Spirits, Black Magic, Curse, Hex, Spells, Voodoo – Australia


Spirits, Black Magic, Curse, Hex, Spells, Voodoo – Australia

Magic is of two type White magic and Black magic. White magic is done for good intention but Black magic is done for wrong intention. Here we explain the Black magic. In India black magic is also called the kala jaadu.

A black magic is a kind of magical art which has involvement of supernatural power for the evil purposes.

Indian black magic spells are same as Indian mantra. These spells are used to prevent the people from the unwanted power or to protect from the evil spirit. Some times evil spirits can harm us so there are some experts who provide some useful spells which can be used to get rid of these evil spirits These spells are of different types like love spells related with love and affair and money spells related to money etc. By using these Indian black magic spells people can get the answer of the question regarding that matter. These spells not only protect from the outside influence activity but these spells bring love, money, health etc.

There are various ways in which Indian black magic rituals can be done. These rituals can be done by expert like aghori, taantrik etc. Aghories do black magic rituals basically in cemeteries in late night. Sometime they complete their rituals over the body of dead people. Taantrik basically done their rituals by making doll and circle of power in lonely places because spirits is comfortable with this kind of places they called the spirits by word power or some spells. These black magic rituals are to be done only in the advice of experts and should be done only with good intention.

We call black magic as jadu tona in Hindi. As we know our Indian language is Hindi, most of the people in India call black magic as jadu tona. There are various people who believe in that kind of activity so there are some aghori or taantrik.

Black Magic, Occult, Evil Spells & Curses are the negative use of energies and powers by jealous and malicious beings whose main objective is to harm or deprive others of something, and influence them to do something specific, wrong, or negative. It is also assumed that it is the use of celestial powers for malicious and evil purposes. Besides this, there are various other supernatural influences like the Evil eye, Ghosts & Spirits,  There is a belief that evil eye is the sinister and destructive affect of a jealous mind with vicious intentions. Ghosts & Spirits are unsettled souls who have not reached their correct destination.

It has been experienced that the sinister people take revenge on the pretext of Black Magic and harm or hurt a person by performing certain acts even at a far away place . With the increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to tolerate other’s happiness and growth, the use of Black Magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get sadistic satisfaction from the suffering and loss of others. This evil practice has increased a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their close friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by Black magic.

Black Magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence, and all efforts to solve a problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets negative thoughts and disturbed sleep with bad dreams. There is heaviness and weight on the heart, constriction in the chest, suffocation and stifling in the throat.

At times there could suddenly be blue marks on thighs without getting hurt, faster heartbeat and erratic breathing without any physical exertion. There are quarrels in the family without any reason. One behaves in an abnormal and uncharacteristic manner. One has sudden fears and phobias, strange and weird experiences. One might feel the presence of somebody in the house, of being watched or followed.

One feels one is not getting one’s due and can achieve much more. One is pessimistic and depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live and rise in life. One remains worried and tensed, never at peace, unable to relax, be happy, and lead a normal life.

Black Magic can play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying many aspects of his life, like sudden loss of wealth/prosperity, unexpected problems in business/profession, violent quarrels/fights in family, break-up of a relationship/marriage, prolonged illness, undiagnosed health troubles, destruction of mental peace & happiness, beauty & intelligence, mental unrest & inner turmoil, fears & phobias, uncharacteristic & abnormal behavior. Black Magic can also result in repeated miscarriages, inability to enjoy sex or have children, without any deficiency, and unnatural deaths in the family in strange circumstances.

Black Magic can result in total destruction of the victim over a period of time. Black magic affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, and destroys his Destiny, depriving him of what he was destined for. Even the best and most earnest of one’s efforts result in failure, and one is unable to fulfil one’s desires and get what one wants in life. Black Magic also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the Will-power and mental energy to fight back or get out of the sinister situation one is in, and looses the desire to live or rise in life.

