Category Archives: Aura & Chakras

black magic

Black Magic, Spirits & Negative Energies influence on Aura

Back magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black magic is all about the manipulation and direction of energy. The strength of one’s mind and aura determine the type and amount of energy that one can direct and handle safely while producing the desired results. Workings fail because of weakness of one’s mind and aura, and/or the operator is not as powerful as the intended victim. Black magic is used to bring about justice.

Black magic is a very serious issue, some people think that it doesn’t exist, some others think that if you do not believe on it it will not harm you, unfortunately it does exist and no matter what you believe if the magician focus on you and have skills on the black magic art, you might have a serious problem. We are basically atoms and each one of us is covered by a magnetic field or aura emitting a particular frequency sound vibration, this is our protection against negativity. What black magic is about is that some black magicians can penetrate our magnetic field and this way create in the victim a state of complete undefense against all negativities .

Possible Symptoms / Effects of Black Magic and Entity Activity are :

Do you recognise any of these?

  • Disturbed / interrupted sleep
  • Waking up suddenly in fear or in cold sweat
  • Chronic fatigue / malaise
  • Sudden onset of apathy / disinterest in life
  • Hopelessness / severe depression
  • Mood swings / irrational anger / irritation / fear / hysteria / other abnormal behavior
  • Dryness of mouth at night / increased thirst / extreme hunger as if you’re eating for two or more (entity possession)
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Sudden chills / goose bumps
  • Tightness around body parts
  • Sudden memory loss / hazy thinking
  • Schizophrenia / Tourette’s Syndrome / Multiple Personality Disorder/ Disassociative Identity Disorder
  • Your work or career suffers, income is blocked, making you unable to pay for help from spiritual healers
  • You sense people avoiding you, isolation, constant conflicts/ fights / quarrels arising for no reason, your good intentions are constantly misunderstood
  • Dreams of dead bodies, gruesome people, demons, other creatures wanting to kill you
  • Dreams of snakes, scorpions, spiders, unclean places like toilets and cremation grounds
  • You see black spots or dark or grey smoke / shapes floating in front of you
  • Unexplained activity of animals or insects, paranormal activity, other weird phenomenon or visions around you and/or only visible to you. Eg. Seeing crows with flesh in their beaks is one strong sign that serious black magic is being done to kill you
  • Sensing / seeing / hearing non-physical presences around the house
  • Your stomach bloats up like a pregnant woman or other unexplained swelling, lumps elsewhere
  • Tightness, heaviness, constriction specially in shoulders, chest, throat/ erratic heartbeat without physical exertion
  • Constant headaches / migraines
  • Your complexion darkens / blackens to a strange tone, looking like blood poisoning
  • Itching, burning, stinging insect-like crawling sensations in different parts of the body
  • Cancer of blood or other
  • Kidney failure
  • Alcohol abuse resulting in liver failure / other substance abuse
  • Medicines do not work, resulting in doctors using stronger treatments
  • Suicidal thoughts / thoughts of self destruction
  • Heart attacks / sudden death

Additional effects of black magic on women:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Unexplained bruises around thighs, genitals, arms, other parts of the body
  • You dream of having sex with someone or something / rape by spirits resulting in real orgasm
  • Rashes / irritation in the genitals
  • Stoppage of monthly periods, irregular periods, painful periods, dark blood
  • Inability to conceive due to psychic blocks
  • Miscarriage
  • Unexplained fits / convulsions

In tantra the sadhakas learn to deal with ;spirits, ghosts demons, and bad forces, as well as with the good ones,in the vedic, and most of all in the tantrik literature, is explained how a myriad of spirits, can be commanded by will, under certain rituals and invocation techniques, some of these spirits are demons (asuras) and evil ghosts, that their only purpose is to possess a body to change his personality and satisfy their wishes. The world of occultism is vast and unknown and we live in a much crowded world than what the average human eye can see or perceive.

The explanation is that when someone dies, the soul of the person can decide to stay on earth due to the attraction of previous unsatisfied wishes. Then this spirit look for a victim to reincarnate and get what he always wanted. This is explained in the book of dead .

Well the best and more secure way to get rid of spirits and black magic is to rebuild our aura and then strengthen it. In india ,the gurus heal the black magic by fasting one week while performing satkarmas during the fast, they practice certain rituals and kavach mantra sadhana (protective magical formulas or words) after the fasting they keep a strict vegetarian diet for one month and keep their kavach mantra sadhana and rituals till the end of the month. The result is a total purification of the body and a brilliant strong healthy aura, where no spirit or black magic can live.

I will let here the best mantra against black magic and some address to learn the right pronunciation, in case of hard black magic attack the mantra should be recited with concentration and loud 108 times at dawn noon and dusk. It might look hard but if the victim give it a try would understand how important it is and would be relieved from suffering depression anger and from all black magic stuff. The king mantra against black magic is the famous mrityunjaya mantra from shiva, this mantra is considered the heart of vedas and provides (bliss) health, protection and good luck. The mantra goes like this :

“Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhin pushti vardhanam -urvaarukamiva bandhanat- mrityor mukshiya maAmritat”.

Learning this mantra and daily recitation, will at least help you from all kinds of evil and black magic.

Spirit Attachment / Negative Entities in & around Aura |

Many people are unaware of the presence of non-physical energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of places such as a house or room.

These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely lost to the Western World. Growing materialism and fast-paced, complicated lives have shut down many people’s non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc. In the past 2000 years there has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop, leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of Western religions have lost their vision and know-how of clearing.

Where do entities come from?

Mainly these entities come from people’s astral bodies when they die, as the astral body breaks up without the physical and etheric body to hold it together. Conflicting parts of the astral body (mind/emotions) can no longer hold together and as its vibration rises it shatters mainly into astral dust which is reabsorbed into the astral planes. Unfortunately some chunks hold together and retain a consciousness of their own, becoming astral fragments/entities. These would be the most crystallized parts of the astral body.

These astral fragments need etheric energy (life-force) to hold them together or they will eventually break up into astral dust and be reabsorbed. The only place they can get enough energy to survive is from a person or animal but they certainly seem to prefer a human host.

When they find someone suitable often with similar emotional characteristics to itself, the entity will try to get into the person’s energy and live there. This will drain life-force (etheric energy) from the person and also impose emotions on them (astral energy).

Very large fragments with enough etheric energy may survive without a host and these may live in houses or public places. These large entities are usually referred to as ghosts. They may attach to a person with a cord of astral/etheric energy while remaining in these places and then affect the person similarly to a smaller fragment inside their energy.

Other entities that can parasitize people include nature spirits, elementals and others which are not so easily categorized.

Entities are actually quite a problem at present with most humans being the home for one or more. With our senses being so dull due to such crystallized astral and weak etheric bodies we can only feel the effects of the entity. Often these effects will be lack of energy, depression, anxiety and all types of other negative emotions. We assume that these emotions are our own and therefore have no idea that an entity is causing such problems. Actually the entity isn’t the sole cause of the problems. To attract an entity you must first resonate with it to some degree. So you had some feelings of loneliness or whatever and so did the entity. This is what attracted it and so your initial negative emotions are amplified by the entity and it also drains your etheric energy making it harder to stay on top of such negative emotions.

spirit possession and auraAn entity can only get into your energy if there is a weak spot or hole in your aura. Most people have some weak spots which become worse when under pressure or emotional stress. It is due to ego structure and astral crystallization that weak spots occur. In fact the very nature of Astral Substance attracts entities. When it comes to Astral Substance, like attracts like so you have a situation where different types of Astral Substance pool together and keep on attracting more. This is how the negative astral planes have been created, basically all the negative energies have come together to create negative dimensions of Astral Substance, usually of a very low and chaotic vibration. Intoxication by alcohol or other drugs is a common way to resonate with these negative astral planes and attract entities into your energy. In pubs and clubs you will find a strong connection to such planes and an abundance of entities looking for a potential host.

At death, if you are experiencing extreme emotions such as anger and hate you will be taken straight to these negative astral planes as soon as you leave the body. This is because your astral body will be resonating with the negative planes and because like attracts like in the astral world you will suddenly find yourself in these realms. Once there you will likely see all kinds of hallucinations such as monsters and the like until your astral body begins to shatter (this is often referred to as ‘the afterlife wandering’ or ‘the Bardos’ in Tibetan Buddhism). At this point your light body will be released and you will continue up into higher dimensions but the part of your astral body that was attracted to the negative realms will likely break off as an entity. If the emotions felt at death were very common and very much a part of your personality while incarnated then the entity will be larger. Once separate the entity will first try for a host with someone or somewhere familiar such as your home or your friends and family. If it can’t host on these people it will probably go for the nearest pub.

