Curses & It’s effects on people, Black magic Witches, Voodoo

curses and its effects

Curses & It’s effects on people, Black magic Witches, Voodoo

The majority of people are skeptical when it comes to believing anything connected with black magic or curses. The general attitude is: “If I don’t believe in it, it cannot affect me”. This is a wrong attitude that could lead to a lot of damage. People start believing in the power of a curse much too late. Often after they have lost a business or their relationship has failed. Someone may even die as a result of a curse. A curse works whether you believe in it or not, you do not need to know that you have a curse for it to work against you.

How do you know if there is a curse on you? There are some very clear signs: usually the bad luck affecting the person is totally unexpected and unexplained. Things that should come to a satisfactory conclusion always go wrong. You are ill and cannot get better. A relationship that used to be good suddenly goes wrong for no reason. Everything seems to hit you all at once. You often have nightmares and wake up in fear. With certain love curses the person affected seems to act as if in a trance or there is an extreme change in behaviour. As you can see a curse can affect quite strongly any aspect of your life.

Have you ever felt so resentment or mistreated by someone that you wanted some kind of revenge? In our darkest moments, we can utter words like ‘I hope he suffers like I have’. Any time we wish ill on another person and when we put energy and emotion behind it, that is curse energy.

Some people can affect your life through the power of their emotions like too much hate or jealousy. If someone concentrates on you constantly with bad intent you are eventually going to feel it. But the usual way is by using a proper ritual against someone. Curses can be put on from a distance using a photograph or some personal objects or by contact, preparing a powder or liquid and also with the help of a ritual, given in the food or drink or smeared on something that the person is going to touch or wear. Some are very good in putting a curse on by telephone. Sometime you may think there is nobody at the other end, but by answering the phone you have provided the contact needed.

Different people use different methods. Every country has its own types of witches, shamans, masters of black magic etc. Fortunately there are many practising white magic that can remove a curse very succesfully by reversing it and sending it back where it came from.

Removing a curse involves quite a good knowledge of practical magic. A reversal is usually done at a distance, when the subject is asleep.The person being cleared will experience some symptoms related to the method used in the curse itself. If the curse has been administered in the food there could be some nausea, vomiting or bowel problems. If the curse has been sent from a distance there could be a fever or headache or a general feeling of being ill. These symptoms are very temporary and totally harmless. Nobody has ever been hurt by a clearance except sometimes the person that originated the curse; he/she will now experience the same curse wished on the victim.

Beware of curses. If you have one on you it is not a joke, it can be extremely serious and it must be cleared up! It will not go away on its own! On the other hand not everything that happens to you is due to a curse. There are moments in life when things go bad simply because that’s the way it is. We go through cycles in life. Life is a series of lessons, sometimes we are in a bad patch and we can only get out from it once we have learnt something out of it.

Of course the best way to find out if you have a curse on you is to have a reading and the reader will be able to advise you. A clearance will also leave your Aura cleansed and purified

Some symptoms of curse are :

  • Feeling of physical and/or emotional tiredness,
  • Unexplained bad luck or unfavorable incidences and illness.
  • Drowsiness,
  • Incurable diseases,
  • Face turns yellow or looses its color,
  • Tightness in/on the chest,
  • Drooping eyelids,
  • Fatigue,
  • Loss in business,
  • Pain moving in the body,
  • Weariness,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Restlessness,
  • Lack of appetite,
  • Discomfort,
  • Cramps,
  • Convulsions,
  • Headaches,
  • Hiccoughs,
  • Clumsiness,
  • Yawning,
  • Stomachaches,
  • Dry coughs,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Itching,
  • Hair loss,
  • Dry skin,
  • Vomiting,
  • Drying up of the milk of nursing mothers,
  • Problems with the blood and eyesight,
  • Impairment of sexual activity,
  • Impotence,
  • Sterility,
  • Body weakness,
  • Feeling body shakes,
  • Disorders in menstruation,
  • Problems in pregnancy and childbirth,
  • Deficient breast milk, mastitis, Incessant crying and fretting,
  • Baby’s refusal to suckle or drink milk,

Other symptoms include, the drying up of wells, the withering of fruit, sudden loss to business, and so on.

Black Magic & Karma|White Magic & Love spell, Binding Spells

Many people wonder what happens to people who practice black magic on others and spoil other people’s lives. Do they get away with it?