There are all forms of non-physical spirits roaming the Earth, and a number of them are constantly looking for physical bodies of people to attach themselves to, for various reasons. These spirits can attach themselves to the energy field or actual body of a person, and many spirits can concurrently attach themselves to a person, as many as 70-over spirits in extreme cases.

When people suffer from Spirit Attachment (or Spirit Possession), they would increasingly lose control of their own minds, thoughts, emotions and even behaviours. It is common for people with Spirit Attachment problems to keep having negative thoughts and emotions, which are beyond their control. In extreme cases, people can be even driven to commit suicide through the destructive effects of the Spirit Attachment.

There are many places on Earth where Dark (Negative) spiritual practices are commonly used, such as South East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Middle East and Europe. These practices were passed down from practitioners of Dark Arts (or Black Magic) from ancient times in these parts of the world, and have since spread to various other parts of the world. Often, what was originally genuinely Positive Universal knowledge and Light-work meant to help people, became distorted and misused by spiritual practitioners for Negative purposes instead, and they became Dark (Negative) forms of Black Magic and Dark Sorcery.

Yet, most people who are mostly concerned about carrying on their lives and earning a living, would not have much information and knowledge about the effects of such Negative Spiritual practices. They may go about their typical lives, and along the way, their lives and health suddenly take a nasty turn, eg. they suffer from strange, unexplained health problems; their love/family/marriage relationships keep having major conflicts; they have major problems with luck, career and wealth aspects, etc.

They could very well be a victim of someone they know whom they had offended (unintentionally or intentionally) or someone who has negative intentions and emotions, eg. jealousy, anger or hatred towards them. Such people could easily hire practitioners of Black Magic and Negative Spiritual practices, to cast Black Magic, Curses, Hexes or even summon Negative Spirits / Demons to attack their victims.

Universal Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) applies to everyone on Earth, regardless of our soul advancement level, whether we are on the path of Positive or Dark (Negative). Any conflict between people can be resolved positively without causing harm to anyone.

Resorting to Dark (Negative) ways of handling a conflict, eg. Cast Black Magic, Curse or Hex on a victim, can incur substantial negative karma for both the person requesting for the deed to be carried out, as well as for the practitioner of the Black Magic.

entity attachment

Negative Entities |Spirit Possession |Evil Energy Attachment

Spirit attachment has been known about by mediums and psychics for a very long time but is only now coming into the limelight – mainly due to the increase in paranormal investigations. Spirit attachment is basically just what it says. A living person has the energy or spirit of a dead person/entity attached to them. Many are parasitic, some malevolent others are benign. There are also the few rare cases where it is alleged that spirits have attached to people who then are able to do things they had no talent for previously such as writing music, painting, drawing, writing poetry and so on. However, in most cases attachments range from being temporary and unpleasant to long-term and terrifying. There are also physical and mental health complications.

There can be many reasons why a spirit attachment occurs but the most common reasons are given below:

  • Many earthbound spirits attach simply because they find comfort in re-living some of the physical aspects of life. Others are confused and don’t realise they are dead and want to get close to a living person. In this case they are often trying to contact the living for help. These attachments might be deliberate or happen without the spirit realising what it’s doing. In these cases the spirits don’t usually have any intention of harming the person they are attached to.
  • Other spirits and entities deliberately seek out the energy of living people. It’s not possible within the scope of this short article to go into the esoteric or spiritual theories on these spirits and entities. They are known by many names and basically they feed on the energy given off by people in the physical world. For spirits to do this, the easiest way is to take the huge resources of a living person and drain the energy away from them – very much like a parasite. Indeed many of these energy stealing manifestations are called psychic vampires. In addition, the most common type of spirit who is both determined and strong enough to latch on are usually malevolent. They not only want energy but enjoy creating havoc with their host and those around them.

