Category Archives: Past Life Therapy

reincarnation connection

Past Life Regression / Connections, Soul Mates,Reincarnation

There are people that we have relationships with where tell ourselves that we’re in love and that we’ve met our soul mate because we’re thinking about that person all the time or tuning into their feelings when actually what we’re dealing with is a kind of addiction. You know that you’re dealing with addiction rather than real love when you feel that you simply couldn’t live without that other person and when the thought of being without them is too terrifying to even think about.  That kind of love that actually knocks you off of your path, but it can also be the kind of love that teaches you something.

In contrast, past life relationships can be just as intense, but there is a particular kind of familiar feeling about them. When you meet someone that you had a past-life relationship with, you often feels as if that person is your soulmate because you know them with a profound feeling of recognition, you understand each other, you have more of a bond when you’re separate from each other and you can kind of feel where they are.

Past life relationships can be confusing at best and hell at their worst.  They are confusing because they can they often involve ecstasy and agony.  There can be so much intensity between you.  You might even share all sorts of spiritual experiences such as telepathy or seeing colours when you make love. But such relationships are usually plagued with  problems.  It’s like you’re repeating the same relationship you might have had in ten lives with that person.  It’s obviously very potent and intense magic.  Even if you don’t see them for ten years you can feel this complete and utter bond, because in a way it’s a timeless bond.

Sometime, those relationships are not meant for this life, however, and it may be that your learning in this life is to let go of that so that you can find the right energy for you. It’s hard, because people find it very difficult to let go of that intoxicating experience, even though, in most cases, those kind of relationships will never work – it’s always ecstasy and agony and drama.

When you’re in that experience it’s very difficult for you to think that it’s not for you, because you’re determined to fit that square peg in that round hole, and make it work but it all comes back to your relationship with you.  If you are your best friend and you love you, you’re not going to let yourself go through that trauma all of the time. And ultimately it’s about actually believing that you are worthy of a relationship that is worthy of you – a relationship that nurtures you, a relationship that is equal. A relationship that doesn’t destroy your heart, and take away with your self-esteem.

In contrast, and despite anything else that you might have heard anywhere else, soul mate relationships just tend to work.  When you meet soulmate, you get on, you may have a few struggles, but fundamentally you click.  It’s a functioning relationship, and you have each others’ best interests at heart.

Not all soul mates are destined to be lovers, either.  If you have a friendship or you have a connection that’s absolutely stunningly beautiful, and pure and delightful, and you merge together, it could also be a soul mate connection.

So if you’re confused about whether the person you’re involved with or have your heart set on is a soul mate, a past life connection with some karma to work through or an outright addiction, just ask yourself:  Does this relationship bring me peace? Does it work?  Are we better people for being in it? Does it allow me to be my best me?  If the answer is yes, it could be a soul mate relationship.  If your answers are no, then it’s likely to be a past life connection and only you can make the decision to set yourself free.

Even more importantly, don’t let yourself get confused by labels.  I would say that a lot of problems in our lives are down to labelling ourselves and labelling every experience – but more about that next time!

Few signs of a past life connections : 

  • Immediate Connection or Immediate Negative Reaction. There are some people that we connect with instantly, whether as friends or potential lovers. According to the late sage Yogananda, you can recognize a soul friend/mate from a past life when you instantly connect and have a deep understanding of each other. “When you feel in your heart a deep harmony with another person, you know that you knew each other before.”

Likewise, there are others that bring out instant hostility within you. You’re not sure why you don’t like them, but your reaction is so negative it takes you by surprise. Past life experts agree that this person may have done something to harm you in a prior life.

  • Telepathic Connection. You can sense what they are about to say, or you receive a phone call/text shortly after you think about them. There is a sort of unexplained connection that can’t be broken.
  • Eye Recognition. When you look into their eyes upon first meeting, they seem familiar and quickly draw you in.

Have you noticed that with some people you can stare at them for hours as you converse, but there isn’t a connection? While it takes just moments to connect with others? Past life experts believe this isn’t a coincidence. If this happens, they suggest you should pay close attention.

Some have concluded that the eyes don’t change from birth to birth. This allows for us to recognize one another throughout time.

Dynamics of Past Life Regression Therapy | Stages of PLRT |

Past life regressionThe healing of samskaras and imprints is the aim of Past Life Therapy (PLT). Our past life selves are not only characters in past dramas, but they also live within us today as sub-personalities. We feel their emotions; manifest their talents; think their thoughts; are limited by their fears and perpetuate their quandaries. We often act this out without consciously knowing we are doing so, simply because we are unaware they exist within us. The most problematic past lives for us today, are the ones that have unresolved trauma or ‘unfinished business.’  In PLT these problematic inner characters are brought to the forefront of consciousness and worked with to bring resolution and healing to their complexes, so that they cease to affect the current life.

Usually during a regression session one past life story is worked with. This is not always the case, because resonant stories with a similar theme may also arise in the course of one session, and almost certainly do in successive sessions. In past life work it seems that ‘clusters’ of similar past lives emerge from the soul’s history. They are connected by the same theme yet each may reflect a different facet or aspect. For example, a man may find himself a slave in a past life, where the theme or personal imprint is one of hopelessness. If we are exploring the personal theme of hopelessness, several past life stories may arise that carry different aspects of how this was imprinted. The circumstances may change through lifetimes in which hopelessness became a part of each life. In one life it may be because of slavery, in another life it may be because of feeling trapped in an arranged, loveless marriage where he feels like a slave; or in another instance he may be a hardworking farmer and sole provider of a large family or community and blight comes that kills the crops. In the slave scenario, he may die with the idea that ‘there’s no way out,’ and quite literally this may be true, in the marriage he may simply feel trapped and may commit suicide out of depression. The farmer may come to the end of that life feeling that “no matter what I do, the odds are against me, it’s hopeless.” All these different lives will be connected and recalled by an exploration of what is called the ‘core theme.’ These core themes are present in our current life and are noticed by examining recurring patterns of behavior. This is one way that karmic imprints and samskaras reveal themselves in our current lives.

A few simple questions will open the door to streams of past life imprints.. Just finish the sentence “ I always…” or “I never…”  One could answer “I always have to do it all alone” or “ I never have enough money”.  Sometimes we even make casual comments when describing our feelings that are loaded with past life imagery, such as, “I feel like a slave”, “My hands are tied”, “I’ve been stabbed in the back’, “There’s no way out”. These repetitive themes, that we take as actual truth and that shape our reality, are most likely core themes that past life characters are still unresolved with. They are changeable, but they are also so darn familiar, that one can’t even conceive that it might be possible.

Stage One: Inducing Past Life Memories

The first stage of PLT is the induction of the past life memory. This is the method used to recall the past life. Following is a brief outline of some of the methods;

Exploration of Current Life Themes – This is like doing a Google search by typing in keywords and pulling up relevant content. In PLT thoughts and emotions, at the center of any particular complex are uncovered and then used to follow backwards through time to find relevant present and past life formative experiences. This happens through an interview process with a client, when discussing issues or doing a review of different areas of their life such as the history of relationships, upbringing or work. This also serves to identify core themes together before starting regression work.

