Common Ways Demon Spirits Gain Entry into the Souls of Human

spirit possession

Common Ways Demon Spirits Gain Entry into the Souls of Human

spirit possessionA demon spirit can gain entry into the soul of a human being far more easily than people imagine. Demon spirits target all souls on Earth and look for holes in the aura, a weak shield of protection around the aura, and gaps or empty spaces in the soul they can reside. These gaps or empty spaces occur as a result of ‘soul fragmentation’ commonly due to emotional trauma. These demon spirits wish to remain “undetected” and seek to create further emotional and psychological imbalances in the soul of the human being they inhabit. Nearly all souls on Earth have been affected by this phenomena, yet remain oblivious to it. And this is because it is only a partial demon possession. According to my hypnotized clients, demons have only partial control over them. They can inhabit a part of their body and cause them physical and emotional problems, but they do not have full control over patients’ minds, bodies, and souls. Clients still have their (free) will.” Only when the soul has been completely overwhelmed by a vast amount of these demon spirits do more severe physical, emotional and psychological problems result. Below we outline the most common ways demon spirits gain “easy-entry” into the souls of human beings. Further below we outline common human conditions that are frequently and in some cases nearly always the result of demon spirit possession.

  • Soul Fragmentation caused by Fear / Fright / Shock / Trauma

This is the most common way demon spirits are able to access the souls of human beings. The soul of the human being can easily become fragmented or “split” due to emotional trauma, shock, fear, grief, etc. This leads to holes in the aura and gaps or empty spaces in the soul for demon spirits to enter and reside. As the soul experiences a traumatic situation, a part of it decides that it does not want to have that experience. Therefore, it breaks off and separates itself from the main part of the soul. One might envision that some of the balls inside the cage break away. The cage itself remains but it now has a void inside of it. You might have heard the saying that nature abhors a vacuum. When a part of the soul’s substance has been split off, there is a vacuum inside the crystalline structure of the soul, and something is going to fill that vacuum. Because of the imperfect conditions found on this planet, it is highly likely that the vacuum is invaded by non-material beings. These can be malicious entities, such as demons. The vast majority of human beings have some kind of split or fracture in their souls, and therefore they have been invaded by outside influences. ”

  • Watching Scary Frightening Movies

Whenever a human being uses its freewill to “voluntarily choose the experience of being scared and frightened”, it gives the “green light” for other fear-based demon spirits to enter its soul. Demon speaks during session: “We crowd around people when they are watching violent and horror movies, at home and in the movie theaters. When they become shocked and scared, their shields open and we can enter their bodies. Then we motivate them to watch more of these movies.”

  • Using Drugs and Alcohol

Whenever a human being uses drugs and alcohol to “escape reality” it opens itself up to demon possession. Demon speaks during session: “Drinking and using drugs can weaken and open their shields and we can come in and give them a desire to use more and more. We also send into them earthbound spirits who were addicted to drugs and alcohol, when they were living in their bodies. Once they enter people, they satisfy their addictions through their host. That is why drug and alcohol addicts have a hard time stopping their addictions. So far, we are very successful in making people believe that we do not exist. We do not want people to learn about us and how they can free themselves from us through prayers and other means. It will destroy us and we will do everything in our power to stop you.”

  • Watching Pornography

A human being opens itself up to demon possession whenever it watches pornography or X-rated movies. Demon speaks during session: “When people watch X-rated and pornographic movies, they lower their vibrations and open their shields for us to come in. Then we give them obsession to watch them more and more. Images are stored in the visual cortex. We can restimulate their visual cortex through a transmitter type of device and give them urges to watch these movies. We also squeeze their testicles and give them inappropriate sexual urges.”

  • Angry Outbursts / Holding onto Hate / Revenge / Non-Forgiveness

A human being opens itself up to demon possession whenever it becomes violent, angry, jealous, full of rage, hateful, veangeful and non-forgiving. Demon controlled earthbound entity: “We are taught how to keep people stirred up and fighting with each other. We have to make them constantly fight each other and keep them agitated. We can make the person angry and look through his eyes and go in the other person. We can get in almost every one of you this way. ‘It is the feelings that accompany these words that opens the person. ‘F**k’ is a very bad word. It also lowers the vibrations and opens the shield of a person.”

