptoms can include (but are not limited to) sudden physical pain anywhere in the body, limited range of movement of a limb occurring without reason or benefit of a recent injury, mental cloudiness and that ‘inside a plastic bag feeling’, depression, unusual anger/irritated mood or altered psyche and perceptions, and preferences for certain foods, noticeable addictions, or other interests not like your own, can occur.

However, traditional caregivers aren’t aware and lack tools to clear themselves. For example, emergency room nurses/paramedics, social workers, and therapists…in fact, anyone working in a high stress environment, especially with the public in a transitional or care giving capacity assume that the aches and pains they feel are just a part of the daily stress of their job. In reality, many of these cases can be attributed to entity attachments. Clearly, it is difficult to function at one’s optimum energy level in the presence of entity attachment.

When the aura is weakened through stress, poor diet. lack of sleep, extreme emotional events (death of a loved one, divorce, sudden bad news) it is not uncommon for entity attachments to occur. Breaks occur in the aura which makes one susceptible to spirit attachments. One may also, unknowingly, pick up an astral entity as one travels back through the dense astral plane to their sleeping body. In rare cases, one may be a target under direct psychic attack from another possessed individual having negative intentions toward them and this requires special handling. Whatever the case, entity attachments occurs and it is important to detect and remove them for optimum health and balance.

Anyone or any thing that has an energy system can experience attachments. Children and pets are also susceptible to this form of possession. Behaviorally children act out, appear upset and angry, or become different in their personality patterns and often complain of headaches or other neck pain, etc. Their sleep patterns may be very disrupted as well. Pets can appear lethargic and ill or irritable and non-social…even mean to other pets in the household. The remedy is to scan the subject for entity interference and conduct a spirit releasement where appropriate. For general purposes, Guruji scans all of his clients to make sure they are clear in their own energy field prior to any reading or healing work conducted. This insures the information given in a reading is accurate and the healing therapy application is as effective as possible.

Earthbound spirits, the surviving consciousness of deceased humans, are the most prevalent possessing, obsessing or attaching entities to be found. The disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the subconscious mind of a living person, exerting some degree of influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. The entity becomes a parasite in the mind of the host. A victim of this condition can be totally amnesic about episodes of complete takeover.

A spirit can be bound to the earth by the emotions and feelings connected with a sudden traumatic death. Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, remorse, even strong ties of love can interfere with the normal transition. Erroneous religious beliefs about the afterlife can prevent a spirit from moving into the Light because the after death experience does not coincide with false expectations or preconceived notions of the way it is supposed to be.

Following death by drug overdose, a newly deceased spirit maintains a strong appetite for the drug, and this hunger cannot be satisfied in the non-physical realm. The being must experience the drug through the sensorium of a living person who uses the substance. This can only be accomplished through a parasitic attachment to the person. Many drug users are controlled by the attached spirit of a deceased drug addict.

Many spirits remain in the earth plane due to a lack of awareness of their passing. At the time of death several choices are available for the newly deceased spirit. It can follow the direct path to the Light described in the near death experience. If there is an attached spirit the process may be more difficult. The newly deceased being can carry the attached earthbound to the Light thereby rescuing this lost soul.

Often, the deceased is able to break away from the attached earthbound spirit and go to the Light alone.

After this separation occurs the earthbound can be lost again, wandering in the lower astral plane, often described as the gray place or the intermediate place. It can await the next incarnation of the being to whom it was attached. The entity can locate the being in the new incarnation and reconnect. This repeated attachment can occur for many lifetimes of the host. However, the earthbound can just as quickly attach to another unsuspecting person alter separating from the former host at the time of death.

If the newly deceased spirit cannot break away from the attached spirit or hasn’t strength enough to carry it into the Light, it can become earthbound also, with the original earthbound still attached to it. This pair can then attach to another living person. After death, the spirit of this person also may be prevented from reaching the Light due to the nested, or layered, attached spirits. This spirit becomes part of the chain of earthbound spirits that can compound until it numbers in the dozens, even hundreds.

An attachment can be benevolent in nature, totally self serving, malevolent in intention, or completely neutral. Attachment to any person may be completely random, even accidental. It can occur simply because of physical proximity to the dying person at the time of the death. In about half the cases encountered in clinical practice it is a random choice with no prior connection in this or any other incarnation. In the remainder some connection can be found, some unfinished business from this or another lifetime.

Most people are vulnerable to spirit attachment on many occasions in the normal course of life. Some investigators in this field estimate that between 70% and 100% of the population are affected or influenced by one or more discarnate spirit entities at some time in their life.

Any mental or physical symptom or condition, strong emotion, repressed negative feeling, conscious or unconscious need can act like a magnet to attract a discarnate entity with the same or similar emotion, condition, need, or feeling. Anger and rage, fear and terror, sadness and grief, guilt, remorse or feelings of the need for punishment can invite entities with similar feelings.

Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Altering the consciousness with alcohol or drugs. especially the hallucinogens, loosens one’s external ego boundaries and opens the subconscious mind to infestation by discarnate beings. The same holds true for the use of strong analgesics and the anesthetic drugs necessary in Surgery. A codeine tablet taken for the relief of pain of a dental extraction can sufficiently alter the consciousness to allow entry to a Spirit.

Physical intrusions such as surgery or blood transfusion can lead to an entity attachment. In the case of an organ transplant the Spirit of the organ donor can literally follow the transplanted organ into the new body. Physical trauma from auto collision, accidental falls, beating or any blow to the head can render a person vulnerable to an intrusive Spirit.

The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. Sexual abuse such as rape, incest or molestation of any sort creates a vulnerability to Spirit invasion. Violence during the sexual abuse increases the likelihood of intrusion by an opportunistic spirit.

A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura, outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the Spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body. Connection with an earthbound spirit may be established by the purposeful choice of either the spirit or the living human due to a strong emotional bond between them in this life or in a previous lifetime together. A grieving person can welcome the spirit of a dear departed one only to find the consequences unbearable.

A living human can be affected by an attached spirit in many different ways. The discarnate entity retains the psychic energy pattern of its own ailments following death and can produce in the host any mental aberration or emotional disturbance and any symptom of physical illness.

Erratic or inconsistent behavior can result from a shifting of control between separate entities. This behavior is similar in appearance to the phenomenon of switching between alters in multiple personality disorder (MPD). This condition can be extremely confusing and frightening for a person and for their family.

An attached entity can be associated with any emotional track of a living person such as anger, fear, sadness, or guilt. The emotional energy of the entity intensifies the expression of a specific emotion, often leading to inappropriate overreactions to ordinary life situations.

The mental, emotional and physical influence of an attached entity can alter the original path of karmic options and opportunities of the host. It can disrupt the planned life line by hastening death or prolonging life, thus interfering with any specific checkout point. An entity of the opposite gender can influence the sexual preference and gender orientation. An attached entity can influence the choice of marriage partners and the choice of a partner for an extramarital affair.

Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities. In short, spirit attachment can interfere with any aspect of the life of the unsuspecting host.

The host is usually unaware of the presence of attached spirits. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession. This is equally true for people in general and for professional therapists.

In most cases, a person can only experience and acknowledge the reality of the condition after an attached entity has been released. The realization may come some months after a releasement session as the person suddenly notices the absence of a familiar attitude, desire, addiction or behavior.

The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms. Yet attached entities always exert some influence ranging from a minor energy drain to a major degree of control or interference. Complete possession and takeover can result in Suppression of the original personality. The earthbound spirit does not replace the rightful spirit in the body in such a case, it just usurps control. An attached earthbound spirit cannot maintain life in a human body after the original spirit being has separated from the body in the transition of death.

A newly formed spirit attachment is usually more obvious to the unfortunate host. An attached entity can cause any of the following Signs and Symptoms:

  • sudden onset of drug or alcohol usage,
  • unusual and inappropriate speech, accent or foreign or unknown language,
    any behavior patterns inconsistent with normal conduct,
  • unfamiliar reactions to familiar situations,
  • repetitive and unusual movements of the body which are experienced as beyond one’s control,
  • unusual physical sensations or symptoms in the absence of a medically sound organic cause,
  • loss of the normal sense of one’s personal identity,
  • a feeling that a spirit of some kind or another person has taken over control of one’s mind and/or body,
  • noticeable personality changes, however slight, following surgery, organ
  • transplant, accident, emotional upset or moving into a new home.

As a result of a newly formed spirit attachment or possession, physical appetites for food, sex, alcohol or drugs can increase drastically. Personal attitudes and beliefs can suddenly change as can taste in clothing. The voice and even facial features and appearance can alter dramatically.

These sudden changes in behavior can be a factor in convincing the most skeptical person that there is an attached entity Many people have the mistaken notion that there must be some bizarre outward signs caused by an interfering spirit.

Spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. This seems to be a violation of free will. It also appears to refute the popular notion that each person is totally responsible for creating his or her reality and that there are no victims. The apparent conflict here stems from the definitions of permission and free will choice. Ignorance and denial of the possibility of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or lack of belief regarding the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on the reality of these beings and their behavior.

In denial and ignorance, most people do not refuse permission to these non-physical intruders. Individual sovereign beings have the right to deny any violation or intrusion by another being. With limited, if any, knowledge and distorted perceptions of the nature of the spirit world, the non-physical reality, many people leave themselves open and create their own vulnerability as part of creating their own reality.

An afflicted person may report hearing voices, internally or externally, or having spontaneous visual images of bizarre or frightening faces or figures. Recurring dreams of being chased, being urged to commit suicide by someone, often a loved one who was a victim of suicide, may suggest the presence of an entity. A dream image of a person injecting something into the veins may be an attached entity’s recall of the last memories before death.


Spirit releasement can help to restore one’s health…physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Energy levels soar, pain or discomfort is released, mental clarity and emotional balance often returns. A person feels themselves again with a renewed sense of self, purpose and individuality. Even former addictions become less ‘charged.’ In the case of chronic addiction, oftentimes the higher self of the individual limits the use of repeated spirit releasements as other lessons are needed before a true healing can occur.


In the time it takes to reach out and touch someone, entity attachment can occur. These situations occur “under the radar” of ordinary awareness unless one is knowledgeable and trained to sense an attachment.

Guruji prefers to work by appointment over the phone to scan and clear all persons and their pets within a home, or other location, also the land which is the legal property that the home sits upon. An appointment is made, arrangement for payment and exchange of information is completed and then the service is performed. Payment is made according to the total sessions. Complex cases may require more sessions, or deeper shamanic healing. Guruji also conducts this work independently and remotely from a distance for those not able to participate in person appointment that may need this service.

Understand that not all energy is benevolent…

In addition to traditional releasement methods, which clear negative thought forms, earthbound spirits, and dark entities, there seems to be a new level of drone interference wreaking havoc.

Why do lost souls or dark energy feed off of a host, you might ask?

They remain earthbound and attach themselves, energetically, to those from which they can get the fix of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, food, sex, power, revenge, or whatever else they were addicted to before their physical bodies died.

As for dark energy, demons and other negative influences that interfere, their motives can be as simple as an allegiance with an evil force. In our experience, however, and contrary to scary Hollywood movies, most demons are more like bratty, misbehaving children who are more easily controlled than you may think.

By the way, long ago we didn’t believe in “evil” or “dark” energy. But since doing a lot of empirical research on the subject and subsequently helping people with Spiritual Detox, we are now convinced that it does exist. There always has been and always will be polar opposites, as a natural part of your earthy existence: without darkness there cannot be light, without cold there cannot be heat, without fear there cannot be faith.

eathbound spirits

Basic Demonic Manifestations | Influence of Demonic Entities

Basic Demonic Manifestations

Now here are some of the basic manifestations that demons will do with the people they are inhabiting. One or two of these manifestations may not be able to stand by themselves, but when you get someone that has quite a few of these manifestations occurring on some type of regular basis, then the chances are very good that they really do have demons literally living on the inside of them.

  • Hearing voices on the inside talking to them. These voices may also refer to the host in the third person.
  • Feeling or sensing the demons moving on the inside of them. Feeling pressure and movement in the head and stomach areas. Demons can also attack the central nervous system so it feels like the person is going crazy at times.
  • Having bad and frequent nightmares, sometimes with the same bad and horrific nightmare being repeated over and over again.
  • May have seen some of the demons in an actual vision.
  • Can sometimes smell the demons, who have a very putrid and toxic smell to them. Demons can also smell like burning sulphur at times.
  • Will have strong, inner compulsions to do bad things that are not in their normal behavior patterns like having bad thoughts of suicide and murder.
  • Can also have very strong addictions to things like drugs, alcohol, and pornography.
  • Abnormal fascination with the occult or any type of criminal activity.
  • Abnormally strong feelings of rage and hate in them that are not a part of their natural personality and makeup. Demons can also transmit heavy feelings of despair, hopelessness, depression, and that they have committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.
  • Irrational fears, panic attacks, and phobias on some type of a regular basis.
  • Periods of having loss all sense of time from minutes to actual hours and can sometimes end up somewhere and not knowing how they got there. Also, regularly doing things for which they have no memory of actually doing.
  • At times, can sense an evil presence on them, in them, and in the houses they live in.
  • Will feel cold spots in certain areas of the houses they are living in with these cold spots not being by any open windows.
  • Will sometimes see dark shadows running across some of the rooms in their houses, especially in their bedrooms.
  • Can have poltergeist type phenomena occurring in their houses such as material objects flying across the room, doors opening up and slamming shut all by themselves, drawers opening up on their own, hearing footsteps shuffling across the floors and scratching type noises on the walls, along with the electricity going on and off and material objects actually disappearing.
  • In the more extreme cases, the person can literally find themselves levitating right off their bed at times.
  • May have the ability to speak in a foreign language of which they have no natural knowledge of.
  • Can be capable of great, abnormal, physical strength.
  • Can receive mild to strong trembling and shaking sensations on different parts of their bodies. Can also receive choking sensations and a tightness around their head and eye areas.
  • Abnormal amounts of dizziness, blackouts, and seizures.
  • Very heavy, uncontrollable twitching type activity on certain parts of their bodies like their face and their arms.
  • May have had some out-of-body experiences, especially in cases of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse.
  • Have a very hard time in praying and reading from their Holy Books. Can also have an actual revulsion of the Holy Books to the point of wanting to try and tear it apart or burn it.
  • A compulsive desire to want to curse and blaspheme God.
  • Can have multiple personalities in them which are known as alters.
  • May have tried other kinds of treatments and medications from other psychologists and psychiatrists with no real help or relief ever being given to them.
  • The demons can at times take control of the vocal cords and speak right out of the person’s mouth. When this occurs, the tone of the person’s voice could change, like a woman speaking out in a man’s deep, husky voice. Demons can also emit animal like sounds out of a person’s mouth and vocal cords like the hissing of a snake, the growling of a lion or tiger, or the emitting of a baying type howl like a wolf. They can also let out very loud screams and yells, especially when being directly confronted by the deliverance minister during the actual deliverance itself.
  • The demons can also manifest in the person’s eyes where you can see them literally looking at you. What you will see when this occurs is pure evil and pure hatred looking at you. You will also see this look from the demons being captured in some of the person’s past photographs, as some of these demons love to show themselves in the person’s eyes and countenance when photos are being taken of them. Another type of look you can see when the demons are looking out of someone’s eyes is what I call the “hollow look.” When you see this type of demonic look, it is like you are looking into someone who has no personality. They will look “soulless” and “lifeless” to you when you see this type of look coming out of their eyes, and you will also know that it is not the personality of the person you are looking at.
  • Different types of facial contortions which no longer look like the person, such as glazed eyes, blank stare type eyes, eyes rolling backwards where all you see are the whites of the eyes, and stretching the skin of the face into a contorted, hissing like expression.
  • Different types of bodily contortions like people slithering across the floor like snakes, getting on all fours and barking like dogs, growling like lions, or howling like wolves. Abnormally stretching out their spines, fingers and hands locking up and going rigid, and demons grabbing a hold of a person’s throat in order to try and stop them from talking with you. The demons can also whip the head in a very rapid side-to-side type movement, stretch the neck out as far as it will go, along with jolting portions of the body causing those portions to move in a very rapid side-to-side type movement.

If the person has had any of this type of activity in their background, or if any kind of this activity surfaces or manifests while you are talking or praying with the person, then there is a very good chance that you are truly dealing with a person who has demons living on the inside of them and they will now need a full scale deliverance from the Lord.


Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies, Entities

What is a Spirit ? A paranormal body or ghost or spirit or apparition is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Some knows and some does not know that they are dead. Mostly they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch and sometimes they can just be sensed.

An earthbound spirit or paranormal body can be a human spirit that has not properly passed over. They have not gone onto the next level, the light, heaven, whatever we can call it. They remain behind, here on earth, and the place they live we call haunted.

Sometimes there reason to stay behind is to take care of unfinished business, there love for their children. Often these earthbound spirits do not remain here for long, once they can complete their desire, they normally pass over.