Dream Fragments and Imagery – Past life memories can arise within the dream state, often this imagery is fragmentary, but a particularly charged scene in a dream can be explored for past life content. An example of this could be a dream of being chased by wolves, exploration of this may lead to a literal past life where that happened or it may be a metaphoric image that leads to a different past life memory of being a child in the forest running from invaders.

Fear / Phobias – Present life fears, such as those that seem to not be connected with any current life cause. When these fears are explored they are often found to have their root in past life traumatic deaths. Fear of water or heights for example, is often caused by past life drowning or death by falling.

Womb Regression – Going back to the womb can happen during regression either by direction or spontaneously. Sometimes during a session all of the work will happen in the womb but quite frequently while in this state of memory, past life content arises also.

Spontaneous Memory or Imagery – People, places and charged events in one’s life can often ‘shake to the surface’ deeper associative past life memories. This can happen spontaneously, and the amount of detail recalled in such an event varies from person to person. Some people recall the whole past life, some only fragments of it. When a client comes to therapy with such memories, these can be explored in PLT to go deeper into the story.

Body/Somatic Memory – The mind is not located in the brain but permeates our entire being, including the body. The principle at play is that our current life bodies are recreated from a subtle energy body that is a part of the soul’s memory. ‘Cellular Memory’ is the term often used to describe subconscious body imprints. Thus a chronic neck pain may come from a past life hanging or beheading that has been traumatically imprinted and carried into the current life body. Exploration of current life somatic pains, repeated injuries to a part of the body, illnesses, deformities or even birth marks may reveal past life content.

Guided Imagery – This is a directive process that allows a past life memory to arise spontaneously, where a scene is set in the imagination intending to lead to a past life. This could be the suggestion of imagining crossing a bridge and coming into a past life scene, or walking down a hallway with many closed doors and choosing one, opening it and walking into a past life scene. There are myriad variations of the initial imagery used to get to the past life. This is the induction that most people think of when they think of past life work. It is most commonly used in hypnotherapy and used less frequently in the style of regression that I work with.

All of these methods and combinations of each are used in the cases in this book. No matter how the past life memory was accessed or who performed the regression, the stories still relate to the karmic axis within the birth chart.

Stage Two: Reliving the Past Life

Because we find imprints and samskaras at the heart of our core themes, the emotions and thoughts of the past life character must be explored in depth to reveal what is being carried from life to life. In the form of regression therapy that I teach and practice (Deep Memory Process) it is essential to relive the past life as fully as possible during the session. There are many reasons why this is a part of the therapy, but there are two main points to be made. First, trauma causes freezing and dissociation. Second, one needs to uncover the depth of the past life characters experience to actually heal it. Regarding the first point, reliving the past life helps in the ‘unfreezing process.’ In essence, unfreezing wakes up that soul fragment that may still be stuck or split off from the whole psyche. Reliving acts as a way to revive this ‘dead’ aspect of the soul. Recalling a past life story from the perspective of an observer, instead of being fully in the story suggests that a dissociated part of the psyche is having the memory. A dissociated memory is not an accurate account because, that part of the psyche split off as soon as things got difficult. In present life traumatic recall, people often report watching themselves from ‘above’ or ‘off to the side’ while the traumatic event is happening. The dissociated part of the psyche can remember the details through observation from the sidelines, but the memory will often not include the emotions, thoughts, and imprints that were present in the body, where the actual event was taking place, simply because that part was not present while the trauma was happening. The second point follows the first one closely. As a therapist in past life work, it is essential to know the inner life of the past life self to affect change and healing.

Stage Three: Death and the Afterlife

Every past life we have had ended in death. Each death is a decisive transition stage for the soul. In therapy, this is where the most crucial part of the healing begins—finishing the unfinished business. Since we know that consciousness survives death, it is possible to follow it in PLT through the death process into the afterlife. Deep Memory Process work in this area, is based loosely on the Tibetan Buddhist understanding of the Bardos. Throughout this article I use the terms Bardo, spirit world, and afterlife to mean the same thing. The Bardo is a transitional state; the term is most commonly used for the state after death and before reincarnation although in the Buddhist view all states of existence are Bardo states. The Bardo of dying is the transitional plane between life and death, when the elements of the body are breaking down. Traditionally a Lama or priest would read the Bardo Thotrol or Thodol (The Tibetan Book of the Dead) to the dying or recently deceased person. It tells them not to fear death, and explains to them the experiences they will have on the other side so that they can safely navigate through these planes. It warns that once awareness is no longer in a body it will continue to create a reality in the afterlife. The person is urged to turn from the living, to die with peace of mind and heart so that they do not go further into the lower Bardos, and attachments are not recreated and experienced as reality on the other side.

The Tibetans describe the light that is perceived immediately after death, and say we must recognize this light as our own true “Buddha’ nature to merge with it. But they also warn there are other lights, one is the light of your own individuated mind. If you fail to see through the illusions and merge with the true light, you will journey further into the lower Bardos which eventually lead to rebirth. Many souls obviously do not achieve this recognition upon dying. They bathe temporarily in the light, or miss it altogether, and the weight of the unresolved issues causes them to wander confused, getting lost in the lower Bardos where ‘karmic gravity’ pulls them back into incarnation. Yes, that’s why we are all here! Some confusion as to what the afterlife of the soul is like exists today because of the information that is gathered from Near Death Experiences. Many NDE cases document going into a supernal light (although some do describe hellish states as well); meeting loved ones or higher beings, and then being directed or feeling pulled back into their body on the earth plane. Because this is not a full death experience, it is possibly, only this first stage of the Bardo that is temporarily encountered. This can lead to the misconception that we all go ‘to the light’ after death and remain there. With NDE, the death process and entry into the Bardos can be like visiting a place as opposed to moving there permanently. When you visit somewhere it can be fresh and exciting, you may think “Gee this would be a great place to live.” When you finally move to that place a different reality sets in. There may be difficulties and complications that arise that never experienced when just visiting there.

In working with many cases over the years it is apparent to me that it is only a part of the soul that remains in the lower Bardos. I think of these parts of the soul as ‘split-off psychological complexes’ frozen in time. This is the fragmenting effect that trauma has on the psyche. In Shamanic terms this is a soul fragment that is split off and stuck in a kind of tape loop, replaying its worries, fears, and unresolved complexes.  It is not the entire energy of the soul, but is an earthbound fragment. Thus, a dying thought of “ I can’t leave them” may play over and over immediately after death at such an increased rate that it fixes the attention of the newly departed soul on the earth plane, causing it to miss its opportunity to fully ascend to higher planes. Such a dying thought can take over the awareness of the departing consciousness, causing it to remain partially earthbound, obsessively focused on its single objective. Consciousness not anchored in physical matter creates reality faster than the speed of light. Songyol Rimpoche writes in the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying that once awareness or mind is free of the body at death, it vibrates hundreds of times faster. Thus thought manifests instantly in the Bardo, much like it does in our dream states. We create our reality in the afterlife instantaneously.