Black magic is defined as the misuse of spiritual energy including harming another person or attempting to get someone to act in accordance with your desires, especially if your desires oppose theirs.

In our view, spiritual power is to be used only for good. The moment you try to control or manipulate another person, you step over the line and incur negative karma.

There are people who will do any spell for you. Many will cast spells like these which I see available on the internet : “Make them break up so you can have him”, “Make him love you”, “Make him/her lust after you”, “Get your lover back in 24 hours”, “Make her/him marry you”, cursing spells, revenge spells, get rich quick spells, etc”.

All of these spells are within the realms of ‘black magic’.  ‘Black magic’ spell manipulates someone else without their consent, it makes them do things against their free will.

It is understandable why people are tempted to cast ‘black magic’ spells, or pay someone to do it for them. It sounds like an ideal solution to get what you want, but it isn’t that simple. Whenever you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone else it ALWAYS backfires. We have all been given free will, and when you try to manipulate someone else, and take away their free will, you will end up with a broken Life.There are two ways these types of spells will backfire on you. One way is that the spell will not work in the way you wanted it to, and the second is that you will experience Karmic retribution for manipulating someone with magical means.

The reason why these black magic spells will not work out the way you expect is because you are forcing someone to act against their free will. Think about it.

One of the most common problems I come across are with ‘binding spells’. These are really popular but they cause people so many problems. You may bind yourself to someone who you want to be with forever, especially if you are feeling insecure about the relationship. These spells work 3 times as well on you than it does on your target, because you really meant it when you did the spell! Your target will probably break free after a while, but you won’t be so lucky. You’d be stuck there with them without knowing why, or how to shift the energy between you. Your Lover may leave you, and because you bound yourself to him/her you would not be able to get on with your life and find new Love. You would always be yearning for your lost Lover.There are other much more powerful and happy ways to sort out your Love life.

And then there is the Karmic slap that will always come when you dabble with black magic. Karma means that whatever you give out, will come back to you. Every action has a reaction, there is no way out of it, every Living being is bound by the same Spiritual Law. Karma will give anyone performing ‘black magic’ a firm slap, or knock them off their feet, depending on what you have done. Don’t be fooled by thinking that you’ll get your Karmic slap in your next life either, in my experience, Karma is very impatient with ‘black magic’, people tend to get the Karmic slap within a few months.

Just to make this point even more serious, when you use magical means your actions very much ‘on purpose’, and whatever magic you put out will come back on you three times over. This is well known amongst witches, sorcerers and shamans. We imbue our actions with more power because of the strong ‘on purpose’ magical intentions we always use.

If you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone, the Laws of Karma mean that you will end up being dis-empowered and manipulated in some way. I have seen people who have dabbled in black magic continually find themselves in situations where they are manipulated, and feel trapped. For example, it could manifest as having a tyrant of a boss, or you could even end up in prison for something you didn’t do. I have known people to become psychotic after performing black magic, and have to go to psychiatric hospitals. They have messed with so many people’s minds, they end up losing theirs. There is simply no need to do black magic, and it isn’t the most intelligent or powerful way to go about magic, or changing your life.

Black magic is about restructuring the flow of energy around others, and sending entities towards another’s space. Such things can work under certain conditions, but you the caster are forever linked to those disruptions. If the victim is helped by a psychic or Godly person, those flows can be reversed with an immediate backlash, instant karma. Either way, karma eventually reverses the situation as help is eventually given to the victim in this or a future lifetime.

Charms etc cannot protect you from karma if you are the caster, at best delays the pain a little. It is not that rare a situation, more so today than 100 years ago because of the nature of our auras have slightly changed.. culturally.

Karma works both ways, when you perform White Magic which is done for positive good, then the effects are far more powerful, because the Light is so, so much more powerful than the darkness. You only have to see how a single candle flame can light up a vast space to see this. You see, if everything you do comes back to you 3 times when you do magic, think about what joy and happiness that can come to you if you do positive White Magic?

Magic is as powerful as the person performing it. A person who performs black magic is not as powerful as a person who performs White Magic. People who perform black magic have messy, broken lives, it is best not to get involved with them and their energy. Don’t give these people your money, and don’t put your Life in their hands.

When I cast a Love spell for you, not only will Spiritual Beings of Love and Light come to fill your life with Love and heal your blocks to Love, but they fill my Life with Love too, because I cast the spell. Casting White Magic keeps my Life beautiful, flowing and ecstatic. It also increases my power and raises my vibration, which makes my Magic more and more powerful.

