Chakra Therapy & Weight Loss

Chakra Therapy & Weight Loss

Category : Aura & Chakras

The Real Reason You’re Not Losing Weight

Are you perpetually on a diet? Do you feel “fat” no matter what size you are? Have you tried every tip, trick, and weight loss plan under the sun without sustainable success? Do your failed attempts to shed pounds lead to feelings of shame and self-blame, hopelessness, and possibly even further weight gain?

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably already pursuing a healthy eating and exercise plan. You might not have considered some of the more esoteric reasons that your body might hang on to excess weight. Some people struggle with losing weight because they absorb the stresses and negativity of others on an energetic level.

If so, you are not alone. You are caught in an unhealthy cycle of negativity that is never going to allow you to escape its clutches until you address the root causes. Even if you manage to lose weight, you are likely to gain it all back. Diet and exercise are not enough to shrink your waistline at this point. You need energy healing and the secrets of chakra wisdom to heal you from the inside out.

It’s Not Your Fault!

Weight loss is a sticky subject, and as a spiritual Healer, I see so many struggle with it, sometimes for their whole lives. The culture of celebrity has created an unrealistic ideal body image, and yet so many people aspire to this unattainable goal that a whole industry makes its money by exploiting peoples’ struggles with their weight. Perhaps you have even tried a product that claimed low effort and high results and found that it was indeed too good to be true.

Or maybe you have dutifully done everything right in order to lose weight. You work out, limit your calories, swap sugar for healthy snacks, and you still are unable to meet your goal. I know how frustrating that can be! What’s worse is that there seems to be the message floating around that overweight people choose to be in that condition, that if they just “tried harder,” they would be thin.

At the same time, the commercials imply it’s your fault you’re still overweight. No wonder you feel down! Students often tell me this is when they give up, but it’s not your fault! And there is something that can be done once you understand the real reason behind those stubborn, clinging pounds: your chakras.

Chakra therapy works along similar lines to clear your major energy centers. It can help release negative energy and support your weight loss efforts.

Healing and balancing these 7 energy centers in the body can help with weight loss.

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a wheel. Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body resembling whirling wheels.  With subtle similarities to meridian points in the ancient Chinese healing art of acupuncture, the chakra energy system has its roots in East Indian healing.  Chakras are much bigger acupuncture points that run along the midline of the body and contain the same energy that flows in the acupuncture meridian points. Ancient Hindus formulated that each of these energy points is connected to a different endocrine gland and body organ and has a different color. Also, each chakra spins in a clockwise direction with a different frequency.

Chakras constantly respond to our daily experiences receiving and transmitting energy from other people and the environment, thus influencing us emotionally and physically.  When the chakras are clear, healed and balanced they are our resources for engaging with ourselves and life in the most healthy and positive ways. Therefore we strive to achieve a healthy, healed and balanced chakra system.

When a chakra is out of balance, it we are negatively affected as is the corresponding endocrine gland and body organ associated with that specific chakra.  This can impact and interfere with our ability to release excess weight and engage in healthy eating.

The 7 main chakras affecting our emotions, well-being and weight loss are:

1.      Root Chakra (red) – FOOD IS SECURITY : is located at the base of the spine.  The root chakra is related to safety and security, a sense of belonging and feeling supported. If we are storing weight around our belly there may be emotional issues related to security and belonging.  When our root chakra is healed, balanced and functioning properly we are motivated to eat healthy and take care of our bodies.

2.      Sacral Chakra (orange) – FOOD IS PLEASURE : is located below the navel.  This chakra relates to relationships, emotional balance and sexuality.  If we are overly emotional or depressed or there has been sexual abuse it may mean our sacral chakra is out of balance. This can manifest in addictions, cravings and overeating. When our sacral chakra is healed and balanced it helps us with overcoming cravings to food, drugs, cigarettes, etc.

3.     Solar Plexus (yellow) – FOOD IS POWER : is located above the navel and below the rib cage.  This chakra is relates to our personal power and strength. It also governs our pancreas and blood sugar regulation which is important in weight management.  When we are stressed emotionally we will over-produce insulin which is stored as fat.  When out of balance it can cause fear or lack of control.  When this chakra is healed and balanced it helps us in taking our power back and in motivation to take charge over our health and eating habits. Imbalances in this chakra can also lead to eating disorders, food allergies or addictions, digestion problems and weight problems.

4.      Heart Chakra (green) – FOOD IS LOVE : is located in the heart center. It is related to giving and receiving love, forgiveness and compassion towards all things including ourselves.  Forgiving self and others is an important step toward healing our emotions, our bodies and our lives. The heart chakra is related to the thymus gland which impacts immune system and our adrenal glands.  When out of balance we are not centered in love towards self and can use food in a self nurturing manner.

