Basic Demonic Manifestations | Influence of Demonic Entities

eathbound spirits

Basic Demonic Manifestations | Influence of Demonic Entities

Basic Demonic Manifestations

Now here are some of the basic manifestations that demons will do with the people they are inhabiting. One or two of these manifestations may not be able to stand by themselves, but when you get someone that has quite a few of these manifestations occurring on some type of regular basis, then the chances are very good that they really do have demons literally living on the inside of them.

  • Hearing voices on the inside talking to them. These voices may also refer to the host in the third person.
  • Feeling or sensing the demons moving on the inside of them. Feeling pressure and movement in the head and stomach areas. Demons can also attack the central nervous system so it feels like the person is going crazy at times.
  • Having bad and frequent nightmares, sometimes with the same bad and horrific nightmare being repeated over and over again.
  • May have seen some of the demons in an actual vision.
  • Can sometimes smell the demons, who have a very putrid and toxic smell to them. Demons can also smell like burning sulphur at times.
  • Will have strong, inner compulsions to do bad things that are not in their normal behavior patterns like having bad thoughts of suicide and murder.
  • Can also have very strong addictions to things like drugs, alcohol, and pornography.
  • Abnormal fascination with the occult or any type of criminal activity.
  • Abnormally strong feelings of rage and hate in them that are not a part of their natural personality and makeup. Demons can also transmit heavy feelings of despair, hopelessness, depression, and that they have committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.
  • Irrational fears, panic attacks, and phobias on some type of a regular basis.
  • Periods of having loss all sense of time from minutes to actual hours and can sometimes end up somewhere and not knowing how they got there. Also, regularly doing things for which they have no memory of actually doing.
  • At times, can sense an evil presence on them, in them, and in the houses they live in.
  • Will feel cold spots in certain areas of the houses they are living in with these cold spots not being by any open windows.
  • Will sometimes see dark shadows running across some of the rooms in their houses, especially in their bedrooms.
  • Can have poltergeist type phenomena occurring in their houses such as material objects flying across the room, doors opening up and slamming shut all by themselves, drawers opening up on their own, hearing footsteps shuffling across the floors and scratching type noises on the walls, along with the electricity going on and off and material objects actually disappearing.
  • In the more extreme cases, the person can literally find themselves levitating right off their bed at times.
  • May have the ability to speak in a foreign language of which they have no natural knowledge of.
  • Can be capable of great, abnormal, physical strength.
  • Can receive mild to strong trembling and shaking sensations on different parts of their bodies. Can also receive choking sensations and a tightness around their head and eye areas.
  • Abnormal amounts of dizziness, blackouts, and seizures.
  • Very heavy, uncontrollable twitching type activity on certain parts of their bodies like their face and their arms.
  • May have had some out-of-body experiences, especially in cases of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse.
  • Have a very hard time in praying and reading from their Holy Books. Can also have an actual revulsion of the Holy Books to the point of wanting to try and tear it apart or burn it.
  • A compulsive desire to want to curse and blaspheme God.
  • Can have multiple personalities in them which are known as alters.
  • May have tried other kinds of treatments and medications from other psychologists and psychiatrists with no real help or relief ever being given to them.
  • The demons can at times take control of the vocal cords and speak right out of the person’s mouth. When this occurs, the tone of the person’s voice could change, like a woman speaking out in a man’s deep, husky voice. Demons can also emit animal like sounds out of a person’s mouth and vocal cords like the hissing of a snake, the growling of a lion or tiger, or the emitting of a baying type howl like a wolf. They can also let out very loud screams and yells, especially when being directly confronted by the deliverance minister during the actual deliverance itself.
  • The demons can also manifest in the person’s eyes where you can see them literally looking at you. What you will see when this occurs is pure evil and pure hatred looking at you. You will also see this look from the demons being captured in some of the person’s past photographs, as some of these demons love to show themselves in the person’s eyes and countenance when photos are being taken of them. Another type of look you can see when the demons are looking out of someone’s eyes is what I call the “hollow look.” When you see this type of demonic look, it is like you are looking into someone who has no personality. They will look “soulless” and “lifeless” to you when you see this type of look coming out of their eyes, and you will also know that it is not the personality of the person you are looking at.
  • Different types of facial contortions which no longer look like the person, such as glazed eyes, blank stare type eyes, eyes rolling backwards where all you see are the whites of the eyes, and stretching the skin of the face into a contorted, hissing like expression.
  • Different types of bodily contortions like people slithering across the floor like snakes, getting on all fours and barking like dogs, growling like lions, or howling like wolves. Abnormally stretching out their spines, fingers and hands locking up and going rigid, and demons grabbing a hold of a person’s throat in order to try and stop them from talking with you. The demons can also whip the head in a very rapid side-to-side type movement, stretch the neck out as far as it will go, along with jolting portions of the body causing those portions to move in a very rapid side-to-side type movement.

