Black /Dark Magic, White Magic, Grey Magic, Spells,Sorcery,


Black /Dark Magic, White Magic, Grey Magic, Spells,Sorcery,

Black Magic or Dark Magic is a form of magic or sorcery that draws on malevolent powers, and may be used for dark purposes or malevolent acts that deliberately cause harm in some way. For example, to kill or injure, to cause misfortune or destruction, or for personal gain without regard to harmful consequences to others. In popular usage, the term “black magic” is sometimes used to describe any form of ritual that some group of persons or a person does to harm others.

Black magic is usually associated with Satanism and the “Left-Hand Path” belief systems, which value the advancement and preservation of the self and the pursuit of temporal and terrestrial goals, rather than the “Right-Hand Path”, which elevates spirituality, the strict observance of moral codes and the worship of deities. Outside of popular literature, it usually refers to magic utilized for gaining power and wealth or taking revenge, rather than for evil for evil’s sake.

The distinction between black magic and white magic is debatable. For example, most branches of the major religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism would probably argue that all forms of magic are evil, or black, magic. Some on the Left-Hand Path would claim that all magic, whether called “white” or “black”, is essentially the same, and that any magic can have both good and bad consequences depending on who judges those consequences. Another view is that the same spell could be either white or black, determined purely by the end result of the spell.

White Magicians may be referred to by others as “lady-hearted” or may refer to themselves as “spiritual workers”. Another term I have heard used is a “white worker”. Also called as “light worker”; Regardless of the term used to describe such individuals, white workers who only perform white magic spells tend to be very kind-hearted individuals, people who love animals and will refuse to harm them, and people who are deeply religious or spiritual people

“Gray Magic” is a little-used term for magic not performed entirely for beneficial, ethical or spiritual purposes, yet not actually malevolent either, falling somewhere in the continuum between white magic and black magic. Its practitioners or “gray witches” see magic as neither good nor bad in itself, but a neutral process employed towards positive or negative ends.

Harmful spell-casting typically tends to include symbolism which may seem hazardous or harmful to human beings, such as sharp, pointed, prickly, caustic or hot elements, combined with very personal objects from the spell’s target (e.g. hair, blood, mementos, etc).



Why people become ghosts after death? Spirits, Entities

Do you know why people become ghosts after death? Well, almost all cultures in this world believe in ghosts. There are so many reasons but let us discuss a few of the common beliefs which are widely believed all over the world.

Almost all religions have shown certain steps to lead a good life so that one can free oneself from the idea of becoming a ghost after death.



Reasons why people become ghosts / spirits/ entities after death :

  • FEAR: Many people who resist moving into “The Light” fear spiritual judgment. Others feel they are “unworthy”. Some are afraid “The Light” is tedious or boring. Others fear they will discover their beliefs were “wrong” or that there really is nothing in “The Light” but “emptiness”.
  • TRAUMA: Men, Women & Children who are traumatized by their deaths can be too upset at that moment to know what to do and can become frightened when they see a light or a spirit, even if that spirit is familiar to them. When this happens they will seek refuge with the first living physical body they can find.
  • DENIAL: People can refuse to believe they are dead. This happens! Denial is such a strong mental ability both “the living” and “the dead” can “tune out” what they don’t want to know or acknowledge.
  • EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT: People who want to remain “close at hand” to friends or loved ones will often attach themselves to one of them or, sometimes, attach to more than one (by coming and going among them). They are so emotionally “caught up” in the lives of others they forget the importance of their own spiritual journey, nor do they realize how much more powerfully they can help others from “The Light”.
  • DESIRE TO SERVE: People who want to become  spirit guides; forgetting the importance of their own spiritual progression and failing to recognize “real” spirit guides require training in “The Light”.
  • ADDICTIONS: People who are reluctant to leave their addictions or their “power trips” will choose to “hang out” with, even attach to, living people with the same addiction or “power trip”.
  • FEELING OF LOSS: People who feel dissatisfied because they did not achieve their life dream or cheated because they never found happiness will attach to and try to mentally influence others to do what they didn’t.

Black Magic & Karma|White Magic & Love spell, Binding Spells

Many people wonder what happens to people who practice black magic on others and spoil other people’s lives. Do they get away with it?

Black magic is defined as the misuse of spiritual energy including harming another person or attempting to get someone to act in accordance with your desires, especially if your desires oppose theirs.

In our view, spiritual power is to be used only for good. The moment you try to control or manipulate another person, you step over the line and incur negative karma.

There are people who will do any spell for you. Many will cast spells like these which I see available on the internet : “Make them break up so you can have him”, “Make him love you”, “Make him/her lust after you”, “Get your lover back in 24 hours”, “Make her/him marry you”, cursing spells, revenge spells, get rich quick spells, etc”.

All of these spells are within the realms of ‘black magic’.  ‘Black magic’ spell manipulates someone else without their consent, it makes them do things against their free will.