How do ghosts (paranormal body) possess a person? The act of possession can happen in a few seconds or over a period of few months. It primarily depends how vulnerable is the person. Here vulnerability means at a physical or mental level. Ghost or paranormal body weakened the possible victim by creating a vulnerable atmosphere, like they cause sleeplessness. Some times if they have the power to create voices, they make sounds to create a fearful atmosphere. They take advantage of the resultant vulnerability to create an entry point. They take advantage of personality disorders such as anger, fear, over-emotional nature etc. They aggravate these personality defects adding more vulnerability. Addition to that they put negative thoughts, creating self doubts, instigating depression, causing fights between couples. The incorrect thoughts planted in a person by the ghost make the person misbehave. There normal behavior changes to a larger extent. Ghosts destabilize a person’s mental balance and thereby create vulnerability. And then they take over.

Ghosts can possess easily when the sheath of the physical body is separated from the mental sheath, e.g. in dream state, state of despair etc. In some cases this can happen even in a meditative state. Only a higher level ghost can take advantage of the subtle body being separated from the physical body during meditation.

What times the paranormal bodies are most active? Paranormal bodies are most active during the transitory times like the twilight zone between day and night, the new moon day (dark moon) and full moon day between the waxing and waning phases of moon, eclipses, etc. These are periods with highest likelihood of people being possessed. They are also most active between 12.00 to 3.00 a.m.

How a person get possessed? A ghost takes possession or control of a person through black energy. Black energy is a spiritual negative and harmful type of energy. The ghost infuses black energy into the vulnerable person and make a centre. And then onwards the ghost goes on to progressively transmit black energy, and make the body his home.paranormal_1

The possessing ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.) covers the sheath of the physical body of the possessed person with its own mental and causal (intellect) body sheaths. By this process the mental and causal body sheaths of the possessed person become non-functional. The person then begins to talk, walk, think and behave according to the new mental body sheaths of the ghost. In a way the possessed person’s subconscious mind is now in the control of that particular paranormal body. Most people suffer in silence, there are people who have no idea that they are possessed and lead a normal life.

What are the signs of possession? A change in character, taste, life-style, few changes that appear suddenly like a person may begin to express cravings he never had before like for specific food, alcohol, drugs, sex or anything else, a person’s behavior may change drastically , a complete change in interest, change of voice and behavior. The person may also have wild mood swings.

Sometimes the possessed person has an idea that something is wrong or different is happening, sometime other’s point out about the changes. The most common environments where possessions occur are hospitals, graveyards, funeral homes, wells, battle-fields etc.

Why they trouble? They want to enter in a person’s body or cause trouble due to unfulfilled desires and due to the inability to move on in the after life and attain a higher positive region or sub-region.

The manifestations of distress due to ghosts or negative energies are varied, and can be from a person displaying uncharacteristic behavior to erratic violent behavior, addictions, various physical and psychological illnesses, family problems, business problems etc. Also in case of possession by powerful spirits, the voice and mannerism of person entirely change.

Do ghosts have a gender i.e. are they male or female? They do not have a physical body. Hence in this perspective there is no gender. But on the basis of the appearance of their subtle form and psychological characteristics, and what they were in the past, they have genders. When ghosts materialize the apparent form is most influenced by the appearance and sex of their immediate prior birth. That is, if the ghost were a female in the human form, it would materialize as a female. Higher order ghosts like sorcerers have the ability to assume a form as per their liking. Sorcerers (Maantriks) are ghosts with very high spiritual power comparable to the spiritual powers of Saints. In order to acquire such levels of spiritual powers, a sorcerer needs to perform intense spiritual practice.

What is the lifespan of a ghost (paranormal body, demon, devil, negative energy, etc.)? In case of humans, the term ‘lifespan’ means the period between their birth and death. In the case of ghosts, this would signify the period between the subtle bodies becoming ghosts to their eventual rebirth on Earth or going back to the light or heaven. Thus the lifespan of ghosts is varied. In the case of inferior order ghosts, it could be anywhere around 40-400 years. Ghosts that have been relegated to the deeper rungs of Hell and who have lot of powers are instrumental in doing wide-scale harm to humanity can remain as ghosts for thousands of years.

Can paranormal bodies exist or survive in the earth, water or fire?Yes, all such paranormal bodies can exist or survive in all these areas. This is because ghosts being subtle bodies, i.e. without physical bodies, are unaffected by earth, water or fire. However ghosts of a lower order like the common ghost or those who have just entered the ghost order fear water or fire, based on the lingering impressions from their human life. This soon passes away as other ghosts educate them about their new status.

What can a paranormal body cause in my life? Ghosts can be responsible for many type of illnesses, mostly mental and sometimes physical illnesses. They mostly are responsible for strong negative emotions, poor interpersonal relationships, life breakdowns on different levels: mental, financial, sexual, health etc. It can manifest itself in many ways which depends on the personality of the person possessed, one’s conscious and subconscious mind, needs, emotions, lifestyle etc.

Can ghosts persuade one to commit a suicide? Yes, this is their first desire and motive, they do this very often. Ghost is an entity who passed thorough the death for various reasons. Very often they are resigned and have only little energy. As they are dead they wish the possessed person also join their world.

Is it possible that a ghost who has been removed off enters someone else’s body? Yes, it is possible. after removed by force or leaving by choice they look for an other person to possess. Like we have a free will , same they also have.

Are there good ghosts around? There are both kinds of ghost, but mostly they are evil, and in principle dangerous for the living human beings, because they need to steal our energy in order to survive. Very often they also want to steal our body to find a vehicle to fulfill their own desires like sex, power etc.

Is is possible to talk to a paranormal body? Can they hear us? It is very much possible to talk to ghosts, but it is very dangerous, Talking to ghosts is equal to summoning them, which is very dangerous even if the ghost is someone very close to you. When you call them you are invoking their desire to live in this world, they here what you say. In a way you are disturbing their peace. This is not a good practice and one should avoid it. There are many other adventure sports to try.

What are the symptoms of a possessed (haunted) house ? If the house is possessed or we say haunted, there are noises in your home, waking in the middle of the night, banging, knocking, objects moving or falling, being touched, being raped, the sensation of cold, the sensation of invisible attacks, being manipulated, humiliated and oppressed, if bruises of unknown provenance appear on your body, scratches, wounds, then it’s very likely that you are not alone in the house.

In such houses the dreams become intense nightmares. Sleep is constantly disturbed. Constant headaches. Negative emotions-Fear, Hate are intensified. Person might talk aloud to the spirits. Person hears spirit voices that confuse thinking patterns and hinder concentration needed for school, work and normal life. Fear that the person cant control or stop the spirit. Thoughts of suicide are frequent and uncontrolled.

Who is more prone, male or female? Females are are more prone to becoming a victim of the spirit world compared to men. They are more vulnerable during their monthly cycles, if during that time period she goes near the graveyard or a river or lake or under trees, uses perfumes, drinks alcohol or take drugs, keeps herself dirty, open hairs with perfumed oil she is inviting trouble as spirits are everywhere and can take charge of the female body anytime the circumstances are right.

On the other hand in men the possibility arise when they take alcohol in open area, urinate in open areas or under tree, involve with women who are possessed or are unhygienic. In both men and women when the aura weakens the possibility increases.

Black Magician & Damages or Harmful Effects of Black Magic |

black magicBlack Magic is an ancient science that uses the five elements or the visible/invisible chemistry, physics, biology, electronics & ether (universal spirit) to hurt or heal people. The core of all black magic lies within the spirit world or the world of the dead.

We live in a world of duality where Light and Darkness are two sides of the same coin. Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by evil minded humans. People who practice black magic or take the help of professional black magicians are extremely dedicated people who have one goal in their minds; to harm or deprive others from living peaceful lives: make them sick, bed ridden and finally kill them.

All humans have their two sides; divine as well as evil, all humans have different ratios of evil and divine within them, on the other hands there are some humans who have turned 99.9% evil and the remaining divinity within them is overtaken by darkness.

Sun is the light provider to our planet but at any given time half of the Earth remains in darkness while the other half gets the light of the Sun. The world of light is hosted by angels and higher beings while the world of darkness is ruled by the spirit world and is hosted by demons, devils and evil entities, collectively it’s called the world of Devil. We humans have been given the choice to dwell in darkness or move towards the light.

Black Magic is used to harm or hurt another human, by performing certain rituals, making human or animal sacrifices to appease and control the spirits. Once the black magician has acquired the necessary control over the spirit world, they acquire the power to inflict harm on their victims sitting thousands of miles away as time and space do not exist in the spirit world. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their siblings, closest friends, acquaintances and relatives using the help of the black magicians or the spirit world. Everyday many prosperous and happy families are being ruined by Black magic.

Black Magic can play havoc with anybody’s life destroying any aspect of their life, may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems that has baffled the medical science, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths and suicide in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the hellish situation one is in, and has no desire left to live or progress in life.