All my magic is White Magic. This means that if you need a Love spell because you have a broken heart, I will work with Spirit to fill your life with Love by shifting your own blocks that prevent you from receiving Love. As your blocks dissolve, you will have wonderful realisations, and become very self aware as you let go of outdated self defeating patterns and welcome new abundance into your life. Magical meetings, opportunities, synchronicities pop up out of nowhere, you will know that Spirit is guiding you, helping you, co-creating your new life with you. Your life becomes enchanted with the pure, clean magic of Divine Love. My Magic gets to the root causes of why you just can’t get it right in Love, or why you are always broke or depressed. It empowers you and helps you to change your life.The spell will also increase your own feelings of Love in all areas. You will Love your job, your friends, family, your whole life in an amplified way. You will also feel the Love of Spirit and feel supported and Loved always. You will release feelings of fear and lack along the way too.

The most powerful force in the world is Love. All Magic done with Love and in the energy of Love are the most life changing and powerful. Love never fails.

If you are in trouble because of black magic you have done, or got someone else to do on your behalf, I can help you. I can reverse your spell/s and cast a new empowering one to help you create the best new life possible, and leave it all behind you.

Dark Magic

Details about Black Magic / Dark Magic & Curses |Evil Spells

Back magic is the negative use of energies and power by jealous and malicious human beings, whose main objective is to harm or deprive others from something, or influence them to do something wrong or negative. Black magic is the evil side of the celestial cycle or negative energies. Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts even at a far away place – the effect of this technique can be experienced thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. Voodoo, Evil Spells, Curses, Tantra problems, Evil eye, Spirits Of The Dead all can come out of Black magic.

Black magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. There is heaviness and weight on the heart and constriction in the throat. At times, there could suddenly be blue marks on thighs without getting hurt, or faster & erratic heartbeat and breathing without any physical exertion. There are quarrels in the family without any reason. One might feel the presence of somebody in the house. One feels one is not getting one’s due and can achieve much more. One feels suffocated & restless in all circumstances, and is never at peace. One remains depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life.

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic / abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances. Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.

The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life. Putting a Black magic spell on someone is very easy for those knowing even a little bit but to remove the spell and eliminate it’s sinister effects needs lot of expertise.

When Frederich Nietzsche wrote that your revenge may leap out from behind your justice, this may have been true in more than a philosophical sense. Although the common perception of magick curses is that they are evil, black magic can be used for good as well. The prime example of this is when revenge and justice are intertwined. If someone has harmed you and there is no recourse except for a curse or hex, many occultists and experienced casters would agree that it is justified.

The world can be a rough, unfair place where the good do not always seem to prevail. This is most evident when bad people rise to powerful situations by lying, cheating, and clawing their way to the top. Frequently they hurt many others along the way. To make matters worse, these people are often never held accountable for what they have done. When a person is materially powerful and they are not breaking a law there is little that can be done to them in a conventional sense. However, this is the perfect opportunity to use a curse this can do a lot to them.

If a person is bad, and you will have to use your best judgment to determine this, using a curse upon them is often considered a good thing. This is one reason many casters will perform curses without fear of hurting their karma, a curse upon a bad person will not incur any negative karma. In many cases, it will actually improve the caster’s karma! So while hexes and related magic spells are powerful and nothing to toy with, they are not evil or off limits.

Part of the duty of each individual is to uphold their own principles and, when someone is in distress, to attempt to right the wrongs. This is very frequently achieved through curses, and has been a domain of cursing magic for thousands of years.

An example would be a curse upon a person who is a burden to his or her village. Imagine you live in a small village and so does a thief. This thief sneaks around to everyone’s cottage in the middle of the night and steals things. Would it be bad to place a curse on the thief to stop them from stealing? Most people would say no. You have to be creative with this and determine when and how a hex is appropriate.

Curses are hard to cast, and many casters will not approach them. This is because they are inexperienced, fearful, or find it inconsistent with their own personal ethical stance. You may have to do a bit of searching to find someone you trust who can cast real curses for you. However, a thorough search is worth it to find an individual who can live up to their promises and cast real spells on your behalf.

