Aura & Chakras | Meridians |How they work | Distant Healing|

Aura & Chakras | Meridians |How they work | Distant Healing|

What is Aura and Chakras?

Aura is a field of subtle luminous energies surrounding your body. These energies generate, hold and project your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. When your energy is harmonious you will experience peace and tranquillity, joy, sense of wellbeing. But if you are under stress, hold self limiting beliefs and other blocks within your energy field they will be projected into your life as self destructive patterns, difficulties, arguments and other negative experiences. Some times we are not even aware of the limitations and blocks we are holding on to, and if we could become aware of them and adjust our thoughts and emotions accordingly we would effectively be removing those negative influences from our lives and begin projecting a different reality, one that we get to choose consciously.

 In very simple terms, Chakras are energy centres which connect our subtle energy bodies with each other and channel life energy to our physical being via the energy network called meridians.

Most people assume that chakras and auras are two different names of the same energy but that’s simply not true. They’re connected and can influence each other, but they’re not the same. There are seven chakras in our body and all of them have their own colors. The chakras have a fixed location and they don’t move. You can consider them gateways that control and direct spiritual energy.

Auras are different. While chakras are present inside your body, aura is present around it. It’s like a field around your body that emits energy outward instead of channeling it inward. Auras always have seven layers and emit different colors that reflect your personality, mood, and general health.

Aura is the energy that surrounds everything, living and non-living. Non-living things have a slight aura that is equal to the energy being emitted. A hot table will give off a stronger aura than a cold table; a wood table will put out a stronger aura than a glass table. With living creatures, there are seven layers to this egg-shaped energy.

Each aura layer is directly associated to a charka. The first layer, which is the closest to your body, is connected with the base or first chakra. Each additional layer will appear further from your body, completing the sphere with the seventh layer which is associated with the crown chakra. Most people who are “healthy” will have an aura that can extend beyond their bodies in all directions. When people are feeling depressed, sick or emotionally unhealthy, the aura has a tendency to stay fairly close to the body for extra protection.

Do Chakras and Auras Influence Each Other? 

Yes, they do. Your energy can’t really be fully contained. It will escape your body and influence your surroundings. While the energy within your body is controlled and directed by chakras, some of it does leak out and form an aura around us. If there’s a disturbance in the chakras, the leaked energy will corrupt your aura. If you’re surrounded by a corrupt aura, it will influence the chakras. This is a cycle that would keep going until you correct the imbalance and heal your aura.

Auras are a Reflection of Your Mood and Intent

Auras are energetic fields that emanate from the body in a rainbow of hues, and it is somewhat of a tattletale concerning your current state, mood, and way of being. Auras can change as quickly as chameleon depending on your current situation, and they can be adjusted consciously by practiced individuals. These luminous fields of energy surround every individual, a halo of colors that can only be detected by a master intuitive, often by using their Third Eye.

The auras serve as a mood ring of sorts and are affected by not only your state of mind, but that of those around you. If you work in a high stress office surrounded by Type A personalities, your aura may feel theirs pushing against yours if it is weakened; hence, why maintaining a strong aura is essential. An example of energy fields colliding is often seen when people are in love. Lovers’ auras brush against one another and combine into a great field of light when the two are together. Even as they depart, a bit of their partner’s aura clings to theirs.

You can often tell as an average human what type of aura someone has…those with strong auras are very charismatic, can draw a crowd, and have a strong presence. Think celebrities and politicians. Now think about that shy, anxious, withdrawn person who gets easily intimidated by those with thick, strong auras. These individuals have thin, weak auras.

The Chakras Tell the Story of Your Life

Chakras reflect the NOW in your life, and these energy centers are anchored within specific regions of the human body. Chakra means ‘spinning wheel’ in Sanskrit, and each of the chakras has a correlating color just as the auras do. These energy centers work together and ‘communicate’ with each other, so when one or more is blocked, the spinning or activation of the chakra is impaired. In turn, this can affect other chakras, causing slight imbalances that hamper emotional and physical wellbeing.

Emotional healing intuitives can often see the chakras, identify shrunken ones that are impaired, open ones that indicate blockages, and identify those with pinpricks of light which often indicate depression. Healing the chakras requires REAL life changes and effort, whereas auras can be changed on a dime. Clearing and balancing the chakras will in turn support your aura!

Why is a chakra important?

Each chakra tends to be primarily related to certain organs, glands, and life issues. Physical and emotional traumas create pain and therefore a negative energetic “charge” in the associated center or chakra. When this happens a block can be created in which fresh life force (chi, energy, light) is unable to flow freely through the chakra.

Our physical body rejuvenates and energizes itself with food, water, breathing, and receiving universal energy. The chakra is the unseen organ that exchanges energy for the body. Fresh energy is drawn into the body and it is this flow of energy that provides energetic nourishment to the organs and glands. Each chakra supports physical well-being by providing vitality to the physical body as well as psychological and emotional balance. If too much or too little energy is focused in a particular chakra, our ability to receive, experience and express the related concepts and emotions is impaired.

