Karmic Healing, Karma Clearing, Past Lives, Higher Power

law of karma

Karmic Healing, Karma Clearing, Past Lives, Higher Power

People believe in good and bad deeds around the world. Good deeds create good Karma and evil deeds create Bad Karma. Karma’s effect can manifest immediately, later in life or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs recreation, others believe that karma is actual particulate matter, something that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of goodness.

As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s plan. If we have imbalances in our Karma known as karmic debts, we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime until we gain the wisdom (Moksha) and value of the lesson being presented, or we re-embody, carrying the karma over from one lifetime till the next. Spirit is forever patient with our process of learning.

At death we have to leave everything behind- our property and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, dependent upon mind and body, the effects of karma will manifest themselves either in the short term or in the long term.

“Karma” is a Sanskrit word, which in its simplest form means “deed.” In Hindu philosophy, karma specifically refers to the deeds of the ego and the effects of those deeds. In an ultimate sense, all actions carried out by the ego affect the universe, causing it to be temporarily out of balance. The law of karma states that, to maintain balance, the universe directs the effects of one’s actions to eventually return to oneself.

All actions of the ego carry with them a karmic tracer that is both in the action and its effects and in the ego that created the action. It is this karmic tracer, acting like a deed of ownership, that causes the action to eventually return to the creator. Rather than the action itself being of primary importance, it is the intention of the one creating the action that determines the kind of karma that is created. A healthy positive intention will lead to a healthy positive effect when the karma returns; the opposite is also true.

Often the time it takes for the karma to return is more than one lifetime.  When this happens it will usually appear to the person that fortunate and/or unfortunate events are randomly happening to them, when in reality these events are the return of their own actions. Karma is the basis of one’s destiny—the seemingly inevitableness of events in the lives of some people.

Many of the illnesses and debilitating conditions people have are karmic in nature, being caused by actions the person has taken in this life or in past lives. In some healing circles and spiritual groups it is said that the reason a particular client isn’t healing is that the illness or debilitating condition is karmic and therefore the person must experience it in order to balance their karma. And because of this, supposedly there’s nothing the healer can do about it.

This idea has some validity, but only if we remain in this level of consciousness. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter what you are trying to accomplish in life, whether it’s to heal a condition, solve a problem or make your dreams come true, there is always a higher way. This concept also applies to solving karmic issues. The idea that one must experience one’s karma in order to move forward on one’s spiritual path is only valid as long as one makes use of this limited method of dealing with karma. There is a higher path to karmic healing that allows one to fulfill the purpose of karma, to heal quickly, and to move forward on one’s spiritual path with greatly reduced suffering.

This higher method makes use of the grace of the Higher Power, often administered through an enlightened being.  These enlightened being also possess tremendous love, wisdom and healing skill beyond our ability to comprehend. They are more than willing to help us heal and wait for us to make the opportunity available to them.

Keep in mind that the Higher Power has given each of us free will. This is something that is honored and respected by all enlightened beings. Because of this, they are unable to help us heal unless we ask that they do so. There are many ways to do this.


Karmic Clearing is a miraculous multi-Dimensional process. The underlying dynamics are complex but the experience is magical.  Sometimes it is as if an entire psychological problem, something that has been troubling you your entire life, has just disappeared without a trace.  You can’t get in touch with the old feelings anymore; you can’t even remember how bad you felt, how angry, how victimized.  You are just over it.


Healing Black Magic Spells, Witchcraft, Dark Forces, Spirits

Protect your life with black magic healing and cure from evil spell, dark forces, if you’re suffering from any witchcraft, voodoo or spirits possession.

Please note we are Anti-Black Magic, and work against people who are into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil ritual. We never cast nor do we entertain any love spell, calling /controlling spell. We are fighting against Black Magic and such practitioners. We suggest never try and promote any such activity, never take help of black magic, as it will at the end harm you only.

As believed, Magic the occult energy kind is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magic is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Using magic to forcefully control another person’s will is, in a sense, black magic. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, ‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black magicians. These people are most likely charlatans, hoaxers, dabblers, or merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of black magic, or even by the ‘glamour’ of doing something against the ‘rules’.

Any magic act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magic, since they are beneficial as well. However, aversive magic or black magic can produce aversive and negative side effects which may even harm the magician — aversive or evil magic is dangerous!