The lines along which the astral body shatters are along the lines of crystallization. The more crystallized your astral body and therefore the more rigid your personality was, the more entities will be created and the larger they will be.

The information here should not scare you as you have probably been living with entities for years. With the practices available in Past Life – Regression and Spirit Releasement you will be able to find and explore entities and even begin clearing them. It is amazing what a difference it can make when a core entity is cleared. Emotional issues that have plagued people for years are sometimes cured almost immediately. The person must continue the work of clearing their own energy as well but the difference can be very tangible when an entity is thoroughly explored and cleared.

If you clear your own astral body while still alive you will not leave any entities behind for others to clean up. Through spiritual work your astral body is cleared of Samskaras and merges with the light body. This merger transforms the astral body into a lighter and more malleable substance that does not shatter into pieces at death. This is referred to as the transformed astral body.

Spirit Attachments

“The condition of spirit possession, (that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being) has been recognized or at least theorized in every era and every culture. In 90% of societies worldwide there are records of possession-like phenomena.  Extensive contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate beings, the spirits of deceased humans or negative/demonic entities can influence living people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, and subsequently imposing detrimental physical and/or emotional conditions and symptoms. This condition has been called the “possession state,” “possession disorder,” “spirit possession,” or “spirit attachment”.

Earthbound spirits and negative/demonic entities are the most prevalent possessing, obsessing or attaching entities to be found. The disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the aura of a living person, exerting some degree of influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. The entity becomes a parasite in the aura of the host.

Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Altering the consciousness with alcohol or drugs, especially the hallucinogens, loosens one’s external ego boundaries and opens the aura to infestation by discarnate beings.

Spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. The apparent conflict here stems from the definitions of permission and free will choice. Ignorance and denial of the possibility of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or lack of belief regarding the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on the reality of these beings and their behavior.

In denial and ignorance, most people do not refuse permission to these nonphysical intruders. Individual sovereign beings have the right to deny any violation or intrusion by another being. With limited, if any, knowledge and distorted perceptions of the nature of the spirit world, the nonphysical reality, many people leave themselves open space in the aura and create their own vulnerability as part of creating their own reality.

The host is usually unaware of the presence of attached spirits. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession. The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms.

A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body. Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities.

What is your Aura?

The subtle bodies that surround the physical body are collectively known as the aura. The purpose of the aura is to act as a protective screen to block out and repel the negative energies, thoughts, and feelings of others, and also to prevent leakage of your own energy. However, holes, known as auric tears, can form within the aura, weakening it, and thus making it susceptible to harm by invading outside energies. These tears have many causes, including stress, trauma, depression, abuse, and physical injuries or illnesses to name just a few.

Negative Energy

Negative people energies come in many forms and in many ways. Stress, for example, can be contagious and be passed from one person onto someone with a weakened or damaged aura. Irritability and anger are also negative energies that can easily be passed onto someone else.

There are also what are called psychic vampires or leeches. When your aura is not strong, it can feel like these people are sucking out all your energy, leaving you feeling exhausted afterwards.

And then there are those who deliberately project ill-wishing towards another, usually out of anger, jealousy, envy, or ignorance. This is known as a psychic attack. When there are tears or holes in the aura, these and other negative energies can penetrate the aura and be passed onto you.

Chakra System | Aura & Energy Centres | Meridians

An introduction to chakras

The primary energy centres (chakras) are the non-physical organs of the energy body. There are at least seven primary centres, and over three hundred secondary and minor centres, scattered throughout the human body. All together, they form a complex network of non-physical energy components. These are all joined together by interconnecting pathways, or meridians.

These centres, and their interconnecting pathways (meridians) were charted by the Chinese, and other Eastern races, thousands of years ago.

Modern versions of these charts are still widely used today, in many types of alternative medicine and body work, i.e. acupuncture and reflexology.

There are active centres – transforming and manipulating energy – feeding other energy centres and taking care of life processes – both physical and non-physical. There are storage centres, communication centres, and centres designed to absorb energy from other energy sources around us.
Primary energy centres are attached to major internal organs, glands, nerve ganglia and the spinal cord. Secondary and minor energy centres are attached to joints, glands and nerve clusters, throughout the body.

Some Energy Sources

Food, water, oxygen, sunlight, planetary energy, cosmic energy and  love. Some of these energy sources are very subtle, but all are necessary for us to live a balanced life.

Energy centres are invisible to the naked eye but can be felt, quite strongly, when they are active (as a pulsing, thrumming sensation) . When energy is consciously drawn from one centre to another, through the connecting meridians, this can be felt as: A rushing water sensation, a spreading warmth, a tingling feeling, or a combination of these. Energy centres (chakras) can also be seen – with auric and clairvoyant sight – as whirling vortexes of intensely coloured light.

Every energy centre has important individual functions, in the energy body. It also works in conjunction with all the other major and minor centres. Each centre is an individual, but integral part of the energy body. They all work together, for the good of the whole energy body; just as all the physical organs, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, glands, etc, work together for the good of the whole physical body.

The energy body is extremely complex. It is, in a way, similar to an electronic device. Energy flows into the electronic device, and on through connecting pathways (meridians) that are etched into the circuit board. These connecting pathways (meridians) carry energy on to all it’s electronic components, (chakras), diodes, resistors, capacitors, etc. Energy is continually being changed, enhanced and transformed, by these components; to serve a multitude of different purposes, required by the device, as a whole unit, to function properly.

A single energy centre, is very much like a single electronic component. It takes in energy from the components around it, and changes the value of it. It enhances this energy, in various ways, transforming it into something different, that is needed by the whole unit.

Each energy centre (chakra) takes in the different types of energy it requires, from other energy centres in the energy body, and generates a completely different type of energy – with a different value and colour – according to what is required.

The strength of each primary energy centre, in any particular person, depends upon that person’s individual makeup; their nature, health and life style, as well as their spiritual, moral and psychic development. The energy generated by all the chakras at once, is reflected into the aura, mixing together and causing the dominant hue of the aura. This, dominant hue, is the part of the aura most commonly seen with auric sight.

Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “wheel.”  These centers were named as such because of the circular shape to the spinning energy centers which exist in our subtle etheric body, the non-material energetic counterpart to our physical body.  There are seven main chakras and they are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body.  Each chakra has a number of specific qualities that correspond to the refinement of energy from the base-level material-self identity, located at the first chakras, up to the higher vibration spirit-level awareness of being at our crown.  These energetic centers represent our highest level of integration split, prism like, into a spectrum of colors. Our opportunity in studying them is to learn how to master each chakra’s essence and unite them all into a unified field of brilliance.  As such, we re-unite our disparate parts into a radian light of full self-awareness.

Our Seven Life-Force Energy Centers

The chakras are formed at the junction of three connected energy shafts that ascend the spine, one on each side of the central channel, the Shushumna. The two lesser channels of energy — the Pingala on the right and Ida on the left — run parallel to the spinal cord. Chakras both take up and collect prana (life force energy) and transform and pass on energy. Our material bodies could not exist without them for they serve as gateways for the flow of energy and life into our physical bodies.

Each chakra is associated with a certain part of the body and a certain organ which it provides with the energy it needs to function. Additionally, just as every organ in the human body has its equivalent on the mental and spiritual level, so too every chakra corresponds to a specific aspect of human behavior and development. Our circular spirals of energy differ in size and activity from person to person. They vibrate at different levels relative to the awareness of the individual and their ability to integrate the characteristics of each into their life. The lower chakras are associated with fundamental emotions and needs, for the energy here vibrates at a lower frequency and is therefore denser in nature. The finer energies of the upper chakras corresponds to our higher mental and spiritual aspirations and faculties.

The openness and flow of energy through our chakras determines our state of health and balance. Knowledge of our more subtle energy system empowers us to maintain balance and harmony on the physical, mental and spiritual level. All meditation and yoga systems seek to balance out the energy of the chakras by purifying the lower energies and guiding them upwards.  Through the use of grounding, creating “internal space,” and living consciously with an awareness of how we acquire and spend our energy we become capable of balancing our life force with our mental, physical and spiritual selves.

In order for us to become fully self-realized and in harmony with our physical and spiritual nature our denser lower energies need to be harmonized with the lighter energies of the upper centers. This is to say our survival and base tendencies have to be raised to incorporate a heart-felt spiritual focus expressed in all areas of our being. Indeed, each of the upper-level energies corresponds and refines a lower level counterpart: 7th with 1st, 6th with 2nd, 5th with 3rd.  In the center of our being is full integration into the heart.