Buddhism and other traditions such as Hinduism teach that one of the main objectives of life is to be able to die well, thus to achieve eternal freedom from the earth plane or cycle of rebirth. Traditions that have a place for reincarnation in their beliefs all have similar teachings – it is of utmost importance to the evolutionary well being of the soul to die as consciously and untroubled as possible. They explain that the intensity and weight of unfinished desires, emotions, and thoughts in life slow and even retard the soul’s progress after death, like taking too much baggage with you on a long journey. Thus they teach that by limiting desires and purifying thoughts and emotions during life, the afterlife passage to higher planes will be easier to complete. It also is taught that meditation on or invocation of the divine or a divine being at the moment of death, as a continuation of a lifelong spiritual practice, will also result in clear passage through the Bardos. 
Unfortunately, uttering “Oh My God” at that last moment doesn’t seem to work!

Anyone who works in the style of PLT that follows the consciousness into the afterlife, will report that many do not perceive the light after death. They are still caught in their emotions and dying thoughts, they are still looking for their loved ones, or they are still angry at the ones who killed them. There are so many variations of the kinds of imprints held at death. That is why in PLT, the state of mind and emotions at death are most important to capture and bring to consciousness because these lead to the lost parts of the soul. A main principle of the Bardos is that recognition and liberation are instantaneous. In other words, we only need to see beyond the illusion to be liberated from it. This is useful to know when working with past life characters that are stuck after death. Often the work that happens in the Bardo involves getting the soul to give up its obsessive thoughts and leave its complexes behind. You will see in the case studies the different kinds of resolution that happen in these Bardo states. They can include the healing of physical traumas carried in the subtle body, reunion with lost loved ones, dialogue with perpetrators, seeking forgiveness from those one has hurt; the finishing of unfinished desires/impulses, or just having a good old catharsis. The reworking of all these imprints in the Bardo, allows this part of the soul to complete its unfinished business and more fully ascend to higher planes.

Stage Four: Overview, Integration and Review

Once resolution happens in the lower Bardos, it is as if the consciousness becomes lighter. It is possible then to ascend to the higher Bardos and this often happens spontaneously. These realms are more like the natural domain of spirit that is unfettered by earthly existence. This is the original light the Tibetans describe that consists of unconditional love and grace. Wise beings and images of the divine are often met here. It is a place of clear, pure supernal light where overview of the past life happens; inspired connections to current life people and places are made, or whole patterns of past lives and the reason for them are revealed, often spontaneously and without direction. It is the place of higher view. Communication here is often direct and intuitive without words. Questions are answered by higher beings concerning the meaning and lessons of the life that was just re-experienced. Often new current life directions and potentials are pointed out. The soul fragment that is resurrected and brought to this plane is often overjoyed to finally come to this place of peace.

After bringing the client fully back into present day consciousness, we work together to recap how this experience fits into the current life context. Often further insight happens this way, but in the following hours and days after a session, clients often report that the insights occur like dominos falling into one another, as they go about their day to day business. After time, the changes that have occurred as a result of the session also become more noticeable, so in some of the cases in this book, the afterthoughts of clients are included.

The stages that occur in regression illuminate much about the psychology of the soul. Even though a lifetime may be in the distant past, it can be very present in the current life psyche. These circumstances from the past shape who we are today. The past and the future are tied together by the present, and the choices we make now affect both. Self knowledge of where we have been, and resolution of any limitations from the past allows us greater freedom in the present and subsequently the future.

Past Life Regression Therapy & Illness

 Our mind is basically divided into two main parts: Conscious and Sub-conscious. The Conscious mind is the reasoning, thinking, logical and creative mind that we use all the time when we are awake. The Sub-conscious mind is a repository of all our experiences and all our memories of all lifetimes. Every experience is saved in great detail, including every sight, every sound, every smell, every feeling and every thought that we ever have. This memory can never be destroyed by any means whatsoever.

The sub-conscious mind is part of the soul; hence it survives after death and stays with the soul, taking with it every memory of that lifetime. The conscious mind dies with the body, as it uses the physical brain.

Upon reincarnation, the soul comes into a new body bringing the sub-conscious mind with it. Hence, all memories of all lifetimes are brought forward. But these memories also include impressions of traumas from past lifetimes which manifest at various levels of our existence and cause problems in the current life. The problems can be physical, mental, emotional illnesses as well as blocks in relationships, business, financial and spiritual growth, etc.

Past Life Regression allows us to access these past life traumas, and thereby, address the current life problems. Past Life Regression is a holistic therapy based on the principle of cause and effect, also known as ‘karma’.

In other words, powerful actions, thoughts, emotions and vows that are experienced in a past life may manifest in the present in another form – i.e. allergies, phobias, chronic illnesses, relationship problems, fears or simply a strong sense of unease / unknown fears.

The famous psychologist Carl Jung called it the ‘collective unconsciousness’ and ‘universal memory’.

By using the method of Past Life Regression the unconscious mind can go back in time and access the origins of old patterns or emotions and enable release and healing. Past Life Therapy can help clear emotional blocks bringing a greater sense of inner peace. It can also unravel the deep mysteries that can lie within and simply explain the sometimes inexplicable.

Past Life Regression does require a belief in reincarnation and does not necessarily define a past life. Past life experiences can be factually based or metaphors brought to the surface by the sub-conscious mind to illustrate something in the present. Whatever the experience, it is the lessons that can be learnt and the healing process that comes from the regression that is important, not whether or not it was a past life. Many people find that the knowledge gained through Past Life Regression of their past lives and experiences can be incredibly healing, providing a greater insight, and awareness and deeper understanding into oneself.

Past Life Therapy involves severing the bonds between past life traumas and present life problems or symptoms. This is mainly done in one of the three ways:
• Reframing
• Rescripting
• Breaking the bonds of time.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Now, working on this concept there are a few diseases which can straight away be linked to past lives, in case one does not have a medical explanation for them or they have been carrying it ever since childhood. This does not mean that physical ailments developed later during the life, they cannot be resolved by Past Life Regression Therapy but only that the ones mentioned above are more likely supposed to be cases of this therapy.

