How do demons, spirits, evil energies enter human beings ?

How do demons, spirits, evil energies enter human beings ?

How do demons enter?
demon spiritsDemonic spirits gain access into the life of an individual through what is known as a door way. A door way is a vulnerable area in the life of a person that becomes open to the access of evil spirits whether through voluntary or involuntary means.

These doorways can stem from different level of involvement in the occult, traumatic occurrences, taking of drugs, generational curse, and different situation which triggers intense negative emotional reactions. A persons voluntary sins can also have an affect if a person is to become demon possessed. In most cases of demonic possession, a steady prayer life and the abstaining from sins, especially mortal sins (fornication, masturbation, heresy, pride, anger, etc.), is for most people enough to free themselves from the demonic influences.

Nature of Demonic Spirits
Demonic spirits are merciless beings that will not hesitate to try and take advantage of the lives of humans with every opportunity they get. Whether it is through a willful act that creates an open door in the life of an individual, or through a traumatic experience… a Demonic spirit will seek to take full advantage of those moments and will try to gain access in the life of a person.

Dabbling in the occult is by far the quickest way for demons to gain entrance in the lives of humans. This is because most occult activities involve having direct contact with demonic spirits. Whether it’s dabbling with Tarot cards, Ouija board, Necromancy, Witchcraft, or any other means of consulting evil spirits, will certainly open up the door way to demonic bondage.

Using drugs also increases susceptibility to demonic invasion in a person’s life. Because drugs disrupt the coherent state of the mind and will open up an individual to be controlled by Demonic spirits. By use of drugs is a person putting himself into a state in which he can see and have access to demonic entities. In the Apocalypse (e.g., chapter 9, verse 21) the word sorceries is used. It’s from the Greek “pharmakeia,” which includes the use of drugs to achieve hallucinations, as part of witchcraft, evil arts, etc. The point is that there is a biblical connection between drug use, and sorcery (access to evil spirits). It’s therefore no surprise that people who are using drugs see evil spirits. A person who uses drugs is definitely opening himself up to becoming possessed.

Involuntary entry point of demons
In instances where demons enter the life of an individual through involuntary means, are usually during those times when a person goes through a traumatic experience, which causes intense negative emotional reactions that are above normal. This can be an overwhelming response to an experience which causes one to be completely overcome by fear, deep depression, deep sorrow, very deep emotional pains and different negative emotions which are above normal.

Anger is also another emotion which demons tend to feed off, especially when a person decides to dwell on being angry by choosing to hold on to whatever is making them angry. This will open the door for demonic spirits to come in and influence them to do different deeds by further fueling their anger into rage.

Generational curse
A generational curse is also another involuntary way in which demons enter into the life of an individual. When a child grows up and seems to inherit bad habits, addictions or conditions from their parents or past relatives they may even have never met.

This could be drug addiction, addiction to alcohol, many different addictions and different sicknesses and diseases. It could be something that is passed on to only one individual in the family, or something that every member of the family seems to have inherited.

Demonic spirits have been around for many years and are still constantly going around looking for their next target. The Devil goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. To guard ourselves from demonic oppression and possession, we have to stay clear away from the occult and drugs and mortal sins. Also don’t dwell too much on negative emotions. For instances where we feel overwhelmed, it’s important to seek counseling and if necessary, seek also spiritual help.

How Do Evil Spirits Enter Us? 

Evil spirits enter us through many ways as indicated in the examples below.

Those Cursed or Held Guilty by Original Sin
In some cases, evil spirits enter an apparently innocent victim or a victim held guilty by original sin. The victim may be an unborn baby who is cursed from the mother’s womb. The curse can be from original sin or from a jealous relative, friend, enemy, or even the child’s own parents.

In reality, there are no such thing as an “innocent victim” with regard to demonic possession. Excluding those victim souls, Nature allows to be possessed and tormented for the sake of their own and the salvation of others, only those people who are actually guilty of mortal sin (or even deliberate venial sin) can become possessed by evil spirits.