Each center has an integral function in creating our energetic balance. It is through the study of our energetic and physical being that we can create health, emotional stability and spiritual bliss. The following chart maps out the primary qualities of each chakra, its corresponding location in the body, color, physical and emotional realms of influence, and its greater significance.

This image shows where the main chakras in are located in your body. 


Chakra 7 – The Crown

It’s colour is violet and is located at the top of your head. It is associate with the cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the pituitary gland It is concerned with information, understanding, acceptance and bliss. It is said to be your own place of connection to God, the Chakra of Divine purpose and personal destiny. Blockage can manifest as psychological problems

Chakra 6 – The Third Eye (or Brow Chakra)

It’s colour is Indigo (a combination of red and blue). It is located at the centre of your forehead at eye level or slightly above. This Chakra is used to question the spiritual nature of our life. It is the Chakra of question, perception and knowing. It is concerned with inner vision, intuition and wisdom. Your dreams for this life and recollections of other lifetimes are held in this Chakra. Blockage may manifest as problems like lack of foresight, mental rigidity, ‘selective’ memory and depression.

Chakra 5. The Throat

It’s colour is blue or turquoise and is located within the throat. It is the Chakra of communication, creativity, self-expression and judgement. It is associated with your Neck, shoulders, arms, hands, thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is concerned with the senses of inner and outer hearing, the synthesising of ideas, healing, transformation and purification. Blockage can show up as creative blocks, dishonesty or general problems in communicating ones needs to others.

Chakra 4 – The Heart

It’s colour is green and it is located within your heart. It is the centre of love, compassion, harmony and peace. The Asians say that this is the house of the soul. This Chakra is Associate with your lungs, heart, arms hands and thymus gland. We fall in love through our heart Chakra, then that feeling of unconditional love moves to the emotional centre commonly known as the solar plexus. After that it moves into the sexual centre or Base Chakra where strong feelings of attraction can be released. When these energies move into the Base Chakra we may have the desire to marry and settle down. Blockage can show itself as immune system , lung and heart problems, or manifest as inhumanity, lack of compassion or unprincipled behaviour.

Chakra 3 – The Solar Plexus

It’s colour is yellow and is located a few inches above the navel in the solar plexus area. This chakra is concerned with your digestive system, muscles, pancreas and adrenals. It is the seat of your emotional life. Feelings of personal power, laughter, joy and anger are associated with this centre. Your sensitivity, ambition and ability to achieve are stored here. Blockage may manifest as anger, frustration, lack of direction or a sense of victimisation.

Chakra 2 – The Sacral (or Navel Chakra)

It’s colour is orange and it is located between the base of your spine and your navel. It is associated with your lower abdomen, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system and your reproductive organs and glands. It is concerned with emotion. This chakra represents desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation and creativity. Blockage may manifests as emotional problems, compulsive or obsessive behaviour and sexual guilt.

1. the Base (or Root Chakra)

It’s colour is red and it is located at the perineum, base of your spine. It is the Chakra closest to the earth. It’s function is concerned with earthly grounding and physical survival. This Chakra is associated with your legs, feet, bones, large intestine and adrenal glands. It controls your fight or flight response. Blockage may manifest as paranoia, fear, procrastination and defensiveness.

Chakra Healing Treatment

Keeping our physical body alive, healthy and functioning well is a complex exercise in balancing. It’s called homeostasis, and it keeps all the chemicals, hormones, and processes of our body in harmony with each other. If our body deviates from a state of homeostasis, we’re in trouble.

In the same way, our chakras must be in balance and aligned with each other.

When our chakras (or any aspect of our energy system) are out of balance, it can have a profound impact on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. When they are out of balance/alignment, both our bodies and our lives are likely to be out of balance as well. We may find that we are illness- or accident-prone, or that our lives are unhappy, unsatisfying, or chaotic.

Our body as we know it is not just a compilation of flesh, bones and blood. It is much more than that. The flesh, bones and blood are all governed by the flow of energy. This energy is better known as the life force. A force or type of energy that makes it possible for us to wake up every morning, that makes it feasible for us to gasp breath by breath, the fresh air and makes us feel healthy. This energy comes from the divine creator, the one Supreme Being that has granted us with the gift of life. However, as is the rule with any type of energy, it never remains constant at one place. The energy flows within the body.

There are seven chakras within the body. Each chakra is a centre of energy. This energy governs a specific set of organs. The overall well-being of the body is a result of a delicate balance between the various chakras. This balance is crucial. Even a slight imbalance on this front, tends to damage the body. Often a minor imbalance of energy can weaken the person’s body to such an extent that it contracts deadly diseases.

This is where Chakra Healing comes into the picture. Using the Ancient Science healing therapies, the balance between the various energy chakras is restored. The therapies are absolutely safe and completely natural.

What is Chakra Healing?

The chakras are a powerful guide to understanding your body’s energy system. Once you understand the concept of each chakra, you can begin to understand the reasons behind the state of your body. This is the essence of chakra healing.

Each chakra:

  • Governs a particular area of the body, including the bones, organs and all body tissue in that area;
  • Is represented by a particular colour & vibration; and
  • Represents a life theme and challenge.

Chakras represent the major energy centres of our bodies and are connected to our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. There are seven chakras, as we have told you. These chakras are the Muladhara located at the space between the anal outlet and the genital organ; Swadhisthana located above it; Manipura just below the navel,  Anahata, where the rib cage meets; Vishuddhi, which is at the pit of the throat; Ajna, located between the eyebrows; and Sahasrara, or the crown located on the head.

In order to understand the process of healing, let’s take a look at what these chakras govern:

Root Chakra (Mooladhara) is directly connected to parents, it is most important energy centre for the foundation of our life, blockage of this chakra create disharmony in life how at emotional as well as physical health.

Sacral Chakra (Swadishtana) is our sexual chakra and regulate our emotional body

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) takes care of the metabolism & control the organss

Heart Chakra (Anahata) balances three chakras up and three chakras down, a love energy regulates by this energy center.

Throat Chakra (Vishudi) is our sound box, allow us to connect with body mind and soul, to utter and listen.

Third Eye Chakra (Agna) is third eyes and allow us to work through our institution a path finder.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) connect us to universe and reflects our spirituality and knowledge.

Depending on the problem that the patient is facing, Ancient Science identifies the chakra that needs healing and accordingly prescribes the therapy.

How To Tell If You Need Chakra Balancing

Energetically, what characterizes a chakra system that is in balance?

Energy flows through the chakra system in two ways. First, it flows up and down along your central channel, base of spine to top of head, connecting the chakras. Second, it flows horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the cosmos.

In a balanced chakra system:

  • Energy flows freely vertically, reaching all the chakras: none of the chakras are blocked.
  • Energy flows freely horizontally: each chakra exchanges energy freely with the cosmos.
  • None of the chakras is substantially more open or spinning faster/slower than the others: none is significantly overactive or underactive in comparison to the rest.
  • Each of the chakras is opened to the degree needed to support your health and spiritual development: none of the seven chakras is open too wide, or closed down too tight.
  • Neither the upper chakras nor the lower chakras is over-emphasized.

How would a person with a healthy, balanced chakra system most likely look?

  • body is healthy enough to support individual spiritual journey/fulfillment of life purpose
  • well grounded, secure, confident, in touch with own body
  • in touch with their emotions, but not overwhelmed by them
  • comfortable with their own sexuality
  • self-confident, able to manifest their desires without dominating others
  • compassionate, loving, healthy relationships; in touch with nature
  • able to express own truth, to listen as well as speak, to create
  • intellect balanced with wisdom, in touch with intuition
  • sense of connection with the divine

Many energy healers will be able to perceive your chakras and whether they are balanced, open, and healthy. But it’s not really necessary to be able to perceive them in order to evaluate them and their state of balance, because when there is an imbalance in your chakra system, it will eventually manifest in your body, emotions, thoughts, or your life. In other words, it will show up clearly in the physical world at some point.

Complete Balance and Alignment Not Necessary

It’s not necessary, however, for our chakras to be perfectly, completely balanced, all at the same level of open-ness and activation. For most people, one or more chakras stand out as being stronger than the others. This is normal and not at all undesirable.

It’s only necessary that the chakras not be wildly out of alignment, such as one chakra that is nearly shut down, or one that is blown wide open in comparison to the others. Your body and your life will give you the information you need to know if your chakras need balancing.