As time passes, Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life. Eventually, the effects of Black Magic deepen and become more chronic & life threatening taking the form of a incurable disease or steer the person towards committing a suicide or giving death to the victim in a mysterious way.

Black magic works in such a way that the victim never comes to the realization that he/she is being victimized using dark forces. No matter how religious or spiritual you are, black magic can ruin your life in no time. If Prophet Mohamed can be affected by black magic, do you think you are above the prophet who can never be affected? If the disciple of Guru Nanak “Mardana” can be victimized using black magic, it will be foolish to not believe in the existence of Spirit world and black magic.

All religions talk about the existence of the devil or “Shaitaan” and the existence of the spirit world that is hosted by: demons, witches, evil spirits and “Jinns”. Spirit world has always existed and will always exist. Black magic is an ancient science to access the spirit world and use the dark powers to inflict harm on individuals like you and me. It is time that you open your eyes to this hard truth, if you feel that you have been victimized, take necessary precaution to overcome spirit world issues. If your issues are serious and call for professional help you must seek professional help before it is too late.

why is black magic done & Who does black magic? 
Someone who has mastered the art of black magic can perform black magic, these Black Magicians follow a system for many weeks and months, calling the spirit world, doing rituals and making animal sacrifices (Human sacrifices in some cases) to join hands with the spirit world. Once they have mastered the technique they take control of the spirits who are at their command 24 hours a day. Then these spirits are used to access any information about anyone and are also used to harm people, even kill them. People who are driven by jealousy, anger, hate and other negative traits hire these black magicians to inflict harm on their relatives, friends and co-workers. At present the help of black magicians is being used in the legal systems around the world by many lawyers to win cases for their clients. Politicians & business community are also using it around the world to defeat their competition.

Can one become a victim of spirit world without someone doing black magic on the individual?
Yes, if you are a female, you are more prone to becoming a victim of the spirit world compared to men. When woman go through their monthly cycles their auric shield weakens, if during that time period she goes near the graveyard or a river or lake or under trees, uses perfumes, drinks alcohol or take drugs, keeps herself dirty, allows negative or sexual thoughts, she is inviting trouble as spirits are everywhere and can take charge of the female body anytime the circumstances are right. On the other hand in men the auric shield weakens/breaks/opens up if they do drugs, take alcohol, involve with women who are possessed or are unhygienic. In both men and women the auric shield can become weak in case of extreme sickness or in an accident.

What kind of harm can be done to someone using black magic or what kind of harm is inflicted on innocent people using the services of these Black Magicians?

Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic

  • Blocked income
  • Destroying someone’s career
  • Bad luck
  • Bad dreams
  • Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage
  • Controlling someone’s mind for sex
  • Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex

Initial stages of possible Black Magic or Spirit Activity

  • Your sleep is disturbed
  • Fatigue and lack of energy to live day-to-day life
    You have Fear
  • Disinterest in life
  • Hopelessness
  • You are irritated for no reason
  • You get angry for no reason
  • Severe Depression
  • Dryness of mouth at night
  • Obesity in some cases
  • Sudden Chills and Goose Bumps
  • Tightness around body parts
  • You start forgetting things in the spur of the moment and experience memory loss
  • Your access to the dream world is blocked: No remembrance of dreams when you wake up
  • Your professional career suffers
  • Irrational behaviour of people towards you.
  • Blockages in the inflow of money.

There are many symptoms and it all depends upon the state of consciousness the victim is at and the kind of Spirit World influence that is affecting the victim.

Advance Stages of Black Magic/Spirit Activity

  • You dream of dead bodies and horrible looking people who want to kill you in your dream
  • You dream of snakes & dirty places
  • Waking up suddenly in fear with shortness of breath
  • Dreaming of falling from Heights
  • Dreaming of Snakes, Scorpions & Spiders
  • You see black dots or smoke flying all over
  • The stomach bloats like a pregnant women’s belly and the area right above the navel tightens up & when touched feels like a golf ball is in there
  • Tightness and heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
  • Extreme hunger in case entities have taken charge of your body
  • Constant headache
  • Your complexion darkens
  • Itching, burning and stinging pains in different parts of the body

Final Stages of Spirit Possession/Black Magic with very little recovery time left

  • Cancer of blood or other body parts
  • Shrinking and malfunctioning of kidneys
  • Excessive alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage
  • Substance Abuse
  • Heart Attacks resulting in sudden death
  • Medicines do not work baffling the medical practioner: resulting in doctors using stronger treatments
  • Suicidal attempts or thoughts of self destruction

Additional symptoms pertaining to women only

  • Bruise marks around thighs & vagina
  • Rape in dreams by spirits with an orgasm that is real
  • Irritation in the vagina with Leukorrhea/Leucorrhea
  • Complete stoppage of monthly periods, irregular periods, painful periods, Dark Blood
  • Unable to conceive due to psychic blocks so as the woman stays barren all her life
  • Blockages in fallopian tubes and/or unable to hold the pregnancy resulting in miscarriage
  • Unexplained convulsions (Additional symptoms pertaining to Spiritual People)
  • Your interest in the divine consciousness takes a nose dive, you lose interest in your prayers and meditations.
  • Body shakes like a pendulum when one tries to meditate or pray
  • One gets attracted towards unholy desires like homosexuality, Non-vegetarian food, sex & other vices
  • Your kundalini shakti becomes inactive in case your kundalini was functioning earlier.

In serious cases where demons, devils or evil entities have taken possession of the individual’s body, the individual can commit suicide or become a killer. Sudden violent behavior is quite visible in these individuals.

Some of the serious stuff that is done to these victims are:

  • Causing accidents
  • making people sick
  • Anger & emotional imbalance
  • Fear
  • Not allowing the victim to sleep
  • Depression
  • Making the victim commit suicide
  • Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
  • Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
  • Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
  • Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
  • Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body

There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirt world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians.

Basic Symptoms: social indications

  • You sense people are avoiding you
  • Constant conflicts, fights or quarrels arising for no reason
  • Your good intentions are constantly misunderstood
  • Relationship issues-Fighting with your spouse-kids
  • Your work or professional career suffers
  • Blocked income & financial prospects
  • Friends, Relatives or co-workers do not believe you or trust you

Basic Symptoms: Mind-Body Level

  • Blocked Dreams
  • Disturbed-interrupted sleep
  • Sexual dreams, dreaming of water, falling from heights, dirty bathrooms, animals, snakes
  • You see dead people in your dreams or you dream of being killed
  • Waking up suddenly in fear or in cold sweat
  • Headaches
  • Chronic fatigue-weakness
  • Sudden onset of apathy or disinterest in life
  • Hopelessness-severe depression
  • Mood swings-irrational anger-irritation-fear-hysteria-abnormal behaviour
  • Dryness of mouth at night-increased thirst-extreme hunger-not hungry at all
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Sudden chills-goose bumps
  • Tightness around body parts
  • Sudden memory loss-hazy thinking
  • An unknown fear or fogginess surrounds you at all times

Serious Symptoms: Body-Mind-Spirituality

  • Dreaming of Snakes, Scorpions & Spiders
  • You see black dots or geometrical shapes
  • The stomach bloats like a pregnant women’s belly and the area right above the navel tightens up & when touched feels like a golf ball is in there
  • Tightness and heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
  • Extreme hunger in case entities have taken charge of your body
  • Constant headache
  • Your complexion darkens
  • A Dark or Grey smoke is seen in front of the eyes when awake.
  • Stinging pains as if needles or pins are poked into your body
  • Itching, burning or feeling like your whole body is on fire
  • You see shadows or feel someone is behind you or you hear voices
  • Extensive paranormal activity around you
  • Frequent accidents

Additional symptoms pertaining to MEN

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Smoking and Drug usage
  • Excessive/obsessive interest in sex
  • Drop in Libido; No Erection
  • Shrinkage in size of male organ
  • Excessive mood swings and extreme anger
  • Lack of interest in life and at work
  • Sexual dreams and discharge of semen at night
  • Rapid Ageing; greying of hair leading to baldness

Additional symptoms pertaining to WOMEN

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Bruise (blackish & Bluish) marks around thighs, vagina & on arms or other body parts
  • Rape in dreams by spirits with an orgasm that is real
  • Irritation in the vagina with Leukorrhea/Leucorrhea
  • Complete stoppage of monthly periods, irregular periods, painful periods, Dark Blood
  • Hormonal Disturbance
  • Unable to conceive due to psychic blocks so as the woman stays barren all her life
  • blockages in fallopian tubes and/or unable to hold the pregnancy resulting in miscarriage
  • Unexplained convulsions
  • Extreme Fear & Anxiety
  • Nerver Weaking Emotional High’s and Low’s
  • Rapid Ageing & ugliness taking over an attractive personality
  • Hair fall and discoloration of hair or rapid greying
  • Shrinkage in Breast size
  • Breast Cancer

Final Stages of Spirit Possession/Black Magic with very little recovery time left

  • Cancer of blood or other body parts
  • Shrinking and malfunctioning of kidneys
  • Excessive alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage
  • Substance Abuse
  • Serious Heart Problems
  • Medicines do not work baffling the medical practioner: resulting in doctors using stronger treatments
  • Suicidal attempts or thoughts of self destruction

If your symptoms belong to the Serious or Deadly categories, You must not ignore this issue as wasting time could cost you dearly. Look for an honest healer and take our help in getting evaluated. Contact us to Get Professional Evaluation.

