Aura / Energy Field Condition & Illness / Diseases | India |

Aura / Energy Field Condition & Illness / Diseases | India |

The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and includes multiple layers that are interconnected. Some of the layers include the ethereal body, the emotional body and the mental body. The ethereal body, the closest to the physical body, usually is a reflection of our health status. The emotional body reflects the mood of the individual, as well as the emotional response towards other people and situations. The mental body reflects our thoughts. This is how all our thoughts, emotions and experiences are reflected in the aura.

The aura, as an energy field, is constantly changing according to our physical condition (illness), our thoughts and fears. Many illnesses start first with a weakness in our auric field, in particular, in the emotional body. People with a physical or mental illness or those who are emotionally upset have weak auras, while happy healthy people have strong bright auras. The aura also works as a magnet, attracting certain energies towards itself, and repels others equally. So when we have a strong and healthy aura, we will attract more of that while at the same time repelling dense low-vibrational energies, and vice versa.

Some people are very sensitive to subtle energies from others, and can feel their pain, fear and negativity. These energies can be absorbed by our energetic field and create emotional, mental and physical illnesses. Treating the disease or the symptom will only alleviate the condition temporarily as we are not addressing the root of the cause.

The Human Energy Field or Aura is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind, and emotions. This energy flows into your chakras and aura. This flow determines the vibrance of your health. Our aura is the energetic skin which holds all our inner energy bodies and outer body together. Our energy chakras are like the pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy into and out of the body.

We are energy beings. Every atom & every cell of our body is surrounded by an energy field, therefore our entire physical body is surrounded by a field of energy which we refer to as an AURA. It spreads about an arm’s length all around our body. Aura reflects our state of mind, our emotional balance & indicates before we actually become sick.

The Human Energy Field or the ‘Aura’ is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation.This energy field is intimately associated with health. Any disease first affects the aura; much before (3 to 6 months) it manifests in the physical body. So a healer is able to sense the onset of the dis-ease much before a doctor or any of his modern diagnostic appliances can register it.

Great saints of all times, like Buddha, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Sai Baba, are always depicted with a halo (aura) around their head and rays emerging from their raised palms.

Aura of a person keeps on changing according to inner growth and evolution.  Aura also depends upon the emotions and the state of mind at the time of Aura Reading.  The energy which forms the Aura is called Prana.

Aura has seven basic colours and few more.  These seven basic colours in the Aura are linked with the seven Chakras of the human body.  Clear and bright  colour shows that the state of related Chakra is healthy and well developed whereas dull colours relate to ill or underdeveloped Chakras.

As per the Aura Readers, it has been seen that any illness first manifest in the Auric body several months/years before it appears in the physical body so by doing a proper Aura analysis of a person it can be found out whether the person is likely to suffer from any disease in the near future and based on the analysis, certain corrective measures can be taken through healing therapies to heal the Aura and thus convert it into a healthy and well developed Aura so that physical body remains protected from any disease/ illness.

A diagnostic concept wherein with the use of certain methods a person’s mental & physical health can be revealed 3/6 months prior to any medical diagnostic tool. In our therapy, with appropriate knowledge and years of practice we have developed the method of sensing the aura.

At the highest frequencies of energy, illness cannot exist, because disease vibrates at a low frequency. The highest vibrations come from the thoughts and emotions of love, joy, passion, excitement, and love of life. The ideal state for the frequency of wellness is self-love, which creates a protective shield of personal space, strengthening your aura and your immune system, and protecting you from negative energy (both from within yourself, and from negative energies outside yourself). The ideal state for the frequency of disease is self-hatred, which invites attack on every possible level, especially from within. Negative emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, despair, self-condemnation, etc. lower your vibration, which weakens your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to disease and negativity.

All illnesses already exist in the body, and only develop when they become activated by a particular thought or pattern of thoughts and energy, which are triggered by responses to certain life experiences. Like attracts like vibration, so if you are resonating on a high frequency, then that is what you will attract to you and experience. If you let yourself be brought down emotionally, your vibration slows down and allows negativity to attach itself to you, which further lowers your vibration. This can spiral downward into disease, depression, and eventually, death.

If your auric field is strong and intact, then nothing can affect you from outside yourself. The high vibrations protect you from being affected by external forces. Without them, one can allow oneself to be influenced by a variety of life experiences that contribute to a state of imbalance and disease.

Many times,  energetic defects are present in the energy field or Aura. When the flow of energy within this energy field becomes weak, impure, unbalanced or blocked, these energetic defects prevent the pure connection to the higher spiritual reality—the field of pure consciousness and the true self of the person. This prevents the full and healthy expression of the living potential of the whole person and removes the natural condition of energetic health that is a requirement for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

The ultimate causes of these energetic defects are often physical and/or psychological trauma. One (or a series) of traumatic experiences, harmful life circumstances or dysfunctional relationships in the past (often including past lives), if they remain unintegrated by the psyche, impress the energy field with energetic defects. These energetic defects in the energy field separate the person from a full connection to his or her higher (true) self and from the whole of reality, leaving rigid existential biases (including core issues in the personality). They also make it possible for unhealthy energies to establish themselves in the aura and chakras, because the strong, healthy energy that the energy field normally possesses, and which resists such energetic invasion, is compromised. And so, these three effects—personality trauma (including repressed memories), fundamental energetic defects in the aura and chakra system including but not limited to those corresponding to negative thoughts and emotions and invasion by unhealthy impure energies —often exist together and are closely related. They produce unhealthy energetic conditions in the energy field, and rigid and unhealthy patterns of emotions, mind and spirit that occlude the full and healthy expression of the true self of the person and that will eventually lead to problems in the worldly life. Diseases or afflictions of a physical, emotional or mental nature often eventually become manifest.

Energy healing is the art and science of sensing and correcting energetic defects in the energy field. As an energy healer, we will seek to restore the condition of our patient’s energy field to its strong, natural and healthy state and correct any defects that are present, thereby helping to restore and maintain health to our patient’s body, emotions, mind and spirit—to all levels of his or her being. In doing this, we will treat the ultimate cause of afflictions and disease. By treating ill conditions in the energy field, we may work to assist in the resolution of a disease condition which has already manifested in the physical body, or in the mental and emotional life of your patient. Our healing work may also serve to prevent future disease by treating faulty energetic conditions in our patient’s energy field which might otherwise result in illness in the future, should they remain untreated. Additionally, our healing work is beneficial simply because it enhances the entire life process of our patient, even if prominent disease or afflictions are not present, improving functioning of body, mind and spirit and enabling our patient to live a healthier, more balanced and fulfilling life.

As we perform an energy healing treatment, we will conduct an extra measure of the energy into our patient. This serves to supplement and enhance the overall health of the energy field. We will also expand your awareness for the purpose of gaining intuitive information regarding the condition of the energy field of our patient, to sense and detect energetic defects of various kinds (and perhaps even their causes). This healing knowledge is not the product of our thinking mind, but comes through us from the unlimited knowledge contained in the field of pure consciousness. We will then heal the energetic defects that are present by using various special energy healing techniques. We do not generate the healing power that makes the healing techniques work, but our proper use of the techniques will enable us to be a channel for the healing power that comes from the field of pure consciousness. By healing the energetic defects in your patient’s energy field we offer our patient the opportunity to reconnect to his or her higher self (or true self) and the unlimited health and wellness contained in the field of pure consciousness. Reintegration of the personality, a new vision of self and a healing of the energetic defects in the energy field are the potential benefits.


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