Imbalance in the Chakras

Sometimes people on a path of spiritual development will over-emphasize the top chakras, believing that this is the way to become enlightened. In my personal view, this is a mistake. The body is not less holy than the spirit. They are both aspects of energy, and need to be balanced in order for us to make the most of our physical incarnation.

Indeed, someone with a top-heavy chakra system–the top three or four chakras overactive in relation to the three bottom chakras–might be spacy and ungrounded, have difficulty finishing things, have difficulty concentrating, lack “common sense,” be “out of touch,” and just generally have difficulty living in the world.

On the other hand, sometimes people are out of balance with the lower three chakras overactive in comparison to the entire system. Such individuals might lack imagination and creativity, lack vision, lack higher dreams, feel unconnected to the divine, be overly sexual, lack higher reasoning power, be overbearing and unsubtle, be “plodding,” get trapped in the minutiae or the drama of life, and generally have a hard time rising above the basic physicality of life.


However, the science of chakras was discovered thousands of years ago and it is one of the most accurate science of our physical, as well as emotional health, in the ancient science the treatment used to happen through healing of the chakra, the universe is moving towards artificial life, the more and more synthetic life is in progress & bringing back the real science of life, now it is universal known the impact of chemical treatment, how good and bad it is for us?, Chakra Healing is one of the most eminent ancient science to heal the patient from root, hence emotional balance and physical health automatically attained.

This ensures that the healing is long lasting. Through the therapies, the focus is on seeking the blessings of the divine creator to restore the flow of energy within the body. Once the balance is restored, the problems are healed. Also, this is a way of eliminating the root cause. This guarantees that the problem does not recur.

Therefore, the patients are free to live a long happy and healthy life.

The purpose of chakra healing is to better understand personal strengths and weaknesses and how they influence the state of your body as an energy system. Chakras provide a framework for you to understand your tendencies, behaviours and habits so that you can learn better ways of being. In other words, moving through the stages of unhealthy to healthy – those ways of being that serve you to make you happy on all levels.

Each of the seven chakras has its own theme or ‘personality’ which together make up the whole ‘person’. And they are universal – they apply to everyone. Within each theme lies a life-lesson or challenge. Mastering each challenge of the chakras is integral in the process of healing, on all levels.

Understanding the chakras will take you on a journey through your physical, emotional and psychological makeup, bringing your attention to the areas in your life that require healing.

The chakras are your springboard to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being. Chakra healing will take you on a journey of self-discovery through aspects of yourself that you thought didn’t exist, both wonderous and tragic aspects which come to your attention to be healed and integrated into a more balanced, peaceful and joyful you.

What is Chakra Balancing?

The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.

The Importance of the Main Chakras in the Body

These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centers in the body. Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Since everything is moving, it’s essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a blockage, energy cannot flow. Think of something as simple as your bathtub drain. If you allow too much hair to go into the drain, the bathtub will back up with water, stagnate and eventually bacteria and mold will grow. So is too with our bodies and the chakras. A bathtub is simple; it’s physical so the fix is easy.

Keeping a chakra open is a bit more of a challenge, but not so difficult when you have awareness. Since mind, body, soul, and spirit are intimately connected, awareness of an imbalance in one area will help bring the others back into balance. Take for example, a wife, who has recently lost her husband. She develops acute bronchitis, which remains in the chest, and then gets chest pains each time she coughs. The whole heart chakra is affected in this case. If she realizes the connection between the loss and the bronchitis, healing will occur much faster if she honors the grieving process and treats that as well as the physical ailment.

Balancing your chakras improves your health and well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Chakras are wheels of light located all over our body.  We have thousands of them in our body but the seven major ones are located along our spine from its base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is represented by a colour of the rainbow –  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

  • Crown Chakra – Top of Head – Violet
  • Third Eye/Brow Chakra  – Above & between eyebrows  – Indigo
  • Throat Chakra – Base of throat – Blue
  • Heart Chakra – Centre of chest – Green
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Just above navel – Yellow
  • Sacral Chakra – Just below navel – Orange
  • Root/Base Chakra – Base of spine – Red

Chakras are like the power stations of our body, bringing it to life, and keeping it healthy. Each chakra is associated with different parts of us and they need to spin totally in balance for us to feel good.

The chakras absorb energy that comes from our thoughts, feelings and outside environment and feed this to our body.  Our body is affected by the quality of the energy that passes through the chakras. Our chakras also absorb energy from the environment.

We cannot avoid coming into contact with negative energy or feeling down sometimes, but there is a lot that we can do to change our feelings from negative to positive and to protect ourselves from harmful energy in the environment.  Keeping our chakras in tip-top condition is the key, in other words keeping them spinning in balance.  Chakra balancing is a bit like spring-cleaning the chakras and fine-tuning them.

Each chakra is associated with different body parts, emotions and life areas, so in balancing each chakra, you will be giving energy and help to any issues or problems you have. There are too many areas to discuss in one article, but very general associations are shown below:

  • Root Chakra – Survival, Security, Energy, Trust, Power to achieve
    Part of body – Skeleton, Legs, Bones, Spine, Large intestine
  • Sacral Chakra – Feelings, Self-awareness, Self-love, Creativity
    Part of body – Kidneys, Bladder, Sexual organs, Reproductive system
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Personality, Self-respect, Self-confidence
    Part of body – Digestive system, Small intestine, Skin, Nervous system
  • Heart Chakra – Love, Compassion, Sharing, Forgiveness
    Part of body – Heart, Chest, Lungs, Arms, Hands, Circulation
  • Throat Chakra – Creative self-expression, Communication, Inspiration
    Part of body – Throat, Neck, Nose, Mouth, Teeth
  • Third Eye Chakra – Intuition, Understanding, Insight, Realisation
    Part of body – Eyes, Ears, Base of skull, Nervous system
  • Crown Chakra – knowing, wholeness, perfection, enlightenment, unity
    Part of body – Upper skull, Skin

The Chakras of Matter

The first three chakras, starting at the base of the spine are chakras of matter. They are more physical in nature.

First Chakra: The Muladhara is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. When this chakra is open, we feel safe and fearless.

Second Chakra: The Svadhisthana chakra is our creativity and sexual center. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel, and is responsible for our creative expression.

Third Chakra: The Manipura chakra means lustrous gem and it’s the area from the navel to the breastbone. The third chakra is our source of personal power.

The Fourth Chakra: The Connection Between Matter and Spirit

Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection.

When we work through our physical chakras, or the first three, we can open the spiritual chakras more fully.

The Chakras of Spirit

Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth chakra, located in the area of the throat. This is our source of verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth. The fifth chakra includes the neck, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue.

Sixth Chakra: The Ajna chakra is located in between the eyebrows. It is also referred to as the “third eye” chakra. Ajna is our center of intuition. We all have a sense of intuition but we may not listen to it or heed its warnings. Focus on opening the sixth chakra will help you hone this ability.

Seventh Chakra: The Sahasrara chakra or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is located at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and ultimately, to the divine. It is located at the crown of the head.

Clue to Aligning the Chakras

Awareness to which of your chakras are out of balance is key to aligning them. Our bodies are in constant flux between balance and imbalance. Unless you have an apparent problem in one area of the body, imbalances can be difficult to detect. That being said, it’s good to bring awareness to your body/mind and start to learn its signals and clues.

For example, frequent constipation can indicate a blockage in the first chakra. A recurring sore throat leaves clues to a blocked fifth chakra. Frequent headaches around the area of the forehead may mean your sixth chakra is blocked.

Chakra balancing offers very positive results – improving your health and making you feel good about yourself.

we can help you


Category : Aura & Chakras

Life can be thought of as cells, blood and bones. However, life is actually much more than this. The human body is but the physical manifestation of what may be called an electrical, non-physical energy field. Many scientists, especially quantum physicists, are accepting the fact that all things in the Universe emit energy. They know this because the energy can be detected using advanced bio-electric technologies.

The aura is an electromagnetic field that that can be described as a luminous body that surrounds the physical body, taking on a cocoon like shape. Each and every object, living or inanimate has an aura. Auras constantly change color and shape, depending on how the person is feeling and where they are emotionally and spiritually. The aura usually extends out from the body 30-40cm for an average person, and can be much larger for a more highly developed spiritual person.

The aura can be viewed as a visual representation of the soul. It is a very complex system and each persons aura is distinctly different and can change over time. There are however flashes of colours that depict certain emotions, that are common to all of us, such as red for anger, pink for love and green for envy etc.