If the person has had any of this type of activity in their background, or if any kind of this activity surfaces or manifests while you are talking or praying with the person, then there is a very good chance that you are truly dealing with a person who has demons living on the inside of them and they will now need a full scale deliverance from the Lord.

Effects of Soul Attachment



These are many.  I will just outline a few of the major types of effects:


Addictions. This is a very important effect of soul possession or entity attachment.  The invading soul usually wants more power over the host soul.  If the invading soul can convince the host soul to drink alcohol or use psychoactive drugs, including marijuana, the invading soul will have an easier time controlling the host’s body and mind.  Anyone who thinks that marijuana is benign please re-read the sentence above.

The invading soul usually does not care if the host’s body or mind are destroyed by the drugs, alcohol, cannabis or perhaps other items that alter the mind, including even eating too much sugar, junk food or using a lot of caffeine.  The invading entity only cares that these things weaken the host so the invading entity has more power over you.


Confusion. This is another primary effect of soul attachment of any kind.  For example, after such an entity attaches to oneself, one may start having thoughts that seem very foreign.  One may even believe one is hearing unusual voices, feeling unusual feelings, or struggling in some way that is very odd.  A man may start feeling like he is female, an adult may start feeling like a child, and so on.  All types of confusion can arise, as explained in the next few paragraphs.


Physical symptoms.  An invading soul carries memories of illnesses and is often damaged itself.  Therefore, one may suddenly develop aches and pains that are unusual and cannot be traced to any kind of simple cause.  Obesity, for example, is one type of problem that is often, though certainly not always associated with soul attachment.  If this is the cause, the symptoms usually vanish rapidly with depossession, also called exorcism or entity removal.


Mental and emotional symptoms and psychosis.  Entity attachment can result in any mental ailment or psychosis.  One may wonder why someone would murder innocent children at a school, for example.  The answer is often toxic metals in the brain, and in most cases the use of anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac and the others.

However, the mechanism may be that toxic metals, a junk food diet, and especially medical drug use by teens and young adults can open a person to entity attachment by weakening the body and mind.

Indeed, this is one of the worst features of so-called modern or conventional allopathic medicare.  Nutrition and healthy living habits are hardly mentioned, and meanwhile poisonous drugs are doled out with impunity to babies, children and adults that weaken the body and mind.  This is a sure prescription for entity attachment.

Other common symptoms include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other ailments.  Rarely, one may have violent or even suicidal thoughts if the entity or soul who enters the body harbors these thoughts or perhaps wants to harm you.

It is possible, though not likely, that an invading soul will attempt to kill its host.  Usually, the invading soul enjoys being inside another person, so it does not wish harm to the person, but anything is possible. One way that nutritional balancing amazingly can heal severe mental illness such as suicidal thoughts, violence and more may be by improving the vitality of the body and mind of a person so that an invading entity is forced to leave.  When this happens, one’s physical or mental illness can vanish literally overnight.  The lack of attention and interest in the concept and operational methods of enhancing a person’s vitality oradaptive energy level in the conventional and even holistic medical communities is another of their weaknesses and a cause for exploding health care costs.


