Are you Cursed ? Hexes, Spell Cast

Are you Cursed ? Hexes, Spell Cast

Category : Curse

Do you feel cursed? Check to see if you have done something wrong against someone, or if someone close to you is trying to harm you.

Have you ever felt so angry or mistreated by someone that you wanted some kind of revenge?  In our darkest moments, we can utter words like ‘I hope he suffers like I have’.  Any time we wish ill on another person and when we put energy and emotion behind it (even if it’s only in that moment), that is real curse energy.

Creating curses isn’t rare. After all, people get in conflict with one another, hate one another, have moments of anger and get resentful about things that happen.  Curse energy goes out to people. That’s no big deal.

But here’s when it becomes a big deal…

…When the person who has been cursed decides to take on that curse energy into their energy field.

That doesn’t happen that often, but it can happen in one of two ways:

1. When the cursed person feels they deserve the curse because they feel guilty about something.

Here’s an example: let’s say Nivedita is dating a guy called Charan.  They have been in a relationship for six months and Nivedita is crazy about Charan and Charan seems to be crazy about her.  She is convinced that she has found ‘the one’.  He seems to feel the same way.  Then a few months later by chance she finds out he already has a fiancée and has had one the whole time they were seeing each other.  She is gutted, but above all, incredibly angry that he deceived her.

Charan is a bit of a ratbag so although he feels a bit guilty, he doesn’t do much to say sorry.  He just disappears off the scene, which makes Nivedita even angrier.  She wants revenge.  At her angriest, Nivedita wishes Charan a very unhappy married life with his fiancée.

Charan feels guilty that he deceived Nivedita and that he never really apologized to her, and on an unconscious level, accepts the energy of that curse into his energy field.

If he’s very sensitive or perceptive, he may actually have some conscious awareness of having taken the angry curse energy from Nivedita somehow.  He may notice that it is dragging him down a little and he may feel it weighing on him.

His sense of guilt and responsibility for her anger acts as a receptor for the curse energy she sent him.

So that’s one common scenario for curses.  There is one more receptor for real curse energy and that is fear.

2. When someone is really scared

Let me give you an example of this:

Let’s say Mona joins an evangelical church that is very controlling.  The people in the church want to dictate how she dresses, who she spends time with, the work she does.  It’s all a bit cultish.  She begins to freak out and decides to leave.  The people in the church attempt to re-enlist her in their church, saying that God is angry with her and that she needs to do as they say.

A curse is the effective action of some power, distinguished solely by the quality of adversity that it brings. A curse may also be said to result from a spell or prayer, imprecation or execration, or other imposition by magic or witchcraft, asking that a god, natural force, or spirit bring misfortune to someone.

What Is A Curse?

A curse is highly emotional information empowered by will. Everything we experience through our senses is information.  I am using the word information in the scientific sense. While a curse is very emotional, both the creation and effect, stepping back and looking at it scientifically will help you to become more objective and more easily removes a curse.

All of the methods to remove a curse that I will teach you require entering a state of objectivity and generating a new frequency of information that transforms the curse energy. The curse is just thoughts, emotions, and physical ritual designed and generated to express those emotions. All these activities create a particular frequency of information that is sent to the object of the anger through will carried on the medium of Qi.

Each of us are also energy, Qi, vibrating at different frequencies. Within each of us there are many frequencies, many information states. Because of our conditioning, we may have frequencies with in us that vibrate in resonance to the curse energy that’s been sent.

Think of it like this. If you have a guitar string tuned to C and you place another guitar string next to it also tuned to C, when you pluck the first string the second string will vibrate, even though it has not been touched. This is resonance. The more closely the vibrations of the curse resonate with vibrations within us, the more it can affect us. The stronger the string is plucked the stronger the response in the second string. So the intensity of focus and will put into the curse also has a strong effect on its effectiveness.

Whenever we think ill of anyone, we are cursing them. Here’s another metaphor to understand resonance. If you drop a pebble in water it makes a ripple pattern. If you drop two pebbles in the water each will create its own ripple pattern. The patterns will interact. The points where they add to each other will increase the magnitude of the waves and is called resonance. Where they subtract from each other they are out of resonance.

Since it’s the vibratory state of Qi, which were calling information, in the curser’s mind that then resonates with some Qi state in your mind that causes you to feel cursed and creates the actual effects of the curse, if you change your Qi vibrations, you can make yourself immune to the curse.