Victims of demonic oppression/possession may also include children who are not loved, who are mistreated or abused or rejection by other children, siblings, parents, etc. The abuse can range from sexual abuse, mental abuse, or physical abuse.

Those who Choose Evil
In other cases, an evil spirit may enter us because of involvement in evil practices such as the occult. The occult is any practice that involves ceremonies, rituals, chants, magic, or activities that are obviously not God centered. These activities or rituals can change the course of nature, the lives of those who are involved in such practices, and of course, the so-called innocent victims.

  • The Ouija board is a popular occult board game and there is also Dungeons and Dragons. Satan’s main target in Dungeons and Dragons game is our youth. With Dungeons and Dragons, the most powerful and successful players are those who use magic. There is a Dungeons Master Guide that even teaches new beginners how to communicate with the dead, cast spells, and learn to chant. In fact, most if not all role-playing and fantasy games includes the evil practice of magicin addition to being extremely violent games (for example, having as one of their main plot going around killing people or creatures by magic and by the use of weapons); all such and like games (see evil video games) are therefore evil and forbidden to play and find enjoyment in. They also invites demons into one’s soul.
  • The use of magic revolves around evil spirits, psychic abilities and contacting spirits. Magic is a power that does not involve God. It is a power that is derived from such things as voodoo, sorcery, witchcraft, primitive religions and Satanism. Most witches who use magic swear that they do not worship Satan but worship the gods and goddesses of nature Of course they worship Satan! Do not let someone who practices this occult practice tell you otherwise!). Many of these individuals are unknown because they blend in quite well. They can be found attending religious services in every denomination and they practice their magic on the side. If someone tells you white magic is okdon’t believe them.
  • Use of occult/new age tools such as crystals, divination, astrology, tarot cards, crystal balls, reincarnation, pendulums, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation.
  • Those who make a pact with Satan or attend Satanic services or rituals.

  • Going to Séances, fortune tellers, Horoscopes, or spiritualist meetings for the purpose of contact the dead.
  • Those who use or abuse alcohol or mind changing drugs such as LSD, cocaine, marijuana (see Smoking and Drugs). If someone tells you using drugs is ok—run away from them.
  • Sex out of wedlock, adultery, homosexuals (also the homosexual orientation),masturbation, foreplay, sensual kisses and touches, giving consent to impure and illicit thoughts, contraception, Natural Family Planning (NFP).
  • Those who have an abortion.
  • Those who try to commit suicide or have suicidal tendencies.

remembering past lives

How can i remember past lives ? Regression Therapy | Dreams|

Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace.

Curious on how to find your Past Life? Wondering who you were or where you’ve lived before? Ever have that feeling of deja vu, like you’ve been somewhere before even though it’s your first time there?

For most people, by the time that you’ve begun to take an interest in metaphysical spirituality, psychic abilities and other similar topics you’ve already had many past lives. This lifetime is just one of your lives where you’re beginning to become aware of who you are as a multi-incarnation Being.

Getting in touch with your previous lifetime probably won’t be some dramatic event like what’s often depicted on TV. And even for the people that have these vivid recalls involving detailed scenes, they often question if it was really a prior lifetime or if it was just their own imagination.

When you have these recalled memories and feeling sensations it’s actually both, part memory recall and part your imagination filling in the blanks. But this is true of most memories, especially childhood memories.

If you’ve ever shared a childhood memory with a sibling or friend that was also there during the recalled event you both probably won’t agree on every single detail. You may be able to “see” what was happening in your mind or “hear” sounds and voices but your friend that was also there may not agree with your details. However, the one thing that cannot be disputed is how the recall makes you feel now in this present moment.

You may recall a memory and say, “Oh, that always make feel happy.” Or something like a song may trigger a memory and make you feel sad. Similarly, this is the easiest way to find your past life memories, by allowing an emotional trigger to lead you there.

Yes, some of what you will experience will be completely your imagination filling in the blanks. But if you allow yourself to just go with the experience, you may find that much of what you see, hear and feel will come from an actual previous incarnation.