I am a vegetarian, have a strong faith in God and meditate every day, can I be victimized?
It does not matter whether you are a meat eater or a strict vegetarian who mediates or prays to God every day. If someone has initiated black magic against you, you will feel the effects of it and in case “ash of the dead” (AKA: Masaan in Hindi or Urdu) has been fed to you, you will become a helpless puppet at the hands of the black magician. In fact the very first step the black magician takes is to bind your income and bind the God power within you so as you cannot take the help of a healer or pray to God and then you are fed the negatively charged stuff to create an opening within your auric shield.

I do not have any symptoms of being affected by the spirit world as listed on your website, how can I save myself from the dark world of black magicians and their spirit world?

Here are some precautions that you can take from becoming a victim

  • Do not eat or drink any item from anyone unless the person shares that food item with you.
  • Sweets/Desserts that are filled with “Ash of the Dead” and charged with negative mantra are used to create an opening in your auric shield and that opening is used as a channel to control your body & mind.
  • Black Magic is done using your picture, clothes, hair, nails, blood, saliva, skin tissue & used menstrual pads
  • Women get affected with black magic more easily than men, in women the effects can be observed on the surface while in men it works as an undercurrent and is not visible.
  • Black magic can also be done by touching your body or looking straight into your eyes.
  • Black Magic can be done over the phone. DO NOT answer calls that come from annoymus numbers, Blocked Id’s or from numbers that you do not recognize, let them go to voice mail.
  • Anything that carries an aura can be charged with negative energies to create an opening in the auric field of the victim. Examples: Clothing, jewelry, piece of paper, stuffed animals or stuffed dolls etc.
  • Black magic can also be done using your picture, name and your mother’s name hence do not give sensitive information to everyone

Most of the serious symptoms listed on your website match my condition and I feel my life is at risk, is there a way I can treat myself?
There is much risk involved in treating one’s own self, unless one has access to the spirit world. If you have been victimized, you really do not know who is doing this to you and what kind of technique is being used and the kind of negative energy being sent your way or what are the motives of your perpetrators. In case, if you do venture on your own with a reversal ritual, the enemy could be an expert in these issues and you could end up getting back the reversal energies that have multiplied causing serious damage to you and your family at the body-mind-spirit level. Moreover, if there is ongoing black magic activity against you, there is no way you will win over your perpetrators on your own and you will need a professional to fight for you and diffuse the ongoing black magic against you. I would emphasize this again: If there is ongoing black magic against you, you will never be able to win no matter how strong are you and how spiritual are you, The war will continue until you die or the black magician dies, not just this, since these people have evil minds, they will transfer your case to one of their associates before they die and the black magic activity will continue against you for the rest of your life.


alcohol & entity attachment

Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs) & Spirit Possession / Attachment

In my work with clients the last few years, it’s become increasingly clear that addictions of any kind, as well as mania or depression, psychotic behavior, compulsions (OCD, eating disorders), obsessions & sexual abuse impulses are all caused by entities that have attached to the person experiencing them. These are lower vibrational beings that operate on the subtle planes. Shamans are familiar with this. Some traditions out-and-out call them demons.

They know how to hide themselves so they appear to be completely invisible. You feel them as impulses, cravings, or thoughts you can’t control. They’re fierce at surviving, and they know how to override will power. Entities are like viruses. You can’t see them with normal vision, but you feel their effects. They CAN be detected through higher-level awareness.

Why Do Entities Plague Us?

Entities attach to humans because your pain & upset around whatever’s going on is their food. They feed off human energy. There are usually a host of thought forms that go along with your addiction/compulsion, like “I’m pathetic,” “I’m bad,” “I’m unlovable,” “I’ll never kick this thing,” “Life is meaningless,” “I’ll never get ahead,” “I’m too X or not enough Y,” “I’m crazy,” etc.

Entities instigate such thought forms so that they may feast off the accompanying emotions: SHAME being the biggest, along with misery, fear, depression, sadness, hopelessness, dread & so forth. They also feed off the sensuality of food gorging, the suffering associated with starvation, the energy of sex (especially when violence or shame is connected to it), the excitement of mania & psychotic states, and more. If another person is involved, say, as the recipient of your entity’s ravings or sexual behavior, the beings feed off that person’s upset & energy, as well.

If you’ve experienced any of these conditions, or if you’ve witnessed another’s alcoholic, manic, or psychotic ravings or sexual predation energy, you may instinctively feel that what’s being shared here resonates. You know you’ve been battling a demon – or several. But because the medical approach is to treat the issue as a question of morals, will, or, at best, emotional “healing,” you have been battling in vain. This leads to the cycle of “cure”-relapse-“cure”-relapse. Which leads to more shame. Which the entities love. So they love to keep you in this cycle. It’s part of their game.

Entity possession is also the usual culprit with people who have committed suicide. For those people, the torment by the being got so bad that the only way they sensed they could rid themselves of an entity they didn’t even know they had was to end their own life. But the entity may still stick around the person’s soul into the next incarnation if family members don’t have the person depossessed posthumously.

Sexual Abuse as Possession

The unfortunate phenomenon of sexual predation of children, often by their own family members, also generally has its roots in entity possession. When I was shown this, I understood why this plague has become so rampant in our world. It is an infestation, like a cancer, on the earth plane, not a flaw of humans, men, fathers, uncles, or others (not to mention women who also have perpetrated it).

This explains why the phenomenon is hidden – often even to the perpetrator him- or herself. That, in turn, explains why perpetrators so often deny their behavior in this regard. They may not be fully “home” when it happens – someone else may. Or they may be unable to control the impulse generated by the entity, and act on it even while conscious. Ultimately that leads to shame & the dread that they have committed a mortal transgression. All of this needs to be hidden by the perpetrator because there is no place in our society to really hold what is going on. Their shame & dread are simply more food for the entity. The person may go into a denial that amounts to a kind of amnesia around their behavior.


Alcohol or Drugs as Portals for Entities

You can also be an open portal for entities while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. That’s why alcohol is referred to as “spirits.” Sometimes these beings leave, but sometimes they stay, rendering you what is labeled an “alcoholic” (when what you really are is plagued by an entity who provokes an alcohol addiction). If you get to the point of blacking out, you have definitely had an entity enter you at that time, whether you are addicted to alcohol or not. Yup, someone just had fun using your body, and it wasn’t you.

Many young people become open portals for entities when they get involved in drugs of the more addictive variety, and particularly manufactured ones such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and the like. As to the natural spirit plant medicines, when they are not used in a sacred & ritual way, but rather are used “recreationally,” as an escape, or “out of curiosity,” they can lead to entity attachment.

I wish to be clear that this is not an indictment of plant spirit medicine when used with maturity & sacred intent. Entities love to keep you addicted because addictions provide guaranteed access to all the “food” they need. That’s why addictions of any sort are so hard to throw off. The entities don’t want you free of them.

Once you can recognize this and begin the dislodging process, the healing will go more quickly & will be more effective & permanent.


Ghost, Demons & Evil Spirits Attack in the night

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilised. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as ‘Sleep paralysis’ also known as Old Hag.

Sleep paralysis can be a very scary thing. In it, you know you’re asleep, you try to wake up, but you can’t. It’s often accompanied by an irrational feeling of utter terror, and sometimes images of figures in black cloaks. Many cultures have developed supernatural explanations for sleep paralysis. In China, it’s called mèng yǎn, “ghost pressing on body.” In some Muslim countries, it’s associated with an evil djinn. In Africa, it’s called “the witch riding your back.”

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

And these stories are not limited to Western cultures, in fact, quite the contrary. In Thailand people refer to being Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed), and these experiences include a feeling of pressure, paralysis, and something black covering the body. In Japan, kanashibara (“to tie with an iron rope”) is a common known and accepted experience. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which “a soul” tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, da chor is described as follows: “You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep”.