To mention a few physical problems that might have a solution through this therapy

  • Asthma / Breathing problems – Prolonged suffering due to asthma or other breathing related ailments could be a result of pent-up emotions of pain, suffering, grief or resentment carried in the chest. It’s like burdens getting stored in the chest. The reason could lie in the current life as well as Past lives. The idea is current life regression or past life regression could really help someone release these emotions and get rid of the congestion in the physical body.
  • Depression – Depression is a disease that usually has a reason in the emotionality and yet medical science does not have too much of a solution for the same. It is possible to explore reasons for depression through PLR or regression therapy and resolve them.
  • Unexplained Pains – Unexplained pains of any sort, either in the back, neck, legs or any other area could be a result of a body memory from a past life. It’s worth exploring this therapy if one has been carrying an unexplained pain through many years without a medical explanation to it.
  • Disabilities – Causes for childhood or by birth disabilities can be traced for their source to past lives. It could be a case that a soul chooses to be born with a deformity in order to experience an emotion like I read the example of a girl choosing to be in a body that will have an accident and loose the legs because she wanted to experience development of her inner strength through the challenge of not being like everyone else and yet achieving great heights. It could also be a result of a body memory from a past life, which is a more probable cause.
  • Other Ailments – Please note that there might be many other physical ailments which can be resolved through Past Life Regression Therapy but I have tried to only mention those which I have come across or for sure know could have a past relationship. In case you are looking for your own answers, please understand that you will be guided and if you seem to know or think this therapy shall help you, then so be it. TRust the guidance you are getting and you might just get all your answers.

A note here for people who have children who are “special” which is what I call those children or people who are different from others due to some physical or mental condition. Many times, it’s found in research that it might be the result of that soul’s choice to give the parents or family members a challenge and an opportunity for evolution rather than them being so called “punished” which is the common misconception. Many times these are highly evolved souls who come here to teach people around them a lesson of compassion.

 Past Life Therapy is most effective in case of:
• Physical problems where the medical tests do not reveal the cause and no traditional medical procedures work.
• Problems that the traditional medical world may consider untreatable.
• Behavioral problems, like obsessive-compulsive behavior, which have no diagnosable cause in the current life.
• Fears & phobias that have no known origin in the current life.
• Relationship problems which are totally unexplainable.
• Spiritual likes or dislikes (usually extreme cases).
• Weight reduction problems.

Cases of stammering or stuttering are dealt with very effectively with regression using hypnosis. In fact that is the only way of getting rid of the speech problems for good. These cases always involve a trauma in childhood, in the current life, where the child wanted to say something but was so afraid that he could not talk. In these cases, we do what we call age regression, which is going back to childhood in the current life.

Cases of asthma, which the traditional medical world considers untreatable, are very easy to treat totally. It usually takes about 4 to 5 therapy sessions to get rid of asthma completely but the number of sessions can vary from case to case as it depends on various factors.

The therapist needs to guide the client through all the lives which have any significant connection with the client’s presenting problem. Thereafter, for rescripting or reframing to be performed, the client needs to be taken back to each of those lives viewed. Therefore, the number of sessions depends on the number of lives to be worked upon as well and a specific number cannot be ascertained in advance.

Although there are many ways of doing regression, the most effective way for therapy purposes is guiding clients into trance through hypnosis and connecting them with their sub-conscious memories. Using hypnosis, we have direct access to the sub-conscious mind. This means any suggestion given under hypnosis goes directly to the sub-conscious. Since the past life traumas are in the sub-conscious, the therapy becomes very effective.

Past Life Regression / Regression Therapy – How does it work?

Past Life Regression therapy works on the basic principle that our mind has three layers. The topmost being our “conscious mind”, the second one being the “critical factor” and the third one being our “subconscious mind”. There maybe many more layers but these are the three that form the basis of this therapy. Whenever any information is sent to our mind, the conscious mind analyses it and if approves, it is sent to the critical factor. The critical factor then acts like a filter where it ensures the information is agreeable to our subconscious mind. If it is so, the information seeps in, else is rejected.

When a client is put into a deeply relaxed state through hypnosis or other techniques, their conscious mind calms down or becomes less active and the critical factor is removed. In this state, all suggestions are directly consumed by the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind has a mechanism of detecting if the information being sent is not against the basic value system stored in itself. Hence any suggestion that will violate the morals, ethics or beliefs of a person will not be consumed even during a hypnotic trance.

Once the client enters a past life, they are guided to explore the whole life and here, it is the skill of the therapist to ask all the right questions keeping the client aligned to resolving the objective set pre-session.

This bit itself till here is called Past Life Regression but now, moving on to Past Life Regression “Therapy”, where once the life is explored, the negative emotions and memories need to be transformed and resolved for their effect on the client’s current life to be neutralized.

Regression Therapy is the technique which will also involve current life regression, in case some issues the client is facing come from their childhood or while they were in their mother’s womb.

Many physical ailments could get instantly resolved through regression therapy, as soon as the source of a problem is discovered, while very few might need extra sessions due to multiple past lives being involved with the same issue.

psychic attacks

Past Life Psychic Attacks|Spirits Release|Regression Therapy

Within each of us appears to reside the events of past lives. A migraine, chronic lower back pain or knee problem may be telling a story from an old accident or wound. A chronic sore throat may derive from strangling, hanging or choking. As the soul returns to life over and over these traumatic memories are re-created in our current life often making little sense, and keeping us from living peaceful lives.

Past Lives are brought to our conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares and unexplainable physical pain. Past life regression allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life.

Regression therapy covers past lives, and also current life memories some of which may be below the level of our conscious awareness. It enables the conflicts from the past that have been distorting our mental, emotional and physical well-being to be resolved. An example from the current life may be a phobia and a more complex one post traumatic stress from childhood trauma or a life threatening situation. The symptoms may include panic attacks, emotional outbursts, blocked feelings, self harm, numbness, unexplainable physical pain or recurring relationship problems.

The therapy works by going to the root of the problem and includes body therapy and inner child therapy to transform it in a way that is both safe and structured. It also includes cleaning the energy field of intrusive energy which has been affecting health including spirit releasement, curses and energy fragments. Regression therapy reaches further and heals deeper at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels than most other therapeutic approaches.

Past Life Therapy & Psychic Attack. As our soul travels through a series of lifetimes it experiences many things. Since the basis of Earth learning is choosing positive over negative, we have to start with negativity to move forward. Some existences are filled with negative thoughts, feelings, and beings. Some souls make bargains with other negative spirits to get the opportunities they desire.

As a soul completes a particularly negative life and returns to the unconditional love of Home, some of the negative issues may remain unresolved and get left behind. That resulting negativity may be free flowing and attach to the soul when it returns, or it may accompany another soul who has chosen not to return to positive love but to remain as a discarnate lost soul clinging to Earth and waiting to exact revenge upon the soul with which it had dealings not yet completed.

Sometimes the immediate problem arose from former life dealings with negative agreements that we left behind. The energy may not be free flowing, so it may not pop up in your life until the one with whom you had made the agreements which come along to exact vengeance for being left holding the bag of negativity by retaliating with psychic attacks.

To remove this series of attacks from our future, we simply need to cut the strings that connect you to the other spirit. This can be done via past-life regression by returning to that life and resolving our feelings about the situation and removing the fear that accompanies it.

We may be facing some responsibilities that we assumed in that life but may not complete out of fear. If we understand what the lesson was and why we did not choose to finish it, we will be able to send the fear and our attacker away. Once it cannot impact us, the discarnate will move on to another soul.

Reiki and Past Life Regression Therapy

What is Past Life Regression?