A healthy person has a brighter aura.  One’s race, skin color or religion has nothing to do with this.  A healthy person also usually has an aura that is more beautiful, whiter, and lighter in color.

The aura of those who are ill is usually dull, darker, muddy looking, and often has a greenish or yellowish tint.  Near death, the aura almost disappears because it is so dark and small.

What are the 7 layers of the aura called?
The aura is made up of seven layers or energy bodies each one of these layer relates to a corresponding chakra.

Etheric Body (Base Chakra)
Associated with touch, feeling and the five senses: taste, smell, touch, sight and sound

Emotional Body (Sacral Chakra)
Associated with lower emotions

Mental Body (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Associated with lower mental concepts and rational thinking

Astral Body (Heart Chakra)
Associated with love and relationships

Etheric Template (Throat Chakra)
Associated with Divine Will and physical aspect

Celestial Body (Third Eye Chakra)
Associated with the spiritual world & emotional aspects

Ketheric Body (Crown Chakra)
Associated with the divine mind, higher truth & mental aspects


Development of the aura.  Everyone has an astral body.  In those over about the age of 10 to 30, the etheric body develops to some degree in everyone.  This is a more advanced subtle energy field, or energy body.  It develops as one uses the mind for constructive purposes and as a person overcomes hardships by using the brain rather than by “getting by” using cunning, or cleverness or brute force or laziness.

Upper subtle body development. In those who meditate and live properly,  even more subtle and more amazing energy bodies also develop soon after the etheric body develops.  This is the first step toward the advanced state of human life that is possible for human beings on planet earth.  When this occurs, a person is said to be developed.

This simply means that one has developed all of the subtle human bodies that are possible for a person who lives on planet earth.  This is a wonderful achievement that few accomplish, although it is well within the realm of possibility for anyone. It simply requires following the rules and ideas set down in the articles on this website.

Early development the most difficult. In fact, the hardest part of developing the advanced aura and subtle bodies is the beginning, by far. It is like trying to blast off in a rocket and escape the earth’s gravity – the hardest part is getting out of the lower atmosphere.  Once you are free of that, the rest of the trip into outer space is easy.

This is exactly how it is with what is called mental or spiritual development.  Overcoming the initial resistance and inertia of the physical body takes years in most cases, which is why most religions suggest studying hard and following all the rules, even if you do not understand them.  Then, once one has overcome the inertia of the physical body, development becomes much easier.

In earlier times, one almost had to enter a monastery to initiate the process.  Today it is not as hard, however, for many people because people are wealthier, which means they have more time in some cases. Also, websites such as this one are available that can guide a person step by step, in a way, that was not available in earlier days when one needed a personal guide.  This is still required in the advanced stages, but not for the earlier ones that are of interest to most people.

Sequence of development. At first, the higher bodies take form, but are not active.  This is called the process of development and is the most important part of the processIt usually takes people their entire lifetime to do this part of the process.

Once development is over, a period of time elapses while other changes occur in the body.  Then, at a certain point, each of the higher bodies slowly fills with light energy or certain particles that activate or “glow” the bodies.  This means the higher fields or bodies are now usable and “turned on”.  This is the basic sequence of development and evolution of a human being.

Advantages and benefits of development.  These are many and primarily include a longer life and better health.  However, since the mind is developing itself to a high degree, it brings with it a calmer personality, a sharper mind.  A better memory and many other aspects of the personality develop as well.  One will have more abilities, more talents and more intuition than before.  At a point, one can access guidance, for example, and begin to communicate telepathically, which brings us to the next level of evolution of a human being.

Further development or evolution.  As one continues the pushing down exercise, and continues to live and eat properly, first the etheric body grows very large and its color changes from a bluish haze to a bright yellow when it is fully developed.  Then and only then the upper bodies fill with light or energy.  This is an important sequence of events that signifies that a person is really on his or her way toward development of the highest potential that a human being can achieve on a planet.

Who can see Auras?
Everyone is capable of sensing and/or seeing auras. It is something that as a society we have been closed to for many generations. As children we all see auras but as we grow up we lose this ability as it is not something that is discussed or encouraged and we close off to it.

If you wish to see auras there are a few exercises you can do to begin your journey. It is important to remember that everybody is different and each person sees and feels things differently. There is no way that is more correct that the other. Above all else remember to have fun. With practice and patience it will come, and in time, as you slowly awaken your third eye, you will begin to see what lies right in front of you.

Seeing is just one aspect, many people are able to sense auras quiet distinctly but are unaware of what this actually means and how you can be used in your daily life.

Sensing Auras
Sensing peoples auras is done through feeling and through knowing, like trusting your gut instincts about someone or something. Everybody does this on a day to day basis through normal social interaction. You can sense somebody’s anger, you sense somebody’s fear, somebody’s love, somebody’s compassion. These are all easily identifiable and this is all part of your ability to sensing auras. These feelings, these intuitions are a result of another persons energy passing through yours. As you begin to identify these feelings you will learn to identify other peoples auras and energies. You will be able to pick up and sense the feelings, and with time you will be able to link these feelings with pictures, visions or images.

Best times for seeing Auras

A good time to practice seeing auras is in the early evening or early morning when the sun is low in the sky. This heightens the visibility of the auras and makes it easier to see. We suggest that when you are learning, practice on a plain background. Such as a clear sky or wall, but it must be clear and not patterned. It is best to do these exercises on a dark or light background. Before starting these exercises make sure you are relaxed and comfortable. Listening to relaxing or meditative music can help with quietening your mind, focus on your breathing and be in a calm relaxed state.

Learning to see Auras

Seeing auras is not something you have to try hard to do, it is something that comes in time, you do not need to force it, you just need to clear your mind and relax. Do not sit there and strain and stare. When you are ready you will see what you need to see.

As you progress down this path the subject of self doubt will inevitable arise in a lot of peoples minds, just remember that what you are seeing is not your imagination, do not misinterpret it as a trick of your eye. You are getting there and you will see what you need to see.

Aura & Chakras

Energy Medicine | Human Aura, Chakra & Meridian System| Nadi

Energy Healing is becoming more popular as many people are experiencing the benefits of deep relaxation and lowered stress & pain. Energy healing is a gentle yet powerful healing approach that can easily be integrated into occupational therapy practice and health care to enhance an individual’s life on many levels. Energy healing is being used more in hospitals, clinics, and private practice as it can help with health, wellness prevention, recovery from illness, and decrease length of stay.

Energy medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness. In energy medicine, energy is the medicine, and energy is also the patient. You heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance. Energy medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help. It can address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance.

Our subtle anatomies are comprised of the Aura, Meridians, and Chakras.
These subtle energy systems correspond to our plane of existence in a hierarchy that culminate our physical form.

For centuries, Eastern medicine has recognized the importance of keeping the energy systems of our subtle bodies flowing positively for optimal health and well being, while more recently Western civilizations have been taking notice of our metaphysical connections and exploring the powers that contain and surround the physical body.

Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world – known as an Aura – is a scientifically proven fact. The Chinese refer to this energy as ‘Chi’ (pronounced Chee), The Indians refer to this energy as ‘Prana Shakti’,  the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Prana Shakti / Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways – known as meridians and chakras – of all living forms, all beings, in order to maintain health and wellness, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Let us look into the Meridians, Chakras and Aura.

  •  The Meridians: In the way an artery carries blood, a meridian carries energy. As the body’s energy bloodstream, the meridian system brings vitality and balance, removes blockages, adjusts metabolism, and even determines the speed and form of cellular change. The flow of the meridian energy pathways is as critical as the flow of blood. No energy, no life. Meridians affect every organ and every physiological system, including the immune, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular, and lymphatic systems. Each system is fed by at least one meridian. If a meridian’s energy is obstructed or unregulated, the system it feeds is jeopardized. The meridians include fourteen tangible channels that carry energy into, through, and out of your body. Your meridian pathways also connect hundreds of tiny, distinct reservoirs of heat and electromagnetic energy along the surface of the skin.
  • The Chakras: The word chakra translates from the Sanskrit as disk, vortex, or wheel. The chakras are concentrated centers of energy. Each major chakra in the human body is a center of swirling energy positioned at one of seven points, from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Where the meridians deliver their energy to the organs, the chakras bathe the organs in their energies. Each chakra supplies energy to specific organs, corresponds to a distinct aspect of your personality, and resonates (respectively, from the bottom to the top chakra) with one of seven universal principles having to do with survival, creativity, identity, love, expression, comprehension, or transcendence. Your chakras also code your experiences in their energies, just as memories are chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energies. A sensitive practitioner’s hand held over a chakra may resonate with pain in a related organ, congestion in a lymph node, subtle abnormalities in heat or pulsing, areas of emotional turmoil, or even tune into a stored memory that might be addressed as part of the healing process.