The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magic. Western magic was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it at all.

Culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner believes that magic encompasses many things — science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magic is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

Magic is beneficial if used positively. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magic life runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magic for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

Magic is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magic. Use magic to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self-defeating. The power which magic can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Magic and Witchcraft

A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent today besides magic. There are many cults and sects which profess their own views, but there are really few differences between them. One popular area in the occult today is witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliché of devil worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan). Witchcraft has much in common with magic. Alchemy also has much in common with magic. It’s heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be called magic. Sometimes the goal of alchemy is interpreted in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual being. Then there are the numerous modern day seers or ‘psychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these people are deluded frauds, some are actual powerful occultists indeed.

Healing and Banishing

Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by spiritual means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magic and it is a wrong practice. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will)

As believed by the culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic
• Blocked income
• Destroying someone’s career
• Bad luck
• Bad dreams
• Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage , causing to separate or divorce
• Controlling someone’s mind for sex
• Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
• Causing accidents
• Making people sick
• Anger & emotional imbalance
• Fear
• Not allowing the victim to sleep
• Depression
• Making the victim commit suicide
• Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
• Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
• Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
• Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
• Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
• There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians

karmic diseases

Healing Karmic Based Physical or Spiritual Diseases, Illness

A disease which has its primary consequence in past lives or previous acts by violations of the Divine Principles is considered a Karmic disease. We sowed seeds through the actions and thoughts in the past life, which now come up throughout the present life. Many karmic diseases are related to body injuries or wounds. For instance, heart defect is a karmic disease associated with cardiac activity failure in the past life. This could be a knife wound, a cardiac surgery or heart transplantation, or a car accident. The relevant information was recorded and deposited in mind, and mind is one of the covers of the thin body which transfers information to the following body. Karmic disease may be a spiritual disease or bodily disease, or their various combinations. Karmic diseases are often referred to only as spiritual diseases for they are manifested only on a non-material level and materialistic methods cannot identify, describe or eliminate them. Any action that might have caused harm to the health of others whether in physical, mental, emotional or sexual realms can actively induce physical karma. Consequently, these diseases are present in our energy bodies as unbalanced patterns, and they are enshrined in our Akashic Records, as everything that happens in our lives has been stored. According to our vedas, however, every disease is Karmic. After all, every disease has its cause in ignorance and subsequent incorrect, unnatural behaviour and the objective of every disease is to extend our cognition, to fulfil our Karma. When illness occurs, we cannot ignore it or put off dealing with it until sometime in the future. How we respond to illness is the key to the outcome. It can be an opportunity to face ourselves and how we are living and become a force for positive change.

An important principle in healing, is to remove the cause of the illness. For example, if your stomach is burning from eating too many chillies, stop eating too many chillies. This follows the natural relationship of cause and effect. The action of eating too many chillies causes the burning effect. Karma is defined simply as “action.” Some actions have immediate effects like eating too many chillies. Some do not. Some have a cumulative effect over time. This is why poor habits gradually turn into full-blown illnesses. For example, eating too much sugar may predispose us to diabetes. Drinking too much alcohol may lead to liver disease. In these cases, to remove the cause means to remove the negative habit. Upon removal of the habit early on, the person has a chance to gradually heal. We can explain this delay between cause and effect with an analogy. Causes are called karmic seeds, and effects are called karmic fruits. Each time we perform an action of body, speech, or mind, it is like planting a seed in our subconscious mind, the storehouse of karmas. The karmic seeds, once planted, remain dormant until the appropriate conditions are present for the seed to sprout and bear fruit.

A disease can thus haunt an individual for a lifetime and sometimes during several lives, until he gets rid of it himself or until someone knowledgeable and authorised assists through spiritual therapy.

spiritual interference

Ghost, Haunted House, Curse, Spirit Attachment & Releasement

Spirit Release

Many people believe in life after death and that the soul lives on. What most people may not realise is the degree to which our lives can be affected by spiritual interference.

When we die, we separate from the physical body and enter a transition into the spirit world. However sometimes for many reasons the spirit does not make this transition.