Past life regression is a method to visit your past or rather go back to that part of your subconscious mind which has memories stored off all the lives you have lived and can see flashes of it to understand, what are the deeds done by you in those lifetimes whose consequences or repercussions are being faced by you in this lifetimes. It is not only the consequences but also few repeated patterns which keep happening to you in this lifetime too.

How does PLR (Past Life Regression) help?

When we access our past life memories it helps us release the pain, confusion, estrangement, negative emotions and painful memories instantly, hence immediate healing happens. Also it stops the occurrence of repeated patterns in our life as we have released the negative karma associated with it hence helping us to live a much happier life.

Who should not get PLR done?

People who are just curious what they were in their previous or what happened in their past lives should not get PLR done. Also one has to be ready to accept what they “see” what happened in their past lives. I have known some people when they come for a PLR they would like to see someone they really like as their partner, some people do not realize over the years we all have been with each other but in different relations. One should realize PLR is a very sacred process and one should only do it if they are in some severe problem or have perpetual repeat patterns in their life.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “Universal or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.

Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Its use is not dependent on one’s intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. Because Reiki comes from God, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.

While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.

How Reiki comes into picture?

Reiki is such a beautiful energy as it can travel across time and space, It can also be used generally use Reiki when one wants to get PLR done. As there are 2 healings happening at the same time, one through PLR and the other through Reiki. Though most people do PLR with hypnotherapy, it takes much longer for it to get done, and the pain is too much sometimes for the person to bear, the“effect” of the PLR can take some days to come in terms with.

How to combine the two?

If one wants to take the client to their past lives, one should balance their own and the clients chakras. Else later one can feel very tired and drained out.

  1.  After balancing the chakras, make the client lie or sit in a comfortable position, and ask them to take 3 deep breaths, so that their mind can become blank.
  2.  Ask them to state their intention thrice, after they do connect to their guides with the help of the distance symbol, and ask them to get your client through the past lives.
  3.  State the intention “Take my client to that life when he/she walked on this planet with some other identity, and the root cause of the intention that has been stated” thrice.
  4.  As you do so draw the distance symbol or the master symbol on their head, heart and solar plexus.
  5.  As you guide the client through the PLR session, keep drawing the emotional symbol on their third eye, heart and Solar plexus. Keep drawing them, till the time the process is not over. This is done to soothe the client’s emotions through the process.
  6.  Do not push the client for any information, as the conscious mind is always active and hence the client may start using their conscious mind and the whole purpose of the PLR will not be successful.
  7.  Once the client has done accessing their past lives, guide them back slowly to their current environment. It is ok for the client to feel any pain, hurt during the process. It is to throw out the negativity.
  8.  Thank the guides and disconnect from their past by drawing a reverse Cho-Ku-Rei.

Heal past lives through Past Life Regression Therapy

Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace.

Our past life selves are not only characters in past dramas, but they also live within us today as ‘sub-personalities’. Their ‘unfinished business’ can make itself known through irrational fears, phobias or patterns that are not easily changed. We feel their emotions; manifest their talents; think their thoughts; are limited by their fears and perpetuate their quandaries often without consciously knowing we are doing so.

Can problems from the past be healed?  Yes of course! Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is the answer. Past life regression therapy helps tremendously in resolving them. Regression literally means ‘going backwards’. In PLRT, after getting into the trance state, people subconsciously go back to the time where their fears and phobias are coming from. The issue is then acknowledged and resolved in that life and time, and what they bring back are positive healing resources to heal and eliminate the effect of the issue in this life, using different scientifically created techniques that have been practiced and mastered over years by many experts of PLRT, thus successfully eliminating the fear or phobia.

Not claiming to replace any medical therapies, all that techniques like Hypnotherapy and PLRT aim at doing are strengthening the subconscious mind by filling it with positive ideas that empower us to heal and resolve any issue, any fear, anything which is affecting our life negatively and is coming in the way of living to our full potential, of living a more positive, confident, happy and healthy life. They aim to empower us to get in touch with our deepest desires and to achieve success. They aim to empower us to be the masters of our lives and take responsibility of our selves. They aim to empower us to be stronger beings – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. One may respond better and benefit more from one technique than another. Find out for yourself!

Past life issues that carry into the current life are often thought of as being the result of karma. The wounds and unhealed traumas that we have experienced in past lives contribute greatly to our current life experience and constitute a large part of our karma. To understand how past life wounds impact us in the present, we need to look at how trauma affects the psyche in the current life.

A traumatic event is any overwhelming experience (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) that has caused an inability in the psyche to integrate it fully and continue in the same manner as before the traumatic event was experienced. Thus trauma leaves a lasting and damaging impression that manifests as a combination of symptoms, including but not limited to chronic dissociation, anxiety, phobias, fears, hyper vigilance, inhibitions, paranoia, neurosis, avoidance, armoring or rigidity, suppression of emotions, emotional or physical numbness, mental confusion and compulsions. In psychological language combinations of these symptoms are classified as post traumatic stress disorder/syndrome (PTSD or PTSS).  

The natural “fight or flight” response is activated when an individual is faced with a threat. If the person is overwhelmed or defeated (they can’t fight or escape) the natural response becomes a frozen impulse — an action that was never completed. The potential to develop PTSD varies from person to person, but when it does take hold the physiology changes as does the psychological state. People with PTSD cannot integrate the memory of the trauma properly. Psychologically unable to integrate the trauma in conscious terms, a part of the psyche becomes ‘split-off’ and stays, in essence, frozen in time. This is what shamans have described for ages as ‘soul loss’ or ‘soul fragmentation.’ This part of the psyche separates from the ego structure and remains that way. When these soul fragments are encountered in past or present life regression or through inner journeying, they seem to have a life of their own. The fragments appear to be the same age they were when they split off. Often they don’t have an awareness that life has moved on, or if they are aware of the present day personality, they are reluctant to be a part of it. The difference between conscious and subconscious memories is a matter of the perception of chronological time. The conscious mind perceives time as changing, moving from the past through the present, to the future. To the subconscious mind, memories (especially traumatic ones) retained there, are happening in the now. 

Sometimes when the soul fragments, the conscious memory of the traumatic event goes away with it or becomes buried with the split-off part. This inability to remember a trauma is commonly called a repressed/suppressed memory. Split-off parts of the psyche do not always leave the energy field of the person to ‘go off’ somewhere. They also can be buried deep in the interior world of the psyche, making them inaccessible to the conscious mind.

In essence a trauma is a scar that won’t seem to heal. This scar then becomes a weak or vulnerable spot in the psyche, seeming to attract to it similar experiences over and over. Traumatized people find themselves reenacting the whole trauma or aspects of it without conscious awareness that they are doing so. This often happens on anniversaries of events or can be a chronic recreation, such as an abused woman who continually, subconsciously, chooses abusive partners. By recreating the event, symbolically or in actuality, the psyche is attempting to gain mastery and completion. This idea of ‘Repetition Compulsion’ that applies to a trauma experienced during a single lifetime also makes sense in a longer timeline — over the many lives of the soul. It would seem that the soul over the course of many lifetimes attempts to heal by recreating in essence or in actuality, traumas experienced in its past. This also needs to be understood in the context of karma.

