Age Regression Therapy

Age Regression

Regression Hypnosisage regression

This is a very popular form of therapy, especially due to the fact you can get results without the need of drugs or medication. These results change lives, and prove that you don’t have to accept your issues as a part of everyday life.

What happens during Age Regression Therapy?

Age-regression hypnosis is the main form of treatment, and this involves your subconscious mind. During hypnosis, you will be able to address the root causes of the issues you are facing today, as the causes usually stem from childhood experiences. As an adult, you have the ability to understand the things that you were not able to as a child, so re-visiting these experiences will help you to make sense of what happened. In doing so, you will be able to finally move forwards with confidence.

During Age Regression, one is taken backwards step-by-step through the present lifetime; first to events that occurred a few years ago, then to college days, to school days, to early childhood and finally to the stage when the person was in the mother’s womb. Though most problems have their roots in past lives, the majority of these problems are repeated during early childhood. This happens because problems, which have their origins in past-lives, repeatedly get presented till they are solved. A look at the events which happened in the early years of the present lifetime will therefore give us an idea about the past life patterns and problems that the person has brought into this life.The minds of children from birth to early teens, particularly during the preschool years, can easily form lasting impressions and hence are susceptible to conditioning and programming. Due to this, a child’s mind is open and vulnerable to suggestion. Any information that is presented to the child, particularly if it is repeated several times, will be accepted as a fact without any questioning on the part of the child. Recent research even indicates that music; voices and other outside sounds and conditions during the last few months of pregnancy affect a baby’s mind.

Many of the problems involving poor self-image and lack of sense of self-worth have their root cause in events that occurred during ones early childhood. Various problems like health problems, eating disorders, certain kinds of learning problems, failure patterns, phobias and behavior problems can be traced back to thoughtless words and actions directed towards young children. In a similar manner, success, positive attitudes and self-confidence can result from positive attitudes expressed to young children.


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