Each energy body has a set of chakras and there is constant debate about how many energy bodies and chakras there are.

1st Chakra or Root Chakra governs grounding to earth.

2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra governs creativity and sexuality.

3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra governs personal power and will.

4th Chakra or Heart Chakra governs love.

5th Chakra or Throat Chakra governs communication.

6th Chakra or Third Eye governs intuition and psychic gifts.

7th Chakra or Crown Chakra governs connection to Spirit and to the Creator.

  •  The Aura:  Human beings are very complex energy fields. Your aura basically is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your energy fields, bodies, parts and particles. It is multi-dimensional in nature and has many layers. Every living being has an aura – the planet has an aura, each plant has an aura, an ant has an aura, etc. There are many layers to the human aura. The first layer of the human aura is the physical body and energy field. The next layer out of the aura is the etheric level. The next layer out of the aura would be the emotional level. The next layer out of the aura is the mental level. And the next layers out of the aura are for the spiritual bodies and energy fields.

Your aura is a multi-layered shell of energy that emanates from your body and interacts with the energies of your environment. It is itself a protective atmosphere that surrounds you, filtering out many of the energies you encounter and drawing in others that you need. Like a space suit, your aura protects you from harmful energies. Like a radio antenna, it brings in energies with which it resonates. The aura is a conduit, a two-way antenna that brings in energy from the environment to your chakras and that sends energy from your chakras outward. When you feel happy, attractive, and spirited, your aura may fill an entire room. When you are sad, despondent, and somber, your aura crashes in on you, forming an energetic shell that isolates you from the world. Some people’s auras characteristically reach out and embrace you. Others keep you out like an electric fence. A study conducted by Valerie Hunt, a neurophysiologist at UCLA’s Energy Fields Laboratory, compared “aura readings” with neurophysiological measures. The auras seen by eight practitioners not only corresponded with one another, they correlated with wave patterns picked up by electrodes on the skin at the spot that was being observed.

Clairvoyants have developed their inner vision to the point that they can see the various layers of the aura – physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  Since our auras are so energetically complex sometimes psychics tap into different areas of awareness and see different things

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks & Vampires |Black Magic & Spirits| Past Life

It’s important for all of us interested in spiritual development to include some  understanding of their subtle energy field or aura. The Aura is an electromagnetic energy field around each of us. It’s not visible to most people, but it is instinctively sensed or experienced by others.  Your aura is not a closed system, as they say, it is continuously exchanging energy with things around it – anything and everything unless you decide differently.
Would you stick your hand into filthy water and then touch your mouth?

  • Yet, everyday, all day long, I see people do the equivalent with their energy. Some people will co-mingle or allow others to suck their energy, (living or ‘dead’) with little or no restrictions as to who does so. It is up to you to decide what you want to exchange energy with. You absolutely can decide about this important boundary setting, whether or not you see energy, feel it,  or even believe totally that it exists!The aura is also called the “subtle energies.” These energies are felt, perceived or sensed by people in various ways:
  • as colors, (seen or somehow ‘felt’),
  • as textures (sticky, slick, hard, soft, etc.),
  • as temperatures, (cold, hot, warm, etc.).

Perhaps you sense something and have no word for it: a kind of perception or a “knowingness.” That is when the “inner sight” is used.

Whether or not you consciously sense it, everyone reacts to subtle energies. Your energy shifts and moves with mood changes, strong thoughts and interactions with other people, animals and plants, as well as crystals and minerals. The body language of someone who is not trained or conditioned  to hide their thoughts often mirrors a person’s energy field. When someone is trained to hide their body language, for example, a policeman, then it may not reflect their energy any more than it reflects their true feelings.

You live in this energy field your whole life – there is no way out of it! You even carry it with you when you leave your physical body – or parts of it, anyhow.  As I said, you can co-mingle or exchange it with all kinds of things: people, plants, crystal and minerals, Angels, ghosts, other kinds of spirits… etc.

When it comes to being aware of our subtle energy, and taking responsibility for what we do with it, most humans are at the stage they were at when infants, and first learning to walk and talk. They have very little, if any, self-control. They get upset or angry, they throw or spill energy onto others. The same is true for all strong emotions. Have you heard the expression, bubbling over with enthusiasm or happiness? That’s what your energy does when you have an intense emotion. Happy or sad, angry or sexually aroused, it spills  onto the people around them.

We are living in a gigantic “psychic soup” of impressions, gathered around us like layers of clothing. Our experiences are filtered through our subtle energies and then trickling into our consciousness. We also have countless “strings” or attachments leading to other places, times and individuals. Even strings to things that were of importance to us now – or perhaps once, long ago. How much of our energy is taken up with unwanted and no longer useful attachments? To become truly free of these attachments is to empower yourself and others. You grant them their freedom, thereby granting yourself freedom.

  • How many of you suffer from terrible headaches with no known cause? Or perhaps aches and pains that come and go for no reason?  Are Doctors unable to help you?   
  • Healers: Learn to protect yourself so that you do not pick up the energy of the person you are doing a healing sessions with!  This includes Reiki and any other form of energy work!
  • Do you leave a session or at the end of a day go home feeling week and shaky?
  • Do you have pain in the exact same areas that you were working on?
    Learn to clear your energy field and protect yourself from inappropriate energy exchanges.Sensitive people  often have strange symptoms that clear up when they learn to take care of their subtle energies.

    Illnesses (dis-ease) start in the energy field first.

    No, you probably can’t  ‘fix’ every single physical problem. But this will not hurt you and it will help you. Some things are going to “go wrong” no matter what. That’s another story… Meanwhile, it can’t hurt for you to take some responsibility for clearing and cleaning your own energy.

    Do you have a relationship that you are struggling with?
    Learn to clear your energy and cut the inappropriate ties. Allow them their freedom – and allow yourself that freedom.Detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t care,

    it means that you let go of your expectations of what something SHOULD be like. How that person should act, how things ought to be.

Outside spirit influences – ghosts, devils, demons, entities, etc. Some people have had a disturbing paranormal experience that “sours” them on or frightens them from exploring their psychic and spiritual nature.

Ouija boards and automatic writing are two of the most widely discussed danger zones for people are are being haunted or attacked by entities or ghosts.  Much of the information people wish to receive from these spirits starts out as information (or gossip!) about other people.  Using any kind of activity to spy on or pry into another person’s life or space is is unethical and against spiritual Law.

Just remember, Angels and Masters will not come through a Ouija board. A spirit may claim to be an Angel, but ask yourself, why would an Angel need to use a Oujia board?  The spirits that work through them are, at best, dead people.  They have only a little  more information than they did when they were alive. If your “Aunt Pearl” was controlling and meddling in life, what has happened to change her after she passed? There are always bored spirits hanging around willing to play with you… there are always nasty spirits hanging around willing to play with you, too… Be cautious and think before you start.

It is not necessary to be terrified of anything “unseen,” or to become superstitious, but you do need to be cautious and respectful.

Psychic Attack.  I get a lot of emails from people who feel they are under psychic attack. I usually direct them to this section of the site first, and then tell them to email me back with questions. Far fewer people email me back. Why is that? I think it’s because I ask people to consider their own part in any situation where they are ‘under attack.’
Does psychic attack exist? YES.
Can it be countered? YES.

Psychic attack can be as complex as someone cursing you- using black magic or something similar – or as subtle as living with a spouse or other family member who is angry with you a lot. Maybe you work with someone who doesn’t like you. There may be no outer show of what they feel, but you ‘know’ that something is going on. Psychic attack is anything that interferes with and invades your subtle energy field.

How does psychic attack happen? One of the most important things a person must understand about a psychic attack (and other disturbances, such as the headaches I mentioned)  is also one of the hardest for many to face.
Each of us bears a share of responsibility for the psychic attack we receive.

Simply put: if you are under an attack from someone or something, then there is an obvious reason for a situation to exist. In these cases, it is necessary for you to own your share of what is going on. When you do this, the energy behind the attack often reduces significantly.

It’s similar to a situation where two people are arguing. If one is willing to say they are sorry for hurting the others’ feelings, things will often calm down instead of escalate. When you admit you have some responsibility in a negative situation, it can often effect the outcome in a very healthy and positive way.

