

Category : Aura & Chakras

Life can be thought of as cells, blood and bones. However, life is actually much more than this. The human body is but the physical manifestation of what may be called an electrical, non-physical energy field. Many scientists, especially quantum physicists, are accepting the fact that all things in the Universe emit energy. They know this because the energy can be detected using advanced bio-electric technologies.

The aura is an electromagnetic field that that can be described as a luminous body that surrounds the physical body, taking on a cocoon like shape. Each and every object, living or inanimate has an aura. Auras constantly change color and shape, depending on how the person is feeling and where they are emotionally and spiritually. The aura usually extends out from the body 30-40cm for an average person, and can be much larger for a more highly developed spiritual person.

The aura can be viewed as a visual representation of the soul. It is a very complex system and each persons aura is distinctly different and can change over time. There are however flashes of colours that depict certain emotions, that are common to all of us, such as red for anger, pink for love and green for envy etc.


A healthy person has a brighter aura.  One’s race, skin color or religion has nothing to do with this.  A healthy person also usually has an aura that is more beautiful, whiter, and lighter in color.

The aura of those who are ill is usually dull, darker, muddy looking, and often has a greenish or yellowish tint.  Near death, the aura almost disappears because it is so dark and small.

What are the 7 layers of the aura called?
The aura is made up of seven layers or energy bodies each one of these layer relates to a corresponding chakra.

Etheric Body (Base Chakra)
Associated with touch, feeling and the five senses: taste, smell, touch, sight and sound

Emotional Body (Sacral Chakra)
Associated with lower emotions

Mental Body (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Associated with lower mental concepts and rational thinking

Astral Body (Heart Chakra)
Associated with love and relationships

Etheric Template (Throat Chakra)
Associated with Divine Will and physical aspect

Celestial Body (Third Eye Chakra)
Associated with the spiritual world & emotional aspects

Ketheric Body (Crown Chakra)
Associated with the divine mind, higher truth & mental aspects


Development of the aura.  Everyone has an astral body.  In those over about the age of 10 to 30, the etheric body develops to some degree in everyone.  This is a more advanced subtle energy field, or energy body.  It develops as one uses the mind for constructive purposes and as a person overcomes hardships by using the brain rather than by “getting by” using cunning, or cleverness or brute force or laziness.

Upper subtle body development. In those who meditate and live properly,  even more subtle and more amazing energy bodies also develop soon after the etheric body develops.  This is the first step toward the advanced state of human life that is possible for human beings on planet earth.  When this occurs, a person is said to be developed.

This simply means that one has developed all of the subtle human bodies that are possible for a person who lives on planet earth.  This is a wonderful achievement that few accomplish, although it is well within the realm of possibility for anyone. It simply requires following the rules and ideas set down in the articles on this website.

Early development the most difficult. In fact, the hardest part of developing the advanced aura and subtle bodies is the beginning, by far. It is like trying to blast off in a rocket and escape the earth’s gravity – the hardest part is getting out of the lower atmosphere.  Once you are free of that, the rest of the trip into outer space is easy.

This is exactly how it is with what is called mental or spiritual development.  Overcoming the initial resistance and inertia of the physical body takes years in most cases, which is why most religions suggest studying hard and following all the rules, even if you do not understand them.  Then, once one has overcome the inertia of the physical body, development becomes much easier.

In earlier times, one almost had to enter a monastery to initiate the process.  Today it is not as hard, however, for many people because people are wealthier, which means they have more time in some cases. Also, websites such as this one are available that can guide a person step by step, in a way, that was not available in earlier days when one needed a personal guide.  This is still required in the advanced stages, but not for the earlier ones that are of interest to most people.

Sequence of development. At first, the higher bodies take form, but are not active.  This is called the process of development and is the most important part of the processIt usually takes people their entire lifetime to do this part of the process.

Once development is over, a period of time elapses while other changes occur in the body.  Then, at a certain point, each of the higher bodies slowly fills with light energy or certain particles that activate or “glow” the bodies.  This means the higher fields or bodies are now usable and “turned on”.  This is the basic sequence of development and evolution of a human being.

Advantages and benefits of development.  These are many and primarily include a longer life and better health.  However, since the mind is developing itself to a high degree, it brings with it a calmer personality, a sharper mind.  A better memory and many other aspects of the personality develop as well.  One will have more abilities, more talents and more intuition than before.  At a point, one can access guidance, for example, and begin to communicate telepathically, which brings us to the next level of evolution of a human being.

Further development or evolution.  As one continues the pushing down exercise, and continues to live and eat properly, first the etheric body grows very large and its color changes from a bluish haze to a bright yellow when it is fully developed.  Then and only then the upper bodies fill with light or energy.  This is an important sequence of events that signifies that a person is really on his or her way toward development of the highest potential that a human being can achieve on a planet.

Who can see Auras?
Everyone is capable of sensing and/or seeing auras. It is something that as a society we have been closed to for many generations. As children we all see auras but as we grow up we lose this ability as it is not something that is discussed or encouraged and we close off to it.

If you wish to see auras there are a few exercises you can do to begin your journey. It is important to remember that everybody is different and each person sees and feels things differently. There is no way that is more correct that the other. Above all else remember to have fun. With practice and patience it will come, and in time, as you slowly awaken your third eye, you will begin to see what lies right in front of you.

Seeing is just one aspect, many people are able to sense auras quiet distinctly but are unaware of what this actually means and how you can be used in your daily life.

Sensing Auras
Sensing peoples auras is done through feeling and through knowing, like trusting your gut instincts about someone or something. Everybody does this on a day to day basis through normal social interaction. You can sense somebody’s anger, you sense somebody’s fear, somebody’s love, somebody’s compassion. These are all easily identifiable and this is all part of your ability to sensing auras. These feelings, these intuitions are a result of another persons energy passing through yours. As you begin to identify these feelings you will learn to identify other peoples auras and energies. You will be able to pick up and sense the feelings, and with time you will be able to link these feelings with pictures, visions or images.

Best times for seeing Auras

A good time to practice seeing auras is in the early evening or early morning when the sun is low in the sky. This heightens the visibility of the auras and makes it easier to see. We suggest that when you are learning, practice on a plain background. Such as a clear sky or wall, but it must be clear and not patterned. It is best to do these exercises on a dark or light background. Before starting these exercises make sure you are relaxed and comfortable. Listening to relaxing or meditative music can help with quietening your mind, focus on your breathing and be in a calm relaxed state.

Learning to see Auras

Seeing auras is not something you have to try hard to do, it is something that comes in time, you do not need to force it, you just need to clear your mind and relax. Do not sit there and strain and stare. When you are ready you will see what you need to see.

As you progress down this path the subject of self doubt will inevitable arise in a lot of peoples minds, just remember that what you are seeing is not your imagination, do not misinterpret it as a trick of your eye. You are getting there and you will see what you need to see.

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