A curse is a malediction, the opposite of a benediction. The person doing the cursing is wishing or invoking misfortune or evil upon the victim. The only question is, does the curse have any effect, or is it merely a satisfying way of letting off steam? An irate driver may shout at another, “I hope you crash and burn!” But aside from helping pump adrenaline, the words have no effect. If such curses were effective, the world would be chaotic indeed.

But a curse delivered by a being of power – a god, a spirit, a magic worker – is a different matter indeed. Someone, perhaps a Native American shaman, is said to have cursed the U.S. presidency so that, beginning with Indian-fighter William Henry Harrison in 1840, the person elected every 20 years would die in office. The curse held true for Abraham Lincoln (1860), Chester A. Arthur (1880), William McKinley (1900), Warren G. Harding (1920), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1940), and John F. Kennedy (1960). Ronald Reagan (1980) escaped this curse, but there is speculation that it is nevertheless not yet broken. And when you get to someone like Jesus Christ, the mere utterance of a phrase “You shall wait until I return” is enough to create the Wandering Jew, cursed with being forced to wander the earth and being unable to die until the Second Coming.

Human beings capable of delivering effective curses are commonly thought to include shamans, priests, and witches. The heaviest curse delivered under the authority of the Church is excommunication. The priest reads the rite from a book: “We exclude him from the bosom of our Holy Mother the Church in heaven and on earth… We judge him condemned to eternal fire with Satan and his angels.” The book is then shut, symbolizing the fact that Scripture is now closed to the victim. A bell is tolled, as if for the dead. Finally, in a hideously dramatic gesture, candles are thrown down or inverted and extinguished against the floor, showing that the soul of the cursed one has been removed from the sight of God.

Although witches in fairy tales and folklore are said to have been fairly free with curses, from turning people into frogs to bringing about the ruin of Macbeth, king of Scotland, modern Wiccan ethics advise against the practice. The operative principle is the Threefold Law – whatever harm you cause will return unto you three times as harshly.

A curse is no reason to lose hope. At the fist sign of evidence a curse has been placed immediate action should be taken to remove the curse. Additionally, there are ways to prevent a curse. Caution should be taken, however, when attempting to fight a curse, as inexperienced casters may actually compound it and make it worse. You should seek out a professional witch to remove or protect you from curses.


energetic cord cutting

Receive Powerful Distant / Remote healing all over the world

Distant healing is a method of energy healing at any long distance.
Distant healing is healing performed when the healee / client is not present. It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing can be very effective.

Guruji has successfully sent healing to many clients around the world using distant healing.

Distant Healing is very powerful and works rapidly for many people.
People in locations all over the world have benefited from Guruji’s distant healing energies.

What is Distance Healing?
Distance healing is any form of healing energy “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and the practitioner.

This type of healing is equally effective as an in person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.

What the healers, shamans, and practitioners of holistic medicine have known for millennia modern science is now just beginning to understand and explain. Recent discoveries in quantum physics now provide the scientific underpinning for many of the holistic healing phenomenon we have seen for millennia.

What quantum physics has revealed (at least in theory) is that time is not fixed, nor is it linear, only flowing in one direction. Time is fluid and flows both forwards and backwards simultaneously. Your future can thus affect your as much as your past. Your past can be altered as much as your future. From this perspective everything is happening at once, there is no past and no future, only the present moment.

What science is also revealing about space or “distance” between objects is that they are actually not separate as they may seem. Though we experience things as being separate from us this again is merely a perception of our limited belief in the illusion that time and space are fixed.

How is Distance Healing Possible?

Distance Healing can be done with people and animals all over the world. Clients can feel the effects, which are often dramatic, and permanent. Some of them can actually see guides and angels. Some people smell lovely fragrances as I do distant healing work with them. Your animals will definitely feel the Distance Healing work. Some people tell us they begin to feel the healing as soon as they make an appointment.

Time is not linear. Time is accessible to healing energies.

One technique for distant healing is based on the holographic, or multi-dimensional image of the client. Information about the client is perceived through his or her biofield which is pinpointed in space-time, by their name and birth year. The therapist creates a multi-dimensional biofield image of that person, just as if they were physically present. Then it’s simply a matter of following the usual practises, with some subtle differences.