Eastern traditions that have reincarnation and karma central to their belief system teach about an aspect of karma called Samskara.  Karma literally means actions, and many of those actions come from the deep impressions of habit that are called samskaras. Samskara then is intrinsically tied into the laws of karma that govern the cycle of rebirth. Keeping in mind the nature of traumatic imprints and how they cause continual recreation of the original traumatic event, one can also look at samskaras as trauma imprints re-manifested from life to life. It is the essence of karma to bring forth the actions of the past to the present. The inability to complete even the simple action of ‘fight or flight’ as a result of trauma in past lives is also carried into the present as the soul continues to create from its own wounded place in an ongoing effort to heal. Because of this, the reality is that most of us are born already with some degree of PTSD. Our past life physical, emotional and mental bodies are not wiped clean in-between lives, but continue to recreate themselves in each incarnation through the subtle bodies. This transmission of past physical, emotional and mental wounds constitute a large part of what we are meant to heal in our present lives.

Beside the repetitive nature of trauma, the thoughts, feelings and attitudes we have formed, also dictate how our future is created from the present and past. It would seem that the circumstances of past lives are less important to the soul than the attitudes we have formed because of them. These are the imprints we carry, that are in need of change and healing. What is true for the individual is also true for the collective. Thus the adage, History repeats itself! In fact, look back at history and look at the present. Most of the recorded history of humanity has been one of dominance and war, violence, suppression and exploitation of the weak — you were either the victim or the perpetrator or both! Man’s inhumanity to man has known no bounds, especially in the last few thousand years. If we take reincarnation literally, then by just looking at history we know that each of us carries these imprints as unresolved traumas. It is a part of our collective and individual psychic inheritance that we are here to heal.

remembering past lives

How can i remember past lives ? Regression Therapy | Dreams|

Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace.

Curious on how to find your Past Life? Wondering who you were or where you’ve lived before? Ever have that feeling of deja vu, like you’ve been somewhere before even though it’s your first time there?

For most people, by the time that you’ve begun to take an interest in metaphysical spirituality, psychic abilities and other similar topics you’ve already had many past lives. This lifetime is just one of your lives where you’re beginning to become aware of who you are as a multi-incarnation Being.

Getting in touch with your previous lifetime probably won’t be some dramatic event like what’s often depicted on TV. And even for the people that have these vivid recalls involving detailed scenes, they often question if it was really a prior lifetime or if it was just their own imagination.

When you have these recalled memories and feeling sensations it’s actually both, part memory recall and part your imagination filling in the blanks. But this is true of most memories, especially childhood memories.

If you’ve ever shared a childhood memory with a sibling or friend that was also there during the recalled event you both probably won’t agree on every single detail. You may be able to “see” what was happening in your mind or “hear” sounds and voices but your friend that was also there may not agree with your details. However, the one thing that cannot be disputed is how the recall makes you feel now in this present moment.

You may recall a memory and say, “Oh, that always make feel happy.” Or something like a song may trigger a memory and make you feel sad. Similarly, this is the easiest way to find your past life memories, by allowing an emotional trigger to lead you there.

Yes, some of what you will experience will be completely your imagination filling in the blanks. But if you allow yourself to just go with the experience, you may find that much of what you see, hear and feel will come from an actual previous incarnation.

And even more interesting for most people, is the life-experience connections that exist from past life are continued on into this current lifetime. So often by accepting and allowing the emotion, as it was in the memory, it may resolve a situation in the present.

How can I remember a past life?

Some people have spontaneous flashbacks during the waking state. This may be triggered by an event, such as visiting a place where one has lived in a past life. Past life memories may also appear in dreams or during meditation. The most effective and therapeutic way to recall a past life is to have a session with a past-life regression therapist. In a deeply relaxed state, one travels back through time with my help as the facilitator to discover the roots of skills, relationships, problems, attitudes or other patterns that influence the present life. Some people have very vivid and emotional recall while others may have an intuitive knowing without a lot of emotion and imagery. You discover them yourself as therapist will help you move backward and forward in the story of your past life by asking you questions. This is more therapeutic, effective, and empowering than having someone “read” your past lives. You are in control of the session.


PLR therapy bangalore

Past Life Regression Therapy To Solve Present Life Problems

Past-life healing specifically targets core root issues at a deep subconscious level.

When undergoing past life healing, clients deeply relate to the past-life issues that surface. Past-life work has proven to me and others beyond any doubt, that we can access our very real past selves. I’ve never met a client whose past life core issues didn’t relate directly to their most painful issues in this lifetime.

If you really want to work deeply on a dysfunctional program it can be helpful to consider the theory:
You entered this lifetime with this dysfunctional program – thus attracting the parents and ‘less than’ results that you did.

You may have re-lived and repeated this program for several lifetimes. Most people do. By accessing the core root of the dysfunction (where it was first established) a powerful healing re-creation can unlock and heal this wound significantly.

The Answer to Toxicity Lies in Your Past. If we die without healing and emotional resolution, we will re-create the same drama in future lives in order to grant the opportunities to heal and move away from the fearful belief system. The most powerful false belief systems are those that have painful emotional charges connected to them. This is why programs connected to grief and trauma can be extremely embedded.

Past life healing is often the modality of last resort. When someone has tried all other avenues of both traditional and alternative medicine to address their present condition, they look to their past lives for the cause. If the problem does lie in the past, it can be remarkably resistant to present life cures.

Here are signs that “typically” indicate that someone has a “past life problem”. They are listed in order from most to least commonly experienced:

  • Inexplicable Pain: This is the most common symptom of a past life problem. The person will have a persistent pain that doctors cannot explain or treat. They will say “there is nothing wrong with you” that translated into English means “I am clueless about how to get rid of your pain”. And the doctors are correct: because the pain is coming from the past, it cannot be treated in the present. 
  • Inappropriate Fears: If someone points a gun to your head and threatens to pull the trigger that is an appropriate fear because:
  1. it is a threatening situation
  2. there is a clear and present danger
  3. there can be no doubt about cause and effect.

In other words, if the gun goes off in close proximity to your head, you will die and it is appropriate to be fearful that situation. However, fearing a situation becomes inappropriate when there is no imminent threat, no forseeable danger, and no obvious link between cause and effect.

