Healing Spiritual Interference, Haunted House|Spirit Release

spiritual interference

Healing Spiritual Interference, Haunted House|Spirit Release

A spirit attachment is an “intelligent” disembodied human spirit that has attached itself to a living person’s energy field aka aura. Attachment spirits refuse to surrender to the death experience and want to continue certain behaviors they practiced in life. They will search for a vulnerable human candidate so they can attach and “live” vicariously through that person.

According to some experts, it is speculated that at least 75% of individuals in the U.S. have suffered from a spirit attachment at one time or another. Spirit attachments should be considered a very real phenomenon. Attachments, and symptoms resulting from them, might lead to all sorts of serious behavioral and physical problems if not treated. These spirits are usually never seen nor physically felt or heard. They may have even attached to someone in early childhood. When the child grows up, there may be an awareness that something is off. They don’t know why they repeat certain harmful behaviors or patterns. The average mainstream person, or therapeutic community, may not recognize certain troublesome behaviors as originating outside of the victim in the form of a spirit attachment.

Many people believe in life after death and that the soul lives on. What most people may not realize is the degree to which our lives can be affected by spiritual interference.

When we die, we separate from the physical body and enter a transition into the spirit world. However sometimes for many reasons the spirit does not make this transition.

  • Have you ever had an uneasy feeling within a room, as though some unseen force was there?
  • Have you ever sensed the presence of spirits or ghosts or felt you were not alone?
  • Most of us have had these experiences at some stage in our lives and when this occurs within our homes we can often feel very troubled, even frightened.

These events are not uncommon.

Cleansing your home and removing the non beneficial energies can help you in many ways move towards creating a more positive atmosphere. However, this very aspect of cleansing is all too often overlooked.

In recent years Spiritual Healers have started to address the problem. We need to learn to tidy up both what we have created ourselves, what has been left behind by others and in some cases deal with spirit activity.

Spirit release is literally the separation of your energies or the buildings energies from the entity (spirit or negative energy) that has attached itself to them. Where possible the spirit can then be helped to move on to the light where they can receive help.

Freeing an earthbound spirit takes compassion and a calm nature. Spirits were living people at one time and they may be lonely or frightened by their experience. It is a real honour to do this work and the sense of relief you feel inside when they finally cross over cannot be put into words.

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