Sexual problems. These are common with entity attachment.  It may be due to immature entities that attach to people and cause the problems.  Common effects may include low libido or lack of sexual interest, excessively high sex drive, impotence, frigidity, cross-dressing, promiscuity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, preoccupation with the body, pedophilia (a desire for sex with children), and other sexual aberrations.

In fact, this is a common way in which children are traumatized sexually.  For example, children often hate their parents when they are just touched inappropriately.  This simple misstep on the part of a parent or sibling can cause entity attachment.

Just seeing Mom or Dad naked in bed, for example, or having sex with each other can cause entity attachment.

A formerly sexually innocent child all of a sudden is much more interested in sex, becoming promiscuous or wanting to masturbate a lot, for example.  All the child can do is trace it back to the “incident”, which now feels like a rape because it changed one’s life.  In fact, it was just an incident that caused a mischievous entity to attach to the child, and the entity is causing the sexual problem.


Other identity and relationship problems.  Another type of confusion that arises involves one’s identity and relationships with others.  One may find oneself strangely attracted to people one was formerly not interested in.  Also, one may find oneself avoiding some people whom one was formerly quite interested in, for example.  Identity confusion can extend to one’s interests and hobbies, interest in work or family, or other aspects of a person’s identity.  The reason is that one’s identity becomes confused with the identity of the invading entity.

For example, a person who experiences entity attachment may find himself or herself with new interests and hobbies, while established hobbies, activities and routines may now seem unusual and less comfortable.  This is extremely odd to the person, and often even more so to one’s family and friends.  A person who hated cigarette smoke or marijuana may suddenly start smoking, for example, or a person who avoided bars and the social scene now wants to spend time in bars and lounges.  It can damage relationships terribly, and often counselors and psychologists are at a complete loss to explain it.


Cult behavior.  Entity attachment can also explain why someone goes to a cult meeting, for example, or is raped, and suddenly wants to join the cult and no one can talk the person out of it, even though the person was formerly very rational.

Perhaps an entity attached that likes the cult with its sex, drugs or hatred of foreigners, or whatever.  Or perhaps going to a meeting is enough, in some cases, for a person to be attacked and invaded by entities that the cult members share in some way.

This is an important reason to avoid suspicious people, harmful events like loud rock concerts, drug-laden parties, and even many spiritual groups that engage in events and behaviors that “wear you down” in some way, or preach vegetarian or other deficient diets, or have people perform sex together, or in any way weaken people even in the name of God or country or anything else.


No problems.  Lest this section seem overly negative, I remind the reader that, at times, attaching entities are benign, and perhaps even beneficial.  They can even improve a person’s personality in some cases, and help to keep other harmful entities out.  Symptoms of illness or addiction may go away when a benign entity comes in and begins to influence the soul of the person.

For example, a person may pray sincerely, day after day, for release from a bad habit such as promiscuity, alcohol or drugs.  One day, the person wakes up and habit is mysteriously gone.  What may happen is that one entity leaves and another enters who is benign and more advanced.  This can also happen at a prayer circle or some kind of meeting.

Alcohol & Drug Affects Our Aura – Marijuana,Cannabis,Cocaine

People who are taking drugs or alcohol can get into inspiring yet also vulnerable states – emotionally, physically, energetically and spiritually. How come? Here an overview of the effects of alcohol on the physical and subtle bodies of an individual. The influence on soul level is usually the least discussed facet of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol & Body Chemistry

Alcohol directly affects brain chemistry by altering levels of neurotransmitters, which are the chemical messengers and communicators that transmit signals throughout the body that control thought processes, behaviour and emotions.