  • Uncontrollable Habits: Everyone has their little quirks and rituals. Usually they are harmless and often they can be what endear us to other people. Habits usually are helpful: they are formed by our experience to make our lives easier and to help us avoid mistakes that we have made in the past. Yet when someone has a habit that they do not want, that they cannot stop, and that is actively interfering with their life and relationships, a past life may be causing it. Worse, the habit will not go away unless the past life causing it is healed. 
  • Strange Memories: Today, through the magic of movies and television, we are able to have a wider knowledge of life by seeing the stories of others’ experiences. However, we are easily able to tell the difference between what is and what is not our “reality”. Yet, the bounds of our reality become stretched when we visit a place we have never been before and know it as well as our own home. Or when we instantly know how to do something we have never been taught. Or when a sight, a sound, a smell, a taste, or a touch transports us back to a place or causes us to remember a person outside of our life’s experience.
  • Odd Thoughts: There are times when everyone has said or thought something that both they and others find to be odd. Yet, most people do not experience the same odd thought throughout their lives. In cases like these, usually the people themselves are quite aware that they have a real problem with an odd thought. Often they are reluctant to admit it to themselves, let alone to others. Yet all that we think and feel comes from somewhere and at one time it “made sense”. If it does not come from the present, then it comes from past lives.
  • Recurring Nightmares: Everyone has had a nightmare from time to time: that is part of the experience of life. Most people do not experience the same nightmare for days, weeks, months, or even years at a time. If the recurring nightmare is the same, you should easily be able to remember all its’ details after many frightening replays. If the details show someone you know is you as being the opposite sex or dressed in “old” clothes or speaking some language you do not recognize or in a situation outside of your experience, it may be a past life memory that is begging to be remembered, healed, and resolved.

Mystery of Past Life Recall |Cases of Reincarnation | India|

Under hypnosis, numerous people recall the details of previous lives, even to the point of taking on the personalities of their former selves – and speaking in foreign languages!

In 1824, a nine-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a Japanese farmer, told his sister that he believed he had a past life. According to his story, which is one of the earliest cases of past life recall on record, the boy vividly recalled that he had been the son of another farmer in another village and had died from the effects of smallpox in 1810.

Katsugoro could remember dozens of specific events about his past life, including details about his family and the village where they lived, even though Katsugoro had never been there. He even remembered the time of his death, his burial and the time he spent before being reborn. The facts he related were subsequently verified by an investigation.

Past life recall is one of the most fascinating areas of unexplained human phenomena. As yet, science has been unable to prove or disprove its genuineness. Even many who have investigated claims of past life recall are unsure whether it is an historical recollection due to reincarnation or is a construction of information somehow received by the subconscious. Either possibility is remarkable. And like many areas of the paranormal, there is a propensity for fraud that the serious investigator must watch out for. It’s important to be skeptical about such extraordinary claims, but the stories are nonetheless intriguing.

Past life recall generally comes about spontaneously, more often with children than adults.

Those who support the idea of reincarnation believe this is because children are closer to their past lives and that their minds have not been clouded or “written over” by their present lives. Adults who experience past life recall often do so as the result of some extraordinary experience, such as hypnosis, lucid dreaming or even a blow to the head.

Here are some outstanding cases:


Perhaps the most famous case of past life recall is that of Virginia Tighe who recalled her past life as Bridey Murphy. Virginia was the wife of a Virginia businessman in Pueblo, Colorado. While under hypnosis in 1952, she told Morey Bernstein, her therapist, that over 100 years ago she was an Irish woman named Bridget Murphy who went by the nickname of Bridey. During their sessions together, Bernstein marveled at detailed conversations with Bridey, who spoke with a pronounced Irish brogue and spoke extensively of her life in 19th century Ireland. When Bernstein published his book about the case, The Search for Bridey Murphy in 1956, it became famous around the world and sparked an excited interest in the possibility of reincarnation.

Over six sessions, Virginia revealed many details about Bridey’s life, including her birth date in 1798, her childhood amid a Protestant family in the city of Cork, her marriage to Sean Brian Joseph McCarthy and even her own death at the age of 60 in 1858. As Bridey, she provided numerous specifics, such as names, dates, places, events, shops and songs – things Virginia was always surprised about when she awoke from the hypnosis. But could these details be verified? The results of many investigations were mixed. Much of what Bridey said was consistent with the time and place, and it seemed inconceivable that someone who had never been to Ireland could provide so many details with such confidence.

However, journalists could find no historical record of Bridey Murphy – not her birth, her family, her marriage, nor her death. Believers supposed that this was merely due to the poor recordkeeping of the time. But critics discovered inconsistencies in Bridey’s speech and also learned that Virginia had grown up near – and had known well – an Irish woman named Bridle Corkell, and that she was quite likely the inspiration for “Bridey Murphy.” There are flaws with this theory, too, however, keeping the case of Bridey Murphy an intriguing mystery.


In 1986, a woman known by the pseudonym “Monica” underwent hypnosis by psychotherapist Dr. Garrett Oppenheim. Monica believed she discovered a previous existence as a man named John Ralph Wainwright who lived in the southwestern U.S. She knew that John grew up in Wisconsin, Arizona and had vague memories of brothers and sisters. As a young man he became a deputy sheriff and married the daughter of a bank president. According the Monica’s “memory,” John was killed in the line of duty – shot by three men he had once sent to jail – and died on July 7, 1907


Born in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), Sujith was barely old enough to speak when he began to tell his family of a previous life as a man named Sammy. Sammy, he said, had lived eight miles to the south in the village of Gorakana. Sujith told of Sammy’s life as a railroad worker and as a dealer of a bootleg whiskey called arrack. After an argument with his wife, Maggie, Sammy stormed out of his house and got drunk, and while walking along a busy highway was struck by a truck and killed.

Young Sujith often demanded to be taken to Gorakana and had an abnormal taste for cigarettes and arrack.

Sjuth’s family had never been to Gorakana and hadn’t known anyone that fit Sammy’s description, yet, being Buddhists, were believers in reincarnation and therefore not completely surprised by the boy’s story.

Investigations, including one conducted by a professor of psychiatry from the University of Virginia, confirmed as many as 60 of the details of the life of Sammy Fernando who indeed had lived and died (six months before Sujith’s birth) just as Sujith had said. When Sujith was introduced to Sammy’s family, he surprised them with his familiarity with them and his knowledge of their pet names. This is one of the strongest cases of reincarnation on record.


Hypnosis isn’t the only method by which past lives are recalled. A Britsh woman was distressed by a recurring dream in which she, as a child, and another child with whom she was playing, fell from a high gallery in their home to their deaths.

She vividly remembered the black and white checked marble floor on which they died. She repeated the dream to several of her friends. Sometime later, the woman was visiting an old house that had a reputation for being haunted. With its black and white marble floor, the house immediately was recognized by the woman as the scene of the deaths in her dreams.

She subsequently learned that a small brother and sister really had fallen to their deaths in the house. Was she recalling a past life, or had she somehow psychically tuned in to this dramatic history?


Another fascinating case of past life regression took place in Wales where Graham Huxtable, a mild-mannered swimming instructor, was placed under hypnosis by hypnotist Arnall Bloxham. In a trance, Huxtable not just recalled a past life, he seemed to actually become a man named Ben, a boisterous gunner on an 18th century British frigate called Aggie. While inhabited by the personality of Ben, Huxtable would call out orders to the men on the ship in a heavy accent and use obscure nautical terminology. He even relived every moment of a battle in which he eventually suffered an injury to his leg.

