Spiritual Healing for Pregnant Women

Spiritual Healing for Pregnant Women

Emotional and spiritual support – for mother and baby

Are you ready to flourish in your spiritual pregnancy?

Are you open to use your heart to tune into your baby?

Are you open to communication with the spirit of your child?

Have you ever wondered HOW to communicate with the soul or spirit of your baby before birth? 

Many cultures throughout history into the present have formed loving traditions that acknowledge and bring attention to the spirit of a child before life.  It is an ongoing spiritual connection that supports the parent and child relationship.  Ask yourself if you want to build a deeply sacred and loving connection of communication.

Did you know that early communication with your baby is a GIFT to both you and your baby (partner too)?  Your baby may be already sending you signs and inner feelings whether you are aware of it or not.  It is easy to ignore or get busy with life and forget to stop and connect to that quiet place within.  That quite place within is how you intuitively access your connection to pre-birth conversations with your baby.

Are you in conception?  Are you pregnant?  What kind of traditions are you creating for your child that wants to be born into your life?  Lets start with conception.  Conception is a sacred journey of self discovery, inner growth, and development.  Sometimes challenges arrive in conception or issues with infertility.  The often missed experience in infertility is working with the spiritual self and bringing awareness to the energy of your baby.  Like conception sometimes pregnancy has issues or a lacking of spiritual self awareness.  Pregnancy is a very sacred time in a women’s life that requires big changes and adjustments.  It activates the physical, emotional, and spiritual self for a great reason.  To get you ready to be a most amazing parent to your child!  The LOVE that grows inside your body to expand your heart comes into your life and into this world for many reasons and that journey is amazing.  Talking, touching, listening, and moving with the energy of your baby leads you into building that mother and child connection before he or she is born.  Imagine if each mother and father listened deeply within to the soul of their baby.  Imagine humanity transforming into higher ways of living with deeper integrity, extreme self love, infinite self kindness, and massive self trust.

Expectant mothers have always been advised to enjoy pregnancy, but common health issues often mar this experience. Unlike prescription medications, Spiritual healing goes beyond just the physical support to provide emotional help and bring a deep sense of calm and positivity to both mother and unborn child.

Spiritual Healng during pregnancy can be a gentle, yet powerful, non-invasive treatment that may help symptoms such as:

  • tiredness
  • low back pain
  • morning sickness
  • mood changes
  • high blood pressure
  • stress
  • emotional disruption experienced both during and after pregnancy

Healing is not an instant miracle cure. However, with regular treatment – which ensures better circulation, harmonized energy levels, elimination of toxins and a stable and confident emotional, mental and spiritual outlook – you might be surprised at your body’s ability to heal and maintain itself. Even apprehension and fear experienced in the late stages of pregnancy, and the distress at the impending labour, can be alleviated through the deep relaxation, balance and confidence gained through a healing treatment.

Since pregnancy can be such a major life-changing event, it can often resurrect buried emotions, fears or insecurities from the past; so-called “unfinished business”. A weekly treatment is recommended, especially around the heart, abdomen and solar plexus areas, to enable the body to handle all the changes and demands that are put upon it.

Enhance your connection with your body

As healing is holistic, it treats each person as a whole, including mind, body…and baby. Some mothers have experienced their babies give an excited kick as soon as they feel the energy flowing in. By working directly by holding the “bump” the healer can also therefore treat the baby.

Being pregnant can create a sense of being out of control of your own body. Some women have described it as their body “not belonging to them anymore”, from the day-to-day changes in their bodies, to the sense of invasion experienced from medical interventions. Healing can enable a sense of regaining some of that control: a balance and a grounding so that, even though you are experiencing a life-changing event, you can be in control, no matter what surprises await you.

Benefits of Spiritual Healing for Pregnant Women

Eases Physical Discomfort: Spiritual healing is effective for relieving physical discomforts often associated to pregnancy. The human hormones associated with pregnancy often cause gastric problems during pregnancy. An energy healing treatment during pregnancy not only helps in relaxing the gastrointestinal walls, thereby reducing the sensation of nausea, but also aids in providing relief from hip, back or ligament pain that is often experienced by pregnant women as their pregnancy progresses. In fact, taking a Spiritual Healing during pregnancy can relax you completely, greatly reducing fatigue, anxiety and sleep problems.

Provide Emotional Support: Juggling the demands related to the expectations of families, jobs or relationship with their partner can often make a pregnant woman quite stressed and tired. A Healing Therapy done during pregnancy not only helps an expecting mother stay grounded emotionally, but also instills serenity and peace and calms her fears related to pregnancy and delivery.

Make the Process of Delivery Easier: Spiritual treatment given during the time of labor helps reduce pain associated with pelvic and back area to a great extent. This safe and natural treatment not only aids in reducing anxiety of the expectant mother during labor, but also helps create a peaceful and serene atmosphere for the baby.

Helps in Post Partum Recovery: The body of a pregnant woman tends to undergo tremendous changes after delivery. Healing treatment given at this point of time can prove to be highly beneficial in healing their physical and emotional levels and maintain their well being during the first few weeks after child birth. Moreover, since the advent of the new baby can cause an emotional upheaval for a new mother, it can help her adjust to the new environment and take care of a baby more easily.