It is understandable why people are tempted to cast ‘black magic’ spells, or pay someone to do it for them. It sounds like an ideal solution to get what you want, but it isn’t that simple. Whenever you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone else it ALWAYS backfires. We have all been given free will, and when you try to manipulate someone else, and take away their free will, you will end up with a broken Life.There are two ways these types of spells will backfire on you. One way is that the spell will not work in the way you wanted it to, and the second is that you will experience Karmic retribution for manipulating someone with magical means.

The reason why these black magic spells will not work out the way you expect is because you are forcing someone to act against their free will. Think about it.

One of the most common problems I come across are with ‘binding spells’. These are really popular but they cause people so many problems. You may bind yourself to someone who you want to be with forever, especially if you are feeling insecure about the relationship. These spells work 3 times as well on you than it does on your target, because you really meant it when you did the spell! Your target will probably break free after a while, but you won’t be so lucky. You’d be stuck there with them without knowing why, or how to shift the energy between you. Your Lover may leave you, and because you bound yourself to him/her you would not be able to get on with your life and find new Love. You would always be yearning for your lost Lover.There are other much more powerful and happy ways to sort out your Love life.

And then there is the Karmic slap that will always come when you dabble with black magic. Karma means that whatever you give out, will come back to you. Every action has a reaction, there is no way out of it, every Living being is bound by the same Spiritual Law. Karma will give anyone performing ‘black magic’ a firm slap, or knock them off their feet, depending on what you have done. Don’t be fooled by thinking that you’ll get your Karmic slap in your next life either, in my experience, Karma is very impatient with ‘black magic’, people tend to get the Karmic slap within a few months.

Just to make this point even more serious, when you use magical means your actions very much ‘on purpose’, and whatever magic you put out will come back on you three times over. This is well known amongst witches, sorcerers and shamans. We imbue our actions with more power because of the strong ‘on purpose’ magical intentions we always use.

If you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone, the Laws of Karma mean that you will end up being dis-empowered and manipulated in some way. I have seen people who have dabbled in black magic continually find themselves in situations where they are manipulated, and feel trapped. For example, it could manifest as having a tyrant of a boss, or you could even end up in prison for something you didn’t do. I have known people to become psychotic after performing black magic, and have to go to psychiatric hospitals. They have messed with so many people’s minds, they end up losing theirs. There is simply no need to do black magic, and it isn’t the most intelligent or powerful way to go about magic, or changing your life.

Black magic is about restructuring the flow of energy around others, and sending entities towards another’s space. Such things can work under certain conditions, but you the caster are forever linked to those disruptions. If the victim is helped by a psychic or Godly person, those flows can be reversed with an immediate backlash, instant karma. Either way, karma eventually reverses the situation as help is eventually given to the victim in this or a future lifetime.

Charms etc cannot protect you from karma if you are the caster, at best delays the pain a little. It is not that rare a situation, more so today than 100 years ago because of the nature of our auras have slightly changed.. culturally.

Karma works both ways, when you perform White Magic which is done for positive good, then the effects are far more powerful, because the Light is so, so much more powerful than the darkness. You only have to see how a single candle flame can light up a vast space to see this. You see, if everything you do comes back to you 3 times when you do magic, think about what joy and happiness that can come to you if you do positive White Magic?

Magic is as powerful as the person performing it. A person who performs black magic is not as powerful as a person who performs White Magic. People who perform black magic have messy, broken lives, it is best not to get involved with them and their energy. Don’t give these people your money, and don’t put your Life in their hands.

When I cast a Love spell for you, not only will Spiritual Beings of Love and Light come to fill your life with Love and heal your blocks to Love, but they fill my Life with Love too, because I cast the spell. Casting White Magic keeps my Life beautiful, flowing and ecstatic. It also increases my power and raises my vibration, which makes my Magic more and more powerful.

All my magic is White Magic. This means that if you need a Love spell because you have a broken heart, I will work with Spirit to fill your life with Love by shifting your own blocks that prevent you from receiving Love. As your blocks dissolve, you will have wonderful realisations, and become very self aware as you let go of outdated self defeating patterns and welcome new abundance into your life. Magical meetings, opportunities, synchronicities pop up out of nowhere, you will know that Spirit is guiding you, helping you, co-creating your new life with you. Your life becomes enchanted with the pure, clean magic of Divine Love. My Magic gets to the root causes of why you just can’t get it right in Love, or why you are always broke or depressed. It empowers you and helps you to change your life.The spell will also increase your own feelings of Love in all areas. You will Love your job, your friends, family, your whole life in an amplified way. You will also feel the Love of Spirit and feel supported and Loved always. You will release feelings of fear and lack along the way too.

The most powerful force in the world is Love. All Magic done with Love and in the energy of Love are the most life changing and powerful. Love never fails.

If you are in trouble because of black magic you have done, or got someone else to do on your behalf, I can help you. I can reverse your spell/s and cast a new empowering one to help you create the best new life possible, and leave it all behind you.

law of karma

Karmic Healing, Karma Clearing, Past Lives, Higher Power

People believe in good and bad deeds around the world. Good deeds create good Karma and evil deeds create Bad Karma. Karma’s effect can manifest immediately, later in life or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs recreation, others believe that karma is actual particulate matter, something that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of goodness.