One of the scarier experiences with sleep paralysis is the inclusion of lucid dreaming and false awakening. The sleeper recognizes he’s asleep and tries to wake up. He opens his eyes in relief, but soon realizes he’s still asleep. This can go on for some time, sometimes resulting in an actual awareness of his real surroundings—the pressure of the covers, the light of the room beyond his eyelids—but still the inability to fully waken. That awareness can slip away again, returning the sleeper to the hallucinations.

Muscle paralysis in sleep is a necessary thing. People who act out their dreams on a regular basis are prone to accidental injury—even jumping out of windows. Knowing that you’re asleep and paralyzed, however, can be frightening. You tell yourself to open your eyes, just to get caught in another false awakening. One theory is that sleep paralysis affects the larger parts of the body more completely. You can try to wake up by wiggling your toes or fingers. It’s also possible to pray during this time. This will often give comfort that lets you fall back into unconsciousness. You may be able to avoid sleep paralysis by getting sufficient rest and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

Generally, ghosts don’t intend to steal your energy, but it can happen. When they try to communicate, they have to manifest in this realm. That’s no easy feat for the departed, so they take some of your body’s energy to help themselves manifest. Formerly human ghosts will only take what they need.

So a theory is that demons (or the Devil/evil spirits/negative entities) attack some people when they are at their weakest. Could we be seen as ‘weak’ during sleep?
Many of my clients had experiences with ghosts and demons their whole life but this year many of my clients have been getting many nightmares which is leading us to believe they being ‘attacked’ by demons in their sleep.

In the past few months many of my clients had countless dreams where they faced with a negative entity, it appears as a ghost sometimes, or once it appeared as a crazy man, also I heard from my clients that ghosts got speaking to them in their ear just as they fell asleep. It has a horrible voice.

Common things in the dreams is being in a dark place, having their body shaking or feeling unusual sensations in their body and witnessing/experiencing disturbing things.

I do believe that you can be ‘attacked’ in sleep, these forces will try anything to get you it seems.

Types of Demonic Encounters

The various types of experiences that occur during sleep paralysis correspond directly with various neural correlates. These main subtypes of demonic experience include: the Intruder, the Incubus, and odd demonic sensations.  Additionally, there’s a fourth type that is less common characterized as a “mixed experience.”

1. Demonic Intruder

Those that encounter a demonic intruder tend to report that they were either threatened, terrorized, or sensed an evil demon in the same room as them.  Those that experience sleep paralysis for the first time and/or are relatively new to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis are more likely to believe that there’s a demonic intruder or “sense the presence” of a demon.  The “Intruder” subtype is strongly associated with sensing the terrifying presence of a demonic entity.

  • Apparitions: Many people claim to see apparitions or the ghost-like image of a demonic entity.  This entity may look like a traditional “demon” but may also appear as an evil person, animal, ghost, or other entity.  This image may appear blurry or may be highly specific depending on individual perception.
  • People: You may sense that a demonic person has entered the room.  This may be someone that’s deceased and/or a person that’s still alive.  Your sleep paralysis experience may project this individual as being closely tied with the devil.
  • Noises: Some people claim to hear voices of a demon or another related evil entity.  These voices may be subtle and hard to decipher or they may be loud, clear, and in your native language.  They may give commands or make threats depending on your sleep paralysis experience.  In other cases you may hear the demon moving through your room.
  • Sense of presence: The most common attribute associated with this sort of experience is a sense that the demon is in the room.  In other words, you can “sense” that a demonic threat is nearby, even if you cannot see or hear it.  Your gut instinct may be warning you that a demon may be close.
  • Touching: In extreme cases, some people end up experiencing tactile experiences in which they believe they were touched by a demon.  In the “Intruder” subtype, the touches are generally vague and likely to induce a significant amount of fear.

2. Demonic Suffocation (Incubus)

The subtype of sleep paralysis most associated with demons is that of the “Incubus” – a term which translates to a male demon having sexual intercourse with a sleeping female.  It is most common for those experiencing the “Incubus” subtype of expereinces to believe that they encountered a demon or were victim of a demonic attack.  In a majority of cases, people claim that the demon they encounter was attempting to murder them in their sleep.

Those that encounter the Incubus experiences tend to have similar experiences during the “Intruder” subtype and demonic entities appear while we are semi-conscious.  No matter how much we try to escape, we realize that we cannot move due to atonia, so the demon is free to terrify us.

  • Abduction: Many people believe that they are being abducted by a demon, demonic entity, or even an alien.  Some people believe that their spirit is being extracted from their bodies or that they are being physically transported to another realm by the demon.  If a person doesn’t encounter a demon, they may encounter an alien.
  • Assault: The demons may appear to physically assault you by constricting your breathing or inflicting physical pain.  It is common for victims to believe that they are being seriously injured by the demon and that they’ll never be able to recover from inflicted damage.
  • Breathing difficulties: A common sign of demonic encounters during sleep paralysis is that of breathing difficulties.  The demons may appear to restrict breathing in various ways such as by strangling the sleeping victim, to the individual experiencing restricted breathing while seeing a demon.
  • Chest pressure: In many cases, people believe that the demon or evil entity is sitting atop their chest, constricting their breathing. However, to the individual encountering the demon during sleep paralysis, they feel as if the pressure is a direct result of an attempt to kill or inflict pain.
  • Malicious intent: In nearly every case, the person seeing the demon believes that it has malicious intent.  They believe that the demon is out to either kill them or inflict some sort of harm.  This is accompanied by sensations of pain, perceived assaults, and restriction of breathing.  Since the fear centers of the brain are activated, we may feel a sense of paranoia or panic.
  • Perceived pain: There have been reports of pain being inflicted by demons while in a state of sleep paralysis.  The pain may be mild, moderate, or extreme depending on the individual circumstances.  One case of a woman experiencing sleep paralysis reported that a devil sat atop her breasts, attempted to choke her, and inflicted pain that she claimed to have felt even upon awakening the following morning.
  • Sexual intercourse: In very extreme cases, people have reported being “raped” by demons or having sexual intercourse with them.  In recurrent cases of sleep paralysis, people have claimed to have been shown the hybrid offspring with demons and/or aliens.  It should be noted that most research suggests that women are more likely to report “rape” during sleep paralysis than men.
  • Suffocation: In numerous cases, people believe that the demon is out to suffocate them by either choking them or applying pressure to their chest.  Those experiencing this believe that there’s nothing that can be done and that they will inevitably die.  Oddly enough, they eventually awaken, realizing that sleep paralysis was to blame; they didn’t actually die.
  • Thoughts of death: The demonic encounters that are experienced during this type of experience tend to be associated with thoughts of death.  The victim of sleep paralysis believes that the demons are out to murder them in their sleep.  The actions of the demons can appear vividly real from a first-person perspective, hence resulting in thoughts of death.

3. Odd Demonic Sensations

Those that experience the odd bodily sensations during sleep paralysis don’t commonly report demonic encounters.  In fact, they may report encounters with pleasant beings like angels or happy spirits.  Those that solely experience bodily sensations during their episodes of sleep paralysis are less likely to report demons.

Although demons are less associated with “odd bodily sensations” (vestibular-motor hallucinations), they still may occur.  Should they occur during the vestibular-motor expereinces, you may encounter a demon while having an “out-of-body experience” and/or feel as if a demon is attempting to extract your spirit from your body.  This third subtype of demonic encounters just adds areas of the brain associated with perceiving “motion” into the expereince.

  • Falling: It may feel as if you’re falling during your encounter with a demon.  You may feel as if you’re falling into a trap of some sort or falling to your death as a result of a demonic assault.
  • Fictitious motor movements: In some cases, it may seem as if you’re able to move your body such as arms and legs.  In reality, you may be having an out-of-body experience, thinking that you’re able to run away from the demon.
  • Floating: It is common for people to feel as if they are floating.  This floating sensation is generally associated with bliss and calmness.  That said, it is possible to feel as if you’re floating near a demon.
  • Flying: You may feel as if you are flying while simultaneously trying to escape the throes of a demon.
  • Out-of-body experience: Some people may have an out-of-body experience and believe that the demon may fight them in some way or may harm their physical body.
  • Remote viewing: In some cases, people believe they are looking at their body from a third-person perspective (e.g. outside their physical body).  They may feel detached from their physical body, yet perceive a demon attacking it.
  • Suctioning: You may feel as if you’re being suctioned out of your body or violently extracted by a demon.  It may appear painful and/or forceful and against your will.

4. Mixed Demonic Hallucinations

Some people may feel as if there’s a demonic intruder, end up feeling attacked by the demon (e.g. suffocated), and feel that they’re being transported to another realm via flying or floating.  While those new to sleep paralysis don’t often experience mixed feelings, a person may experience a blending of any of the three subtypes listed above.

