Voodoo, Hex, Black Magic, Witchcraft, Curse, Spells, Spirits


Voodoo, Hex, Black Magic, Witchcraft, Curse, Spells, Spirits

The existence of real magic has been disputed for thousands of years. There’s an abundance of anecdotes, myths, and legends. In the modern era, there are blurry images, shaky videos that are out of focus, and even more anecdotes that claim to support the existence of magic and the paranormal. But a skeptical review of this evidence yields nothing of scientific value.

But just because things like witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, and magic haven’t been proven using the scientific method doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting and of cultural or historical significance.

The Word Voodoo, originated from the language of the African tribes, and actually has a positive connotation. Over the years the religion of Voodoo has been depicted as dark or negative magic. The essence of Voodoo is essentially an understanding that everything in the Universe is undeniably linked spiritually.

A Voodoo black magic practitioner is referred to as a “bokor,” a boker has heightened spiritual powers and is a learned student of toxicology. A bokor has the ability to use poisons to harm others, if inclined.

The fundamental difference between voodoo and witchcraft is the spiritual aspect. Witchcraft is only a practice but Voodoo is a true religion. Their practices revolve around specific beliefs and a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. The main creator spirit is called Olodumare and the rest of the Deities are known as loas (or lwas) and they are considered to be aspects of this greater spirit. For most people, it’s just easier to think of them as Gods or Goddesses.

Black Magic as we all know is also called as dark magic, and often black magic spells are used by selfish people so that they can achieve their own goals any how even at the cost of harming someone, and so for this they may take help of evil, witchcraft or dark magic. If you are using Dark Magic Spells for any selfish reasons then stay away from them.

Now days black magic practice have become very active as people are practicing black magic spells to harm people, to destroy enemies and using dark Magic.

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.

The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, Business, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.

In the layman’s language, black magic and occult practices can be thought of as tantrik formulae. They will yield a result if properly applied, regardless of the character, spiritual understanding or intention of the practitioner. When this scientific aspect of tantra falls into the hands of charlatans, it is inevitably misused.

Symptoms and Black Magic / Voodoo / Witchcraft / Curse / Hex  effects–

  • Continuous illness. All medical treatments fail.
  • Constant worries, Suicidal tendencies, or Desire to move away from home and family.
  • Continuous illness of any member of the family.
  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Eating disorders associated with obesity and anorexia.
  • Being short tempered. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason.
  • Repeated miscarriages or death of children.
  • Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
  • Problems in the construction of new houses, new factory or any other building.
  • Shortness of money, in spite of hard labour.
  • No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless.
  • Apathy, no desire to rise In Life.
  • Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
  • Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.
  • Unexpected loss in the business of property.
  • Ill health and under development of children.
  • Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil Designs.
  • Discord between spouses or the family.
  • Greatest efforts always resulting in failure.
  • Lack of Govt, favours, promotions and the desired raises or transfers.
  • Poverty, in spite of hard work.
  • Mental disorders – Insanity – Craziness.
  • These are some effects which prove that one is under the spell of the supernatural or black magic.
  • Even though Intelligent, one still fails to find solutions to such problems.

Bad effect of black magic

If you feel that you are affected by Black Magic Spells and you need a solution to remove the black magic that is on you, then  you can use divine healing  to remove black magic Spells.


alcohol & entity attachment

Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs) & Spirit Possession / Attachment

In my work with clients the last few years, it’s become increasingly clear that addictions of any kind, as well as mania or depression, psychotic behavior, compulsions (OCD, eating disorders), obsessions & sexual abuse impulses are all caused by entities that have attached to the person experiencing them. These are lower vibrational beings that operate on the subtle planes. Shamans are familiar with this. Some traditions out-and-out call them demons.

They know how to hide themselves so they appear to be completely invisible. You feel them as impulses, cravings, or thoughts you can’t control. They’re fierce at surviving, and they know how to override will power. Entities are like viruses. You can’t see them with normal vision, but you feel their effects. They CAN be detected through higher-level awareness.

Why Do Entities Plague Us?

Entities attach to humans because your pain & upset around whatever’s going on is their food. They feed off human energy. There are usually a host of thought forms that go along with your addiction/compulsion, like “I’m pathetic,” “I’m bad,” “I’m unlovable,” “I’ll never kick this thing,” “Life is meaningless,” “I’ll never get ahead,” “I’m too X or not enough Y,” “I’m crazy,” etc.

Entities instigate such thought forms so that they may feast off the accompanying emotions: SHAME being the biggest, along with misery, fear, depression, sadness, hopelessness, dread & so forth. They also feed off the sensuality of food gorging, the suffering associated with starvation, the energy of sex (especially when violence or shame is connected to it), the excitement of mania & psychotic states, and more. If another person is involved, say, as the recipient of your entity’s ravings or sexual behavior, the beings feed off that person’s upset & energy, as well.

If you’ve experienced any of these conditions, or if you’ve witnessed another’s alcoholic, manic, or psychotic ravings or sexual predation energy, you may instinctively feel that what’s being shared here resonates. You know you’ve been battling a demon – or several. But because the medical approach is to treat the issue as a question of morals, will, or, at best, emotional “healing,” you have been battling in vain. This leads to the cycle of “cure”-relapse-“cure”-relapse. Which leads to more shame. Which the entities love. So they love to keep you in this cycle. It’s part of their game.

Entity possession is also the usual culprit with people who have committed suicide. For those people, the torment by the being got so bad that the only way they sensed they could rid themselves of an entity they didn’t even know they had was to end their own life. But the entity may still stick around the person’s soul into the next incarnation if family members don’t have the person depossessed posthumously.

Sexual Abuse as Possession

The unfortunate phenomenon of sexual predation of children, often by their own family members, also generally has its roots in entity possession. When I was shown this, I understood why this plague has become so rampant in our world. It is an infestation, like a cancer, on the earth plane, not a flaw of humans, men, fathers, uncles, or others (not to mention women who also have perpetrated it).

This explains why the phenomenon is hidden – often even to the perpetrator him- or herself. That, in turn, explains why perpetrators so often deny their behavior in this regard. They may not be fully “home” when it happens – someone else may. Or they may be unable to control the impulse generated by the entity, and act on it even while conscious. Ultimately that leads to shame & the dread that they have committed a mortal transgression. All of this needs to be hidden by the perpetrator because there is no place in our society to really hold what is going on. Their shame & dread are simply more food for the entity. The person may go into a denial that amounts to a kind of amnesia around their behavior.


Alcohol or Drugs as Portals for Entities

You can also be an open portal for entities while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. That’s why alcohol is referred to as “spirits.” Sometimes these beings leave, but sometimes they stay, rendering you what is labeled an “alcoholic” (when what you really are is plagued by an entity who provokes an alcohol addiction). If you get to the point of blacking out, you have definitely had an entity enter you at that time, whether you are addicted to alcohol or not. Yup, someone just had fun using your body, and it wasn’t you.

Many young people become open portals for entities when they get involved in drugs of the more addictive variety, and particularly manufactured ones such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and the like. As to the natural spirit plant medicines, when they are not used in a sacred & ritual way, but rather are used “recreationally,” as an escape, or “out of curiosity,” they can lead to entity attachment.

I wish to be clear that this is not an indictment of plant spirit medicine when used with maturity & sacred intent. Entities love to keep you addicted because addictions provide guaranteed access to all the “food” they need. That’s why addictions of any sort are so hard to throw off. The entities don’t want you free of them.

Once you can recognize this and begin the dislodging process, the healing will go more quickly & will be more effective & permanent.


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