As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s plan. If we have imbalances in our Karma known as karmic debts, we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime until we gain the wisdom (Moksha) and value of the lesson being presented, or we re-embody, carrying the karma over from one lifetime till the next. Spirit is forever patient with our process of learning.

At death we have to leave everything behind- our property and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, dependent upon mind and body, the effects of karma will manifest themselves either in the short term or in the long term.

“Karma” is a Sanskrit word, which in its simplest form means “deed.” In Hindu philosophy, karma specifically refers to the deeds of the ego and the effects of those deeds. In an ultimate sense, all actions carried out by the ego affect the universe, causing it to be temporarily out of balance. The law of karma states that, to maintain balance, the universe directs the effects of one’s actions to eventually return to oneself.

All actions of the ego carry with them a karmic tracer that is both in the action and its effects and in the ego that created the action. It is this karmic tracer, acting like a deed of ownership, that causes the action to eventually return to the creator. Rather than the action itself being of primary importance, it is the intention of the one creating the action that determines the kind of karma that is created. A healthy positive intention will lead to a healthy positive effect when the karma returns; the opposite is also true.

Often the time it takes for the karma to return is more than one lifetime.  When this happens it will usually appear to the person that fortunate and/or unfortunate events are randomly happening to them, when in reality these events are the return of their own actions. Karma is the basis of one’s destiny—the seemingly inevitableness of events in the lives of some people.

Many of the illnesses and debilitating conditions people have are karmic in nature, being caused by actions the person has taken in this life or in past lives. In some healing circles and spiritual groups it is said that the reason a particular client isn’t healing is that the illness or debilitating condition is karmic and therefore the person must experience it in order to balance their karma. And because of this, supposedly there’s nothing the healer can do about it.

This idea has some validity, but only if we remain in this level of consciousness. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter what you are trying to accomplish in life, whether it’s to heal a condition, solve a problem or make your dreams come true, there is always a higher way. This concept also applies to solving karmic issues. The idea that one must experience one’s karma in order to move forward on one’s spiritual path is only valid as long as one makes use of this limited method of dealing with karma. There is a higher path to karmic healing that allows one to fulfill the purpose of karma, to heal quickly, and to move forward on one’s spiritual path with greatly reduced suffering.

This higher method makes use of the grace of the Higher Power, often administered through an enlightened being.  These enlightened being also possess tremendous love, wisdom and healing skill beyond our ability to comprehend. They are more than willing to help us heal and wait for us to make the opportunity available to them.

Keep in mind that the Higher Power has given each of us free will. This is something that is honored and respected by all enlightened beings. Because of this, they are unable to help us heal unless we ask that they do so. There are many ways to do this.


Karmic Clearing is a miraculous multi-Dimensional process. The underlying dynamics are complex but the experience is magical.  Sometimes it is as if an entire psychological problem, something that has been troubling you your entire life, has just disappeared without a trace.  You can’t get in touch with the old feelings anymore; you can’t even remember how bad you felt, how angry, how victimized.  You are just over it.

indian black magic

Healing & curing Black Magic, Witchcraft, Negative Energies

Sometime we have to go through several unknown problems in our life. We do not understand the reason of problems that are hindering our progress. Do you know these problems symbolize the energy imbalances? Similarly several couples are facing problems with child birth and many are not diagnosed with any biological issue. Negative energies related to husband or wife are responsible for these kind of  problems connected to child birth and relationship issues.

Energy is generally neutral. It is the intent behind the energy which creates positive or negative energies. When the intent behind the energy is to create harm, hurt, division, to conquer, to destroy or to influence someone in a negative manner against their own free will we call these- Negative Energies or Dark Energies or simply Black Magic. These energies do not resonate well within our own energy systems. Our Soul is inherently positive, expansive, healing and unifying and so when Dark Energies or Black Magic enter our systems whether by chance or by others then it makes us feel unwell and out of balance. These Dark or Malefic energies eclipse the soul.

Black Magic is the art of  practicing the power of the god of the ghost or demons or a phantom or spiritual or supernatural power in order to harm someone such as bringing down a sick person or creating Disturbances in a person’s life or even to kill a person. All this is done to take revenge on a person that one thinks or feels his enemy. It is a practice that is done at night after sunset in the dark and with bad intention.  This practice is a dangerous practice that are thrown with the intention of getting revenge or causing serious damage to someone or enemies. The magic black mantra spells are usually very powerful mantra spells. By performing particular rituals, making animal sacrifices to mollify and control spirits, Black magic is used to abduct or harm another person.

Now a days, we are seeing unscrupulous people using Dark Energies, Black Magic or culturally developed negative energies causing a lot of harm to others due to envy, jealousy, greed, ego or fear.

Please note we are not into black magic, we are fighting against black magic from last many years. We are against casting Black Magic. At Sanjeevini spiritual Healing Center, we specialize in removing black magic, removing witchcraft, healing and curing the black magic, dark energies through our spiritual and healing techniques.

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