The people who seem to be more at risk than others are :

  • Paranormal investigators – there are a number of cases of investigators having a spirit either shadow them or actually attaching itself. The reason is that paranormal investigators are usually only called to very active locations. In these very haunted areas you can find all manner of different spirits – distressed, traumatised and negative. In addition, not every paranormal investigator will take precautions such as basic protection when entering a spiritually active area. There are numerous stories of very experienced paranormal researchers leaving a location, going home to bed and waking up to find a dark, malevolent mist hovering around them. They can also experience intense feelings of being watched and followed. In most cases this tends to fade after a few days, but others have not been so lucky as we shall see later.
  • Mediums/psychics – very experienced psychics are unlikely to be troubled by spiritual attachment. However, undeveloped or untrained psychics could well be at risk for a number of reasons. Firstly they may have psychic channels open permanently with no idea how to close them or carry out protection. Secondly, you can have young or latent psychics in particular who actually have no idea that they have this ability. Again they are prone to having channels open that can cause a spirit to enter.
  • Dabblers in the occult or spirit activities are people who have no great knowledge or training in esoteric or spiritual areas. They often make up rituals or ‘play games’ such as the ouija board and then find that they have opened a nasty can of worms that can’t be closed. The main reason they are at risk is again due to lack of knowledge, guidance and experience as well as failing to use some form of protection. For some reason the ouija board in particular may open doors to the nastier types of spirit.
  • People who have emotional or health issues can also be at risk for the simple reason that their natural energy protection is lowered. However, I feel that these people should only be at risk if they are in an active area and/or they are inexperienced psychics or dabblers.
  • People with a history of drug abuse in particular are at risk from spirit attachment. Drugs and excessive alcohol intake not only diminishes the body’s natural aura, but it’s believed they actually cause rips or gaps in this protective shield and in the psyche itself. Many esoteric scholars believe that drug or alcohol induced hallucinations may actually be spirits from the lower astral manifesting but this is open to debate.

Types of spirit or entity that may attach to a person

It seems that although earth-bound human spirits are the main offenders when it comes to attachment they are not the only form of spirit or force that does this. Firstly, there could be energies from perhaps the mind/sub-concious that are focused and externalised. Many famous occultists have actually achieved this using mental exercises and meditation.

However, this really needs to be covered in a different hub since the subject also goes into psychic attack by another person, different types of thought forms and so on.

  • Earthbound spirits
    Bascially these are human spirits who are either trapped or have chosen to stay close to the physical dimension – the reasons some do remain are numerous. Many are traumatised and distressed people. Others are malevolent and choose to stay around the earth plane seemingly enjoying the havoc and fear they cause. It’s not unknown for these negative spirits to pretend to be demonic and so on, when in fact they are not. However, they are still dangerous and it’s always wise to have protection before investigating a location that has these types of spirit.
  • Non human entities
    Spirit energies that have not incarnated into the physical realm. Some seem to be benign. Many are strange and unknown but not necessarily negative. The most common forms or the frequent names given to non-human entities are ‘shadows’, ‘shadow people’ and ‘demons’.
  • Elementals
    These spiritual beings are often confused with other entities and are frequently and unfairly given a bad name. Basically an elemental is a spirit being that belongs to one of the four classic elements – fire, air, water or earth. Whereas human beings are complicated, the elementals are much more simplistic. Neither are they a spirit form such as a human in the afterlife. Their natural state is in spirit.

Unfortunately for them, elementals are frequently attracted to the human energy fields. In their original form, elementals are certainly not evil. However, they are often invoked in negative occult practices, where they are used, abused and then become distorted and warped. In addition, in places where people have committed extreme violence, abuse and evil thoughts, elementals who unwittingly absorb these energies can, through no fault of their own, become monstrous. It needs a very loving and caring cleansing to remove the elemental back to its natural form.

Many elementals unfortunately end up in the lower astral planes due to being corrupted by humans. So basically any positive ritual or prayer that is used to release a person from the elemental should also help this spiritual being as well. Many put forward the theory that murder and other evil acts carried out at the castle centuries ago, are responsible for this unfortunate elemental being trapped in its present state. It does appear to people and its often accompanied by a horrible stench. People also report intense feelings of being watched and strong impressions of dread or evil.

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