The surrogate technique involves a colleague acting as a proxy for the client. A sensitive proxy can perceive what the client is experiencing and gives us an opportunity to communicate with their Spirit and Higher Self. It is particularly useful in clearing inter-dimensional interferences. We are well practised in this, having conducted many distant healing sessions for clients worldwide.

alcohol & entity attachment

Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs) & Spirit Possession / Attachment

In my work with clients the last few years, it’s become increasingly clear that addictions of any kind, as well as mania or depression, psychotic behavior, compulsions (OCD, eating disorders), obsessions & sexual abuse impulses are all caused by entities that have attached to the person experiencing them. These are lower vibrational beings that operate on the subtle planes. Shamans are familiar with this. Some traditions out-and-out call them demons.

They know how to hide themselves so they appear to be completely invisible. You feel them as impulses, cravings, or thoughts you can’t control. They’re fierce at surviving, and they know how to override will power. Entities are like viruses. You can’t see them with normal vision, but you feel their effects. They CAN be detected through higher-level awareness.

Why Do Entities Plague Us?

Entities attach to humans because your pain & upset around whatever’s going on is their food. They feed off human energy. There are usually a host of thought forms that go along with your addiction/compulsion, like “I’m pathetic,” “I’m bad,” “I’m unlovable,” “I’ll never kick this thing,” “Life is meaningless,” “I’ll never get ahead,” “I’m too X or not enough Y,” “I’m crazy,” etc.

Entities instigate such thought forms so that they may feast off the accompanying emotions: SHAME being the biggest, along with misery, fear, depression, sadness, hopelessness, dread & so forth. They also feed off the sensuality of food gorging, the suffering associated with starvation, the energy of sex (especially when violence or shame is connected to it), the excitement of mania & psychotic states, and more. If another person is involved, say, as the recipient of your entity’s ravings or sexual behavior, the beings feed off that person’s upset & energy, as well.

If you’ve experienced any of these conditions, or if you’ve witnessed another’s alcoholic, manic, or psychotic ravings or sexual predation energy, you may instinctively feel that what’s being shared here resonates. You know you’ve been battling a demon – or several. But because the medical approach is to treat the issue as a question of morals, will, or, at best, emotional “healing,” you have been battling in vain. This leads to the cycle of “cure”-relapse-“cure”-relapse. Which leads to more shame. Which the entities love. So they love to keep you in this cycle. It’s part of their game.

Entity possession is also the usual culprit with people who have committed suicide. For those people, the torment by the being got so bad that the only way they sensed they could rid themselves of an entity they didn’t even know they had was to end their own life. But the entity may still stick around the person’s soul into the next incarnation if family members don’t have the person depossessed posthumously.

Sexual Abuse as Possession

The unfortunate phenomenon of sexual predation of children, often by their own family members, also generally has its roots in entity possession. When I was shown this, I understood why this plague has become so rampant in our world. It is an infestation, like a cancer, on the earth plane, not a flaw of humans, men, fathers, uncles, or others (not to mention women who also have perpetrated it).

This explains why the phenomenon is hidden – often even to the perpetrator him- or herself. That, in turn, explains why perpetrators so often deny their behavior in this regard. They may not be fully “home” when it happens – someone else may. Or they may be unable to control the impulse generated by the entity, and act on it even while conscious. Ultimately that leads to shame & the dread that they have committed a mortal transgression. All of this needs to be hidden by the perpetrator because there is no place in our society to really hold what is going on. Their shame & dread are simply more food for the entity. The person may go into a denial that amounts to a kind of amnesia around their behavior.


Alcohol or Drugs as Portals for Entities

You can also be an open portal for entities while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. That’s why alcohol is referred to as “spirits.” Sometimes these beings leave, but sometimes they stay, rendering you what is labeled an “alcoholic” (when what you really are is plagued by an entity who provokes an alcohol addiction). If you get to the point of blacking out, you have definitely had an entity enter you at that time, whether you are addicted to alcohol or not. Yup, someone just had fun using your body, and it wasn’t you.

Many young people become open portals for entities when they get involved in drugs of the more addictive variety, and particularly manufactured ones such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and the like. As to the natural spirit plant medicines, when they are not used in a sacred & ritual way, but rather are used “recreationally,” as an escape, or “out of curiosity,” they can lead to entity attachment.

I wish to be clear that this is not an indictment of plant spirit medicine when used with maturity & sacred intent. Entities love to keep you addicted because addictions provide guaranteed access to all the “food” they need. That’s why addictions of any sort are so hard to throw off. The entities don’t want you free of them.

Once you can recognize this and begin the dislodging process, the healing will go more quickly & will be more effective & permanent.


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