It is most common for a person to experience the “Intruder” and the “Incubus” experiences simultaneously rather than either with the “Unusual Bodily Experiences.”  The Unusual Bodily Experiences aren’t nearly as associated with demons and a majority of individuals tend to report feelings of bliss rather than fear during the experience.

negative energies

Signs of Ghostly Presence| Spirits, Devils, Demons, Evil Entities etc.

Signs of Ghostly Presence
What are the signs that intimate to us the presence of angels, ghosts, spirits and guides? The following are some pointers:

  • Cold Spots: There is a drop in temperature only in one small area in the room. If one were to move out of that area, the temperature is back to normal. Or the entire room or building may be cold and chilly.
  • Apparition or vision: This is the commonest manifestation. The ghost may be a resident ghost or it may be a relative. If it is a resident, the viewer may be frightened, but after many appearances, one takes it as part of the ambience of the house. If it is a relative, he may either just want to communicate or he may have become a ‘resident’ without realising that he is dead. The ghost usually appears to the one who is the most psychic, as he has to expend energy to manifest himself. That is why some people can only see the head, and some others can see the head and shoulders, whilst the most psychic can see the whole body.
  • Voice: The voices are trying to communicate with the living, who may or may not want to answer them. A voice may be calling your name all day. It learned from a living relative who calls you all the time, and it also assumes a voice very similar to that relative. There is a superstition that one must not answer these calls, as the ghost may want a companion. If one is spiritually assured and is willing to help out with the ghost, then one may even carry out a conversation with the ghost. The ghost could be a singing one. Thus, one maybe entertained with an opera every night. However, one cannot choose the language or the composer of the opera! Therefore, it could be a nuisance. There also maybe switching noises, but the lights do not go off or on, only the switching noises are present.
  • Electrical appliances: Lights, radios and television sets come on and off on their own. Television programmes are changed without human intervention. Toasters, microwave sets and refrigerators break down repeatedly for no reason. Sometimes, even computers present messages from the other world, and intelligent repartees may be carried out with the owner of the computer.
  • Feelings: As you enter the haunted house, your heart beat increases, so does your respiratory rate, and periodically, goose flesh is experienced. This eerie feeling of the hairs standing on end may even affect those who are not psychic. After one leaves the house, one is extremely exhausted. Occasionally, one gets depressed after visiting a house. One may even return home with an auric attack.
  • Dark house: If the house is dark even in bright daylight, be wary. If you still like the house because of its locality, bring either a dog or a child less than 3 years old to the house. If the dog runs out quickly with its tail between its legs, and starts to yelp at the house, it is most likely haunted. By the same token, if the child starts to cry or howl, the house is spirited. With the dog’s and child’s tests being positive, and the house is dark, dank and cold, it takes a courageous person to buy the house.
  • Odours: Bad smells or odours may be there in the house when you first move in. Or the smell may emanate some time later. The smell is that of rotten meat or dung of an animal. This usually signifies a malevolent presence. You can either get an exorcist to remove the presence or increase the vibrations of the house yourself. The latter is much more difficult, because it involves long periods of meditation and selfless service. Of course, when you smell fragrant perfumes, you are blessed: these are due to the presence of angelic beings.
  • Pressure on the chest: This phenomenon happens when one is asleep. The timing of it is when you are just about to enter deep sleep or coming out of deep sleep. One feels this pressure on the chest. One finds it very difficult to breathe and when attempting to shout no voice comes out. One feels like dying. Then all a sudden the pressure is off. If one were to say a prayer or a mantra in the mind, the presence will vanish much quicker.
  • Doors and windows may open and shut even though they were securely locked. There may be tapping or rattling on the walls. This may be a nightly occurrence. In one house that I stayed in, punctually at 12 midnight, sounds of a pair of clogs keep running up and down the wooden stairs. When one stands to watch the proceedings, there are no clogs seen at all on the stairs.
  • Although all the doors and windows are properly shut, there may be a strong wind blowing, rattling the chandeliers and other hanging lights. Some music may accompany this wind.
  • A psychic can easily see a spirit at the corner of one’s eye, but the second you turn around it disappears. This usually means the presence of a spirit. For a psychic, this happens very often throughout the day: this truly exemplifies the phrase emptiness is form.
  • Sexual seductions: The ghost can seduce either sex. A female ghost may seduce a living male, and vice versa. The person who is seduced normally will fall very ill and expire fairly soon, unless he or she is healed quickly. Sometimes, a male ghost would bring the deceased father of the living female to ask for permission to marry his daughter. A woman came to see me for help under exactly the same conditions. I told her to move house. She did that twice, but it was to no avail. He followed her every where, although she was determined not to marry him. Finally, we did few sessions to resolve the issue and she came out of the problem.
  • Timing: If a ghost appears at 3 am, he is most likely to appear at the same time every night. They normally like to appear at night, but a few may also appear during the day. They do not like crowds. The human body smells to them, and if there are many humans present they do not appear.
  • Sometime ghosts appear as balls of light. The green ball of light is one to avoid, because it signifies the restless ghost is frustrated with his earth-bound status (usually after a suicide), and they are quite determined to take a companion to keep them company.
  • Venue: These are the places to avoid: churches, temples, hospitals, crematoriums, cemeteries, burial grounds, old folks’ homes, old sacred sites like Stonehenge, Ley lines and old sacrificial temples. Houses that are left empty for more than a year is most likely to be acquired by roaming earth-bound ghosts. Even new houses may be haunted. It all depends on what ground the new building is on.
  • Statues and pictures: The more life like in size is a statue, the more likely spirits will inhabit it. So, in a home or more likely in temples, where many robbers, murderers and other evil people come to pray everyday, the chances are that the statues will be inhabited. The spirits follow these bad hats into the temple, and they see so many people praying to those statues, they would also like to be prayed to. So they remain behind in the temple when the murderers and robbers leave the temple and inhabit the statutes. Some huge portraits may also contain ghosts, especially if the paintings are of good quality.
  • When one visits cemeteries, crematoriums and even old folks’ homes, one or more spirits may accompany one home.
  • Children and their Invisible Friends: Some children are born with invisible friends. Everyday at a certain location (it is either their bedrooms or the playroom) one hears the child playing and talking to an invisible friend. At an early stage, when the parents were to ask the child who is he playing with, he will say his friend ‘Gobi’ or ‘Toto’, and points towards the empty space. If the parent were to scold the poor child not to be idiotic, as there is no one there, the child will be confused and hurt. The child will from thence onwards refrain from mentioning the invisible friend. If on the other hand, the parents were very sympathetic to the situation and inquire more about the friend, and gently inquire what are they playing or talking about, then the situation will be fine. The child will continue with his or her invisible playmate, and no secrets need be kept from the parents. The invisible friend normally will take their permanent leave of the child when the child is seven years old and above.

Deceased grandparents, who remain in the house as ghosts, always like to hang around the grandchild, who may or may not have met the grandparent. If they knew each other before, the child will be very happy and secure. If they have never met, then there may be screams and crying out at the sight of the grandparent, but finally there maybe some reconciliation.

  • Pets and Ghosts: Pet dogs and cats are able to see ghosts. If the ghost is a deceased owner, the dog or cat will feel very much at home. The dog will wag its tail happily and even go and snuggle up to the ghost. If the ghost is a stranger, the dog will bark at the same spot all the time until the ghost disappears. If the presence is malevolent, the barking is very severe and the dog ‘s hairs will be standing on their ends. The cat will also bristle its hairs if the presence is evil, but on the whole, cats take ghosts in their stride and do not fuss too much about them. At the most, they merely stare at them. When a pet dies, and if the pet is very close to the owner, it may come back from time to time to visit. It may jump onto the bed with the owner sleeping in it, and the owner may feel a small indentation on the bedcovers if it is a cat. If it is a deceased dog, the indentation is greater. But the dog is more likely to come rubbing itself against the legs of the owner, or the owner is more likely to hear footsteps of a dog running to receive him when he comes home from work.

spiritual interference

Ghost, Haunted House, Curse, Spirit Attachment & Releasement

Spirit Release

Many people believe in life after death and that the soul lives on. What most people may not realise is the degree to which our lives can be affected by spiritual interference.

When we die, we separate from the physical body and enter a transition into the spirit world. However sometimes for many reasons the spirit does not make this transition.

Most people who die transition from the Earth realm to higher realms. A spirit attachment is a person who has died i.e, leaving their physical body but not moved beyond the earth plane. This can happen for several reasons: they missed the window available to return to the Light, they had a sudden, traumatic death and did not realize they died, or they had family members/loved ones clinging to them energetically, unable to accept their passing.

As a result of missing the opportunity to move on, they remain here, and may attach to someone living. In certain cases, rather than attaching to a person, a spirit will choose to inhabit a location—a home or other building—where they feel comfortable.

