Psychic Vampires – Encounters with Real Life Vampires

Psychic Vampires – Encounters with Real Life Vampires

Have you ever met someone who drains you of energy? They may be well-meaning, but something about them leaves you weak and exhausted. Such people can drain all your energy simply by shaking your hand or talking to you. And they are everywhere! We mediums call them “psychic vampires.”

Psychic Vampires

Psychic vampires are people who do their damage by a telepathic draining of their victim’s auric energy, affixing themselves to it like a parasite. They are usually dominant, extrovert, and highly talkative. In extreme cases, they are very intense and sometimes slightly manic. In these individuals, fear is usually present in the background of their consciousness. You must learn to protect yourself from their negative influences.

If a psychic vampire becomes a close friend or a partner, the long-term effect can be very harmful. At first, neither of you will realize what is happening, but gradually you will become debilitated and have a lack of motivation and energy. People who are the victims of psychic draining usually have an emaciated physique, a pallid complexion, and an overall sense of weakness. They are often suggestible people and the complete opposite in many ways to those who display psychic vampirism.

Psychic vampirism is often present in people who have a degree of paranoia or repressed fear. This type of person may be stubborn and hold bigoted views. They like to win arguments. Never argue with this sort of person, as you will never win. They want an argument in order to prove to themselves that they are better than you are. It’s best to simply back away from this type of person, and even avoid eye contact. Speak to them in a soothing low voice and try to change the topic of conversation to something pleasant

Drained by a Vampire

The same draining can also happen when you met people who are overtly extrovert. Often the “life and soul of the party” is someone who drains the life from the partygoers! People who like to be the centre of attention may seek to drain the energy of everyone who is watching them. We see celebrities who love the adoration of their public, they often speak of how it gives them a “high” to have all this energy directed at them. The same can occur at political rallies, in theatres, public meetings, or even during a demonstration of mediumship in a Spiritualist Church. In these instances, the person who is the centre of attention can be uplifted, but without detriment to others. In a one-to-one situation, however, an entertaining person can also be a spiritually draining.

Insecurity can also cause a person to become a psychic vampire. Something may have happened to them in their past that gives them a fear of abandonment and an anxiety that the problems will reoccur. They may think that everyone drains their energy so their response is to compensate by taking the energy from others. These people may make you feel depressed or tired. They may engage in tedious conversation and come across as helpless and dependent on others.

It is advisable not to be drawn into trying to solve the perceived problems of this sort of person. They may actually enjoy thinking that they are the victim and may not necessarily be looking for a self-empowering solution to their behaviour problem. If their depression is clinical, they may need medical assistance. Sometimes these individuals live in constant fear of rejection and abandonment. You may give them some words of encouragement and optimism, but do not necessarily try to solve their problems.

A great many people adopt negative mental habits that prevent them from being a self-sufficient individual. These habits can be subliminal, but they still result in their becoming emotionally dependent on others. This type of personality, again, is likely to drain the energy from your aura. They strive to involve other people in their lives and make demands on them. Living from moment to moment, they have no structure in their lives or plans for the future. This type of individual may be prone to fantasy, have a deep sense of isolation, and resent self-dependent people. This may result in a muffled anger towards others which taints the energy they project. Helping this sort of a person can be problematic. They will be very creative in their ability to find reasons to reject your advice.


Where Real Vampires Lurk

Psychic vampires lurk in unexpected places and are sometimes successful people. People driven by the need for personal power may draw from the energy of the people around them. These people may have high-paying jobs, a good reputation, a perfect spouse and family, and look in perfect health, but they never really draw any real satisfaction from life. They often find it hard to engage intellectually or emotionally with other people and maintain a continual sense of urgency. Again, this type of person can quickly deplete your energy and it is best to avoid them if possible. If you are drawn to this type of person, you may find that their energy is increased at your expense.

It is best not to look these people in the eye. Not only are the eyes an important part of human communication, but yogis believe that energy is projected through them as well. Some people believe the left eye is the passive one so, if circumstances dictate that you meet the gaze of a person displaying psychic vampirism, it is better to look only at the left eye.

How to recognise Psychic Vampires

Psychic vampires will probably exhibit several of the following characteristics, the more of these behaviours, opinions, obsessions or characteristics they display the more likely it is that they are psychic vampires. If any of these traits feel uncomfortably close to home you may yourself be a psychic vampire without realising it. Having one or two of the traits that you do recognise does not make you a psychic vampire per se, but may indicate that you should look carefully at changing this particular unconscious behaviour if it is afflicted upon or affects another human being. Unfortunately psychic vampires generally do not or are not able to recognise or realise these traits within themselves. Remember, the psychic vampire does not have to have any occult connection whatsoever, it can be a person you meet in your mundane life, but as this article is specifically geared toward a Pagan audience, the traits are given from a more occult perspective. These main traits are:

1. An uncontrollable urge to dominate nature, it may speak boastfully about controlling the weather or that it has powerful elemental spirits under its control.