Bloxham had difficulty bringing Huxtable out of trance, but when he did, the man complained of a pain in his leg. And when Bloxham replayed a recording of the session, Huxtable was astonished at what he heard, recalling nothing of his experience under the trance. Although experts could verify the terms and language that “Ben” used, they could not find records of a ship named Aggie nor of the ship’s captain he had named. Past life recall… or a case of multiple personality?


In 1958, a woman who in this case was identified only as T.E., underwent hypnosis by her husband, a medical doctor and experimenter with past life regression. Once in a trance state, T.E.’s voice deepened to one that was distinctly male and she declared in broken English that she was a farmer named Jensen Jacoby who lived in the 17th century. T.E.’s speech was peppered with Swedish words, a language that she and her husband swore she did not know. After six hypnotic sessions, T.E. was talking exclusively in Swedish, even conversing fluently with several Swedish persons that her husband had brought in to witness the phenomenon. These native Swedes confirmed that she was speaking a somewhat archaic form of Swedish that would have been spoken at the time Jensen said he had lived.

These are just a few of the more well-known examples of past life recall. Those who practice past life regression therapy today claim that it has certain benefits. They say it can shed light on present life personal issues and relationships and can even help to heal the wounds suffered in a past life.

Reincarnation has also been one of the central tenets of many Eastern religions, and one can return to this existence in a new physical form, whether it is human, animal or even vegetable. The form one takes, it is believed, is determined by the law of karma – that the higher or lower form one takes is due to one’s behavior in the previous life. The concept of past lives is also one of the beliefs of L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology, which states that “past lives are suppressed by the painfulness of the memory of those former existences. To restore the memory of one’s whole existence, it is necessary to bring one up to being able to confront such experiences.”


  • General George S. Patton believed that he had been a soldier in many previous lives, including in the service of Alexander the Great.
  • Benjamin Franklin may have been professing his belief in reincarnation when he wrote that he would return “in a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the author.”
  • Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were contemporaries and both professed believers in past lives.
  • Edgar Cayce, the American psychic, believed that he was a resident of Atlantis in one previous life.

karmic relationships

Past Life Lovers, Karmic Connections, Soul Mate | Regression

Each person we meet along our path is an opportunity for our soul’s evolution. They show up with a message from our higher self or a lesson necessary for our development, either from a past life or to be dealt with in this lifetime. Each of these people is a soul mate, however, they have very different purposes.

It’s confusing and frustrating to have undeniable chemistry with someone, even feeling they are “the one,” yet it isn’t working out. A magnetic force/connection seems to exist between the two of you. You could even find yourself ignoring your intuition and ethical code with this intoxicating, all-consuming, and addicting pull.

Your Heart Aches

It was either a perfect romance that ended (and all communication stopped), a romance that can’t seem to begin, or it’s an up/down, back-and-forth, off/on again experience. There were commitment issues, even cheating, and/or it seems impossible to leave this disrupting and unhealthy relationship. You can’t seem to get them off your mind and even more distressing, no matter what happened, your heart aches for this person. You cannot seem to move on and there’s a deep need to resolve things or at least have closure.

Karmic Connections 

These are examples of a past life or karmic connection, and you are not meant to be together in this lifetime. This person may actually have represented unfinished business needed to complete lessons for your soul’s growth and to help you bring in your soul mate. Understanding the differences between a past life connection and a soul mate allows us to release these connections and move on. You don’t have to stop loving this person or forget about them. Just for now, put them in a special place in your heart, appreciate what they brought into your life, and place them on a shelf. As you open up to connecting with your soul mate, the intensity from a karmic or past life connection fades.

Defining Love 

Our childhood environment, influences and role models,determine our definition of love. This definition continues to bring us what is familiar. As we learn lessons and grow, our very vibration raises our ability to attract people to our higher frequency. Our life partner can then come in, as we have done our work to receive them.

Something Needs Healing 

A past life connection or karmic relationship often triggers something needing healing, forgiveness and growth. These relationships often stir up heavy emotions, presenting the opportunities to progress and to step into a life expansion and soul advancement.

We’ve all experienced hardships, traumas, forms of abuse and adverse circumstances. Life can seem very unfair until we allow and receive the gifts of healing, growth, wisdom and the ability to help others.

A soul mate is a well-matched person who walks with you as a friend or in a love relationship. A soul mate has a subtle, comfortable, stable-feeling energetic connection. It feels as though you are home and, it can take some getting used to. It’s very different from an intense, drama-stimulated chemistry connection that can throw you off balance.

With a soul mate, there’s a deep connection with a sense of peace and trust in one another. You feel heard, understood and supported. You share similar desires and interests, and have a solid friendship. You feel encouraged and uplifted. You are each other’s priority while still attending to your own personal, spiritual and physical needs.

You will still have lessons to learn together, adjustments to make as you come together as a couple, and continued soul growth and then shedding old patterns, etc. The difference is you work through things, it’s a healthy relationship and you grow together.

Past lives lovers and soul mates have a very special bound that never dies. The memory of their common live together can come back in a flash when they are together especially. Being in each other’s presence can bring back many pleasant memories and much love, passion, and burning of the sacred flame for both of you.

The joy of being in each other’s company is limitless and eternal, even when one has blinders on in order to prevent seeing the bigger picture. One just has to pay attention to what the heart tells on one person who is dear to it. There can be occasional memory flashbacks or even heart flashbacks, which can lead to total confusion if one is unable to handle such things and understand the strength and passion coming from such relationships.

Intertwined, the two lovers are inseparable on the higher realms. They will not always recognise each other while on Earth in human bodies under normal circumstances. Perhaps for a few briefs moments there is an inner recognition on both sides. This moment is so brief, that one would have to be very awake to recognise it. Like a flash of light, the speed is too quick to be caught by us under normal circumstances.

However the more the past lives lover will find in each other’s’ company, the more memories will come back. It is even possible to withdraw from a past live lover by avoiding being in the presence of that person for too long. Sometimes one of the past lives lovers need to not know too much as it were, needs space and to focus on this life exclusively, without interference from a powerful loving past lives relationship with another. However ultimately, of course, with true genuine love, there is no sense of jealousy, of possession at all. All that matters to a true lover is the other person’s happiness whether in this life or in another life.

A playful and caring relationship will always be present between past lives lovers, a complicity, a clear understanding of each other’s feelings and needs.

It is also possible that the physical bodies search to be in each other’s companies, instinctively and intuitively. Higher spirit will decide when to awake both beings to what and who they are for one another, and again this could possibly take years or never take place if spirit decides it is for the best not to allow any further knowledge. It may be for the best to allow each other to continue on their respective journey of learning and discovery.

There can be highs and extreme lows, if one decides not to let the other go and be totally free. One has to allow the other to live his or her life totally free. It is vital to understand that soul mate relationships are never about control, power struggles. The heart just gives love freely and unconditionally to the other.

This is a perfect example of never dying love, however, it is important to let go of such relationship and allow the learning experiences from the present life to take place without interference in the vast majority of times, unless there is a karmic debt, which remains to be settled.

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