5.     Throat Chakra (blue) – FOOD IS JOY : is located at the throat.  This chakra relates to our communication, connection, speaking our truth, helping us to be heard and understood, and asking for what we need.  If unbalanced, this can cause stress in the thyroid gland which is connected to our metabolism which in turn relates to how fast or slow we burn fat.

6.     Third Eye chakra (indigo) –  FOOD IS ENERGY : is located in the center of our forehead just above and between our two physical eyes.  This energy center is our chakra of wisdom and intuition.  It is important in learning to trust ourselves, and listen to our body’s needs. When we are connected to our higher self we are more tuned in to our needs including health and well being.

7.     Crown Chakra (violet) – FOOD IS OPTIONAL : is located at the top or crown of our head. This chakra is related to thought, knowledge, consciousness and it is the source of our spiritual connection.  When balanced and healed, this chakra helps us to also feel connected to our higher selves, spirituality and life force energies.

In summary, the traditional system for weight loss in western culture is to reduce calories and increase exercise.  However, challenges in weight and food management can be more complex than just eating too much or not exercising enough.  Working with chakras allows us to identify, heal and clear energy blocks that also negatively impact and prevent success in weight management.  Balancing these 7energy centers including their corresponding, glands and body organs can result in gaining control of weight and food challenges, improved personal empowerment and create a healthy sense of self and desire to take good care.  And, as we balance our chakras, we are creating our lives the way we want them to be, instead of living in continuous reaction to forces outside of us.

Your Second Chakra and Your Weight

Carrying extra weight can be a symptom of dysfunction in your chakras, particularly in your second chakra. If you’re a student of yoga, Ayurveda, or energy medicine, you are familiar with chakras, the spinning energy centers that run up your spine. These wheels of light hold the key to all aspects of your life, so clearing, charging, and balancing them is essential to your wellbeing.

The second chakra, located midway between your root chakra and your navel, is the seat of your sexuality and sensuality, your creativity, your emotions, and your inner child. This is your pain and pleasure energy center, so it’s possible to get trapped in seeking pleasure mode, especially if you have unprocessed emotions from past traumas. An imbalanced second chakra is a recipe for addiction, as the desire for something to help you ignore the trauma or numb your pain takes control of you. This includes, of course, addiction to food, which easily leads to obesity.

Often survivors of sexual abuse have distorted or closed second chakras and therefore carry extra weight, especially in their middle. Think about Oprah Winfrey, who has had very public weight fluctuations her whole career, and has admitted that she has an addiction to food. This type of weight see-sawing is a classic sign of an imbalanced second chakra, and is often linked to the child’s shame that hasn’t been processed.

Oprah has also admitted that she feels safer when she is heavier, which is another common response to sexual abuse; survivors often don’t want to be attractive, or they feel protected by covering up their body. If you have experienced these symptoms too, it may be time to go deeper and deal with any lingering negative emotions lodged in your sacral chakra so you can begin to heal once and for all, and finally fit into that smaller size.

Healing for Weight Loss

In addition to continuing your exercise routine and healthful eating, clearing and balancing your second chakra is essential to any successful weight loss program. Here are a few ways you can begin to heal your second chakra:

1. Experience pleasure—including food!

Guilt and shame are so frequently built into any occurrence of pleasure, especially if your second chakra is distorted, that it can be hard to let yourself enjoy the simple pleasures in life. But part of a strong second chakra is reclaiming your right to feel pleasure. You don’t want to go so far as to fall into addiction, but total restriction is likely to backfire. Like with yoga, meditation, chakra health, weight loss, and life in general, the key is balance.

So eat well! Make healthy choices that taste good. If all you eat are steamed veggies, of course it’s going to be hard to stick to a diet. But there are plenty of recipes for delicious, light meals so you can take pleasure from your food without the guilt. And allow yourself a treat every now and then—you deserve it!

2. Spend time in water.

The element for the second chakra is water, so spending time in water is soothing. Swim in the ocean or take a sea salt and baking soda bath and let the healing properties of the water seep into your skin and your soul. Water is cleansing, and you can imagine all your shame and guilt washing away.

3. Journal two ways.

For weight loss, a journal serves two very important purposes. One, journaling about your emotions will help you to begin releasing them from your body and chakras. Try journaling about your feelings each night before bed, and just see what comes up. It’s not necessary to relive any traumas; simply writing about your feelings will help to get rid of the left over energetic ghosts haunting you and begin to remove the shame from your sacral chakra.

Also, part of your weight problem is likely an unhealthy relationship with food, so spend some time journaling about your feelings toward food, and what habits you were taught growing up. Also try to keep track of everything you eat and drink so you can pinpoint when and where you might be overeating. Be honest. You might think you eat ten potato chips with your trashy TV show, but find out that it’s really thirty. This new awareness will go a long way in getting you to eliminate the habits that are sabotaging your weight loss efforts, especially the ones you currently do unconsciously.

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