Energy Healing use a gentle touch to balance the energy to support a free flow of energy, which helps to create an energetic balance and eliminate the block. This method works with self-healing as well as for client work.

Chakra Characteristics:

OUT OF BALANCE OR NON-FUNCTIONAL: Energy flow in the chakra is sluggish or is not absorbed and released in a balanced manner. If a chakra is not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, the energy flowing into the body will be slowed down or not absorbed into the body. This means that the feelings and experiences associated with that chakra are being incorporated into one’s experience.  Not only are physical bodily functions affected, which may allow diseases to manifest, but the thought processes and the mind can also be affected. A negative attitude, fear, doubt, etc. may preoccupy the individual. Many people react to unpleasant experiences by blocking feelings and stopping a great deal of our natural energy flow. Whenever a person blocks whatever experience, the energetic balance in the chakra is also blocked. An energetic block can occur by long held negative states, rigid thought patterns, negative emotions, toxins etc., which if not released can lead to physical imbalances. The term “close” or “too open” is also used to describe a chakra that is not balanced.

BALANCED or FUNCTIONAL: Energy freely flows to and from the body through the chakra. Feelings and experiences associated with that chakra are well balanced and full in that person’s life. This ensures physical vitality by taking in energy & distributing it throughout the body. This balance or equilibrium supports groundedness, good health and a sense of well-being. 

A constant balance between the chakras promotes health and a sense of well-being. The term “open” is also used to describe this balance.

Where are chakras located?

There are seven major chakras and approximately 22 minor chakras. The major Chakra System begins at the base of the spine and finishes at the top of the head. They are fixed in the central spinal column. Five of the chakras are located on both the front and back of the body, and work through it.

Chakras in the hands and feet

Note: the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are considered minor or intermediate chakras. The chakra’s in the palms of the hands is where the energy is transferred from practitioner to client (including working on oneself).

The chakras in the soles of the feet are significant in grounding.


seven chakrasThe root chakra is located at the base of the spine – the perineum. This center holds the basic needs for survival, security and safety. The root chakra is powerfully related to our connection with the Earth, providing us with the ability to be grounded.

  1. Color Association – Red (color of a ruby)
  2. Sanskrit name – Muladhara: support or foundation
  3. Element – Earth
  4. Verb Association – To be
  5. Physical Location – Perineum, base of the spine
  6. Area of Body Governed – Spinal column, skeletal system, legs, feet, rectum, immune system, healthy sexuality when connected to a physical need
  7. Gland – Adrenal
  8. Issues and challenges – Rectal problems, conditions that affect the feet, knees, and hips, arthritis, osteoporosis and other bone problems, insecurity, depression, restless, feeling “spacey”, unfocused mind, frequent fear, difficulty with stillness, hoarding, greed
  9. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To feel safe and secure in the “physical plane”, to manifest our basic needs, to be nourished, to experience belonging to the whole.


The second chakra is often referred to as the belly or (sacral) chakra. It is located approximately two inches below the navel. This center holds the basic needs for sexuality (when connected to an emotional need), emotions, and creativity. Proper balance in this chakra means the ability to flow with emotions freely. When balanced it supports confidence in creativity and ability to relate to others in an open and cordial manner.

  1. Color Association – Orange
  2. Sanskrit name – Swadisthana: abode of the vital force, or dwelling place of the self
  3. Element – Water
  4. Verb Association – To feel
  5. Physical Location – Approximately two inches below the navel.
  6. Area of Body Governed – Reproductive system, kidney, bladder, uterus and ovaries in woman, testes in men, middle spine
  7. Gland – Ovaries in women, testes in men.
  8. Purposes – Emotional connection, creativity, pleasure, healthy sexuality when connected to emotional need.
  9. Issues and challenges – Bladder or kidney trouble, Ob/Gyn problems, pelvic pain, chronic menstrual cramping, problems with feminine reproductive organs, not taking responsibility for our emotion, including blame and feelings of guilt, not open to receive pleasure, poor boundaries
  10. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To bond and connect our emotions with others without losing our identity and to freely express creativity.


The third chakra is referred to as the Solar Plexus. It is located two inches above the navel in the center in the area of the stomach. The third chakra is the center of personal power, self-esteem, the place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength. This is also an intuitive chakra where we get out “gut instincts” that signal us to do or not to do something. Strong self-esteem is needed to develop intuitive skills.

  1. Color Association – Yellow.
  2. Sanskrit name – Manipuraka: jewel of the lotus, lustrous gem
  3. Element – Fire
  4. Verb Association – To act or do
  5. Physical Location – Solar plexus (rib cage to navel).
  6. Area of Body Governed – Upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, and spleen.
  7. Gland – Pancreas
  8. Purposes – Balanced self-esteem, feeling of empowerment, purpose (who we are in the world)
  9. Issues and challenges – stomach and/or digestive disorders, intestinal disorders, diabetes, hypoglycemia, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, liver problems, and gallstones, Low self-esteem, fear of rejection, over sensitivity to criticism, self-image fears, indecisiveness, overly aggressive, difficulty maintaining or obtaining personal power, passive
  10. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To experience the depth of who we are, without reservation, fear, or controlling others, to live our life task or soul’s life purpose.


