Entity Removal, Soul Loss & Fragmentation, Spirits in Aura

soul loss and spirit release

Entity Removal, Soul Loss & Fragmentation, Spirits in Aura

Our aura protects us from harm. As our aura tears, rips or is ruptured by tearing, these openings allow energies through that use our energy for their own existence. Anger, emotional upset, illness, sexual trauma, rape, sexual molestation, alcohol, prescription medication as well as smoking marijuana or taking other drugs creates holes in our auric field.When holes occur, these entities are opportunistic and find a home attached to unsuspecting hosts.
Soul Fragmentation. Every human has a soul. As we experience deep trauma our soul fragments like shards of glass causing us to lose our personal power and become weakened.
Soul fragmentation is most often seen with those who are victims of sexual molestation, rape or abandoned emotionally by an alcoholic parent. Once fragmentation occurs, this broken feeling prevails until the fragmentation is repaired by a true healer or Shaman.
The soul is comprised of layers and parts which can break off and be separated when deep trauma occurs. When we experience deep trauma our saving grace is to be able to shut down that part of ourselves by breaking away or closing down. This mechanism is a survival technique that occurs automatically, as the psyche cannot experience the truth of what is occurring. These shards of the soul go into another dimension. Often people who have been molested are numbed  and unaware of the deep pain they continue to experience internally.

Ignoring the past doesn’t clear up the damage or the entities that attach during such a traumatic experience. 

Soul Loss and Fragmentation. When humans stop experiencing emotional upheaval and emotional or physical trauma they will stop losing parts of their soul. Getting our emotions under control is part of this process. Until then, soul loss is a problem that causes us to feel lost, broken and incomplete.
Soul Retrieval. Soul retrieval restores your personal power. My work as a light worker and healer is to repair these soul parts and re-implement them back into the soul. Before I retrieve them to repair they need to be cleaned and then reassimilated before the soul feels complete and whole again.
Entity Removal. Removal of entities causes a feeling of calm, peace and freedom to occur. Anxiety and depression are often eliminated in one or two sessions.  People report feeling safe, and much less fearful. Mind chatter is reduced and deep sleep occurs. Insomnia is one of the side-effects of entity attachment.
Sleep Paralysis. If you have ever been awakened in the middle of the night, and felt a presence in your bedroom doorway – frozen in fear you want to scream but can’t, this is a demon using your fear as energy. Your fear is harvested to feed the entity.

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