Alcohol affects both “excitatory” neurotransmitters and “inhibitory” neurotransmitters: it suppresses the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and increases the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. What this means for you is that your thought, speech and movements are slowed down, and the more you drink, the more of these effects you’ll feel. Hence the stumbling around, falling over chairs and other clumsy things drunk people do.

BUT alcohol also increases the release of dopamine in your brain’s reward circuitry, the brain areas that are affected by virtually all stimulating, exciting activities. By jacking up dopamine levels in your brain, alcohol tricks you into thinking that it’s actually making you feel great or maybe just better (if you are drinking to get over something emotionally difficult). The effect is that you keep drinking to get more dopamine release, but at the same time you’re altering other brain chemicals that are enhancing feelings of depression. Over time, with more drinking, the dopamine effect diminishes until it’s almost nonexistent. But at this stage, a drinker is often “hooked” on the feeling of dopamine release in the reward center, even though they’re no longer getting it. Once a compulsive need to go back again and again for that release is established, addiction takes hold.

Alcohol abuse over a long period causes chronic intoxication. Nervous tremors develop, the memory fails, also acute gastritis, liver cirrhosis, optic neuritis, heart and kidney diseases are likely to occur, while other symptoms are similar to those of acute intoxication.

Longterm effects of drinking alcohol can not only damage the brain but also the stomach, heart, kidneys, liver, muscles and joints. For example: the liver breaks down alcohol – and the toxins it releases. The alcohol’s byproducts can damage liver cells. These damaged liver cells then no longer function as well as they should and allow too much of toxic substances, ammonia and manganese in particular, to travel to the brain. These substances proceed to damage brain cells, and can cause a serious and potentially fatal brain disorder.

Alcohol & Driving

An estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. Drinking alcohol and driving simply do not go well together. The human brain has to deal with many things and process countless data all the time. Alcohol affects attentiveness and one’s ability to make quick decisions on the road, react to changes in the environment and execute specific maneuvers behind the wheel. After drinking alcohol, driving becomes dangerous, and potentially lethal.

Alcohol affects everybody’s driving for the worse. It creates a feeling of overconfidence, makes judging distance and speed more difficult and slows your reactions so it takes longer to stop. “I’m only going down the road.” doesn’t work either: a large proportion of all drink drive crashes occur within three miles of the start of the journey.

In the region of the cerebral cortex, where thought processing is centered, alcohol depresses the behavioural inhibitory centers, making the person less inhibited. It slows down the processing of information from ALL senses, inhibits the thought processes and makes it difficult to think clearly.

The same goes for drug consumption. Reaction and decision times are slowed down, over-confidence, altered perception and judgment of risks often lead to perform higher risks. As a consequence, in March 2015 the drug driving law in the United Kingdom changed. It is now an offence to drive with certain drugs above a specified level in your blood – just as it is with drink driving (seventeen legal and illegal drugs are covered by the law, including cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine).

Alcohol & Sex

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland coordinate automatic brain functions and hormone release. Alcohol depresses nerve centers in the hypothalamus that control sexual arousal and performance. Although sexual urge may increase, sexual performance decreases.

Is Wine safe?

Alcohol in the form of medical wine has been used in China for more than 5000 years and its use and infusions were recorded in prescriptions 2000 years ago, in the first texts of traditional Chinese medicine. In TCM alcohol is generally characterised as sweet-bitter and hot, also toxic. Wine though, if drunk in small amounts, stimulates blood circulation and opens the vessels to relieve pain, it vitalizes the blood, drives out “wind” and dispels “cold” symptoms, transports medicaments and disperses bad influences. A lot of wine, however adds dampness and heat to the body, and can contribute to a range of problems.

In any case, wine more than other forms of alcohol seems to have added perks, if consumed in moderation. Some argue the polyphenols in wine can ward off bacterial infection and particularly red wine has long been thought of as having a positive influence on heart health. Resveratrol is a substance in red wine that is known to prevent damage to blood vessels (artery damage) and to stimulate the production of antioxidants like Glutathione (GSH) and Superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Who is the Producer?