Helps the Baby Stay Healthy and Happy: When Spiritual Healing is given to a pregnant woman, it proves to be highly beneficial in helping build a strong spiritual relationship between the mother and her unborn baby. It helps the unborn baby stay calm and relaxed, but it is also said that sometimes it makes the unborn wriggle happily inside his mother’s womb. In fact, healing sessions that are done during pregnancy generally make the baby easygoing, thereby making it easy for young mothers to take care of their little ones in more easy and simple manner.


Benefits of Healing Sessions during pregnancy:

  1. Provides emotional as well as physical support to the pregnant woman.
  2. Creates a balanced, loving and harmonious relationship between the mother and the child.
  3. Taking Healing Sessions in the early days of the pregnancy helps reduce exhaustion and nausea in the pregnant woman.
  4. It can bring relief to every part of a stretched and aching body of the woman.
  5. It also reduces anxiety, sleep problems, colic, and enhances motor activity and active sleep.
  6. It is done to restore the balance and health to the pregnant mother.
  7. Healing used during labour stage has been shown to help control and lessen pain.
  8. It may make delivery easier.
  9. Mothers who have had previous c-sections and receive Healing in later pregnancies can expect lesser need for cesarean surgeries the second time.
  10. Mothers who use took Spiritual Healing during and after pregnancy can better adjust to their babies and vice versa.
  11. After the baby is born, it can be a stressful time for the baby. When Healing Session is used in the delivery room it makes an easier transition for the baby.
  12. It also helps to release the fears related to pregnancy and delivery. It soothes a woman who can feel invaded and impatient to give birth.
  13. It has the power to make a baby wriggle with pleasure in the womb, and also has a calming effect on both the mother and the child.
  14. It provides a unique opportunity for the father-to-be, as he can bond with his baby when it is in the mother’s womb.
  15. It also helps in building a strong and spiritual relationship between the mother and the baby, before this tiny new being enters the world.
  16. It can be used to help improve the whole family’s experience through pregnancy. It eases every stage of pregnancy, physically and emotionally, making the journey into motherhood more joyous and memorable.

pregnancy spiritual attacks

Spiritual Protection From Dark Forces During Pregnancy

Whether a woman is expecting her first child, or her fifth, pregnancy is filled with many emotions. There is joy and excitement mixed with anticipation and a little nervousness. All these emotions are appropriate, given the weight of what this new little life entails.

Pregnancy is such a unique time for a woman. There are lots of physical changes and hormonal shifts that can make adjustment difficult.

Since pregnancy brings forth new life, the enemy of life so often seeks to rob a woman of her joy and trust in the Lord during this time. The devil frequently weasels his way into our natural worries during pregnancy and amplifies them to the point where we become paralyzed by fear and doubt.

When a woman carries an unborn child inside her body, she has to open up her energy field to allow for the life stream and the energy field of the child to gradually mesh with the fetus. To do that, the woman has to accept energies from outside of herself and allow them to enter her energy field. Since much of this process takes place below the level of conscious awareness, it is quite possible that a woman can open her field to energies that are not part of the energy field of the child but an outside – and not necessarily benevolent – influence. You also have the fact that a woman’s body is under stress, and this can cause her to be weaker and more easily exhausted. All of this adds up to the possibility that if the woman does not remain balanced, she can be more vulnerable to dark forces than she normally is. This is one reason some women go through major emotional adjustments during pregnancy.

Another factor is that there truly are dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) that seek to take every person away from the path of Godhood. Such forces will seek to attack the child even while that child is in the womb. The reasoning of the dark forces is that the earlier they can get some kind of psychological hook in the child’s consciousness, the more easily they can manipulate the child as it grows up. Some souls might already have such hooks from previous lifetimes.

It is the responsibility of both the father and the mother to provide the spiritual protection of the incoming soul, and also to protect the child until it matures and can protect itself. Obviously, current culture does not teach people about the spiritual aspects of life, and therefore most people are not aware of the need to provide for their own spiritual protection, let alone that of their children.

The ugly reality is that the dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) are in no way deterred because of people’s lack of knowledge. You know that before people recognized the existence of bacteria, they would still become the victims of infectious diseases. Likewise, even though most people do not recognize the existence of dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) or the need to invoke spiritual protection, they will still be the victims of the attacks of such forces.

As an additional complication, it has been a divine law for some time that parents are allowed to give birth to children who have greater spiritual attainment than themselves. This was done to speed the growth of the entire human race in order to break the downward spiral that would have led to humankind’s self-destruction. As a result of this law, many women have (in recent decades) given birth to souls of very high spiritual attainment. Even though a woman might not be consciously aware of this, the dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) are keenly aware that such high souls represent a threat to them. Therefore, they attack such souls, and their parents, with all the power they can muster.

Please do not misunderstand these remarks. I am in no way trying to scare you or anyone else from having children. There is truly no influence from dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) that cannot be counteracted by the light of God and by your wise choices to avoid the subtle lies of dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies). Many women have provided adequate spiritual protection for themselves and their children simply by remaining balanced and remaining true to timeless principles and ideals, especially through practicing their religion. If they do not engage in negative behavior and do not take toxic substances into their bodies, many women will be adequately protected during pregnancy.

However, if you are a spiritually aware person, there is obviously much you can do to increase your protection. You can also cut your child free from any negative influences from past lives. I highly recommend that people give the unborn child spiritual protection. This can be a great advantage and give your child a much better start in life.  This can also help to resolve psychological issues for your incoming child.

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