The fourth chakra is referred to as the heart chakra. It is located in the center of the chest, in the area of the heart. This is the center for love, compassion and spirituality. This center directs one’s ability to love oneself and others, and to give and to receive love. This is the connection of body with mind and spirit.

This love center of our human energy system is often the focus in bringing about a healing. Thus, the words “Love Heals All” have great truth. Hurtful situations that affect our emotional being are wounding to the heart chakra. Physical illnesses brought about by heartbreak require that an emotional healing occur along with the physical healing. Almost everyone today has a hard, hurt, or broken heart, and it is no accident that heart disease is the one of the most prevalent diseases in America today. Learning to love yourself is a powerful first step in developing a healthy fourth chakra.

We can heal the world, one person at a time, starting with ourselves.

  1. Color Association – Green, pink.
  2. Sanskrit name – Anahatha: unstuck, fresh, clean, unhurt
  3. Element – Air
  4. Verb Association – To love
  5. Physical Location – Center of chest.
  6. Area of Body Governed – Heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, diaphragm, thymus, breasts
  7. Gland – Thymus
  8. Purposes – Love, compassion, emotional empowerment, hope, healthy relationship with self and others
  9. Issues and challenges – Heart conditions, asthma, lung conditions, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, breast cancer, despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, shy, poor boundaries, lack of empathy
  10. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To experience compassion and connection with oneself and others.


The fifth chakra is referred to as the throat chakra. It is located in the V of the collarbone at the lower neck and is the center of communication, sound, and expression of creativity via thought, speech, and writing. It is also connected to our career or vocation.

The healthfulness of the fifth chakra is in relation to how honestly one expresses oneself. Lying violates the body and spirit. We speak our choices with our voices (throats). All choices we make in our lives have consequences on an energetic level. Even choosing not to make a choice such as in repressing our anger (not speaking out) may manifest issues for the throat such as laryngitis. We have all experienced that “lump in our throats” when we are at a crossroad of not knowing how to speak the right words in any given situation, perhaps even stuffing our own emotions. A challenge of the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Seek only the truth.

  1. Color Association – Blue (sky blue).
  2. Sanskrit word – Visudda: pure
  3. Physical Location – Throat, neck region
  4. Element – Sound
  5. Verb Association – To speak
  6. Area of Body Governed- Throat, thyroid, trachea, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, parathyroid, ears.
  7. Gland – thyroid
  8. Purposes – Communication (speaking and listening), expressing creativity, learning to take responsibility for one’s own needs
  9. Issues and challenges – Sore throat, ear infections, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, deafness, cervical (neck) problems, TMJ, dishonesty or lying, criticism, excessive talking, inability to listen, fear of speaking
  10. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To be heard and understood, to speak and receive the Truth


The sixth chakra is referred to as the Brow Chakra or sometimes as the “third eye”. It is located above the physical eyes on the center of the forehead. It is where we take our learning from experiences and put them into perspective. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy is connected to the healthy functioning of this chakra. This is the center for our higher intuition. Through the sixth chakra one can receive guidance and tune into one’s “higher self.

  1. Color Association – Indigo.
  2. Sanskrit word – Ajna: command, perception, knowledge, authority
  3. Element – Light
  4. Verb Association – To see
  5. Physical Location – Center of the forehead.
  6. Area of Body Governed – Eyes, sinuses, nose, face, and brain.
  7. Gland – Pituitary
  8. Purposes – Action of ideas, perception, intellect, dreaming, insight (intuition), mind development, to” see” where one is going.
    Issues and challenges – Brain tumors, strokes, blindness, migraine headaches, blindness and other eye problems, confusion, difficulty concentrating poor memory, poor vision, denial
  9. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To use insight and intuition instead of judgment This is where peace and clarity automatically occur.


The seventh chakra is referred to as the Crown. It is located just behind the top of the skull. It is the center of spirituality, enlightenment. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom. This is also the center of connectedness with God or Divine Source.

  1. Color Association – Violet, white.
  2. Sanskrit word – Sahashrara: thousand-petal lotus
  3. Element – Thought
  4. Verb Association – To know
  5. Physical Location – Top of head.
  6. Area of Body Governed – Nervous system, brain, top of the head – midline above the ears.
  7. Gland – Pineal
  8. Purposes – Understanding, knowledge, wisdom, make logical decisions, connection to one’s spirituality, integration of the whole , discovery of divine trust, selflessness, humanitarianism, ability to see bigger picture in life, devotion, inspiration.
  9. Issues and challenges – Lack of understanding, confusion, learning difficulties, chronic exhaustion not associated with physical ailments, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or identity, spiritual addiction, denial of spirituality
  10. Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire) – To experience the divine meaning to life.

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