Anger towards a person leaves you open. If you are feeling attacked by someone, then you may also feel angry or resentful. If you are angry or resentful with someone, then admit it to yourself. There’s no shame to that – it just makes you human.  But is is also necessary to take steps to deal with your emotions.

Facing how you feel about a person or situation is not easy; it takes a lifelong commitment to self-mastery.  If you are willing to face how you feel and accept that this is where you are right now, then you can begin to move through it.  I didn’t say “like it,” I said accept it.  Changing how you feel begins with acceptance of yourself – and of the other person.

When there seems to be no logical reason why a person is angry with you or trying to harm you, then it is almost certainly coming from something that happened in a past life. This can be hard to understand, especially if you are in a great deal of distress. You feel victimized and picked on. Maybe this is true, for this moment in time, but if you begin to study past lives, the concept of victimization loses it’s meaning. Over many lifetimes, you have traded places as the “victim” and “victimizer” again and again.

Here is a simple example: There was a man who had a wonderful relationship with his wife. She was great at communicating and very open with him. The problem was her mother, who lives with them. The Mom was very angry and suspicious of the Husband. He felt like she hated him and no matter what he did, over time, there was no lessening of the problem.

Every time he was near the mother, he had headaches and felt ill. He talked to his wife about it and she believed him.  She had seen the problem for herself.  Both were unsure of what to do. They called me and told me their predicament. I suspected that there was an intense past life connection between the Mother and the Husband. She was psychically attacking him – sometimes unconsciously and sometimes on purpose.

At their request, we did a past life regression and a reading on the situation.  Putting it all together, we came up with this information:

In a previous incarnation, the Mother and the Husband had been involved in a love triangle with the Wife. The Husband had killed the Mother in that life. In another life, he had ruined her life by kidnapping her, raping her and selling her into slavery. In still another life, they had been warriors on opposite sides, who killed one other. I could mention many other lives, but I think you get the picture.

The Husband and Wife left the session with new understanding. They wanted to resolve this old Karma with the Mother. They tried to talk to the Mother about their experiences and some of the possibilities, but she was not open to it. In fact, the very idea of past lives offended her. She was very upset by the notion.  The only positive thing that they could point to from their ‘talk’ was that the Mother was very slightly open to the idea that they recognized that she felt like the Husband was the enemy.  Things did not noticeably improve around the house, however.

The next time I released the ties between all of them, leaving in place only the “ties of the highest love” – “what ever was appropriate, natural and correct at that time.”

Afterwards, the man “saw” the Mother come to stand in front of him, in his mind’s eye. He asked her high self what he could do to improve the situation.  He felt that she was telling him to ignore her when she acted nasty or condescending. Her high self asked him to forgive her. He decided to give it a try.

The couple felt that the technique was successful and they, at least, felt clearer and lighter.  They decided to do their best to accept the situation, “as-is.”  This was where the Mother was at, at that point in time.

The first thing that was apparent after they got home was the lack of something. The husband had no headache. Within the next few weeks, he quit getting headaches around the mother and felt much less irritation with her. They would have been very happy at that point, if this was the final result. But things got more interesting.

About a month later, the mother approached the man and reminded him of “that conversation they’d had about the past lives.”She said that she had been having some incredibly vivid dreams about the “lives” that the couple had mentioned. She said that she had never believed in anything like that, and still didn’t. However, the dreams were so real to her, that they opened up some possibilities. She had to admit that she had also treated him like he was the enemy. She realized that her behavior was not of  “hindu religion” so she vowed to try harder to get along.

Things did not get perfect in that house, but they did learn to be kind to one another an. There were fewer problems and they resolved fairly quickly. The three of them lived together, until the Mother’s death a few years later.

If a problem does stem from a past life, it is my experience that it will start to clear up fairly quickly when the life/lives are brought into the conscious mind. It is not at all necessary to believe that it is a past life. It is only necessary to look at the situation and relationship with the person, in terms of the information received.

Vampires. Yes, there are psychic vampires. On the physical plane, they are the people who leave you feeling drained, or with a headache after you leave them. Maybe they touch you a lot and it doesn’t feel nice.
Touch can facilitate the sharing – or stealing – of energy.
It can be difficult to protect yourself from someone who is constantly touching you to suck your energy or to poke at you.  It’s similar when someone gets very close to you, invading your personal space. That’s what it can be – an invasion.

We all know someone who is so lonely that they don’t want to let you off the phone, or to say goodbye. They are desperate to share energy with someone and if you won’t share willingly, then they may try and take it.

It’s not done out of meanness, it’s done out of survival. But it’s still an invasion. Ever buy something that you didn’t really want? Some sales people will surround you with their energy and soon you are agreeing with them. And it’s not just sales people who do this.

Intimate connections. When you have intimate sexual relations with someone, you have co-mingled your energy with them on a deep level. This can be a strong and positive connection – or not. Sharing energy at this level is something that gives another person an almost open door into your subtle energy. When you have intense fantasies about another person, you have also, likely interacted with their energy.  It can take many months to clear it out of your aura. You can and will also share entities and other energy formations. Be very cautious who you connect to in this way, as it’s not that simple to clear the energy, once you have co-mingled.

Warning Signs : Your Chakras Are Out Of Balance

There are 7 main energy centers in the body, known as chakras. Each chakra is located throughout our body so that it correlates to specific body ailment and physical dysfunctions; each energy center also houses our mental and emotional strengths. When we have a physical issue, it creates weaknesses in our emotional behavior. When we release the stale energy from the body, it can undo any tightness, stiffness, or malfunction of that area.

The clearing of the energy can also balance our emotional state of mind. The Chakra Mind-Body Balance is a two-way street: if there are certain fears and emotions we are holding on to, we experience physical restrictions, too.

If you have achiness or stiffness, or certain reoccurring emotions and fears, read along and you may find out which chakra is affected or blocked.

1st or Root Chakra

Sits at the base of your spine, at your tailbone.

 Physical imbalances in the root chakra include problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts and prostrate gland. Those with imbalances here are also likely to experience issues of degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation.

Emotional imbalances include feelings affecting our basic survival needs: money, shelter and food; ability to provide for life’s necessities.

When this chakra is balance, you feel supported, a sense of connection and safety to the physical world, and grounded.

The lesson of this chakra is self-preservation; we have a right to be here.

2nd or Sacral Chakra

Located two inches below your navel.

Physical imbalances include sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and low back pain.

Emotional imbalances include our commitment to relationships. Our ability to express our emotions. Our ability to have fun, play based on desires, creativity, pleasure, sexuality. Fears of impotence, betrayal, addictions.

When this chakra is balanced, we have an ability to take risks, we are creative, we are committed. We are passionate, sexual and outgoing.

The lesson of this chakra is to honor others.

3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra

Located three inches above your navel.

Physical imbalances include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues, colon diseases.

Emotional imbalances include issues of personal power and self-esteem, our inner critic comes out. Fears of rejection, criticism, physical appearances.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion. We feel in control, assertive, confident.

The lesson of this chakra is self-acceptance.

4th or Heart Chakra

Located at the heart.

Physical imbalances include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of loneliness.

When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion, forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained.

The lesson of this chakra is I Love.

5th or Throat Chakra

Located at the throat.

Physical imbalances include thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, TMJ, ear infections, ulcers, any facial problems (chin, cheek, lips, tongue problems) neck and shoulder pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of self-expression through communication, both spoken or written. Fear of no power or choice. No willpower or being out of control.

When this chakra is balanced, we have free flowing of words, expression, communication. We are honest and truthful yet firm. We are good listeners.

The lesson of this chakra is to speak up and let your voice be heard.

6th or Third Eye Chakra

Located in the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.

Physical imbalances include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function.

Emotional imbalances include issues with moodiness, volatility, and self-reflection; An inability to look at ones own fears, and to learn from others. Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination.

When this chakra is balanced we feel clear, focused, and can determine between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom and insight.

The lesson of this chakra is to see the big picture.

7th or Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head.

Physical imbalance include depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound, environment.

Emotional imbalances include issues with self-knowledge and greater power. Imbalances arise from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality, constant confusion, carry prejudices, “analysis paralysis.” Fear of alienation.

When this chakra is balanced, we live in the present moment. We have an unshakeable trust in our inner guidance.

The lesson of this chakra is live mindfully.

After reading this, you  may feel that more than one chakra is imbalanced or blocked. This is because when one is blocked, the other chakras begin to compensate and either become overactive or under-active.