And even more interesting for most people, is the life-experience connections that exist from past life are continued on into this current lifetime. So often by accepting and allowing the emotion, as it was in the memory, it may resolve a situation in the present.

How can I remember a past life?

Some people have spontaneous flashbacks during the waking state. This may be triggered by an event, such as visiting a place where one has lived in a past life. Past life memories may also appear in dreams or during meditation. The most effective and therapeutic way to recall a past life is to have a session with a past-life regression therapist. In a deeply relaxed state, one travels back through time with my help as the facilitator to discover the roots of skills, relationships, problems, attitudes or other patterns that influence the present life. Some people have very vivid and emotional recall while others may have an intuitive knowing without a lot of emotion and imagery. You discover them yourself as therapist will help you move backward and forward in the story of your past life by asking you questions. This is more therapeutic, effective, and empowering than having someone “read” your past lives. You are in control of the session.


Signs of Haunted House

Are you encountering unexplainable footsteps walking down the hallway, items disappearing, lights turning on randomly? These may be signs that your house is haunted. All Hauntings Are Different and can vary from hearing a door slamming occasionally all the way to seeing full apparitions.

It is important to understand if your house is haunted to determine the steps to take. According to, below are the 16 signs that your house is haunted.


• Unexplained noises – These noises can include footsteps, knocking, banging, scratching, something being dropped. These noises can be subtle and other times they can be quite loud.

• Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing – Very rarely will the experiencer ever witness this phenomenon take place. Most often the experiencer will hear a door open or close and when it is investigated the door is typically in the opposite position than it was previously placed in.

• Lights turning off and on – Lights will turn on and off when the experiencer knows they previously left it on or off. This occurrence is also rarely witnessed. This can also happen to electrically powered devices like TVs and radios.

• Items disappearing and reappearing – This phenomenon is called the DOPler Effect (DOP = Disappearing Object Phenomenon). Experiencers will place a normal, everyday object in a typical spot in the house. Later when they go to retrieve that item, the item is gone and nowhere to be found after a thorough search. Hours, days or weeks later, the object reappears in the exact position it was left in before it went missing.

• Unexplained shadows – Fleeting shadows are normally seen out of the corner of our eyes. These shadows typically take human forms, also known as Shadow People, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller.

• Strange animal behavior – Dogs will sometimes bark at something unseen, cower without reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. While cats seem to be watching something move about the room. Animals do have sharper senses than humans, many researchers feel their Psychic Abilities are allowing them to notice this behavior quicker and better.

• Feelings of being watched – Many people tend to get the feeling of being watched throughout the day, however, it may have a paranormal source if the feeling is consistently occurring in a particular part of the house at a particular time.


These next signs are rarer phenomena, but could be stronger evidence of a haunting:

• Mild psychokinetic phenomena – Actually seeing a door open or close, a light flick on or off, or a child’s toy turn on by itself. Others state that they can Hear Or Feel Something Sitting On The Bed next to them.

• Feelings of being touched – Some feel something brush past them, touch their hair or a “hand” on their shoulder. Others can feel a gentle poke, push or nudge.

• Cries or whispers – Some can hear voices, whispering, crying or even music from an unknown source.

• Cold or hot spots – cold spots in your house is one sign that your house can be haunted.

• Unexplained smells – a fragrance of perfume or cologne does not exist in your house. This phenomenon may be accompanied by shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena.


Poltergeist activity is rare, but is strong evidence of A True Haunting:

• Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena) – some instances of this phenomena include plates sliding off the table, pictures flying off the walls, doors slamming with great force or furniture sliding across the floor.

• Physical assault – This type of phenomena is very rare, but includes scratches, slaps and hard shoves.

• Other physical evidence – This can include unexplained writing on paper or walls, hand prints and footprints.

• Apparitions – This very rare phenomena is a Physical Manifestation of a spirit or entity. These human shaped forms can be seen as mist, transparent or solid.

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