Most people who die transition from the Earth realm to higher realms. A spirit attachment is a person who has died i.e, leaving their physical body but not moved beyond the earth plane. This can happen for several reasons: they missed the window available to return to the Light, they had a sudden, traumatic death and did not realize they died, or they had family members/loved ones clinging to them energetically, unable to accept their passing.

As a result of missing the opportunity to move on, they remain here, and may attach to someone living. In certain cases, rather than attaching to a person, a spirit will choose to inhabit a location—a home or other building—where they feel comfortable.

Spirits who attach to an individual—or their surroundings—affect that person emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as long as they stay with him or her; they may experience nightmares, audible whispers at night etc. This can last an entire lifetime if they do not get the right help. Luckily, any type of spirit attachment can be removed and sent where they need to go, for good.

Have you ever had an uneasy feeling within a room, as though some unseen force was there? Have you ever sensed the presence of spirits or ghosts or felt you were not alone? Most of us have had these experiences at some stage in our lives and when this occurs within our homes we can often feel very troubled, even frightened. These events are not uncommon.

Cleansing your home and removing the non beneficial energies can help you in many ways move towards creating a more positive atmosphere. However, this very aspect of cleansing is all too often overlooked.

Spirit release is literally the separation of your energies or the buildings energies from the entity (spirit or negative energy) that has attached itself to them. Where possible the spirit can then be helped to move on to the light where they can receive help.

Freeing an earthbound spirit takes compassion and a calm nature. Spirits were living people at one time and they may be lonely or frightened by their experience. It is a real honour to do this work and the sense of relief you feel inside when they finally cross over cannot be put into words.

Spirit Attachments

Science has not yet proved the presence of spirit attachment. There is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Spirits may attach themselves to a building, the aura of a person or they may become internalised by taking up residence within an individual.

Sometimes a loved one will try and stay around to be with their family members and create a strong influence on the people this spirit once lived with.

Losing or aborting a baby during pregnancy may also produce a foetal attachment, which can in turn affect the emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing of a person.

Signs and Symptoms of Attachment

  • Feeling tired and depleted of energy
  • Suffering mood swings and/or impulsive behaviour
  • Unexplained bursts of anger, sadness or emotion
  • Hearing inner voices
  • A feeling of ‘this isn’t me’
  • Problems with addictions
  • Poor memory, concentration or confusion
  • Sudden anxiety or depression
  • Sudden onset of physical problems or pain with no obvious cause
  • Unexplained fears, phobias or panic attacks
  • Worrying or disturbing nightmares
  • Feelings of being watched, unexplained sensations or smells
  • Cold areas in your home, a sense of someone else in the room
  • A person who has not been the same since an accident, since losing a loved one, or since moving house

Types of Attachment

  • Earth bound spirits, ghosts and lost souls
  • Negative energy and psychic attack
  • Curses, cords and contracts
  • Past life attachments and ancestral patterns
  • Earth energies

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks influence on energy body, mental, physical

A psychic attack is a negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon a person, their life, or their family. Harm can be launched toward the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state of a person. Those negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and more.

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create. I recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

Symptoms of A Psychic Attack

When you are under psychic attack, you might experience these possible symptoms:

  • Unexplained sense of fear
  • Very frightening nightmares, often causing a fear of sleep
  • Negative thoughts that seem to pop into our mind from out of nowhere
  • Feeling tired for no reason at all
  • Sudden illnesses that seem to have no diagnosis
  • Strange accidents that seem to be recurring
  • Having unexplained pains on a regular basis
  • Experiencing random illnesses and pains that your attacker is aware of, even if you have not told anyone
  • Having painful headaches accompanied by dizziness and vomiting
  • Feeling an unexplained sense of doubt in your life
  • Lack of clarity in thinking, or a sudden change in your analytical ability
  • Sudden onset of depression
  • Irrational outbursts of sorrow, anger and fear
  • Hearing voices or having the feeling of being watched or followed, even when you are alone
  • Constantly seeing your attacker in your dreams and thoughts

One of the key power of the psychic attack is it hits during ones weakest point! This is simply because at a weakened state, already, the energy level of the person is quite low. This can be, for example, during an instance of physical fatigue, emotional breakdown, mentally weak, or even spiritually low. Let’s consider a person, after his day’s work, he is in a state of tiredness, and here there is a physical fatigue. If the body is tired, and the mind restless, the protective shield slackens. With an emotional upheaval somehow, that protective auric field becomes mild and too subtle to be strong. Hence, that ‘negative intention arrow’ pierces the aura easily.