The best way to start balancing them is to start at the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra.

Meridians: The Body’s Energy Pathways| Nadis| Energy Healing

For centuries the ancient wisdom keepers and healers in several traditions had a keen understanding of the energetic body. The healing traditions from China, India, Japan and Tibet, as well as other countries all spoke of energy channels, meridians or nadis along which the vital energy flowed.

meridiansLife was considered to be a bio-electrical and vibrational energy phenomenon and so health revolved around balancing energy through various means. Life existed because of life force and energy running through and animating the body, ensuring we can move, breathe, digest food, think and even feel.

This vital life force or chi, is composed of two kinds of forces, yin and yang, and flows along a sophisticated network of energy pathways, or highways, circuiting the body. Over 2000 years ago ancient cultures knew of the existence of these energy channels. They were called ‘sen’ in Thailand, ‘nadis’ in India, ‘meridians’, ‘channels’ or ‘vessels’ in China and Japan, and ‘channels’ in Tibet. In India, where many eastern healing arts developed, there were said to be 72 000 nadis or energy pathways. Disease is believed to be a blockage in the energy flow of these channels. A range of healing traditions, including acupuncture, acupressure, massage and yoga, are founded on the principle of the existence of energy channels or pathways, known as meridians, or nadis, running around the body in an expansive network.

MERIDIANS are a major concept in Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Medicine practitioners help people to become healthy again, and to remain healthy, utilizing herbs and physical medicine, such as acupuncture, acupressure, and tuina.  Rather than relying on anatomy and physiology in the Western sense, Chinese medicine focuses on how the energy flows throughout the body.

Accidental discovery leads to a comprehensive approach to healing.

Thousands of years ago, they discovered that energy flows in an orderly manner through channels they called meridians. Moreover, the flow of energy could be influenced by putting pressure and/or heat on points along these channels.  They named these points acupoints.

Lore has it that some soldiers pierced by arrows during battle noticed that some of their old ailments disappeared.  Over time, these points were mapped, leading to the discovery of this network of energy pathways, the meridians.

The meridian system may be likened to the electric wiring in our homes and businesses.

A Western analogy might be the electrical wiring in our homes and businesses that carries electricity to wall outlets where we plug in our home, business, and recreation appliances, and to the light sockets where we screw in our light bulbs.  Only, the meridian system is much more sophisticated and versatile.

The meridians form a complicated circuit of energy pathways that move up and down the body near the surface, but also enter deep into the body to connect with each other and supply the organs, and other body structures, with energy.

Energy can flow smoothly and orderly, or it can get stuck in places, leaving some places oversupplied and others undersupplied.  Where we have too much energy, we experience heat, congestion, and pain or discomfort.  Where the energy is low, we feel tired, cold, and weak..

When stimulating the acupoints with needles (acupuncture), finger tips (acupressure), or heat & herbs (moxa), the energy starts flowing again and the entire system becomes energetically more balanced.  That’s the general idea behind acupuncture, or acupressure.

Western medicine acknowledges that acupuncture can be very helpful for pain management.  However, acupuncture can help with many conditions by helping to balance the flow of energy.

The meridians are a physical component of our bodies.

The meridians appear to be embedded in the connective tissue, which weaves through and envelops every cell, tissue, and organ, as well as body structures, such as blood and lymph vessels, nerves, and meridians.

Connective tissue (fascia, tendons, ligaments, etc) can vary from a gel like substance to hard as bone.  In fact, bone is considered a specialized form of connective tissue.  Connective tissue binds structures together, creates space (compartments) for all the structures, and moves (conducts) body fluids, nerve stimuli, and energy through it.

We cannot see meridians with our bare eyes, or feel their structures with our bare hands.  However, the meridians have been visualized  (Pierre de Vernejoul, 1985, University of Paris) by injecting a radioactive dye into the meridian points and observing the dye move along the paths that the Chinese Medicine practitioners had mapped out thousands of years ago.  Moreover, the experiment confirmed that the energy flows only in one direction within a meridian.

The meridians bring primal energy to every cell in our bodies.

Energy supports life.  Without it, nothing moves.  The body’s cells make their own energy every moment of life in their energy factories, called mitochondria.  However, they can not do so without being energized themselves by some form of primal energy source.  That is the mystery of life that we have not been able to solve yet.

Congested meridians can make the body vulnerable to many health conditions.

Some examples are fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, lung disease, indigestion, constipation, cardiovascular disease, difficulty breathing, aches and pain, and many more.  It is therefore important to keep these energy channels free and clear.

Acupressure and acupuncture are the Chinese approach.  In the Western world, craniosacral therapy and energetic unwinding are very well suited to doing so by helping the body to release the restrictions in the connective tissue and thus help to fully open up the meridians.

The meridian system

There are 12 primary paired meridians and two single mid meridians, six yang and six yin. The yang meridians run down the body and the yin meridians flow up the body. Each meridian is also related to an element. Each meridian is most active at a certain time of the day or night and each meridian is influenced by an element or season.

The nature of meridians, in their elemental structure, and as vessels for the life force, show the intricacy and profound connection of our body at a cellular level, to the universe. We are intimately connected by the elements, energetic structure and flow of energy, to all life, at a cellular, physical level. Our earth is also said to have energetic pathways or ley lines, akin to meridians.

How are meridians related to health?

Our bodies need balance. A balanced flow or energy, not too much or too little, is conducive to good health. This is the same in the way we live our lives. Balance is paramount. Just enough food, water and a healthy balanced lifestyle. As the Buddha said: “middle way” or moderation in all things.

We can see this harmony and balance in life, as the balance between the energies of yin and yang – or more simplistically, masculine and feminine – the two opposing and catalyzing energies of the universe.

In our bodies we need balance, not too much or too little. Our health is vibrant if there is harmony and balance between these two forces in the body. If the balance is disturbed, and the flow of one of these forces becomes greater than the other, then illness arises. These forces or energies flow through very definite channels in the body, or meridians, and these are the body’s healing energy pathways.

In traditional Indian medicine, the meridians are expanded upon.There are nadis found within the physical body and these nadis make up the nervous system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the lymphatic systems, etc. Any blockages in these nadis can result in physical health conditions. Nadis can also be found in the subtle body where they carry thoughts, feelings, and nerve impulses. When these nadis are blocked, we lose our ability to feel, and connect deeply with others, the environment and ourselves. In the same way that veins and arteries are important for the body to function, nadis weave through our physical nerves and the matrix of consciousness that circuits the mind and self, supporting our physical expression from the otherworldly dimensions of existence.

Chi is made up of two kinds of forces, yin and yang. When the flow of energy is blocked, it causes low energy and illness. Practices like yoga, meditation and energy healing work on these subtle energy channels, supporting the flow of energy through the body. According to some ancient indian texts there are 350 000 nadis or energy pathways in the body. In traditional Indian medicine and spiritual science, the energies of the physical body, the subtle body and the causal body are said to flow through the nadis. Within this framework, the nadis are said to connect at special points of intensity called nadichakras.

ida pingala sushumnaThe three most important nadis are those running along the spine: ida, pingala and sushumna. The Sushumna is the central channel of energy in the human body and it runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and carries kundalini energy, which is the primal evolutionary force. Kundalini is awakened through yoga and meditation and is said to lie dormant at the base of the spine. Activation of the kundalini leads to higher consciousness states. The aim of yoga is to broaden the sushumna and to unite the pathways. Purifying all three nadis leads to overall health, and wellness of body and mind, as well as spiritual growth. Various Pranayama techniques aid in helping to keep these nadi channels open.

The three most important nadis are those running along the spine: ida, pingala and sushunma.

If you are sensitive to energy and have had energy treatments, such as energy healing, you may have felt streams of energy or a flow of cold or heat, for example, up the legs or arms. This is a freeing up of energy in the meridians and the flow of energy that is released when a blockage is removed.

There are many wonderful healing modalities based on the meridian system that support radiant health. By enhancing the flow of energy through the body, balance and health is achieved and we come in touch with our true selves. Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality used in China as early as the late stone age. It was used to treat all ailments affecting people. Acupuncture did not enter modern Western consciousness until the 1970’s when China ended a period of isolation and resumed foreign political and cultural contacts.

The range of applications for energy healilng has grown slowly in the West, possibly because of the belief that it has no scientific basis.  Perhaps now with the scientific proof of meridians, energy healing will become more widespread for all ailments, along with other great healing modalities based on the energetics of the body, supporting more people to have vibrant health and wellbeing.

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