  • Being Anesthetized / Unconscious / Sedated / Physically Unwell / Having Surgery

A human being is vulnerable to demon possession whenever it is physically unwell, weakened or unconscious. “Entities in my clients often claimed that they entered the clients when the clients were physically ill, injured, knocked unconscious, sedated, or anesthetized. Some entities claim to come inside the clients while the clients are in the hospital after surgery or during an illness. They claim that hospitals are usually crowded with human and demon entities, waiting to enter people who are sick and open for possession.” Demon controlled earthbound entity: “We are told to look on earth for people who are in weakened condition, whose aura or shields are weak, uneven, and not bright and shiny. They will look depressed, nervous, unhappy, or sick in the hospital. We are told that people in the hospital, nursing homes, and funeral homes are easy to enter. So we often crowd in those areas.”

  • Loss / Grief / Sadness / Depression

Grief, sadness and depression create holes in the aura and is a common way demon entities can access the soul of a human being. Some possessing human and demon entities claim to have entered the clients while they were depressed, angry, sad, fearful, hateful, or grieving. Demon controlled entity speaking during the sesssion, “With negative feelings, you lose your soul parts, which in turn creates holes in the soul and thus in the body and we can enter them. This in turn lowers your vibrations. The real black beings, demons and black humans, can bounce in and out without much effort. Those of us who are not really black, we have to wait for the key moment. Basically there are two windows that you can enter. Window of negative energy, such as through negative emotions (grief, sadness, depression, etc). The window of positive energy is bad because we can get burned and we won’t get to come back.”

  • Using Ouija Board / Sitting in Seance / Spiritual Channeling / Conjuring / Divination / Tarot Cards / Psychic Readings

Whenever a human being opens up to the world of spirit without full God protection or communicates with spirits less than at the level of Christ Consciousness, it is vulnerable to demon possession. Sometimes clients reported being possessed by human or demon entities while playing with a Ouija Board, channeling, doing automatic writing, or sitting in a seance. Playing with conjuring games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Demons can also open people up for possession. In all these situations, clients reported that they voluntarily called and invited an outside spirit to give them information and as a result opened their shields for possession. When you seek to control / predict the future through psychic readings or divination tools such as tarot cards, this causes you to enter the ‘expectation-fear consciousness’. This is the Anti-buddha consciousness that opposes ‘living in the now’. It also opposes the development of God’s Buddha consciousness whereby you ‘accept everything and control nothing out of fear’. When you call on spirit to give you answers from the spirit world using the fear-based expectation consciousness, you leave yourself more open to the influence of dark forces working through these unprotected mediums that are built upon this fear-based consciousness.

  • Playing Video Games / Listening to Loud Rock Music

A human being opens itself up to demon possession whenever it plays video games or listens to loud rock music. Some entities in my clients reported that they came in when the patients were listening to loud rock-n-roll music. Sometimes entities in my clients reported that their shields opened up when they were playing video games.” Demon entity: “When children play with the video games at home or in a video arcade, they become mesmerized as they focus on the screen and the double-edged bombardment of repetitive auditory and visual stimuli opens their shields and leave them defenseless against the negative outside entities. Once we are in, we give them the desire to play more and more and influence them in a negative direction.”

  • Via Existing Addictions

A common way human beings open themselves up to demon or earthbound spirit possession is via existing addictions. People who are addicted (to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, food, sex, and gambling), may have one or more addicted spirits with them. Usually these spirits do not care what happens to their hosts or to their health or finances. All they are interested in is getting what they are addicted to. One of the reasons clients who are addicted find it hard to stop is because it is somebody else who is desiring through them. According to my clients during the session, addiction make their shields weaker and porous, enabling more outside entities to enter easily.”

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