Spirits who attach to an individual—or their surroundings—affect that person emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as long as they stay with him or her; they may experience nightmares, audible whispers at night etc. This can last an entire lifetime if they do not get the right help. Luckily, any type of spirit attachment can be removed and sent where they need to go, for good.

Have you ever had an uneasy feeling within a room, as though some unseen force was there? Have you ever sensed the presence of spirits or ghosts or felt you were not alone? Most of us have had these experiences at some stage in our lives and when this occurs within our homes we can often feel very troubled, even frightened. These events are not uncommon.

Cleansing your home and removing the non beneficial energies can help you in many ways move towards creating a more positive atmosphere. However, this very aspect of cleansing is all too often overlooked.

Spirit release is literally the separation of your energies or the buildings energies from the entity (spirit or negative energy) that has attached itself to them. Where possible the spirit can then be helped to move on to the light where they can receive help.

Freeing an earthbound spirit takes compassion and a calm nature. Spirits were living people at one time and they may be lonely or frightened by their experience. It is a real honour to do this work and the sense of relief you feel inside when they finally cross over cannot be put into words.

Spirit Attachments

Science has not yet proved the presence of spirit attachment. There is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Spirits may attach themselves to a building, the aura of a person or they may become internalised by taking up residence within an individual.

Sometimes a loved one will try and stay around to be with their family members and create a strong influence on the people this spirit once lived with.

Losing or aborting a baby during pregnancy may also produce a foetal attachment, which can in turn affect the emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing of a person.

Signs and Symptoms of Attachment

  • Feeling tired and depleted of energy
  • Suffering mood swings and/or impulsive behaviour
  • Unexplained bursts of anger, sadness or emotion
  • Hearing inner voices
  • A feeling of ‘this isn’t me’
  • Problems with addictions
  • Poor memory, concentration or confusion
  • Sudden anxiety or depression
  • Sudden onset of physical problems or pain with no obvious cause
  • Unexplained fears, phobias or panic attacks
  • Worrying or disturbing nightmares
  • Feelings of being watched, unexplained sensations or smells
  • Cold areas in your home, a sense of someone else in the room
  • A person who has not been the same since an accident, since losing a loved one, or since moving house

Types of Attachment

  • Earth bound spirits, ghosts and lost souls
  • Negative energy and psychic attack
  • Curses, cords and contracts
  • Past life attachments and ancestral patterns
  • Earth energies

pregnancy spiritual attacks

Spiritual Protection From Dark Forces During Pregnancy

Whether a woman is expecting her first child, or her fifth, pregnancy is filled with many emotions. There is joy and excitement mixed with anticipation and a little nervousness. All these emotions are appropriate, given the weight of what this new little life entails.

Pregnancy is such a unique time for a woman. There are lots of physical changes and hormonal shifts that can make adjustment difficult.

Since pregnancy brings forth new life, the enemy of life so often seeks to rob a woman of her joy and trust in the Lord during this time. The devil frequently weasels his way into our natural worries during pregnancy and amplifies them to the point where we become paralyzed by fear and doubt.

When a woman carries an unborn child inside her body, she has to open up her energy field to allow for the life stream and the energy field of the child to gradually mesh with the fetus. To do that, the woman has to accept energies from outside of herself and allow them to enter her energy field. Since much of this process takes place below the level of conscious awareness, it is quite possible that a woman can open her field to energies that are not part of the energy field of the child but an outside – and not necessarily benevolent – influence. You also have the fact that a woman’s body is under stress, and this can cause her to be weaker and more easily exhausted. All of this adds up to the possibility that if the woman does not remain balanced, she can be more vulnerable to dark forces than she normally is. This is one reason some women go through major emotional adjustments during pregnancy.

Another factor is that there truly are dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) that seek to take every person away from the path of Godhood. Such forces will seek to attack the child even while that child is in the womb. The reasoning of the dark forces is that the earlier they can get some kind of psychological hook in the child’s consciousness, the more easily they can manipulate the child as it grows up. Some souls might already have such hooks from previous lifetimes.

It is the responsibility of both the father and the mother to provide the spiritual protection of the incoming soul, and also to protect the child until it matures and can protect itself. Obviously, current culture does not teach people about the spiritual aspects of life, and therefore most people are not aware of the need to provide for their own spiritual protection, let alone that of their children.

The ugly reality is that the dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) are in no way deterred because of people’s lack of knowledge. You know that before people recognized the existence of bacteria, they would still become the victims of infectious diseases. Likewise, even though most people do not recognize the existence of dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) or the need to invoke spiritual protection, they will still be the victims of the attacks of such forces.

As an additional complication, it has been a divine law for some time that parents are allowed to give birth to children who have greater spiritual attainment than themselves. This was done to speed the growth of the entire human race in order to break the downward spiral that would have led to humankind’s self-destruction. As a result of this law, many women have (in recent decades) given birth to souls of very high spiritual attainment. Even though a woman might not be consciously aware of this, the dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) are keenly aware that such high souls represent a threat to them. Therefore, they attack such souls, and their parents, with all the power they can muster.

Please do not misunderstand these remarks. I am in no way trying to scare you or anyone else from having children. There is truly no influence from dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) that cannot be counteracted by the light of God and by your wise choices to avoid the subtle lies of dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies). Many women have provided adequate spiritual protection for themselves and their children simply by remaining balanced and remaining true to timeless principles and ideals, especially through practicing their religion. If they do not engage in negative behavior and do not take toxic substances into their bodies, many women will be adequately protected during pregnancy.

However, if you are a spiritually aware person, there is obviously much you can do to increase your protection. You can also cut your child free from any negative influences from past lives. I highly recommend that people give the unborn child spiritual protection. This can be a great advantage and give your child a much better start in life.  This can also help to resolve psychological issues for your incoming child.


Black Magic On House, Office, Business |Mantras, Evil Ghosts

Black magic is sending destructive waves/ energy (generally through a ghost) targeting on a person without his consent or knowledge and bringing him under the control of our instructions.

If you may feel that your house has come under the attack of evil powers, blackmagic spells, witchraft etc then this power is very strong and will destroy all evil affects that are in your house Some times you will notice that your house is haunted, you may hear strange noises like people talking or even laughing and this can be very scary, some times evil spirits get settled in the house and it is very difficult for them to go once they have captured the house, this happens also if some enemy has casted any spell on your house and once they enter your house they bring bad luck and negative energies with them and as a result of all this once your house that was heaven for you turns out to be worse then hell.

Black Magic is done by involving many rituals and manthras. Manthras are of two types. One type is for constructive purposes. Another one is for destructive purposes.

In the case of constructive manthras, they help us grow in our material as well as spiritual life. For example, Gayathri Manthra spreads spiritual waves around us.  This will uplift one in his spiritual practices.

Whereas, The destructive manthras can bring and establish the ghosts to our place and spread negative waves/ energy inside our mind and  around us that will prevent all the good fortunes entering into our home.

They are done by some Tantriks who are able to invite and control some ghosts through these manthras, send them to us and make our liberal thought process inactive and hence the affected person will always show some symptoms as if he has lost something. He will not be able to concentrate in his productive activities everyone is expected to do.  He will be uninterested in worldly affairs.

These Tantriks use the ghosts (brought through some destructive manthras) to produce such negative vibrations against a person.  He first brings a evil minded ghost in his control through manthras and instructs that ghost to fulfill the task perfectly and then report him that the task has been done. When such ghosts are present in a house, the house loses its positive energy.

The tasks given to the ghosts usually are:  Creating Diseases, Poverty (by allowing the wealth to be stolen or losing job), mental illnesses, or in serious cases even killing the target person.

 After fulfilling the task given, the ghost comes back to the Tantrik and reports that he has done the given task.  Then, the Tantrik releases that ghost free.

Actually those who use these techniques for negative purposes will have to suffer in their next birth.  Even in this birth, such Tantriks will be leading a kind of restless life.

How the evil ghosts are sent to the home of the target?

These Tantriks use some materials of the target person such as  his piece of cloth worn by the person, his hair, his teeth, etc to incorporate the evil forces in them and then throws that material in the house or garden of the target person.  Thus, the ghost starts to live in that house.


If Black magic has been done against a person, that person may show some or many of the following symptoms:

1) He likes to be alone all the time;

(2) he shows unrest and irritation always.

(3) Body pains particularly on the shouldres and head;

(4) Likes to remain dirty without bathing.

(5) Some peculiar smell will come from the affected person;

(6) he/ she will be talking alone;

(7) he/ she will be making unnatural body movements and biting the nails.

(8) No auspiciousness will be there in the home and Tulasi will not grow in that house (usually, tulasi plant will not grow in inauspicious surroundings.

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