2. A self-righteous compulsion to help others offering healing and advice to the point that their victim will become hooked on the consultations or sessions. In a lot of cases the psychic vampire offers no real help at all, causing the victim to be entirely dependent upon the psychic vampire’s aid. If the victim decides to seek help elsewhere the psychic vampire will be quick to point out “all they have done” for the victim in the past.

3. Creating living and working environments that are fast-paced, somewhat secretive and chaotic in an attempt to throw other people off guard. Their lack of true communication allows the psychic vampire to manipulate all situations so that others are overtly overwhelmed and anxious when trying to live or work in these environments whilst the psychic vampire will appear to be particularly well organised and calm externally.

4. An obsession to achieve all of their personal desires (gain of money, powerful careers or social lives, sexual fulfilment, etc.) without considering the cost to anyone else—and in this oftentimes creates its own self-undoing. Often the psychic vampire forgets to consider all the consequences of its actions even on its own life, focusing only upon the quenching of its all-consuming desires. This inability to consider the consequences of its actions often lands the psychic vampire in places and situations that it had no idea would occur and when this happens, watch out, for its anger can be violent when finding itself in negative situations of their own making because it will take no responsibility for its actions and blame all responsibility on others. Often psychic vampires will take out their own misery, responsibility and blame on the weak, ill, or someone much younger (like children or young adults), unable to transfer these feelings of inadequacy onto anyone it deems to be as experienced or powerful as itself in any way.

5. An innate desire to control its personal and intimate relationships down to the last detail. There can be sexual dynamics in all its relationships (even relationships that are not sexual ones) that border on the sado-masochistic. “[S&M] provides sexual pleasure to dominate the partner completely, to play with him [or her] like a cat with a mouse”—Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig. This is not to say that people that enjoy sexual play like S&M are psychic vampires, but this trait may be apparent in a psychic vampire if it is found in combination with several of the other traits.

6. Severe outbursts of anger or rage or violence in the face of insignificant or mundane annoyances. When the psychic vampire needs to feed it will explode all small or petty problems into traumas of major proportion. This instantly transforms the psychic vampire from the nice, serene person you thought you knew into an angry, venomous volcano that you’ve never met before.

7. A fear of change (death) or rather an undeniably overwhelming fear of being unable to manipulate and control all the details of any change in their lives, either major or mundane. Because the actual fear is the inability to control the “deaths” in its life, they may embrace a romantic preoccupation with art, literature and popular entertainments that involve death as the major theme and may even dress or costume itself in this romantically dark style, sometimes termed as Gothic. (This is not to say that all psychic vampires dress as Goths or that all Goths are psychic vampires and should not be taken as such.) Many psychic vampires may even occasionally, subtly allude to failed suicide attempts or close brushes with death. The preoccupation with death can be what has led it to a resistance to life. “Life is a dynamic, pulsating force; it is energy and consciousness manifested in many ways; and there is no evil as such unless there is a resistance to life. The resistance is the manifestation of what is called evil”—John C. Pierrakos.

8. A lack of a sense of humour or the inability to tell jokes. The psychic vampire may be able to make jokes at others’ expense but will either not acknowledge a joke at itself or will become quite angry if one is made of it.

9. Projecting its feelings of being bad, ashamed, or even actually evil upon another person or group of individuals. They may appear to be “perfect” or meticulous in their actions, manners, and physical appearance and above reproach in all of their activities whilst subconsciously suspecting that they have an evil nature. This causes the psychic vampire to project its fear-driven subconscious wrath onto another. If this is the case you may hear the psychic vampire say things like:

o “I am totally innocent and justified in my actions whilst THEY are guilty and bad and wrong in everything that THEY do.”

o “I simply inform others of the truth and THEY lie and use propaganda.”

o “I am only defending myself, THEY are making my life continually a misery.”

There is no conclusive physical description of the psychic vampire because anyone can be one (whether they know they are or not). If you found yourself thinking that some of these above traits seem very familiar to you, then turn around and look for the psychic vampire among your circle of associates for they may be close by…or if these traits hit even closer to home, then perhaps you should go and look into a mirror to see if you can find the reflection of the psychic vampire looking back at you. For unlike the fictional blood vampire, the psychic vampire can see their reflection in a mirror, if only they’d look hard enough.


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