Misconceptions of Demons & Possession

Common misconceptions about demons and possession

Many people worried that they are being attacked by a demon or are being possessed or are being haunted. There’s a lot of misinformation roaming around out there and some misconceptions about demons, possession, and negative entity attachments. So I thought to have some information in order.

First, some basic definitions:

Demon: Demons never had a physical body. They come straight from hell. They are master manipulators. Demons can present themselves however they choose in order to gain the trust of certain individuals.

Possession: Possession happens when a demon gains entrance to our plane by hopping a ride on a human. They move the human’s soul aside and take up residence in the human’s body. Anyone who came under their control was called a demoniac (or daimoniac), and the condition was known as “demonic possession”

Hauntings: Hauntings happen when a human dies and refuses to cross over and go into the light. They fight to stay on our plane but, without a body, they are fighting a losing battle. In order to stick around, they must siphon energy from a person or people to sustain themselves. So they attach themselves, usually to a place, and usually the place they died, and suck off the energy of whoever is currently living in the house or visiting.

Negative Entity Attachment: An NEA is more serious than a haunting because the spirit that didn’t feel like crossing over attaches itself to one person and siphons their energy. So you could anywhere and they’re still going to stay stuck to you. It’s like they’ve got a hook in you and you’ve got a new friend for life. You don’t want an NEA. The people most susceptible to NEAs are emo teenagers. More on that in a bit. NEAs don’t usually possess you, they don’t have the strength. But they will drain your energy to a point where you could potentially be open to possession by a demon.

Low Vibrational Beings: These are beings that are not demons and are not human spirits that refused to cross over. They are simply other beings that are living on another plane who feed off fear energy, so when you inadvertently or on purpose cross into their world, they will attack you. You have only yourself to blame. It’s like going into the shark tank without a cage. You’re in their world.

High Vibrational Beings: The flip side of the LVBs are the HVBs. You can step into other planes of existence that aren’t all fear related. You can step into realms where the beings there are super high vibration. Instead of being attacked you will be showered with love. This is a good thing!

So how do you know what you’re dealing with?

Demons: If you are being attacked by a demon you will develop severe mental impairments. There will also be significant paranormal activity going on around you including items being thrown across the room, doors opening and closing by themselves, bad smells, and being physically attacked (scratched, thrown around, raped, slapped, etc.). Your personality will undergo a significant change, and your family and friends will know something horrible is going on with you. Seek the help of a healer who has experience expelling demons.

Hauntings: If you live in a haunted house you should find a healer or other professional trained to help the stubborn spirit move on.

Nothing is set in stone when it comes to the other worlds and the entities that reside within them. All of the knowledge that is presented to the public, be it from a practitioner of magick, person of the church or demonologist, is merely a collective guideline. No one person has all of the answers regardless of experience and knowledge.

Just because an entity has demonic tendencies or a demonic personality that does not necessarily mean that it is a demon. Lots of otherworldly beings can be considered “evil” and most entities, regardless of race have the capability to possess humans and cause havoc in the physical realm.

If you’re not actually dealing with a demon, it can be very exhausting try to figure out what it is that you’re dealing with and how exactly to get rid of it as there are different practices for different types of entities.

Demons do not always make themselves known. In fact, most are extremely inconsistent and only make themselves known when they want to. They can lie in wait for a VERY long time…years even.

Not all possessions are involuntary. As crazy as it sounds, it is quite common for magickal people to allow entities, especially demons, to take over their bodies either for a specific time frame or for a specific task. I’m not promoting this kind of behavior, nor am I saying that it is an intelligent decision. Nevertheless, it is a fact. Be careful when evaluating a possession that this is not the case or you’re going to have one very ticked off entity and its human counterpart.

Not all demons are evil or have an ill intent towards mankind. On occasion, an exorcist may come across a possession where the entity is merely using a human’s body to hide or even to rest.  In these instances, it is highly unlikely that the entity’s presence is causing any kind of negative energy or conflict. In fact, in these instances, the person probably did not even know they were possessed except at the direction of a psychic.

Not all demons are born in “hell.” Demons born within the hell realms are called “hellborn” by practitioners or “hell spawn” by new agers.  Then you have the lower realms. Demons born within this realm are usually called lowborn. It is important to realize that demons can be born and reside anywhere, in any realm. Even within the physical realm. Demons born outside the hell and lower realms are usually called otherborn. Though were they are born does have some significance on how they were raised and general dispositions, it is important not to apply that knowledge to all demons as every entity is an individual.

Not one demon looks like another. Remove any preconceived depiction that you’ve seen in books about demons.

Some have horns. Others don’t. Some have hooves. Others have human-like feet or animal like feet. Some have claws, some don’t. Some are hairless while others are completely covered. Some of the females have human-like breasts. Others have sets of teats. Some are beautiful. Some are horrifying to look at. Others are cute as cute can be.

Not all demons look demonic.

And not all demons will show you their true form. Most are very skilled shape-shifters and can appear in whatever form they choose. When working with demons on any level, dont be afraid to take your time. Do look outside the box. Above all else, if you’re unsure, ask a professional.


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