In this context another important point: Where is the bottle actually coming from? Please do not to underestimate the importance of the quality and standards of the wine producer. Not only the type of grapes, techniques etc. but also the attitude and energy of the people involved in the production process have an effect on the final product, hence the consumer.

Russian scientist, healer and author S.N. Lazarev describes very well in one of his books (Karma Diagnostics), how he could see the energetic profile of a wine by checking its vinyard and producers, just by tapping consciously into their energy field with his psychic abilities. (He also checked the vibration of a large painting owned by one of his friends and recommended strongly to take the picture off the wall as the artist’s energy field had a massive destructive influence which came through the painting. You might take this as a recommendation for double-checking what you have on your walls!)

I did my own experiments and started scanning wine energetically. In fact years ago during my training in Energy Healing I scanned, cleared and hightened the energy field of all sorts of foods or drinks, and noted fascinating results. Whatever you consume, ensure it’s of best possible quality

Alcohol & the Soul

Now we come to the potential energetic and spiritual repercussions of alcohol consumption. Given our multidimensional anatomy (physical, energetic, mental, emotional, astral and subtle bodies), there are corresponding multidimensional effects. Probably the least discussed and known aspects of alcohol consumption.

1) Energy vibrations gets lowered:
The change of your biochemistry has an effect on your whole energy field (aura). You perceive that alcohol relaxes the body and the rational mind, and energy seems to flow better. But in reality the vibration of your energy field gets destabilised and lowered. And quite quickly thoughts and body movements become less cohesive. Rajas and Tamas increase while Sattva reduces – effecting all your chakras, dis-aligning your subtle bodies and cracking your aura. After an initial energy push / rajastic rush (activity, excitement etc), the tamasic energies set in (drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, anger etc). Destructive emotions rise, further weakening your energy field and protective shield.

2) Existing personality defects increase:
Your might have noticed that some people become quite aggressive after they’ve had a few drinks, while others might become tearful and melancholical. As alcohol weakens the faculty of your critical mind, the voices from your subconscious mind grow louder. This may mean voices of your hidden creative capacity come up but most likely it means unresolved conflicts, which increase your emotionality, and vulnerability.

3) Ancestral imprints get activated:
From your subconscious mind and morphogenetic field also your ancestral habits can be awakened or triggered, increasing your inherited addictive tendencies and reducing your ability to disentangle from the desire of drinking (family pattern of diseases and addictions). Unconscious, and often destructive, loyalties within families – well illuminated for example in the therapeutic process of Family Constellation Work – can be dissolved through a healing practice that involves higher states of consciousness and your multidimensional energetic anatomy.

4) Energy attachments block your sovereignity: 
When we are emotionally unbalanced, traumatised, depressed, angry, sad or anxious, our aura is weakened or breaks. And this is when disembodied souls and soul-parts can hook onto a human energy field (aura), to live through the human and feed off their energies. The implications are manifold. Disembodied or earthbound souls (also called spirits or discarnates) are souls of dead people who left the physical body, but were spiritually not liberated and are stuck on earthly planes.

When a person has a liking for alcohol, this very liking is often taken advantage of by a disembodied soul – a randomly picked up discarnate or a departed ancestor with a penchant for alcohol. Once attached to a person, it further increases that person’s desire for alcohol. Violent behaviour displayed under the influence of alcohol is mostly due to a negative energy attachment – a spirit or entity that took advantage of an individual and increases his/her already existing personality defect of violence or depression.

Drugs for Enlightenment?

Let’s talk about drugs. The recreational type and the pharmaceutical variety. I am referring to all drugs including alcohol in excess, that give you the feeling of being high. These substances cause holes and tears in your aura.

When we consume something that gets us high, our soul energy literally rises. Our aura begins to quickly expand, trying to harness the escaping energy.

Our aura is a protection field. To willingly allow any substance in our bodies that could create an unwanted opening is not what you want to happen.