Most often, psychic attacks go unnoticed by the victim. But by the time the attacks intensify, the vulnerability of the person increases, resulting in the various psychic attacks symptoms.

Most psychic attacks are coined as Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Wild the physical attack is said to be mild, the Spiritual one is the highest form. Physical psychic attacks form mild disturbances, and the person can get symptoms like headaches, rashes, stomach ache and various other aches and pains. Mental psychic attacks are medium form of attacks. Victims may feel a variety of negative emotions or thoughts such as general depression, fear, guilt, hate or jealousy. Generally, these negative emotions or thoughts occurring have no actual basis and are often far stronger than the person’s typical negative mental state. Emotional psychic attacks bring victims down on an emotional level. This happens mostly during a heartbreaking situation, or a simply an insult. Spiritual psychic attacks is a high level of attack. They can result in an unusual and extreme personality or mood swings. The victim may behave oddly. This kind of attack can destroy or injure badly the victim.

indian black magic

Healing & curing Black Magic, Witchcraft, Negative Energies

Sometime we have to go through several unknown problems in our life. We do not understand the reason of problems that are hindering our progress. Do you know these problems symbolize the energy imbalances? Similarly several couples are facing problems with child birth and many are not diagnosed with any biological issue. Negative energies related to husband or wife are responsible for these kind of  problems connected to child birth and relationship issues.

Energy is generally neutral. It is the intent behind the energy which creates positive or negative energies. When the intent behind the energy is to create harm, hurt, division, to conquer, to destroy or to influence someone in a negative manner against their own free will we call these- Negative Energies or Dark Energies or simply Black Magic. These energies do not resonate well within our own energy systems. Our Soul is inherently positive, expansive, healing and unifying and so when Dark Energies or Black Magic enter our systems whether by chance or by others then it makes us feel unwell and out of balance. These Dark or Malefic energies eclipse the soul.

Black Magic is the art of  practicing the power of the god of the ghost or demons or a phantom or spiritual or supernatural power in order to harm someone such as bringing down a sick person or creating Disturbances in a person’s life or even to kill a person. All this is done to take revenge on a person that one thinks or feels his enemy. It is a practice that is done at night after sunset in the dark and with bad intention.  This practice is a dangerous practice that are thrown with the intention of getting revenge or causing serious damage to someone or enemies. The magic black mantra spells are usually very powerful mantra spells. By performing particular rituals, making animal sacrifices to mollify and control spirits, Black magic is used to abduct or harm another person.

Now a days, we are seeing unscrupulous people using Dark Energies, Black Magic or culturally developed negative energies causing a lot of harm to others due to envy, jealousy, greed, ego or fear.

Please note we are not into black magic, we are fighting against black magic from last many years. We are against casting Black Magic. At Sanjeevini spiritual Healing Center, we specialize in removing black magic, removing witchcraft, healing and curing the black magic, dark energies through our spiritual and healing techniques.

FAQ’s about Black Magic, Witchcraft, Spells, Voodoo & Spirits

Frequently Asked Questioons about Black Magic, Witchcraft, Spells, Voodoo & Evil Spirits

What exactly is Black Magic?

Black Magic is an ancient science that uses the five elements or the visible/invisible chemistry, physics, biology, electronics & ether (universal spirit) to hurt or heal people. The core of all black magic lies within the spirit world or the world of the dead.

Black Magic has many names and languages known throughout the world since the beginning of time. It is a general term for words like spell, witchcraft, curse, and Voodoo. It is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of jinnee’s, evil spirits, or even the devil. The foundation of all black magic lies within the spirit world. A person who has mastered the art of sorcery and black magic can perform sorcery. These black magicians follow a system for several weeks and months, calling the spirits in the underworld, doing rituals and making animal and human sacrifices to affix hands with the underground world. Once they have conquered these techniques, they take control of the spirits who are now controlled by the sorcerers command at all times. Then these spirits are used as a tool to access data regarding anyone and then used to harm that individual, even kill them. Unfortunately, People that are driven by jealousy, anger, hate and different negative traits pay these black magicians to mentally and physically hurt their relatives, friends and colleagues by making them suffer in life. At present, the assistance of black magicians is being used within the legal systems from around the globe by several lawyers to win cases. Politicians and businessmen are also turning to this evil source to defeat their competition.