Because we carry out this transformation with wisdom and compassion, it also changes the Qi of the perpetrator.

If you need help right away, contact me. I suggest we start with a 15 minute, introductory consultation, so I can do a brief Reading to identify the deeper source of your problem, or curse, and to see how much I can help you. During this first consultation.

How A Curse Works

Whenever we think ill of anyone we are cursing them. If you drop a pebble in water it makes a ripple pattern. If you drop two pebbles in the water each will create its own ripple pattern. The patterns will interact. The points where they add to each other will increase the magnitude of the waves and is called resonance. Where they subtract from each other they are out of resonance.

Both we, that is our body mind and spirit, and a curse have the same underlying energy structure. Both are mental-emotional energy vibrating in a universal space that is a field of Qi. is that mental emotional energy gathers enough energy to it, it becomes physical.

We are a very complex emergent system that has developed enough complexity and energy to be self nourishing and self aware. A curse is  a simple energy form that needs to be created by a self aware being and only lives as long as the energy put into it lasts.

A curse can effect our qi through resonance, become part of our qi and act out in our lives. We, as self aware beings, can dispel the curse chi . You can be cursed and you can curse. You can remove a curse or reverse a curse.

If we are cursing anyone or anything, either consciously or unconsciously, a vibration is set up that makes us susceptible to curses. Because we carry a cursing energy or Qi, a resonant energy can be created that will then effect our qi. So the first step is to remove curse Qi from our own self. That is not so hard to do in relation to conscious cursing, once you realize how much it can hurt you. Its a lot harder  in relation to unconscious cursing, because we do not even know we are doing it.

Many people may wonder how to determine if one has been cursed or hoodooed. The following is provided to help people recognize the signs that one has indeed been cursed. Please keep in mind that the majority of people who have been cursed never realize they have been cursed and if they happen to be non-believers they will normally deny they are cursed, even as well-wishers on the outside watch as their lives are destroyed.

Signs One May Be Cursed Or Hoodooed

It is a fact of life that there are people out there willing to do evil work on others. People willing to lay curses, hexes and jinxes on you. This could be to exact revenge (often for imagined slights) or to gain power over you.

But how do you know when you are cursed? What are the tell-tale signs of spiritual poisoning?

There are many indications. What follows are the top 10 signs highly suggestive that you are suffering from the baleful effects of a curse or hex:

  1. Nightmares: Persistent or recurring bad dreams could be a sign that an evil worker has gained access to your mind. Dreams of being killed or injured, or bitten by a snake or stung by a scorpion, or of falling from a great height are are sure fire indication that you have been cursed.
  2. Loss of Energy: If you were once full of energy and zest for life, but now are listless and prone to gloomy thoughts, the cause might well be a hex.
  3. Financial Loss: If you have lost your job or home, or taken some other monetary hit, the root cause could well be down to a jinx having been laid on you.
  4. Relationship Difficulties: If things were once going great in your marriage or committed relationship, and suddenly turned sour without warning, someone could be working evil against you – perhaps having hit you with break-up goopher.
  5. Health Problems: If you have inexplicable health issues, strange allergies, nagging headaches, panic attacks, fear of leaving your home, fear of heights or other inexplicable fears, it may be the result of baleful conjure. It might not be a natural illness or condition.
  6. Dark Omens: If your favorite heirloom or piece of jewelery has gone missing or has broken, apparently inexplicably…or you see three crows together cawing in a graveyard…or you notice three jet black dogs in the street looking ominously at you…it is not a good sign. A dark cloud of ill omen could well be hanging over you, laid on you by an evil worker.
  7. Unexplainable Pains: If you get nagging pains anywhere in your body that you cannot explain, unpleasant aches in your lower back or stomach, or even pains in your legs, someone may be working evil conjure against you.
  8. Trouble Sleeping: If you suddenly wake up in the night and cannot get back to sleep, it may be a sign that a dark root doctor is targeting you with bad goopher. Perhaps driving a pin into the heart of a voodoo doll – and that is what woke you with a heart-rending start.
  9. Legal Problems: If you’ve been hit by a lawsuit or criminal charges, this could be down to bad goopher blighting your life and leading you into trouble.
  10. Bad Luck: If you are experiencing long runs of bad luck and misfortune, the most likely cause is the baleful effects of a jinx laid on you by an enemy or jealous person.
  11. Feelings of physical exhaustion or fatigue.
  12. Difficulty sleeping, especially if experiencing odd nightmares or dreams.
  13.  Developing a troubled mind, such as depression, mania, inability to concentrate, feelings of fear or panic, feelings of hopelessness or else periods of extreme anger, confusion, and general angst.
  14. Experiencing a negative presence (can be either the feeling that one’s home has suddenly become haunted even though one never had any supernatural problems before or the feeling that something is pressing down on one’s self or may even be “riding” one’s back. In most cases the experiences is described along the lines of being smothered in a cloud of negative energy. Another often reported phenomenon is of catching a glimpse of a moving shadow where one shouldn’t be and especially out of the corner of one’s eye.)
  15. Demonic or Spirit possession (usually causing the person to act like an animal, crawl on their hands and knees and even bark like a dog, according to folklore)
  16. The death of pets
  17. Unusual accidents (both of yourself and the people around you)
  18. The finding of strange powders, bags, bottles, dolls, charms, or fetishes in one’s home or property. (These are tricks a practitioner throws or places as part of cursing the enemy. Often such items are concealed or buried)
  19.  Someone telling you that they cursed you (especially of one is experiencing these negative things listed here)
  20. Divination indicating one is cursed (especially if one is experiencing these negative things listed here)
  21. The death of loved ones and or of the person who was cursed (This is actually rare. The level of power needed to manifest this extreme outcome is usually beyond the scope of most black magic practitioners. This said there are indeed cases where it is believed that a black magic practitioner just happened to invoke enough power to pull it off.)
  22. Acting Out of Character is a standard symptom of a curse or manipulative magic. If friends and loved ones show concern for your new behavior, reexamine why or how you picked up the new habits. It very well could be that they were telepathically inserted into your mind by a person wishing you harm. 
  23. Chest Pressure While Sleeping may occasionally be referred to as sleep paralysis. Whie laying in bed and feeling a strong pressure on your chest may indicate a malevolent spirit is with you. Ancient cultures throughout the world refer to all forms of sleep paralysis as an entity physically straddling you. See your doctor first to make sure there are no logical explanations for chest pressure, then see a spiritual healer or a witch. 
  24. Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility or Low Libido can often indicate a witch has cursed your sexual organs for either fidelity (to keep you to him or herself), to deprive you of a growing family (such as a generational curse) or may simply be a byproduct of a general curse.  As always, see your doctor or naturopath first, then visit a spiritual healer or a witch.

Some things to keep in mind:

– Curses ebb and flow as well as come in waves. One might experience times where one thinks things are back to normal only to have another round of these unfortunate experiences.

– With regard to a curse’s effect on one’s health, keep in mind that a curse will act on one’s dispositions and weaknesses. If one is prone to a certain condition or disorder then that is how the curse will attack or manifest itself with regard to destroying one’s health. Otherwise, a good guide to understanding curses is that they will attack the extremities first, usually the feet, legs, hands, arms, head, followed by hair-loss, skin and teeth-problems. (Teeth problems are very commonly reported!) These are areas of the body that are normally effected first before serious conditions arise. Another thing that is also commonly reported is repeated sickness and an illness that doctors cannot diagnose.

– Most curses will eventually fade away with time, especially after the curse does what it was supposed to do. An example of this is a female co-worker who curses another female co-worker who is also her rival for a promotion. She wants that woman gone from the job and her curse is successful. Her rival is driven out. Now that the rival is no longer employed there, the curse has done it’s job and it fades away. The poor unfortunate victim can now put her life back together.

– Most curses are not meant to kill their victims, but rather bring pain and suffering to their victims’ lives. Most people tend to jump to the conclusion that somebody is trying to murder them magically but such is usually not the case at all. Real death spells take an incredibly amount of personal power and energy and most occult practitioners simply don’t have the power or will to see such spells through.

– Curses cast by someone who has been truly wronged, i.e. revenge or vengeance spells, are usually more powerful than curses placed on innocent people.

– The most powerful curses of all are the generational curses or family curses, when an entire family or generation of a family is cursed. This type of curse appears in the bible. It is usually the most destructive and may be near impossible to remove. What makes it so sad is that most of these people are paying for the sins of their ancestors. It takes an extraordinary amount of power to place a generational curse.

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