Spirit Attachment & Releasement (Ghosts, Devils, Demons, Negative Energies)

Spirit Attachment & Releasement (Ghosts, Devils, Demons, Negative Energies)

What is a Spirit?

A spirit is a living person that has left its body. The body, as we all know, is the glove for the soul.

The soul is the real you.

When our time comes to leave this earth plane, we must leave the glove, the human vehicle behind; allowing the soul to be free and travel to its true home, which is Great Consciousness. Unfortunately, a minority of those that die don’t make the full journey home to Great Consciousness and become “earthbound”. Many reasons keep an earthbound on the earth plane; a mental attachment, a sudden death, wanting to be with loved ones, unfinished business or fear of the afterlife. Without its body, its human vehicle, the soul is just energy. Energy can only be seen by those who are second sighted, mediums or those whom the earthbound wants to be revealed to.

So, this earthbound has now left its earthly shell, the body. No one can see or communicate with it. So the earthbound may attach itself to a place or person. The place then gets haunted or a person gets a spirit attachment or possessed. So now we have a lost soul attached to a person or place, sometimes this earthbound can just be confused or, on the other hand, intentionally attached.

Please keep in mind that this is a spirit attachment and not a malevolent spirit but merely an earthbound.

What is a spirit attachment?

Spirit Releasement is a release of spirits, ghosts, discarnates, energy or whatever name you wish to call them. They do exist, and these energies can be found all around us. Spirits vibrate at a much high frequency compared to a normal human beings, which makes them only detectable by specialised equipment or highly sensitized people. For this reason, many of us will go about our daily lives without ever realizing they exist.

Spirits come in many shapes and forms, and it is not uncommon for a person to have what’s known as a spirit attachment, which can be found in the physical body, within the auric field of a person or places.

Most people who die transition from the Earth realm to higher realms. A spirit attachment is a person who has died ( leaving their physical body) but not moved beyond the earth plane. This can happen for several reasons: they missed the window available to return to the Light, they had a sudden, traumatic death and did not realize they died, or they had family members/loved ones clinging to them energetically, unable to accept their passing.

 As a result of missing the opportunity to move on, they remain here, and may attach to someone living. In certain cases, rather than attaching to a person, a spirit will choose to inhabit a location—a home or other building—where they feel comfortable.

 Spirits who attach to an individual—or their surroundings—affect that person emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as long as they stay with him or her ie;  they may experience nightmares, audible whispers at night etc. This can last an entire lifetime if they do not get  the right help. Luckily, any type of spirit attachment can be removed and sent where they need to go, for good.

 Why do spirits attach to the living?

Most common reason spirits attach is because they have the ability to do so, and often go undected. We are all energy. So are they. Most people can’t see spirits with the naked eye because spirits no longer have the density of a human body. As a result, they are able to come and go as they choose.

 These beings may feel lost without a physical body and decide to attach because coexisting with a live person gives them the chance to do human things again.  A spirit that had bad habits while living, takes them with them when they die, ie; smoking, drinking, swearing etc. While inhabiting a person—commnonly known as a possession—they can eat, drink, have sex, and feel all the normal physical pleasures and actions they felt before death. A person who drinks moderately may suddenly find themselves drinking noticably more if they attract a spirit who drank excessively.

 Karmic attachments almost always involve a personal connection with the person they attach to. The person who died often wants to even a score because they feel unresolved about a life changing incident that ocurred with the living person. As a result, they carry feelings of hurt, anger, revenge – enough resentment to attach to the individual they feel wronged them. This can be an experience from this or a former life.

 Spirits that are not karmic are attracted to individuals they feel a resonance with.  This can be a person who reminds them of someone they knew and liked. It can also be someone who shares similar emotional issues, such as depression and grief. Also, the dominant personality of the spirit does not change after it leaves the body. For example, if they were a person who lived a life of drama they will be attracted to someone with similar tendencies.

 Another common reason that entities to attach to the living is that they are in fear. They are concerned about suffering consequences from the way they lived their lives. This is especially true if they hold any regrets or shame about how they treated people, or actions they took while on the Earth-plane.

 Many fear leaving the familiar realm—the Earth‐plane—because what exists “out there” is unknown. Our society does not teach people how to prepare for when they transition (die). They may also be concerned that they will end up in “Hell,” as they learned it from their religion, parents, school.

 How do I know if a spirit is attached to me?

 A number of factors can indicate if a spirit has attached itself to you. You might become impulsive, or unexpectedly quick to anger and start doing things out of character. For example… are you drinking more heavily lately? Picking fights? Suddenly lethargic or depressed? Sudden personality or emotional changes might indicate a new attachment. If you are an individual who often seems to attract problems—or suffers from depression or other chronic symptoms—you may harbor a long-term spirit attachment.The following symptoms and issues may be caused or exacerbated when you or someone you know unwittingly attracts a spirit attachment or another type of negative entity:

    •  Physical Conditions:

 •  Excessive Grief
•  Irritability
•  Self-sabotaging behavior
•   Addictions
•  Impulsive/Aggressive behavior
•  Insomnia
•  Phobias
•  Panic attacks
•  Fear
•  Anxiety
•  Depression

Emotional Issues: Unexpalinable physical pain

 •   Fibromyalgia
•   Chronic neck and back pain
•   Sciatica
•   Thyroid condition
•   Digestive disorders: Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
•  Hormone imbalance
•  Heart disease

Many of Guruji’s clients hired other healers or shamans etc. who said they would get rid of spirit attachments and other types of entities, but did not succeed. When you come to Guruji—whether by phone, or in person—you can rest assured that he will remove any and all negative energy around you, for good.  Depending on the sitution and how bad the possession is, it may take more than one session. Guruji commits that what he clears does not come back. His record of success, outlined through case studies and client’s testimonials, speaks for itself.

Please note: Each new spirit attachment requires a separate clearing. 

Clearing Spirit Attachments

A negative Earth-bound spirit

This type of spirit around an individual can have a negative effect on that person and can cause or increase painful emotional and physical symptoms. Those individuals who have experienced a spirit attachment around them often describe the sensation as “feeling like they have a wet blanket or a dark cloud over them.”

When Guruji uses her ability to clear a negative spirit from a person, the result of this process is often described as a profound lifting of the sensation of a dark cloud, and a feeling of relief on many levels, both emotional and often physical.

Symptoms such as depression and anxiety, perpetual negative thoughts, and an ongoing feeling of hopelessness or being “stuck,” are a few examples of emotional symptoms that improve significantly through the clearing of one or more spirit attachments. Physical symptoms that are unexplained and un-diagnosed, yet causing pain and discomfort in the body, are also often caused or exacerbated by a spirit attachment.

 Chronic neck or back aches and pain, heaviness in the chest, headaches, and a low level of energy are some of the conditions that can be addressed  using this process.

 Children: Guruji’s long distance clearing of spirit attachments is especially helpful for young children who are experiencing nightmares, fear, anxiety and other symptoms that seem to have no explanation.

        Guruji also does negative energy clearing and clears homes, restaurants, and other buildings.

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