Black magic can be given to a victim through drinking or eating such as adding the black magic to food or drink. If someone has a picture of you or a possession that you own (Example: a piece of clothing), they can give this to the black magician to make black magic against you. The black magician can also make it in liquid form so it can be spilled over an object or piece of land.

Who does black magic & why is black magic done?

Someone who has mastered the art of black magic can perform black magic, these Black Magicians follow a system for many weeks and months, calling the spirit world, doing rituals and making animal sacrifices (Human sacrifices in some cases) to join hands with the spirit world. Once they have mastered the technique they take control of the spirits who are at their command 24 hours a day. Then these spirits are used to access any information about anyone and are also used to harm people, even kill them. People who are driven by jealousy, anger, hate and other negative traits hire these black magicians to inflict harm on their relatives, friends and co-workers. At present the help of black magicians is being used in the legal systems around the world by many lawyers to win cases for their clients. Politicians & business community are also using it around the world to defeat their competition.

Can one become a victim of spirit world without someone doing black magic on the individual?

Yes, if you are a female, you are more prone to becoming a victim of the spirit world compared to men. When woman go through their monthly cycles their Auric shield weakens, if during that time period she goes near the graveyard or a river or lake or under trees, uses perfumes, drinks alcohol or take drugs, keeps herself dirty, allows negative or sexual thoughts, she is inviting trouble as spirits are everywhere and can take charge of the female body anytime the circumstances are right. On the other hand in men the Auric shield weakens/breaks/opens up if they do drugs, take alcohol, involve with women who are possessed or are unhygienic. In both men and women the shield that protects the Aura can become weak in case of extreme sickness or in an accident.

What kind of harm can be done to someone using black magic or what kind of harm is inflicted on innocent people using the services of these Black Magicians?

Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic

  • Blocked income
  • Destroying someone’s career
  • Bad luck
  • Bad dreams
  • Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage
  • Controlling someone’s mind for sex
  • Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex

Some of the serious stuff that is done to these victims are:

  • Causing accidents
  • Making people sick
  • Anger & emotional imbalance
  • Fear
  • Not allowing the victim to sleep
  • Depression
  • Making the victim commit suicide
  • Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
  • Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
  • Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
  • Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
  • Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body

There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians

I am a vegetarian, have a strong faith in God and meditate every day, can I be victimized?

It does not matter whether you are a meat eater or a strict vegetarian who mediates or prays to God every day. If someone has initiated black magic against you, you will feel the effects of it and in case “ash of the dead” (AKA: Masaan in Hindi or Urdu) has been fed to you, you will become a helpless puppet at the hands of the black magician. In fact the very first step the black magician takes is to bind your income and bind the God power within you so as you cannot take the help of a healer or pray to God and then you are fed the negatively charged stuff to create an opening within your Auric shield. Once the opening is made, evil spirits and entities are channeled into your body destroying the Prana and infecting the body and vital organs with corrupted negative energy and feeding on your blood.

I do not have any symptoms of being affected by the spirit world as listed on your website, how can I save myself from the dark world of black magicians and their evil spirit world?

Here are some precautions that you can take from becoming a victim

  • Do not eat or drink any item from anyone unless the person shares that food item with you.
  • Sweets/Desserts that are filled with “Ash of the Dead” and charged with negative mantra are used to create an opening in your Auric shield and that opening is used as a channel to control your body & mind.
  • Black Magic is done using your picture, clothes, hair, nails, blood, saliva, skin tissue & used menstrual pads
  • Women get affected with black magic more easily than men, in women the effects can be observed on the surface while in men it works as an undercurrent and is not visible
  • Black magic can also be done by touching your body or looking straight into your eyes
  • Black Magic can be done over the phone. DO NOT answer calls that come from anonymous numbers, Blocked Id’s or from numbers that you do not recognize, let them go to voice mail
  • Anything that carries an Aura can be charged with negative energies to create an opening in the Auric field of the victim. Examples: Clothing, jewelry, piece of paper, stuffed animals or stuffed dolls etc
  • Black magic can also be done using your picture, name and your mother’s name hence do not give sensitive information to everyone

Most of the serious symptoms listed on your website match my condition and I feel my life is at risk, is there a way I can treat myself?