Holes or tears invite negative energies to sneak in and invade. You never want to purposefully attract lower vibrational energies to enter your aura. This weakens us and could have repercussions one should not choose. Just because you cannot see the energy field does not mean that it does not exist and that something is not happening.

Some people use drugs as a path to enlightenment (in the sense of higher awareness, insights on universal wisdom, creativity, compassion and joy) or in rituals as a form of healing (or rather as a way to gain an understanding that potentially leads to healing).

No matter whether natural (Peyote, Cannabis, Ayahuasca) or synthetic drugs are taken, an artificially induced state of bliss, oneness and awareness can be wonderful and inspiring, yes. BUT it is also clear that an artificially triggered higher state of consciousness and vibration cannot be sustained without that substance. Inevitably there will be a return into the valley after those peak experience. Drugs give just momentary lifts into happiness and truth realisation. Whoever takes drugs will land back in and pick up from exactly the emotional, mental, vibrational state from where s/he started off from. Bliss might have been experienced with the help of some drug, but fact is that the actual body has not been prepared adequately to have the capacity to hold such high frequency permanently and naturally by itself (nervous system, pituatary and pineal gland connection etc).

What remains? What do you do with a lighthouse moment of bliss and delight? I’d say, a) take the insights you’ve gained and integrate them consciously in your behaviour and life, and B) take it as orientation point and motivation to clear and purify your system through regular spiritual practice and healing in order to be able to reach these states of higher consciousness naturally and “alone”, independent of any external helpers.

Drugs can cause devastation in the body, and of course there is also the risk of addiction, and auric attachments. Don’t just go for higher awareness, go for pristine awareness.

Don’t just go for higher awareness, go for pristine awareness



Effects of Marijuana on the Aura

Many people are under the assumption that marijuana usage is a method for expanding spirituality. Our emotional awareness has developed in the evolutionary process, not by recreational substance use. If you think that becoming dependent on any substance while believing that you’re only better at achieving an elevated state of consciousness with this substance then you’re missing the point of ascension.

Quite honestly you do not need pot to be spiritual, but if you want to smoke it, free will and all that—no judgment just informational awareness. Marijuana falls into the category of one of many drugs that rapidly expands your soul energy, encouraging your aura to have a perforation and leaving you vulnerable, which is the topic of this blog.

Since the aura is our protective shield, it filters incoming energy. When we do not take proper care of it, it can become weak and damaged. And if there is a problem on the energetic level it will eventually appear on the physical level.

The point is that you want to guard your aura as you do your health. Shine bright with clarity and be in alignment with your soul. You do not want to jeopardize your well-being by invading entities when you cause deliberate holes and/or tears in your aura by the abuse of drugs and alcohol.

There are times when one must take prescribed medications. It is best to be conscious of the possible effects. Take precautionary measures to maintain balance, positivity and protect your vulnerable energy field.

Treat your body like a temple.

Honor your being with meditation, natural sunlight, outdoor activities, nutritious foods, purified water, herbal supplements (with approval from your physician), crystal therapies and regular visits to a healer. I work with clients who have the specific need of repairing their aura.

It is important to remember that your success rate increases with diligence. Maintaining a healthy energy field requires time, effort and a commitment.

My personal view on alcohol

I’d say, whatever you do, do it consciously (with your full attention, presence and acknowledgement) and in moderation. If you have a glass of wine, bless it and enjoy it, guilt-free. And ideally in an energetically clear location, which means alone or with people that have good energy. Surely your aura is “safer” when you have a drink at home rather than in a bar or public space. And of course make sure, you drink high quality alcohol, like organic wine from well checked vineyards, or pure vodka.

As with everything in life: it’s a matter of balance. And of course, we are all individual beings with unique settings. What’s beneficial for one person, might be bad for another. And what might be good for you today, can be bad for you at a later stage. Be present and always check with your Higher Self and inner guidance.

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