Being visited by a Spirit / Ghost or a Loved Deceased Ones

after life

Being visited by a Spirit / Ghost or a Loved Deceased Ones

Do you ever wonder if you are being visited by a spirit? Do you have a feeling that there are spirits in your home? Are you curious if a loved one may be trying to connect?

Everyone receives visits from ghosts, loved ones from the Other Side and angels. Even though many of these visits are meant to be comforting, sometimes the presence of an otherworldly visitor can be unnerving and even frightening. Knowing who these guests are, however, and why they’re visiting you can make their visit easier and often, even comforting.

Here are two ways you can tell these visits from one another:

1. Ghostly Visits

Earthbound spirits, or ghosts, are those who have died but remain, haunting or lingering, in either the location where they died or attach themselves to other living person. Some earthbound spirits are known to attach themselves to a material item that connects them to their once physical life, unable to let go of, and it is their stagnate energies imprinted on the object that illuminates their lower vibrational presence.

Visits from a ghost, or the earthbound spirit of a deceased individual, usually bears several tell-tale signs. First, their presence is typically not comforting. When you’re around a ghost you feel watched – even if you’re alone in the room. You might even begin to feel unexplained nervousness, sadness or depression. You may feel sudden cold spots in the room or, in some cases, you might even see a ghostly human image – if only for a moment. Some people have seen a kind of blur or a flash of movement when no one else is in the room.

2. Visits from Deceased  Loved Ones from the Other Side

After a loved one crosses over it can feel as though you’re left with a gaping hole in your heart, you may feel lost and alone, angry and sad… while experiencing many other waves of emotions as you go through the mourning process and coming to terms with your loss. You feel as if they are gone from your life forever, but the truth is, they are always with us.

We are all spirit having a human experience, so when our human form passes over our spirit continues to live on. It’s the same with animals too. So it makes total sense that sometimes our passed loved ones will try to get messages across to us. They may want to make contact to let you know that they’re okay, to give you help and guidance, to comfort you in your grief, to give you a message, or for other reasons. It may be that they just want to check up on you from time to time over the years to see how you are doing.

They like to visit and acknowledge significant events such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, births, deaths, or even to warn us of a bad situations. Spirit are often very eager to let you know they are part of your life and are with you when you least expect it. While many people can feel their passed loved ones watching over them, self-doubt can creep in and many tend to question whether or not what you experienced is actually a message from a passed loved one.

Spirit will provide us with many signs and will continue to try and get through in the hope that they will be recognized. The signs will come in a variety of ways, and the key is keep your eye open for synchronicities and anything out of the ordinary. These spontaneous and direct methods of communication can occur at any time, and anywhere. You can be fully awake, in a twilight state of dreaming and waking, or in a dream state.

A visit from a loved one who is on the Other Side is a very different experience from a ghostly visit. While you can also feel a cold spot or a temperature shift when a loved one is around, you typically don’t feel nervous or uncomfortable when it happens. Along with the slight temperature shift, you may begin to reflect on memories of that loved one. Our loved ones often bring messages of encouragement when we need it, so you’re more likely to feel loved and comforted when they’re around. When a deceased loved one is around, we often start thinking of them and feeling their presence and reflecting on our memories of them as a result. Visits from loved ones are a very positive, healing experience.


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