There is much risk involved in treating one’s own self, unless one has access to the spirit world. If you have been victimized, you really do not know who is doing this to you and what kind of technique is being used and the kind of negative energy being sent your way or what are the motives of your perpetrators. In case, if you do venture on your own with a reversal ritual, the enemy could be an expert in these issues and you could end up getting back the reversal energies that have multiplied causing serious damage to you and your family at the body-mind-spirit level. Moreover, if there is ongoing black magic activity against you, there is no way you will win over your perpetrators on your own and you will need a professional to fight for you and diffuse the ongoing black magic against you. I would emphasize this again: If there is ongoing black magic against you, you will never be able to win no matter how strong are you and how spiritual are you, The war will continue until you die or the black magician dies, not just this, since these people have evil minds, they will transfer your case to one of their associates before they die and the black magic activity will continue against you for the rest of your life.

I do not want to spend money on getting professional help. What can I do on my own to fight the black magic?

In case you have been fed the “Ash of the Dead” by your enemies then none of the mantras, meditations or therapies will work, except for slowing down the negative effects to some extent. In case your situation is not serious, doing prayers, meditations, chanting’s and eating the right kind of food will help you take care of your situation or keep protecting you for some time but if there is ongoing magic, there is no way you can treat yourself. On the other hand, these therapies could stir-up issues that you could find difficult to handle, in that case your situation could worsen. Fighting black magic is a vicious game and unless you have access to the Angelic Realm or the Spirit world, there is no way that you will be handle it on your own.



Black Magic On House, Office, Business |Mantras, Evil Ghosts

Black magic is sending destructive waves/ energy (generally through a ghost) targeting on a person without his consent or knowledge and bringing him under the control of our instructions.

If you may feel that your house has come under the attack of evil powers, blackmagic spells, witchraft etc then this power is very strong and will destroy all evil affects that are in your house Some times you will notice that your house is haunted, you may hear strange noises like people talking or even laughing and this can be very scary, some times evil spirits get settled in the house and it is very difficult for them to go once they have captured the house, this happens also if some enemy has casted any spell on your house and once they enter your house they bring bad luck and negative energies with them and as a result of all this once your house that was heaven for you turns out to be worse then hell.

Black Magic is done by involving many rituals and manthras. Manthras are of two types. One type is for constructive purposes. Another one is for destructive purposes.

In the case of constructive manthras, they help us grow in our material as well as spiritual life. For example, Gayathri Manthra spreads spiritual waves around us.  This will uplift one in his spiritual practices.

Whereas, The destructive manthras can bring and establish the ghosts to our place and spread negative waves/ energy inside our mind and  around us that will prevent all the good fortunes entering into our home.

They are done by some Tantriks who are able to invite and control some ghosts through these manthras, send them to us and make our liberal thought process inactive and hence the affected person will always show some symptoms as if he has lost something. He will not be able to concentrate in his productive activities everyone is expected to do.  He will be uninterested in worldly affairs.

These Tantriks use the ghosts (brought through some destructive manthras) to produce such negative vibrations against a person.  He first brings a evil minded ghost in his control through manthras and instructs that ghost to fulfill the task perfectly and then report him that the task has been done. When such ghosts are present in a house, the house loses its positive energy.

The tasks given to the ghosts usually are:  Creating Diseases, Poverty (by allowing the wealth to be stolen or losing job), mental illnesses, or in serious cases even killing the target person.

 After fulfilling the task given, the ghost comes back to the Tantrik and reports that he has done the given task.  Then, the Tantrik releases that ghost free.

Actually those who use these techniques for negative purposes will have to suffer in their next birth.  Even in this birth, such Tantriks will be leading a kind of restless life.

How the evil ghosts are sent to the home of the target?

These Tantriks use some materials of the target person such as  his piece of cloth worn by the person, his hair, his teeth, etc to incorporate the evil forces in them and then throws that material in the house or garden of the target person.  Thus, the ghost starts to live in that house.


