Healing With Psychic / Shamanic surgery | Energy Medicine |

psychic surgery

Healing With Psychic / Shamanic surgery | Energy Medicine |

Psychic surgery is powerful cleansing tool that can transform your energy field. It is based on the premise that our energetic bodies are susceptible to negative forces such as lower astral entities, dis-incarnate beings, spirits, attachments, psychic attack and negative alien implants. When we have experienced trauma, stress, co-dependency, addiction, promiscuous sex, abuse, manipulation etc, our energy fields tend to become polluted with negative entities.

For people that are naturally sensitive this kind of exposure can have a devastating effect on health and mental/emotional states. Guruji is a highly talented psychic surgeon with the ability to pull out negative beings and energetic hooks from your auric field.

The positive effects on your health and well being can be quite extraordinary when your energy field has been cleaned up.

Psychic / Shamanic surgery is a powerful yet misunderstood technique. Those with no mystical understanding look at psychic surgery as misguided at best, and as a sham at worst. To the mystically inclined, the premise is simple. If all things, including illness or injury, have an underlying energetic pattern, then an energetic pattern can be removed from the body through shamanic surgery. The illness can no longer support itself without its etheric “blueprint,” and the body is able to heal itself more easily. The energetic pattern is no longer blocking the healing. With such removals, the client processes the underlying thoughts, feelings, or even karma that is involved in the energetic template, consciously or unconsciously.

Psychic Surgery is a healing Technique that is carried out with the help of angels. In Psychic Surgery the angels do intricate delicate healing in the form of a surgery using energy.

Organ replacement in Psychic Surgery- In some cases where the organs are not functioning properly. Transplants can be done with psychic surgery by visualizing the old organ going away and the new organ coming in and place the organ in the etheric system connected to the physical body and send healing energy to the organ continuously until the physical body is able to sustain it.

Psychic Surgery Healing method can also be used to lift dagger and curses. Usually when a person is angry with someone dark energy in the form of dagger, pointed arrows gets clogged in the one’s energy system. We can perform a psychic surgery in order to remove these dagger and arrows and heal the person wholly and completely.

The rituals of shamanic/ psychic surgery involve what looks to be play-acting, with sweeping, grabbing, and, popular among certain traditions, sucking. Anthropologists who observed and reported on psychic surgery saw medicine men with a special tube over a patient “sucking the illness out.” As a result, the shaman would have a small stone or even an insect in his mouth.
The object would then be cast away, buried, or stamped on to banish the illness. These outside observers thought the shaman was tricking the client into thinking the illness was a rock or creature being sucked out, though I’m sure the patient understood the process far better than the scientists. The object acts as a receptacle for the unwanted ill energy to ensure that the shaman does not swallow it. The sickness spirit is sucked out, and with the obstacle removed, the patient’s own allies are then able to help the healing process along.

Although different cultures and traditions use different rituals and tools to perform psychic / shamanic surgery, these rituals are all based on the same principles. The most powerful shamanic surgery sessions I have been involved in have also included the use of invocation in the ritual, but this is not necessary.

I have had tremendous success using shamanic surgery to remove or alleviate aches and pains, headaches, tension, stress, and nervous stomach. By removing the spirit of such substance, you neutralize much of its physical power.

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