If Black magic has been done against a person, that person may show some or many of the following symptoms:

1) He likes to be alone all the time;

(2) he shows unrest and irritation always.

(3) Body pains particularly on the shouldres and head;

(4) Likes to remain dirty without bathing.

(5) Some peculiar smell will come from the affected person;

(6) he/ she will be talking alone;

(7) he/ she will be making unnatural body movements and biting the nails.

(8) No auspiciousness will be there in the home and Tulasi will not grow in that house (usually, tulasi plant will not grow in inauspicious surroundings.


Spirits, Black Magic, Demons, Ghosts, Curse, Witchcraft, Hex

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Category : Black Magic

spiritual interferenceBlack magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

How Black Magic is Used

  • Black magicians may use these spirits to access information from anyone. These pieces of information may be used to inflict harm to the individual.
  • Black magicians may use spirits to mentally torture and physically harm people. There are people driven by jealousy, anger and hate who pay black magicians to inflict harm to their relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Black magicians can even be hired by professionals like lawyers to win cases. Politicians and businessmen have at times hired black magicians to defeat their competitors. It is also a very common practice in the movie, music and modeling industries.

How Black Magic Spells Are Done

There are many ways black magic spells are done but the most common is making the victim eat or drink food or beverage that has been previously bound with black magic. Photographs of the victim can be used to invoke a black magic curse. If a black magician obtains a photo of you or something you own or possess–for instance a piece of clothing or jewelry—these items could be used against you. Some black magicians can even create a liquid spell which may be spilled over a piece of land or an object to create a black magic curse.

Black Magic Symptoms

Keep in mind that most black magic spells are done for specific purposes and therefore there are endless symptoms black magic can manifest. The effect is felt differently from individual to individual according to their life situations, their overall health, and their mental state.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you may need the services of a spiritual healer for a cure for black magic:

  • Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain
  • Terrible headaches
  • Blindness
  • Eyes turning gray
  • Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping
  • Depression
  • Feeling negative energy weighing down on them
  • Very bad breath
  • Seizures
  • Excessive crying
  • Unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance
  • Unexplained infertility
  • One or more episodes of miscarriage
  • Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal
  • Unexplained impotence
  • Very bad body odor
  • Development of skin conditions all over the body with very bad odor
  • The occurrence of nightmares
  • Acting angry and not remembering
  • Forgetting incidents and moments of life
  • Changes in voice
  • Changes in appearance
  • Indulging in excess alcohol, drugs, violence and unprotected/unhealthy sex
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)

These are just some of the possible symptoms of black magic.

Black magic spells and curses can be tailored specifically to an area in a person’s life.

Here are a few examples of how black magic can affect your life:

  • Excessive unexplained bad luck
  • Unreasonable fear to go out or leave home
  • Ruined a marriage or other relationships
  • To never maintain a happy relationship
  • To struggle and have nothing work in life
  • To be affected with financial loss
  • To give up everything he/she owns such as a home or business for no reason at all
  • To become a victim of frequent accidents
  • To have paranoia
  • To destroy his/her or someone else’s career
  • To leave the country for no reason
  • To control someone’s mind for sex
  • To affect his/her health
  • To constantly be unhappy
  • To always be sad
  • To never succeed in anything
  • To go crazy or have psychological problems
  • To make people leave his/her life for no reason
  • To get in trouble
  • To stop where he/she is in life and not move forward

The victim of a black magic curse might experience supernatural symptoms as well.

The following may indicate an undesired supernatural presence in your life:

  • Hearing strange whispering voices
  • Feeling someone next to them while they sleep
  • Hearing someone calling their name
  • Experiencing paranormal activities
  • Experiencing a feeling of being raped or sexually abused while dreaming or while awake
  • Seeing shadows around them
  • Hearing knocking on their door when no one is actually there

Symptoms of Demonic Possession

Finding a cure for black magic may not be your only concern. Spiritual healers have the ability to perform exorcisms as well. Satanic possession can occur when an evil presence enters the body of a living creature. A possessed person often expresses some of the following symptoms:

  • Inappropriate laughter or laughing for no reason Knowledge about other people without any possible way of knowing
  • Changes in voice
  • Drinking massive amounts of water
  • Bad breath
  • Changes in facial features
  • Changes in skin such as development of dry skin or excessive pimples
  • Becoming angry or starting a fight for no reason
  • Becoming very sensitive to smells
  • Washing hands and body excessively
  • Smelling his/her body parts all the time to be certain they are clean
  • Being dirty/filthy sometimes to the point of playing with his/her feces
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)
  • Encouraging people that it is OK to do bad things because God said it was OK
  • Cutting or personally harming themselves but not remembering that they did this
  • Experiencing blackouts
  • Prophesying the future and being adamant that what they say is accurate

eathbound spirits

Understanding Psychic Attachment & Vampirism |Aura & Chakras

People in our lives, especially those of whom we have emotions for, and/or of whom we are close to, either positive or negative, are attached to our aura. Normally, we are attached at the chakras. These attachments can last for many lifetimes. They are most common with family members, those who are close to us, and those who have affected our lives in any major way, including pets.

There are symptoms of psychic attachment, the most pronounced are thoughts and/or feelings that are not your own, strong premonitions concerning a loved one or family member and other kinds of telepathic emotions and feelings. To know whether a thought or feeling is your own, take a few moments to engulf yourself in the ether. This is done by visualizing yourself within the ultra-violet light of the ether element. If the feeling/emotion goes away almost immediately, it is not your own. If it remains, then it is yours.

In ridding ourselves of an unwanted relationship attachment/influence, we must acknowledge that a problem exists and WANT to let go. If the one performing the working subconsciously does not want to let go, this exercise will be much more difficult. In addition, there are individuals who have such strong feelings, especially in the way of a love obsession, that their feelings can become intermeshed with our own, making it difficult to even perform the working.

There is another kind of attachment and that is what is called “psychic vampirism.” Psychic vampirism occurs when an individual attaches him/herself astrally to another’s soul. He/she usually attaches at one or more of the host’s chakras [in most cases, the heart], and drains the host’s energy. In all close relationships, there is a mutual soul attachment for better or for worse. In the case of a psychic vampire, the relationship is analogous to that of a parasite and a host. A psychic vampire does not even have to be involved in a relationship, as it is natural for his/her soul to feed off of the energies of others.

The host’s energy eventually becomes depleted, especially when in close proximity to the psychic vampire. Whether the vampire is physically near to his/her host, or at a distance, once a psychic vampire has attached him/herself to the host, he/she can drain the host.

Psychic vampires can be strangers, but in many cases, a psychic vampire can even be a family member.

In almost all cases of psychic vampirism, there is a weakness on the part of the host person. The parasite/host relationship often satisfies an unfulfilled need for one or both of the individuals involved. The attaching person’s energy feeds off this.

How do people get attachments?

There are a few ways that a person can pick up an attachment.

  • Having Weak Spots or Vulnerabilities in your Aura. If your aura (energy field generated from your chakras) is torn or weak in any area, an attachment has a ‘way in’.
  • Damage to any of your Chakras. Damaged chakras are vulnerable to ‘infection’ which means that they have weak spots where the attachment can get in and wield it’s influence.
  • Not Occupying the Energy Centers. Many times a person will ‘shut down’ emotionally to certain aspects of their lives. This may come from abuse on any level, or extreme emotional disappointments that have taken place in their life. Or it could be from becoming so engulfed in living from the energy of one particular chakra, that they don’t bother living from the other ones. This leaves a vacancy in the energy center and an opening for something else to ‘move in’.
  • Regular Exposure to Extreme Negativity. Attachments are persistent. They don’t ever stop trying to get in to your energy field. If you are always around them or in regular communication with a person who has one, it’s kind of inevitable that one is going to eventually get to you. They can be contagious in nature so if someone you know has one, it’s likely going to try to jump into your energy field and vamp you too.
  • Having Highly Evolved or Developed Chakras. The brighter your light shines, the more appealing your energy is going to be to these baddies. In fact, the worst attachments I have ever seen have been on the most beautiful and evolved chakras I have ever seen. At first I questioned why someone so spiritually advanced would have such a terrible case of attachments. My Guides provided the answer. The more advanced the chakra, the more energy is generated from it. So of course the more appealing it will be to attachments. Basic chakras pick up basic attachments, advanced and powerful chakras pick up advanced and powerful attachments

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